Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Dec 30, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 1250.301 - Secretary.

§ 1250.302 - Act.

§ 1250.303 - Fiscal period.

§ 1250.304 - Egg Board or Board.

§ 1250.305 - Egg producer or producer.

§ 1250.306 - Commercial eggs or eggs.

§ 1250.307 - Person.

§ 1250.308 - United States.

§ 1250.309 - Handler.

§ 1250.310 - Promotion.

§ 1250.311 - Research.

§ 1250.312 - Marketing.

§ 1250.313 - Eligible organization.

§ 1250.314 - Plans and projects.

§ 1250.315 - Part and subpart.

§ 1250.316 - Representative of a producer.


§ 1250.326 - Establishment and membership.

§ 1250.327 - Term of office.

§ 1250.328 - Nominations.

§ 1250.329 - Selection.

§ 1250.330 - Acceptance.

§ 1250.331 - Vacancies.

§ 1250.332 - Alternate members.

§ 1250.333 - Procedure.

§ 1250.334 - Compensation and reimbursement.

§ 1250.335 -

§ 1250.336 - Duties.


§ 1250.341 - Research, education, and promotion.


§ 1250.346 - Expenses.

§ 1250.347 - Assessments.

§ 1250.348 - Exemptions.

§ 1250.349 - Collecting handlers and collection.

§ 1250.350 - [Reserved]

§ 1250.351 - Influencing governmental action.


§ 1250.352 - Reports.

§ 1250.353 - Books and records.

§ 1250.354 - Confidential treatment.


§ 1250.356 - Certification of organizations.


§ 1250.357 - Suspension and termination.

§ 1250.358 - Proceedings after termination.

§ 1250.359 - Effect of termination or amendment.

§ 1250.360 - [Reserved]

§ 1250.361 - Right of the Secretary.

§ 1250.362 - Amendments.

§ 1250.363 - Separability.

§ 1250.301 - Secretary.

Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture or any other officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture to whom there has heretofore been delegated, or to whom there may hereafter be delegated, the authority to act in his stead.

§ 1250.302 - Act.

Act means the Egg Research and Consumer Information Act and as it may be amended (Pub. L. 93-428).

§ 1250.303 - Fiscal period.

Fiscal period means the calendar year unless the Egg Board, with the approval of the Secretary, selects some other budgetary period.

§ 1250.304 - Egg Board or Board.

Egg Board or Board or other designatory term adopted by such Board, with the approval of the Secretary, means the administrative body established pursuant to § 1250.326.

§ 1250.305 - Egg producer or producer.

Egg producer or producer means any person who either:

(a) Is an egg farmer who acquires and owns laying hens, chicks, and/or started pullets for the purpose of and is engaged in the production of commercial eggs; or

(b) Is a person who supplied or supplies laying hens, chicks, and/or started pullets to an egg farmer for the purpose of producing commercial eggs pursuant to an oral or written contractual argeement for the production of commercial eggs. Such person is deemed to be the owner of such laying hens unless it is established in writing, to the satisfaction of the Secretary or the Egg Board, that actual ownership of the laying hens is in some other party to the contract. In the event the party to an oral contract who supplied or supplies the laying hens cannot be readily identified by the Secretary or the Egg Board, the person who has immediate possession and control over the laying hens at the egg production facility shall be deemed to be the owner of such hens unless written notice is provided to the Secretary or the Egg Board, signed by the parties to said oral contract, clearly stating that the eggs are being produced under a contractual agreement and identifying the party (or parties) under said contract who is the owner of the hens.

§ 1250.306 - Commercial eggs or eggs.

Commercial eggs or eggs means eggs from domesticated chickens which are sold for human consumption either in shell egg form or for further processing into egg products.

§ 1250.307 - Person.

Person means any individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, association, cooperative, or any other entity.

§ 1250.308 - United States.

United States means the 48 contiguous States of the United States of America and the District of Columbia.

§ 1250.309 - Handler.

Handler means any person who receives or otherwise acquires eggs from an egg producer, and processes, prepares for marketing, or markets, such eggs, including eggs of his own production.

§ 1250.310 - Promotion.

Promotion means any action, including paid advertising, to advance the image or desirability of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl.

§ 1250.311 - Research.

Research means any type of research to advance the image, desirability, marketability, production, or quality of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl, or the evaluation of such research.

§ 1250.312 - Marketing.

Marketing means the sale or other disposition of commercial eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl in any channel of commerce.

§ 1250.313 - Eligible organization.

Eligible organization means any organization, association, or cooperative which represents egg producers of any egg producing area of the United States certified by the Secretary pursuant to § 1250.356.

§ 1250.314 - Plans and projects.

Plans and projects means those research, consumer and producer education, advertising, marketing, product development, and promotion plans, studies, or projects pursuant to § 1250.341.

§ 1250.315 - Part and subpart.

Part means the Egg Research and Promotion Order and all rules, regulations, and supplemental order issued pursuant to the act and the order. “Subpart” refers to the aforesaid order or any other portion or segment of this part.

§ 1250.316 - Representative of a producer.

Representative of a producer means the owner, officer, or an employee of a producer who has been duly authorized to act in the place and stead of the producer.

§ 1250.326 - Establishment and membership.

There is hereby established an Egg Board, hereinafter called the “Board,” composed of 18 egg producers or representatives of egg producers, and 18 specific alternates, all appointed by the Secretary from nominations submitted by eligible organizations, associations, or cooperatives, or by other producers pursuant to § 1250.328.

§ 1250.327 - Term of office.

The members of the Board, and their alternates, shall serve for terms of 2 years, except initial appointments shall be, proportionately, for terms of 2 and 3 years. Each member and alternate member shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed by the Secretary and has qualified. No member shall serve for more than three consecutive terms.

§ 1250.328 - Nominations.

All nominations authorized under § 1250.326 shall be made in the following manner:

(a) Within 30 days of the approval of this order by referendum, nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary for each geographic area as specified in paragraph (d) of this section by eligible organizations, associations, or cooperatives certified pursuant to § 1250.356, or, if the Secretary determines that a substantial number of egg producers are not members of, or their interests are not represented by, any such eligible organization, association, or cooperative, then from nominations made by such egg producers in the manner authorized by the Secretary;

(b) After the establishment of the initial Board, the nominations for subsequent Board members and alternates shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 60 days prior to the expiration of the terms of the members and alternates previously appointed to the Board;

(c) Where there is more than one eligible organization, association, or cooperative within each geographic area, as defined by the Secretary, they may caucus for the purpose of jointly nominating two qualified persons for each member and for each alternate member to be appointed. If joint agreement is not reached with respect to any such nominations, or if no caucus is held within a defined geographic area, each eligible organization, association, or cooperative may submit to the Secretary two nominations for each appointment to be made;

(d) The number of members of the initial Board, and their alternates, who shall be appointed from each area are: Area 1-3, Area 2-4, Area 3-2, Area 4-2, Area 5-4, and Area 6-3, for a total of 18 members from all areas. Changes to the Board as provided in paragraph (e) of this section shall be accomplished by determining the percentage of United States egg production in each area times 18 (total Board membership) and rounding to the nearest whole number; and

(e) After the establishment of the initial Board, the area grouping of the 48 contiguous States of the United States, including the area distribution of the 18 members of the Board and their alternates, shall be reviewed at any time not to exceed 5 years by the Board, or by a person or agency designated by the Board to perform such review, and the results shall be reported to the Secretary along with any recommendations by the Board regarding whether the delineation of the areas and the area distribution of the Board should continue without any change, or whether changes should be made in either the areas or the number of Board members to be appointed from each area, providing that each area shall be represented by not less than one Board member and any action recommended shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975, as amended at 60 FR 66861, Dec. 27, 1995]
§ 1250.329 - Selection.

From the nominations made pursuant to § 1250.328, the Secretary shall appoint the members of the Board, and an alternate for each such member, on the basis of representations provided for in § 1250.326, § 1250.327, and § 1250.328.

§ 1250.330 - Acceptance.

Any person appointed by the Secretary as a member, or as an alternate member, of the Board shall qualify by filing a written acceptance with the Secretary within a period of time prescribed by the Secretary.

§ 1250.331 - Vacancies.

To fill any vacancy occasioned by the failure to qualify of any person appointed as a member, or as an alternate member, of the Board, or in the event of the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of any member or alternate member of the Board, a successor for the unexpired term of such member or alternate member of the Board shall be nominated, qualified, and appointed in the manner specified in § 1250.326, § 1250.328(b), § 1250.329, and § 1250.330, except that replacement of a Board member, or alternate, with an unexpired term of less than 6 months is not necessary.

§ 1250.332 - Alternate members.

An alternate member of the Board, during the absence of the member for whom he is the alternate, shall act in the place and stead of such member and perform such other duties as assigned. In the event of the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of a member, his alternate shall act for him until a successor for such member is appointed and qualified.

§ 1250.333 - Procedure.

(a) A majority of the members, including alternates acting for members of the Board, shall constitute a quorum, and any action of the Board shall require the concurring votes of at least a majority of those present and voting. At assembled meetings, all votes shall be cast in person.

(b) For routine and noncontroversial matters which do not require deliberation and exchange of views, and in matters of an emergency nature when there is not enough time to call an assembled meeting of the Board, the Board may also take action upon the concurring votes of a majority of its members by mail, telephone, or telegraph, but any such action by telephone shall be confirmed promptly in writing.

§ 1250.334 - Compensation and reimbursement.

The members of the Board, and alternates when acting as members, shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable expenses, as approved by the Board, incurred by them in the performance of their duties under this subpart.

§ 1250.335 -

The Board shall have the following powers:

(a) To administer the provisions of this subpart in accordance with its terms and provisions;

(b) To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this subpart;

(c) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of this subpart; and

(d) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this subpart.

§ 1250.336 - Duties.

The Board shall have the following duties:

(a) To meet and organize and to select from among its members a chairman and such other officers as may be necessary, to select committees and subcommittees of Board members, to adopt such rules for the conduct of its business as it may deem advisable, and it may establish advisory committees of persons other than Board members;

(b) To appoint or employ such persons as it may deem necessary and to define the duties and determine the compensation of each;

(c) To prepare and submit to the Secretary for his approval budgets on a fiscal-period basis of its anticipated expenses and disbursements in the administration of this subpart, including probable cost of plans and projects as estimated in the budget or budgets submitted to it by prospective contractors, with the Board's recommendations with respect thereto. In preparing a budget for each of the 1994 and subsequent fiscal years, the Board shall, to the maximum extent practicable, allocate a proportion of funds for research projects comparable to the proportion of funds allocated for research projects in the Board's fiscal year 1993 budget.

(d) With the approval of the Secretary, to enter into contracts or agreements with persons, including, but not limited to, State, regional, or national agencies or State, regional, or national egg organizations which administer research, education, or promotion programs, advertising agencies, public relations firms, public or private research organizations, advertising and promotion media, and egg producer organizations, for the development and submission to it of plans and projects authorized by § 1250.341 and for the carrying out of such plans or projects when approved by the Secretary, and for the payment of the cost thereof with funds collected pursuant to § 1250.347. Any such contracts or agreements shall provide that such contractors shall develop and submit to the Board a plan or project together with a budget or budgets which shall show estimated costs to be incurred for such plan or project, and that any such plan or project shall become effective upon approval by the Secretary. Any such contract or agreement shall also provide that the contractor shall keep accurate records of all of its transactions and make periodic reports to the Board of activities carried out and an accounting for funds received and expended, and such other reports as the Secretary may require;

(e) To review and submit to the Secretary any plans or projects which have been developed and submitted to it by the prospective contractor, together with its recommendations with respect to the approval thereof by the Secretary;

(f) To maintain such books and records and prepare and submit such reports from time to time to the Secretary as he may prescribe, and to make appropriate accounting with respect to the receipt and disbursement of all funds entrusted to it;

(g)-(h) [Reserved]

(i) To prepare and make public, at least annually, a report of activities carried out and an accounting for funds received and expended;

(j) To cause its books to be audited by a certified public accountant at least once each fiscal period and at such other times as the Secretary may request, and submit a copy of each such audit to the Secretary;

(k) To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the Board as is given to members in order that he or his representative may attend such meetings;

(l) To act as an intermediary between the Secretary and any producer or handler; and

(m) To submit to the Secretary such information pursuant to this subpart as he may request.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975, as amended at 54 FR 99, Jan. 4, 1989, and 54 FR 11493, Mar. 21, 1989; 54 FR 12310, Mar. 24, 1989; 59 FR 38876, Aug. 1, 1994; 60 FR 66861, Dec. 27, 1995]
§ 1250.341 - Research, education, and promotion.

The Board shall develop and submit to the Secretary for approval any programs or projects authorized in this section. Such programs or projects shall provide for:

(a) The establishment, issuance, effectuation, and administration of appropriate programs or projects for advertising, sales promotion, and consumer education with respect to the use of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl: Provided, however, That any such program or project shall be directed towards increasing the general demand for eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl;

(b) The establishment and carrying on of research, marketing, and development projects and studies with respect to sale, distribution, marketing, utilization, or production of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl, and the creation of new products thereof in accordance with section 7(b) of the act, to the end that the marketing and utilization of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl may be encouraged, expanded, improved, or made more acceptable, and the data collected by such activities may be disseminated;

(c) The development and expansion of foreign markets and uses for eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl;

(d) Each program or project authorized under paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section shall be periodically reviewed or evaluated by the Board to insure that each such program or project contributes to a coordinated national program of research, education, and promotion contributing to the maintenance of markets and for the development of new markets for and of new products from eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl. If it is found by the Board that any such program or project does not further the national purpose of the act, then the Board shall terminate such program or project; and

(e) No advertising or promotion programs shall use false or unwarranted claims or make any reference to private brand names of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl or use unfair or deceptive acts or practices with respect to quality, value, or use of any competing product.

§ 1250.346 - Expenses.

The Board is authorized to incur such expenses as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Board for its maintenance and functioning and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. The total costs incurred by the Board for a fiscal period in collecting producer assessments and having an administrative staff shall not exceed an amount of the projected total assessments to be collected by the Board for such fiscal period that the Secretary determines to be reasonable. The funds to cover such expenses shall be paid from assessments received pursuant to § 1250.347.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975, as amended at 54 FR 100, Jan. 4, 1989, and 54 FR 11493, Mar. 21, 1989]
§ 1250.347 - Assessments.

Each handler designated in § 1250.349 and pursuant to regulations issued by the Board shall collect from each producer, except for those producers specifically exempted in § 1250.348, and shall pay to the Board at such times and in such manner as prescribed by regulations issued by the Board an assessment at a rate not to exceed 10 cents per 30-dozen case of eggs, or the equivalent thereof, for such expenses and expenditures, including provisions for a reasonable reserve and those administrative costs incurred by the Department of Agriculture after this subpart is effective, as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Board and the Secretary under this subpart, except that no more than one such assessment shall be made on any case of eggs.

[59 FR 64560, Dec. 15, 1994]
§ 1250.348 - Exemptions.

The following shall be exempt from the specific provisions of the Act:

(a) Any egg producer whose aggregate number of laying hens at any time during a 3-consecutive-month period immediately prior to the date assessments are due and payable has not exceeded 75,000 laying hens. The aggregate number of laying hens owned by a trust or similar entity shall be considered ownership by the beneficiaries of the trust or other entity. Ownership of laying hens by an egg producer also shall include the following:

(1) In cases in which the producer is an individual, laying hens owned by such producer or members of such producer's family that are effectively under the control of such producer, as determined by the Secretary;

(2) In cases in which the producer is a general partnership or similar entity, laying hens owned by the entity and all partners or equity participants in the entity; and

(3) In cases in which the producer holds 50 percent or more of the stock or other beneficial interest in a corporation, joint stock company, association, cooperative, limited partnership, or other similar entity, laying hens owned by the entity. Stock or other beneficial interest in an entity that is held by the following shall be considered as held by the producer:

(i) Members of the producer's family described in paragraph (a)(1);

(ii) A general partnership or similar entity in which the producer is a partner or equity participant;

(iii) The partners or equity participants in an entity of the type described in (a)(3)(ii); or

(iv) A corporation, joint stock company, association, cooperative, limited partnership, or other similar entity in which the producer holds 50 percent or more of the stock or other beneficial interests.

(b) Any egg producer owning a flock of breeding hens whose production of eggs is primarily utilized for the hatching of baby chicks.

(c) In order to qualify for exemption from the provisions of the Act under this section, producers claiming such exemption must comply with § 1250.530 regarding certification of exempt producers and other such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary as a condition to exemption from the provisions of the Act under this section.

[55 FR 6973, Feb. 28, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 38876, Aug. 1, 1994]
§ 1250.349 - Collecting handlers and collection.

(a) Handlers responsible for collecting the assessment specified in § 1250.347 shall be any one of the following:

(1) The first person to whom eggs are sold, consigned, or delivered by producers and who grades, cartons, breaks, or otherwise performs a function of a handler under § 1250.309,

(2) A producer who grades, cartons, breaks, or otherwise performs a function of a handler under § 1250.309 for eggs of his own production, or

(3) Such other persons as designated by the Board under rules and regulations issued pursuant to this subpart.

(b) Handlers shall collect and remit to the Egg Board all assessments collected in the manner and in the time specified by the Board pursuant to rules and regulations issued by the Board.

(c) Handlers shall maintain such records as the Egg Board may prescribe pursuant to rules and regulations issued by the Board.

(d) The Board with the approval of the Secretary may authorize other organizations or agencies to collect assessments in its behalf.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975. Redesignated at 55 FR 6973, Feb. 28, 1990]
§ 1250.350 - [Reserved]
§ 1250.351 - Influencing governmental action.

No funds collected by the Board under this subpart shall in any manner be used for the purpose of influencing governmental policy or action except to recommend to the Secretary amendments to this subpart.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975. Redesignated at 55 FR 6973, Feb. 28, 1990]
§ 1250.352 - Reports.

Each handler subject to this subpart and other persons subject to section 7(c) of the act may be required to report to the Board periodically such information as is required by regulations and will effectuate the purposes of the act, which information may include but not be limited to the following:

(a) Number of cases of eggs handled;

(b) Number of cases of eggs on which an assessment was collected;

(c) Name and address of person from whom any assessment was collected; and

(d) Date collection of assessment was made on each case of eggs handled.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975. Redesignated at 55 FR 6973, Feb. 28, 1990]
§ 1250.353 - Books and records.

Each handler subject to this subpart and persons subject to section 7(c) of the act shall maintain and make available for inspection by the Board or the Secretary such books and records as are necessary to carry out the provisions of the subpart and the regulations issued hereunder, including such records as are necessary to verify any reports required. Such records shall be retained for at least 2 years beyond the fiscal period of their applicability.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975. Redesignated at 55 FR 6973, Feb. 28, 1990]
§ 1250.354 - Confidential treatment.

(a) All information obtained from such books, records, or reports shall be kept confidential by all officers and employees of the Department of Agriculture and the Board, and only such information so furnished or acquired as the Secretary deems relevant shall be disclosed by them, and then only in a suit or administrative hearing brought at the direction, or upon the request of the Secretary, or to which the Secretary or any officer of the United States is a party and involving this subpart. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to prohibit (1) the issuance of general statements based upon the reports of the number of persons subject to this subpart or statistical data collected therefrom, which statements do not identify the information furnished by any person, (2) the publication, by direction of the Secretary, of general statements relating to refunds made by the Egg Board during any specific period of time, or (3) the publication, by direction of the Secretary, of the name of any person violating this subpart together with a statement of the particular provisions of this subpart violated by such person.

(b) All information with respect to refunds, except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, made to individual producers shall be kept confidential by all officers and employees of the Department of Agriculture and the Board.

[40 FR 59190, Dec. 22, 1975. Redesignated at 55 FR 6973, Feb. 28, 1990]
§ 1250.356 - Certification of organizations.

Any organization may request the Secretary for certification of eligibility to participate in nominating members and alternate members on the Board to represent the geographic area in which the organization represents egg producers. Such eligibility shall be based in addition to other available information upon a factual report submitted by the organization which shall contain information deemed relevant and specified by the Secretary for the making of such determination, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Geographic territory covered by the organization's active membership;

(b) Nature and size of the organization's active membership, proportion of total of such active membership accounted for by producers of commercial eggs, a chart showing the egg production by State in which the organization has members, and the volume of commercial eggs produced by the organization's active membership in such State(s);

(c) The extent to which the commercial egg producer membership of such organization is represented in setting the organization's policies;

(d) Evidence of stability and permanency of the organization;

(e) Sources from which the organization's operating funds are derived;

(f) Functions of the organization; and

(g) The organization's ability and willingness to further the aims and objectives of the act.

The primary consideration in determining the eligibility of an organization shall be whether its egg producer membership consists of a substantial number of egg producers who produce a substantial volume of the applicable geographic area's commercial eggs to reasonably warrant its participation in the nomination of members for the Board or to request the issuance of an order. The Secretary shall certify any organization which he finds to be eligible under this section and his determination as to eligibility shall be final.
§ 1250.357 - Suspension and termination.

(a) The Secretary shall, whenever he finds that this subpart or any provision thereof obstructs or does not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, terminate or suspend the operation of this subpart or such provision.

(b) The Secretary may conduct a referendum at any time, and shall hold a referendum on request of 10 percent or more of the number of egg producers voting in the referendum approving this subpart, to determine whether egg producers favor the termination or suspension of this subpart, and the Secretary shall suspend or terminate such subpart at the end of 6 months after he determines that suspension or termination of the subpart is approved or favored by a majority of the egg producers voting in such referendum who, during a representative period determined by the Secretary, have been engaged in the production of commercial eggs, and who produced more than 50 percent of the volume of eggs produced by the egg producers voting in the referendum.

§ 1250.358 - Proceedings after termination.

(a) Upon the termination of this subpart the Board shall recommend not more than six of its members to the Secretary to serve as trustees for the purpose of liquidating the affairs of the Board. Such persons, upon designation by the Secretary, shall become trustees of all the funds and property then in the possession or under control of the Board, including claims for any funds unpaid or property not delivered or any other claim existing at the time of such termination.

(b) The said trustees shall: (1) Continue in such capacity until discharged by the Secretary, (2) carry out the obligations of the Board under any contracts or agreements entered into by it pursuant to § 1250.336, (3) from time to time account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property on hand, together with all books and records of the Board and of the trustees, to such person as the Secretary may direct, and (4) upon the request of the Secretary, execute such assignments or other instruments necessary or appropriate to vest in such person full title and right to all of the funds, property, and claims vested in the Board or the trustees pursuant to this subpart.

(c) Any person to whom funds, property, or claims have been transferred or delivered pursuant to this subpart shall be subject to the same obligation imposed upon the Board and upon the trustees.

(d) Any residual funds not required to defray the necessary expenses of liquidation shall be turned over to the Secretary to be disposed of, to the extent practicable, in the interest of continuing one or more of the research or promotion programs hitherto authorized.

§ 1250.359 - Effect of termination or amendment.

Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Secretary, the termination of this subpart or of any regulation issued pursuant hereto, or the issuance of any amendment to either thereof, shall not:

(a) Affect or waive any right, duty, obligation, or liability which shall have risen or which may hereafter arise in connection with any provision of this subpart or any regulation issued thereunder;

(b) Release or extinguish any violation of this subpart or any regulation issued hereunder; or

(c) Affect or impair any rights or remedies of the United States, or of the Secretary, or of any person, with respect to any such violation.

§ 1250.360 - [Reserved]
§ 1250.361 - Right of the Secretary.

All fiscal matters, programs or projects, rules or regulations, reports, or other substantive action proposed and prepared by the Board shall be submitted to the Secretary for his approval.

§ 1250.362 - Amendments.

Amendments to this subpart may be proposed, from time to time, by the Board, or by an organization certified pursuant to section 16 of the act, or by any interested person affected by the provisions of the act, including the Secretary.

§ 1250.363 - Separability.

If any provision of this subpart is declared invalid or the applicability thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this subpart of the applicability thereof to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

cite as: 7 CFR 1250.315