Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 25, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Feb 12, 2025
§ 1230.601 - Act.
The term Act means the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985 (7 U.S.C. 4801-4819) and any amendments thereto.
§ 1230.602 - Administrator, AMS.
The term Administrator, AMS, means the Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service, or any officer or employee of the Department to whom there has heretofore been delegated or may hereafter be delegated the authority to act in the Administrator's stead.
§ 1230.603 - Administrator, FSA.
The term Administrator, FSA, means the Administrator, of the Farm Service Agency, or any officer or employee of the Department to whom there has heretofore been delegated or may hereafter be delegated the authority to act in the Administrator's stead.
§ 1230.604 - Department.
The term Department means the United States Department of Agriculture.
§ 1230.605 - Farm Service Agency.
The term Farm Service Agency also referred to as “FSA” means the Farm Service Agency of the Department.
§ 1230.606 - Farm Service Agency County Committee.
The term Farm Service Agency County Committee, also referred to as the FSA County Committee or COC, means the group of persons within a county elected to act as the Farm Service Agency County Committee.
§ 1230.607 - Farm Service Agency County Executive Director.
The term Farm Service Agency County Executive Director also referred to as the CED, means the person employed by the FSA County Committee to execute the policies of the FSA County Committee and be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the FSA county office or the person acting in such capacity.
§ 1230.608 - Imported porcine animals, pork, and pork products.
The term Imported porcine animals, pork, and pork products means those animals, pork, or pork products that are imported into the United States and subject to assessment under the harmonized tariff schedule numbers identified in § 1230.110 of the regulations.
§ 1230.609 - Importer.
The term Importer means a person who imports porcine animals, pork, or pork products into the United States.
§ 1230.610 - Order.
The term Order means the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order.
§ 1230.611 - Porcine animal.
The term Porcine animal means a swine, that is raised:
(a) As a feeder pig, that is, a young pig sold to another person to be finished over a period of more than 1 month for slaughtering;
(b) For breeding purposes as seedstock and included in the breeding herd; and
(c) As a market hog, slaughtered by the producer or sold to be slaughtered, usually within 1 month of such transfer.
§ 1230.612 - Person.
The term Person means any individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, association, cooperative, or any other legal entity.
§ 1230.613 - Pork.
The term Pork means the flesh of a porcine animal.
§ 1230.614 - Pork product.
The term Pork product means an edible product processed in whole or in part from pork.
§ 1230.615 - Producer.
The term Producer means a person who produces porcine animals in the United States for sale in commerce.
§ 1230.616 - Public notice.
The term Public notice means information regarding a referendum that would be provided by the Secretary, such as press releases, newspapers, electronic media, FSA county newsletters, and the like. Such notice would contain the referendum date and location, registration and voting requirements, rules regarding absentee voting, and other pertinent information.
§ 1230.617 - Referendum.
The term Referendum means any referendum to be conducted by the Secretary pursuant to the Act whereby persons who have been producers and importers during a representative period would be given the opportunity to vote to determine whether producers and importers favor continuation of the Order.
§ 1230.618 - Representative period.
The term Representative period means the 12-consecutive months prior to the first day of absentee and importer voting in the referendum. The representative period for this referendum is August 18, 1999, through August 17, 2000.
§ 1230.619 - Secretary.
The term Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States or any other officer or employee of the Department to whom there has been delegated or to whom authority may hereafter be delegated to act in the Secretary's stead.
§ 1230.620 - State.
The term State means each of the 50 States.
§ 1230.621 - Voting period.
The term Voting period means the 3-consecutive business day period for in-person voting.
§ 1230.622 - General.
(a) A referendum to determine whether eligible pork producers and importers favor continuation of the Pork Checkoff Program will be conducted in accordance with this subpart.
(b) The Pork Checkoff Program will be terminated only if a majority of producers and importers voting in the referendum favor such termination.
(c) The referendum will be conducted at the county FSA offices for producers and at FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, for importers.
§ 1230.623 - Supervision of referendum.
The Administrator, AMS, will be responsible for conducting the referendum in accordance with this subpart.
§ 1230.624 - Eligibility.
(a) Eligible producers and importers. Persons eligible to register and vote in the referendum include:
(1) Individual Producers. Each individual that owns and sells at least one hog or pig during the representative period and does so in his or her own name is entitled to cast one ballot.
(2) Producers who are a corporation or other entity. Each corporation or other entity that owns and sells at least one hog or pig during the representative period is entitled to cast one ballot. A group of individuals, such as members of a family, a partnership, owners of community property, or a corporation engaged in the production of hogs and pigs will be entitled to only one vote; provided, however, that any member of a group may register to vote as a producer if he or she sells at least one hog or pig in his or her own name.
(3) Importers. Each importer who imports hogs, pigs, pork, or pork products during the representative period is entitled to cast one ballot. A group of individuals, such as members of a family, a partnership, or a corporation engaged in the importation of hogs, pigs, pork, or pork products will be entitled to only one vote; provided, however, that any member of a group may register to vote as an importer if he or she imports hogs, pigs, pork, or pork products in his or her own name.
(b) Proxy registration and voting. Proxy registration and voting is not authorized, except that an officer or employee of a corporate producer or importer, or any guardian, administrator, executor, or trustee of a producer's or importer's estate, or an authorized representative of any eligible producer or importer (other than an individual producer or importer), such as a corporation or partnership, may register and cast a ballot on behalf of that entity. Any individual who registers to vote in the referendum on behalf of any eligible producer or importer corporation or other entity must certify that he or she is authorized to take such action.
§ 1230.625 - Time and place of registration and voting.
(a) Producers. The referendum shall be held for 3-consecutive days on September 19, 20, 21, 2000. Eligible producers shall register and vote on-site following the procedures in 1230.628. Producers shall register and vote during the normal business hours of each county FSA office or request absentee ballots from the county FSA offices by mail, telephone, or facsimile, or pick up an absentee ballot in-person. The absentee voting period shall be from August 18, 2000, through September 21, 2000.
(b) Importers. Importer voting shall take place during the same time period provided producers for in-person and absentee voting in the referendum. The referendum shall be conducted by mail ballot by the FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, between August 18, 2000, through September 21, 2000.
§ 1230.626 - Facilities for registering and voting.
(a) Producers. Each county FSA office shall provide:
(1) Adequate facilities and space to permit producers of hogs and pigs to register and to mark their ballots in secret;
(2) A sealed box or other designated receptacle for registration forms and ballots that is kept under observation during office hours and secured at all times; and
(3) Copies of the Order for review.
(b) Absentee ballots. Each FSA county office shall provide each producer an absentee ballot package upon request. Producers can pick up an absentee ballot in-person or request it by telephone, mail, or facsimile. The FSA county office will provide absentee ballots by mail for all requests received by telephone, mail, or facsimile. The FSA county office shall record date of receipt of the “Pork Referendum” envelope containing the completed absentee ballot on the Absentee Voter Request List and place it unopened in a secure ballot box.
(c) Importers. The FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, will:
(1) Mail ballot packages to eligible importers upon request;
(2) Have a sealed box or other designated receptacle for registration forms and ballots that is kept under observation during office hours and secured at all times; and
(3) Mail copies of the Order to importers if requested by mail, telephone, or facsimile. Importers can also pickup a ballot in-person.
§ 1230.627 - Registration form and ballot.
(a) Producers. (1) A ballot (Form LS-72) and combined registration and certification form (Form LS-72-2) will be used for voting in-person. The information required on the registration form includes name, address, and telephone number. Form LS-72-2 also contains the certification statement referenced in § 1230.628. The ballot will require producers to check a “yes” or “no.”
(2) A combined registration and voting form (Form LS-73) will be used for absentee voting. The information required on this combined registration and voting form includes name, address, and telephone number. Form LS-73 also contains the certification statement referenced in § 1230.628. The ballot will require producers to check “yes” or “no.”
(b) Importers. A combined registration and ballot form (Form LS-76) will be used for importer voting. The information required on this combined registration and ballot form includes name, address, and telephone number. Form LS-76 also contains the certification statement referenced in § 1230.629. The ballot will require importers to check “yes” or “no.”
§ 1230.628 - Registration and voting procedures for producers.
(a) Registering and voting in-person. (1) Each eligible producer who wants to vote whether as an individual or as a representative of a corporation or other entity shall register during the 3-day in-person voting period at the county FSA office where FSA maintains and processes the individual producer's or corporation's or other entities' administrative farm records. A producer voting as an individual or as a representative of a corporation or other entity not participating in FSA programs, shall register and vote in the county FSA office serving the county where the individual producer or corporation or other entity owns hogs or pigs. An individual or an authorized representative of a corporation or other entity who owns hogs or pigs in more than one county shall register and vote in the FSA county office where the individual or corporation or other entity does most of their business. Producers shall be required to record on the In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75) their name and address, and if applicable, the name and address of the corporation or other entity they represent before they can receive a registration form and ballot. To register, producers shall complete the in-person registration and certification form (Form LS-72-2) and certify that:
(i) They or the corporation or other entity they represent were producers during the specified representative period; and
(ii) The person voting on behalf of a corporation or other entity referred to in § 1230.612 is authorized to do so.
(2) Each eligible producer who has not voted by means of an absentee ballot may cast a ballot in-person at the location and time set forth in § 1230.625 and on September 19, 20, 21, 2000. Eligible producers who record their names and addresses and, if applicable, the name and address of the corporation or other entity they are authorized to represent on the In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75) will receive a combined registration and certification form printed on an envelope (Form LS-72-2) and a ballot (Form LS-72). Producers will enter the information requested on the combined registration and certification form/envelope (Form LS-72-2) as indicated above. Producers will then mark their ballots to indicate “yes” or “no.” Producers will place their completed ballots in an envelope marked “Pork Ballot” (Form LS-72-1), seal and place it in the completed and signed registration form/envelope marked “Pork Referendum” (Form LS-72-2), seal that envelope and personally place it in a box marked “Ballot Box” or other designated receptacle. Voting will be conducted on-site under the supervision of the county FSA County Executive Director (CED).
(b) Absentee voting. (1) Eligible producers who are unable to vote in-person may request an absentee voting package consisting of a combined registration and absentee ballot form (Form LS-73) and two envelopes—one marked “Pork Ballot” (Form LS-72-1) and the other marked “Pork Referendum” (Form LS-73-1) by mail, telephone, facsimile, or by picking up one in-person from the county FSA office where FSA maintains and processes the producer's administrative farm records.
(2) If a producer, whether requesting an absentee ballot as an individual or as an authorized representative of a corporation or other entity that does not participate in FSA programs, and therefore does not have administrative records at a county FSA office, he or she may request an absentee voting package by telephone, mail, facsimile, or pick it up in-person from the county FSA office serving the county where the individual or corporation or other entity owns hogs or pigs. An individual or authorized representative of a corporation or other entity, who owns hogs or pigs in more than one county can request an absentee ballot from the county FSA office where the producer or corporation or other entity does most of their business.
(3) An absentee voting package will be mailed to producers by the FSA CED to the address provided by the prospective voter. Only one absentee registration form and absentee ballot will be provided to each eligible producer. The absentee ballots and registration forms may be requested during August 1, 2000, through September 18, 2000.
(4) The county FSA office will enter on the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) the name and address of the individual or corporation or other entity requesting an absentee ballot and the date the forms were requested.
(5) To register, eligible producers shall complete and sign the combined registration and certification form and absentee ballot (Form LS-73) and certify that:
(i) They or the corporation or other entity they represent were producers during the specified representative period;
(ii) If voting on behalf of a corporation or other entity referred to in § 1230.612, they are authorized to do so.
(6) A producer, after completing the absentee voter registration form and marking the ballot, shall remove the ballot portion of the combined registration and absentee ballot form (Form LS-73) and seal the completed ballot in a separate envelope marked “Pork Ballot” (Form LS-72-1) and place the sealed “Pork Ballot” envelope in the mailing envelope marked “Pork Referendum” (Form LS-73-1) along with the signed registration form. Producers are required to print their name and address on the mailing envelope marked “Pork Referendum” (Form LS-73-1), and mail or hand deliver it to the county FSA office from which the producer or corporation or other entity obtained the absentee voting package. Absentee ballots returned in-person must be received by close of business on the last day of the in-person voting period, which is September 21, 2000. Ballots received after that date will be counted as invalid ballots.
(7) Absentee ballots returned by mail have to be postmarked with a date not later than the last day of the in-person voting period, which is September 21, 2000, and be received in the county FSA office by the close of business on the 5th business day after the last day of the in-person voting period, which is September 28, 2000. Absentee ballots received after that date will be counted as invalid ballots. Upon receiving the “Pork Referendum” envelope (Form LS-73-1) containing the registration form and ballot, the county FSA CED will record the date the “Pork Referendum” envelope (Form LS-73-1) containing the absentee ballot was received in the FSA county office on the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) opposite the name of the producer voting absentee. The county FSA CED will place it, unopened, in a secure ballot box.
§ 1230.629 - Registration and voting procedures for importers.
(a) Individual importers, corporations, or other entities can obtain the registration and certification forms, ballots, and envelopes by mail from the following address: USDA, FSA, Operations Review and Analysis Staff, Attention: William A. Brown, P.O. Box 44366, Washington, DC 20026-4366. Importers may pick up the voting materials in-person at USDA, FSA, Operations Review and Analysis Staff, Room 2741, South Agriculture Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC. Importers may also request voting materials by facsimile or telephone. The facsimile number is 202/690-3354. The telephone number is 202/720-6833.
(b) When requesting a ballot, eligible importers will be required to submit a U.S. Customs Service Form 7501 showing that they paid the pork assessment during the representative period.
(c) Upon receipt of a request and U.S. Customs Service Form 7501, the voting materials will be mailed to importers by the FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, to the address provided by the importer or importer corporation or other entity. Only one mail ballot and registration form will be provided to each eligible importer. The forms must be requested during August 1, 2000, through September 21, 2000.
(d) The FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, will enter on the Importer Ballot Request List (Form LS-77) the name and address of the importer requesting a ballot and the date of the request.
(e) To register, eligible importers will complete and sign the combined registration form and ballot (Form LS-76) and certify that:
(1) To the best of their knowledge and belief the information provided on the form is true and accurate;
(2) If voting on behalf of an importer corporation or other entity referred to in § 1230.612, they are authorized to do so.
(f) Eligible importers, after completing the combined ballot and registration form, will remove the ballot portion of the combined registration and ballot form (Form LS-76) and seal the completed ballot in a separate envelope marked “Pork Ballot” (Form LS-72-1) and place the sealed “Pork Ballot” envelope in the mailing envelope marked “Pork Referendum” (Form LS-73-1) along with the signed registration form. Importers, corporations, or other entities must legibly print their name and address on the mailing envelope marked “Pork Referendum” (Form LS-73-1), and mail the envelope to the FSA headquarters office at the following address: USDA, FSA, Operations Review and Analysis Staff, Attention: William A. Brown, Post Office Box 44366, Washington, DC 20026-4366. Importers may hand deliver the “Pork Referendum” envelope to USDA, FSA, Operations Review and Analysis Staff, Room 2741, South Agriculture Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC.
(g) The “Pork Referendum” envelope (Form LS-73-1) containing the registration form and ballot has to be postmarked with a date not later than the last day of the in-person voting period, which is September 21, 2000, and be received in the FSA headquarters office by the close of business on the 5th business day after the date of the last day of the in-person voting period, which is September 28, 2000. If delivered in-person, it has to reach headquarters office not later than the last day of the in-person voting period. Ballots received after that date will be counted as invalid ballots. Upon receiving the “Pork Referendum” envelope (Form LS-73-1) containing the registration form and ballot, an FSA employee will record the date the “Pork Referendum” envelope containing the completed ballot was received in the FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, on the Importer Ballot Request List (Form LS-77) directly opposite the voting importer's name. The FSA employee will place the “Pork Referendum” envelope, unopened, in a secure ballot box.
§ 1230.630 - List of registered voters.
(a) Producers. The In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75) and the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) will be available for inspection during the 3 days of the voting period and during the 7 business days following the date of the last day of the voting period at the county FSA office. The lists will be posted during regular office hours in a conspicuous public location at the FSA county office. The Absentee and In-Person Voter Registration Lists will be updated and posted daily. The complete In-Person Voter Request List (Form LS-75) will be posted in the FSA county office on the 1st business day after the date of the last day of the voting period. The complete Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) will be posted in the FSA county office on the 6th business day after the date of the last day of the voting period.
(b) Importers. The Importer Ballot Request List (Form LS-77) will be maintained by the FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, and not posted.
§ 1230.631 - Challenge of votes.
(a) Challenge period. During the dates of the 3-consecutive day voting period and the 7 business days following the voting period, the ballots of producers may be challenged at the FSA county office.
(b) Who can challenge. Any person can challenge a producer's vote. Any person who wants to challenge shall do so in writing and shall include the full name of the individual or corporation or other entity being challenged. Each challenge of a producer vote must be made on a separate sheet of paper and each challenge must be signed by the challenger. The identity of the challenger will be kept confidential except as the Secretary may direct or as otherwise required by law.
(c) Who can be challenged. Any producer having cast an in-person ballot or an absentee ballot whose name is posted on the In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75) or the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) can be challenged. There is no challenge process for importers.
(d) Notification of challenges. The FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf the Administrator, AMS, will notify challenged producers as soon as practicable, but no later than 12 business days after the date of the last day of the in-person voting period. FSA will notify all challenged persons that documentation such as sales documents, tax records, or other similar documents proving that the person owned and sold hogs or pigs during the representative period must be submitted or his or her vote will not be counted. The documentation must be provided to the FSA county offices within 5 business days of notification and not later than 17 business days after the date of the last day of the voting period.
(e) Determination of challenges. The FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, will make a determination concerning the challenge based on documentation provided by the producer and will notify challenged producers as soon as practicable, but no later than 22 business days after the date of the last day of the in-person voting period of its decision.
(f) Challenged ballot. A challenge to a ballot shall be deemed to have been resolved if the determination of the FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, is not appealed within the time allowed for appeal or there has been a determination by the Administrator, AMS, after an appeal.
(g) Appeal. A person declared to be ineligible to register and vote by the FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, can file an appeal at the FSA county office within 5 business days after the date of receipt of the letter of notification of ineligibility, but not later than November 2, 2000. The FSA county office shall send a producer's appeal by facsimile to the Administrator, AMS, on the date it is filed at the FSA county office or as soon as practical thereafter.
(h) An appeal will be determined by the Administrator, AMS, as soon as practical, but in all cases not later than the 45th business day after the date of the last day of the voting period. The Administrator, AMS, shall send her decision on a producer's appeal to the FSA county office where the producer was initially challenged. The FSA county office shall notify the challenged producer of the Administrator's, AMS, determination on his or her appeal. The Administrator's, AMS, determination on an appeal shall be final.
[65 FR 43508, July 13, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 62579, Oct. 19, 2000]
§ 1230.632 - Receiving ballots.
(a) Producers. A ballot shall be considered to be received on time if:
(1) It was cast in-person in the county FSA office prior to the close of business on the date of the last day of the in-person voting period; or
(2) It was cast as an absentee ballot, having a postmarked date not later than the last day of the in-person voting period and was received in the county FSA office not later than the close of business, 5 business days after the last day of the in-person voting period.
(b) Importers. A ballot shall be considered to be received on time if it had a postmarked date not later than the date of the last day of the in-person voting period and was received in the FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, not later than the close of business, 5 business days after the last day of the in-person voting period.
§ 1230.633 - Canvassing ballots.
(a) Producers. (1) Counting the ballots. Under the supervision of FSA CED, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, the in-person registration and certification form envelopes (Form LS-72-2) and the absentee “Pork Referendum” envelopes (Form LS-73-1) containing the “Pork Ballot” envelopes for producer voters will be checked against the In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75) and the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74), respectively, to determine properly registered voters. The ballots of producers voting in-person whose names are not on the In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75), will be declared invalid. Likewise, the ballots of producers voting absentee whose names are not on the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) will be declared invalid. All ballots of challenged producer voters declared ineligible and invalid ballots will be kept separate from the other ballots and the envelopes containing these ballots will not be opened. The valid ballots will be counted on November 29, 2000, during regular business hours on the 46th business day after the last day of the in-person voting period. FSA county office employees will remove the sealed “Pork Ballot” envelopes (Form LS-72-1) from the registration form envelopes and “Pork Referendum” envelopes (absentee voting) envelopes of all eligible producer voters and all challenged producer voters determined to be eligible. After removing all “Pork Ballot” envelopes, FSA county employees will shuffle the sealed “Pork Ballot” envelopes or otherwise mix them up so that ballots cannot be matched with producers' names. After shuffling the “Pork Ballot” envelopes, FSA county employees will open them and count the ballots. The ballots will be counted as follows:
(i) Number of eligible producers casting valid ballots;
(ii) Number of producers favoring continuation of the Pork Checkoff Program;
(iii) Number of producers favoring termination of the Pork Checkoff Program;
(iv) Number of challenged producer ballots deemed ineligible;
(v) Number of invalid ballots; and
(vi) Number of spoiled ballots.
(2) Invalid ballots. Ballots will be declared invalid if a producer voting in-person has failed to print his or her name and address on the In-Person Voter Registration List (Form LS-75) or if an absentee voter's name and address is not recorded on the Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74), or the registration form or ballot was incomplete or incorrectly completed.
(3) Spoiled ballots. Ballots will be considered spoiled if they are mutilated or marked in such a way that it cannot be determined whether the voter is voting “yes” or “no.” Spoiled ballots shall not be considered as approving or disapproving the Pork Checkoff Program, or as a ballot cast in the referendum.
(4) Confidentiality. All ballots shall be confidential and the contents of the ballots not divulged except as the Secretary may direct. The public may witness the opening of the ballot box and the counting of the votes but may not interfere with the process.
(b) Importers—(1) Counting the ballots. FSA headquarters personnel, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, will check the registration forms and ballots for all importer voters against the Importer Ballot Request List (Form LS-77) to determine properly registered voters. The ballots of importers voting whose names are not recorded on the Importer Ballot Request List (Form LS-77), will be declared invalid. All ballots of importer voters declared invalid will be kept separate from the other ballots and the envelopes containing these ballots will not be opened. The valid ballots will be counted on November 29, 2000, during regular office hours on the 46th business day after the date of the last day of the in-person voting period. FSA headquarter office employees will remove the sealed “Pork Ballot” envelope (Form LS-72-1) from the “Pork Referendum” envelopes (Form LS-73-1) of all eligible importer voters. After removing all “Pork Ballot” envelopes, FSA headquarter employees will shuffle the sealed “Pork Ballot” envelopes or otherwise mix them up so that ballots cannot be matched with importers' names. After shuffling the “Pork Ballot” envelopes, FSA headquarters employees will open the envelopes and count the ballots. The ballots will be counted as follows:
(i) Number of eligible importers casting valid ballots;
(ii) Number of importers favoring continuation of the Pork Checkoff Program;
(iii) Number of importers favoring termination of the Pork Checkoff Program;
(iv) Number of importer ballots deemed invalid; and
(v) Number of spoiled ballots.
(2) Invalid ballots. Ballots will be declared invalid if an importer voter's name was not recorded on the Importer Ballot Request List (Form LS-77), or the registration form or ballot was incomplete or incorrectly completed.
(3) Spoiled ballots. Ballots will be considered spoiled if they were mutilated or marked in such a way that it cannot be determined whether the voter is voting “yes” or “no.” Spoiled ballots shall not be considered as a ballot cast in the referendum.
(4) Confidentiality. All ballots shall be confidential and the contents of the ballots not divulged except as the Secretary may direct. The public can witness the opening of the ballot box and the counting of the votes but can not interfere with the process.
§ 1230.634 - FSA county office report.
The FSA county office will notify the FSA State office of the results of the referendum. Each FSA county office will transmit the results of the referendum in its county to the FSA State office. Such report will include the information listed in § 1230.633. The results of the referendum in each county will be made available to the public, after the results of the referendum are announced by the Secretary. A copy of the report of results will be posted for 30 days in the FSA county office in a conspicuous place accessible to the public and a copy will be kept on file in the FSA county office for a period of at least 12 months after the referendum.
§ 1230.635 - FSA State office report.
Each FSA State office will transmit to the Administrator, FSA, a written summary of the results of the referendum received from all FSA county offices within the State. The summary shall include the information on the referendum results contained in the reports from all county offices within each State and be certified by the FSA State Executive Director. The FSA State office will maintain a copy of the summary where it will be available for public inspection for a period of not less than 12 months.
§ 1230.636 - Results of the referendum.
(a) The Administrator, FSA, will submit the combined results of the FSA State offices' results of the producers' vote and the FSA headquarters office results of the importers' vote to the Administrator, AMS. The Administrator, AMS, will prepare and submit to the Secretary a report of the results of the referendum. The results of the referendum will be announced by the Department in an official press release and published in the Federal Register. State reports on producer balloting, FSA headquarters office report on importer balloting, and related papers will be available for public inspection in the office of the Marketing Programs Branch, Livestock and Seed Program, AMS, USDA, Room 2627, South Agriculture Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC.
(b) If the Secretary deems it necessary, the report of producer voting results in any State or county or the report of importer voting results shall be reexamined and checked by such persons as may be designated by the Secretary.
§ 1230.637 - Disposition of ballots and records.
(a) Producer ballots and records. Each FSA CED will place in sealed containers marked with the identification of the referendum, the voter registration list, absentee voter request list, voted ballots, challenged registration forms/envelopes, challenged absentee voter registration forms, challenged ballots found to be ineligible, invalid ballots, spoiled ballots, and county summaries. Such records will be placed under lock in a safe place under the custody of the FSA CED for a period of not less than 12 months after the referendum. If no notice to the contrary is received from the Administrator, FSA, by the end of such time, the records shall be destroyed.
(b) Importer ballots and records. The FSA headquarters office in Washington, DC, will deliver the importers' U.S. Customs Service Form 7501s, the voter registration list, voted ballots, invalid ballots, spoiled ballots, and national summaries and records to the Marketing Programs Branch, Livestock and Seed Program, AMS, USDA, Room 2627, South Agriculture Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC. A Marketing Programs Branch employee will place the ballots and records in sealed containers marked with the identification of the referendum. Such ballots and records will be placed under lock in a safe place under the custody of the Marketing Programs Branch for a period of not less than 12 months after the referendum. If no notice to the contrary is received from the Administrator, AMS, by the end of such time, the records shall be destroyed.
§ 1230.638 - Instructions and forms.
The Administrator, AMS, is authorized to prescribe additional instructions and forms not inconsistent with the provisions of this subpart to govern the conduct of the referendum.
§ 1230.639 - Additional absentee voter challenge period.
(a) Absentee Voter Request List. The Absentee Voter Request List (Form LS-74) will be available for inspection during an additional challenge period of five business days (October 23, 2000-October 27, 2000) at county FSA offices. The Absentee Voter Request List will be posted daily during regular office hours in a conspicuous public location at FSA county offices during the additional challenge period.
(b) Who can challenge. Any person can challenge a producer's vote during the period provided in paragraph (a) of this section. Any person who wants to challenge shall do so in writing and shall include the full name of the individual or corporation or other entity being challenged. Each challenge of a producer vote must be made on a separate sheet of paper and each challenge must be signed by the challenger. The identity of the challenger will be kept confidential except as the Secretary may direct or as otherwise required by law.
(c) Who can be challenged. Any person whose name is on the Absentee Voter Request List who was not subject to challenge during the September 19, 2000, through October 2, 2000, challenge period may be challenged. Those producers whose names were listed on the Absentee Voter Request List and who were subject to challenge because the Absentee Voter Request List indicated they had returned their ballot are not subject to challenge during this additional 5-day period.
(d) Notification of challenges. The FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, will notify challenged producers as soon as practicable, but no later than the 2nd business day (October 31, 2000) after the last day of the additional challenge period. FSA county offices will notify all challenged persons that documentation such as sales documents, tax records, or other similar documents proving that the person owned and sold hogs or pigs during the representative period must be submitted or his or her vote will not be counted. The documentation must be provided to FSA county offices not later than November 7, 2000.
(e) Determination of challenges. The FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, will make a determination concerning the challenge based on documentation provided by the producer and will notify challenged producers as soon as practicable but no later than November 9, 2000.
(f) Challenged ballot. A challenge to a ballot shall be deemed to have been resolved if the determination of the FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, is not appealed within the time allowed for appeal or there has been a determination by the Administrator, AMS, after an appeal.
(g) Appeal. A person declared to be ineligible to register and vote by the FSA County Committee or its representative, acting on behalf of the Administrator, AMS, can file an appeal at the FSA county office not later than November 17, 2000. The FSA county office shall send a producer's appeal by facsimile to the Administrator, AMS, on the date it is filed at the FSA office or as soon as practical thereafter.
(h) Determination of appeals. An appeal will be determined by the Administrator, AMS, as soon as practical, but in all cases not later than the 45th business day (November 28, 2000) after the date of the last day of the voting period. The Administrator, AMS, shall send her decision on a producer's appeal to the FSA county office where the producer was initially challenged. The FSA county office shall notify the challenged producer of the Administrator's, AMS, determination on his or her appeal. The Administrator's, AMS, determination on an appeal shall be final.
[65 FR 62579, Oct. 19, 2000]