Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 1250.500 - Terms defined.
Unless otherwise defined in this subpart, definitions of terms used in this subpart shall be those definitions of terms defined in the Egg Research and Consumer Information Act, hereinafter called the Act, and the Egg Research and Promotion Order, hereinafter called the Order.
(a) Act. “Act” means the Egg Research and Consumer Information Act as it may be amended (Pub. L. 93-428).
(b) Secretary. “Secretary” means the Secretary of Agriculture or any other officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture to whom there has heretofore been delegated, or to whom there may hereafter be delegated, the authority to act in his stead.
(c) Egg Board or Board. “Egg Board” or “Board” or other designatory term adopted by such Board, with the approval of the Secretary, means the administrative body established pursuant to § 1250.326.
(d) Fiscal period. “Fiscal period” means the calendar year unless the Egg Board, with the approval of the Secretary, selects some other budgetary period.
(e) Egg producer or producer. “Egg producer” or “producer” means any person who either:
(1) Is an egg farmer who acquires and owns laying hens, chicks, and/or started pullets for the purpose of and is engaged in the production of commercial eggs; or
(2) Is a person who supplied or supplies laying hens, chicks, and/or started pullets to an egg farmer for the purpose of producing commercial eggs pursuant to an oral or written contractual agreement for the production of commercial eggs. Such person is deemed to be the owner of such laying hens unless it is established in writing, to the satisfaction of the Secretary or the Egg Board, that actual ownership of the laying hens is in some other party to the contract. In the event the party to an oral contract who supplied or supplies the laying hens cannot be readily identified by the Secretary or the Egg Board, the person who has immediate possession and control over the laying hens at the egg production facility shall be deemed to be the owner of such hens unless written notice is provided to the Secretary or the Egg Board, signed by the parties to said oral contract, clearly stating that the eggs are being produced under a contractual agreement and identifying the party (or parties) under said contract who is the owner of the hens.
(f) Commercial eggs or eggs. “Commercial eggs” or “eggs” means eggs from domesticated chickens which are sold for human consumption either in shell egg form or for further processing into egg products.
(g) Person. “Person” means any individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, association, cooperative, or any other entity.
(h) Handle. “Handle” means to grade, carton, process, transport, purchase, or in any way place eggs or cause eggs to be placed in the current of commerce. Such term shall not include the washing, the packing in cases, or the delivery by the producer of his own nest run eggs.
(i) Handler. “Handler” means any person who receives or otherwise acquires eggs from an egg producer, and processes, prepares for marketing, or markets such eggs, including eggs of his own production.
(j) Egg products. “Egg products” means products produced, in whole or in part, from eggs.
(k) Cooperating agency. “Cooperating agency” means any person with which the Egg Board has entered into an agreement pursuant to § 1250.517(c).
(l) Case. “Case” means the standard shipping package containing 30-dozen eggs or the equivalent thereof.
(m) Plans and projects. “Plans” and “projects” mean those research, consumer and producer education, advertising, marketing, product development, and promotion plans, studies, or projects pursuant to § 1250.341.
(n) Representative of a producer. “Representative of a producer” means the owner, officer, or an employee of a producer who has been duly authorized to act in the place and stead of the producer.
(o) Hen or laying hen. “Hen” or “laying hen” means a domesticated female chicken 20 weeks of age or over, raised primarily for the production of commercial eggs.
(p) Hatching eggs. “Hatching eggs” means eggs intended for use by hatcheries for the production of baby chicks.
(q) United States. “United States” means the 48 contiguous States of the United States of America and the District of Columbia.
(r) Promotion. “Promotion” means any action, including paid advertising, to advance the image or desirability of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl.
(s) Research. “Research” means any type of research to advance the image, desirability, marketability, production, or quality of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl, or the evaluation of such research.
(t) Consumer education. “Consumer education” means any action to advance the image or desirability of eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl.
(u) Marketing. “Marketing” means the sale or other disposition of commercial eggs, egg products, spent fowl, or products of spent fowl, in any channel of commerce.
(v) Commerce. “Commerce” means interstate, foreign, or intrastate commerce.
(w) Spent fowl. “Spent fowl” means hens which have been in production of commercial eggs and have been removed from such production for slaughter.
(x) Products of spent fowl. “Products of spent fowl” means commercial products produced from spent fowl.
(y) Started pullet. “Started pullet” means a hen less than 20 weeks of age.
(z) Shell egg packer. “Shell egg packer” means any person grading eggs into their various qualities.
(aa) Egg breaker. “Egg breaker” means any person subject to the Egg Products Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 1031 et seq.) engaged in the breaking of shell eggs or otherwise involved in preparing shell eggs for use as egg products.
(bb) Nest run eggs. “Nest run eggs” means eggs which are packed as they come from the production facilities without having been sized and/or candled with the exception that some checks, dirties, or obvious undergrades may have been removed and provided further that the eggs may have been washed.
§ 1250.501 - OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
(a) Purpose. This section collects and displays the control numbers assigned to information collection requirements by the Office of Management and Budget contained in 7 CFR part 1250 pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. 96-511.
(b) Display.
7 CFR section where identified and described
| Current OMB control number
| |
1250.523 | 0581-0098
1250.528 | 0581-0098
1250.529 | 0581-0098
1250.530 | 0581-0098
1250.535 | 0581-0098 |
(Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1621-1627) and Egg Research and Consumer Information Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 2701-2718))
[48 FR 56566, Dec. 22, 1983]
§ 1250.505 - Communications.
Communications in connection with the Order shall be addressed to the Egg Board at its business address.
§ 1250.506 - Policy and objective.
(a) It shall be the policy of the Egg Board to carry out an effective and continuous coordinated program of research, consumer and producer education, advertising, and promotion designed to strengthen the egg industry's position in the marketplace, and maintain and expand domestic and foreign markets and uses for eggs, egg products, spent fowl, and products of spent fowl of the United States.
(b) It shall be the objective of the Egg Board to carry out programs and projects which will provide maximum benefit to the egg industry and no undue preference shall be given to any of the various industry segments.
§ 1250.507 - Contracts.
The Egg Board, with the approval of the Secretary, may enter into contracts with persons for the development and submission to it of plans or projects authorized by the Order and for carrying out of such plans or projects. Contractors shall agree to comply with the provisions of the Order, this subpart, and applicable provisions of the U.S. Code relative to contracting with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Subcontractors who enter into contracts or agreements with a primary contractor and who receive or otherwise utilize funds allocated by the Egg Board shall be subject to the provisions of this subpart.
§ 1250.508 - Procedure.
The organization of the Egg Board and the procedure for conducting meetings of the Board shall be in accordance with the By-Laws of the Board.
§ 1250.509 - USDA costs.
Pursuant to § 1250.347 of the Order, the Board shall pay those administrative costs incurred by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the conduct of its duties under the Order as determined periodically by the Secretary. Payment shall be due promptly after the billing for such costs.
§ 1250.510 - Determination of Board Membership.
(a) Pursuant to § 1250.328 (d) and (e), the 48 contiguous States of the United States shall be grouped into three geographic areas, as follows: Area 1 (East)—Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas; Area 2 (Central)—Arkansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin; Area 3 (West)—Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
(b) Board representation among the three geographic areas is apportioned to reflect the percentages of United States egg production in each area times 18 (total Board membership). The distribution of members of the Board is: Area 1-6, Area 2-6, and Area 3-6. Each member will have an alternate appointed from the same area.
[85 FR 62945, Oct. 6, 2020]
§ 1250.514 - Levy of assessments.
An assessment rate of 10 cents per case of commercial eggs is levied on each case of commercial eggs handled for the account of each producer. Each case of commercial eggs shall be subject to assessment only once. Producers meeting the requirements of § 1250.348 are exempt from the provisions of the Act including this section.
[55 FR 6974, Feb. 28, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 64560, Dec. 15, 1994]
§ 1250.515 - Reporting period and payment.
(a) For the purpose of the payment of assessments, either a calendar month or a 4-week accounting period shall be considered the reporting period; however, other accounting periods may be used when approved by the Board on an individual basis. Each collecting handler shall register his reporting period with the Board. All changes in reporting periods shall be requested in writing and subject to approval by the Board.
(b) Each producer shall pay the required assessment on his commercial eggs pursuant to § 1250.514 to the collecting handler designated in § 1250.516 on or before the date of final settlement between the producer and the collecting handler for the eggs received by the collecting handler during each reporting period.
§ 1250.516 - Collecting handlers and collection.
(a) Handlers responsible for collecting the assessments shall be any of the following:
(1) The first person to whom eggs are sold, consigned, or delivered by producers and who grades, cartons, or breaks such eggs. Such shell egg breaker or egg packer must collect and remit to the Board the assessments on all eggs handled except eggs for which there is a certification of exemption or eggs for which there is a statement indicating that an assessment has already been paid;
(2) A person who buys or receives nest run eggs from a producer and who does not grade, carton, or break such eggs. Such person shall collect the assessment from the producer and remit to the Egg Board on all such eggs, except for which there is a certification of exemption or eggs for which there is a statement indicating that an assessment has already been paid;
(3) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, a producer who grades, cartons, or breaks eggs of his own production shall be responsible for remitting the assessment to the Board on all eggs produced. This would include the eggs which he grades, cartons, or breaks as well as the nest run eggs which are graded, cartoned, or broken by another handler. Such a producer who remits the assessment on nest run eggs to the Board shall provide the handler specified in paragraph (a) (1) or (2) of this section with a written statement that the assessment has already been paid on the nest run eggs; or
(4) Upon approval of the Board, any person who handles eggs for a producer under a written contract that includes express provisions that said handler will remit the assessment on such eggs to the Board shall be the collecting handler notwithstanding the fact that the producer may have graded, cartoned, or otherwise processed the eggs.
Following are some examples to aid in identification of collecting handlers:
(i) Producer sells, assigns, consigns, or otherwise delivers nest run eggs of his own production to a shell egg packer or breaker for preparation for market—the shell egg packer or breaker is the collecting handler and is responsible for remitting to the Egg Board;
(ii) Producer grades, cartons, breaks, or otherwise prepares for marketing a portion of the eggs of his own production and delivers the remaining portion of his nest run eggs to a shell egg packer or breaker—the producer is the collecting handler and shall remit the assessment on his total production to the Board;
(iii) Producer sells all or a portion of his eggs in nest run form to a handler who is not a shell egg packer or breaker—the handler is responsible for collecting the assessment and remitting it to the Egg Board except for eggs covered by a statement indicating that an assessment has already been paid;
(iv) A shell egg packer or breaker who buys or receives nest run eggs from a handler who is not a shell egg packer or breaker—the handler is the collecting handler and shall remit such assessment to the Board;
(v) A shell egg packer or egg breaker buys nest run or graded eggs including undergrade eggs from another shell egg packer or egg breaker—the first shell egg packer or breaker is the collecting handler and shall remit such assessments to the Board.
(b) In the event of a producer's death, bankruptcy, receivership, or incapacity to act, the representative of the producer or his estate, or the person acting on behalf of creditors, shall be considered the producer of the eggs for the purpose of this subpart.
(c) The collecting handler may collect the assessment directly from the producer or deduct the assessment from the proceeds due or paid to the producer on whose eggs the assessment is made.
[41 FR 22925, June 8, 1976, as amended at 42 FR 60724, Nov. 29, 1977]
§ 1250.517 - Remittance to Egg Board.
(a) The collecting handler responsible for remittance of assessments to the Board is not relieved of this obligation as a result of his failure to collect payment of the assessment from the egg producer(s).
(b) Each collecting handler required to remit the assessments on the eggs handled during each reporting period, specified in § 1250.515(a), shall remit the assessments directly to the Egg Board by check, draft, or money order payable to the Egg Board on or before the 15th day after the end of said reporting period together with a report pursuant to § 1250.529. The assessment for each reporting period shall be calculated on the basis of the gross volume of eggs subject to assessment received by the collecting handler during each reporting period.
(c) Remittance through cooperating agency.
(1) In any State or specified geographic area the Egg Board, with the approval of the Secretary, may designate by agreement a cooperating agency to collect the assessments in its behalf. Every collecting handler within such a State or geographic area shall remit the assessments for each reporting period, specified in § 1250.515(a), to the designated cooperating agency by check, draft, or money order payable to said cooperating agency on or before the 15th day after the end of said reporting period together with a report pursuant to § 1250.529.
(2) On or before the 20th day after the end of each reporting period, each designated cooperating agency shall remit to the Egg Board the total amount of all assessments received from collecting handlers for said reporting period together with all collecting handler reports. In addition, each designated cooperating agency shall submit to the Egg Board such information as is required by the designation agreement with the Egg Board.
§ 1250.518 - Receipts for payment of assessments.
(a) Each collecting handler shall give each producer whose eggs are subject to assessment a receipt for the commercial eggs handled by said collecting handler showing payment of the assessment. This receipt may be on a separate receipt form or included as part of the invoice or settlement sheet for the eggs, but in either event shall contain the following information:
(1) Name, address, and identification number of the collecting handler;
(2) Name and address of the producer who paid the assessment;
(3) Number of cases of eggs on which assessment was paid and the total amount of the assessment; and
(4) Date on which assessment was paid by producer.
(b) All eggs sold, consigned, or delivered from a collecting handler to another handler, excluding cartoned eggs and loose graded eggs sold to the bakeries, restaurants, and institutions, shall be accompanied with the collecting handler's written statement that the assessment on the lot of eggs covered by the invoice has been paid or that lot of eggs or portion thereof is exempt from assessment under provisions of § 1250.514.
§ 1250.519 - Late-payment charge.
Any unpaid assessments due to the Board pursuant to § 1250.347 shall be increased by a late-payment charge of 1.5 percent each month beginning with the day following the date such assessments are 30 days past due. Any remaining amount due, which shall include any unpaid charges previously made pursuant to this section, shall be increased at the same rate on the corresponding day of each month thereafter until paid. Assessments that are not paid when due because of a person's failure to submit a handler report to the Board as required shall accrue late-payment charges from the time such assessments should have been remitted. The timeliness of a payment to the Board shall be based on the applicable postmark date or the date payment is actually received by the Board, whichever is earlier.
[58 FR 34697, June 29, 1993]
§ 1250.528 - Registration of collecting handlers.
All collecting handlers shall, prior to August 1, 1976, register with the Egg Board by filing a registration statement. Registered collecting handlers will receive an identification number which must appear on all required reports and official communications with the Egg Board. New businesses subject to this subpart beginning after August 1, 1976, shall register with the Egg Board within 30 days following the beginning of operations. The statement of registration shall include:
(a) Name and complete address of the collecting handler;
(b) Name of individual(s) responsible for filing reports with the Egg Board; and
(c) Type of reporting period desired.
§ 1250.529 - Reports.
(a) Collecting handler reports. (1) Each collecting handler shall make reports on forms made available or approved by the Egg Board. Each collecting handler shall prepare a separate report form each reporting period. Each report shall be mailed to the Egg Board within 15 days after the close of the reporting period and shall contain the following information:
(i) Date of report;
(ii) Reporting period covered by the report;
(iii) Name and address of collecting handler and identification number;
(iv) Total number of cases of eggs handled, total number of cases of eggs subject to collection of assessment, total number of cases of eggs exempt under § 1250.514 from collection of assessment, total number of cases of imported eggs handled, and total number of cases of eggs received from another handler and on which an assessment was already collected;
(v) The names and addresses of producers subject to assessment supplying eggs to the handlers and number of cases of eggs received from each producer;
(vi) Total amount of assessment due for eggs handled during the reporting period and remitted with the report; and
(vii) Such other information as may be required by the Board.
(2) Collecting handler reports shall be filed each reporting period following registration until such time as the Egg Board is notified in writing that the collecting handler has ceased to do business. During reporting periods in which the collecting handler does not handle any eggs, his report form shall state “No Eggs Handled.”
(b) The Egg Board may require all persons subject to section 7(c) of the Act to make reports as needed for the enforcement and administration of the Order and as approved by the Secretary.
§ 1250.530 - Certification of exempt producers.
(a) Number of laying hens. Egg producers not subject to the provisions of the Act pursuant to § 1250.348 shall file with all handlers to whom they sell eggs a statement certifying their exemption from the provisions of the Act in accordance with the criterion of § 1250.348. Certification shall be made on forms approved and provided by the Egg Board to collecting handlers for use by exempt producers. The certification form shall be filed with each handler on or before January 1 of each year as long as the producer continues to do business with the handler. A copy of the certificate of exemption shall be forwarded to the Egg Board by the handler within 30 days of receipt. The certification shall list the following: the name and address of the producer, the basis for producer exemption according to the requirements of § 1250.348, and the signature of the producer.
(b) Organic Production. (1) A producer who operates under an approved National Organic Program (7 CFR part 205) (NOP) organic production system plan may be exempt from the payment of assessments under this part, provided that:
(i) Only agricultural products certified as “organic” or “100 percent organic” (as defined in the NOP) are eligible for exemption;
(ii) The exemption shall apply to all certified “organic” or “100 percent organic” (as defined in the NOP) products of a producer regardless of whether the agricultural commodity subject to the exemption is produced by a person that also produces conventional or nonorganic agricultural products of the same agricultural commodity as that for which the exemption is claimed;
(iii) The producer maintains a valid certificate of organic operation as issued under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6501-6522)(OFPA) and the NOP regulations issued under OFPA (7 CFR part 205); and
(iv) Any producer so exempted shall continue to be obligated to pay assessments under this part that are associated with any agricultural products that do not qualify for an exemption under this section.
(2) To apply for exemption under this section, a producer shall submit a request to the Board on an Organic Exemption Request Form (Form AMS-15) at any time during the year initially, and annually thereafter on or before January 1, for as long the producer continues to be eligible for the exemption.
(3) A producer request for exemption shall include the following:
(i) The applicant's full name, company name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address;
(ii) Certification that the applicant maintains a valid certificate of organic operation issued under the OFPA and the NOP;
(iii) Certification that the applicant produces organic products eligible to be labeled “organic” or “100 percent organic” under the NOP;
(iv) A requirement that the applicant attach a copy of their certificate of organic operation issued by a USDA-accredited certifying agent under the OFPA and the NOP;
(v) Certification, as evidenced by signature and date, that all information provided by the applicant is true; and
(vi) Such other information as may be required by the Board, with the approval of the Secretary.
(4) If a producer complies with the requirements of this section, the Board will grant an assessment exemption and issue a Certificate of Exemption to the producer within 30 days. If the application is disapproved, the Board will notify the applicant of the reason(s) for disapproval within the same timeframe.
(5) The producer shall provide a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to each handler to whom the producer sells eggs. The handler shall maintain records showing the exempt producer's name and address and the exemption number assigned by the Board.
(6) The exemption will apply at the first reporting period following the issuance of the Certificate of Exemption.
(c) If the exempt producer no longer qualifies for an exemption as specified in § 1250.348 or 1250.530(b), that producer shall notify, within 10 days, all handlers with whom the producer has filed a Certificate of Exemption.
[70 FR 2761, Jan. 14, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 82034, Dec. 31, 2015]
§ 1250.535 - Retention of records.
(a) Each person required to make reports pursuant to this subpart shall maintain and retain for at least 2 years beyond the fiscal period of their applicability:
(1) One copy of each report submitted to the Egg Board;
(2) Records of all exempt producers including certification of exemption as necessary to verify the address of each exempt producer; and
(3) Such other records as are necessary to verify reports submitted to the Egg Board.
(b) Egg producers subject to § 1250.514 shall maintain and retain for at least 2 years beyond the period of their applicability:
(1) Receipts, or copies thereof, for payment of assessments; and
(2) Such records as are necessary to verify monthly levels of egg production.
§ 1250.536 - Availability of records.
Each handler and egg producer subject to this subpart and all persons subject to section 7(c) of the Act shall make available for inspection and copying by authorized employees of the Egg Board and/or the Secretary during regular business hours, such information as is appropriate and necessary to verify compliance with this subpart.
§ 1250.537 - Confidentiality.
All information obtained by officers and employees of the Department of Agriculture, the Egg Board, or any person under contract by the Egg Board or otherwise acting on behalf of the Egg Board from the books, records, and reports of persons subject to this subpart, and all information with respect to refunds of assessments made to individual producers, shall be kept confidential in the manner and to the extent provided in § 1250.353 of the Order.
§ 1250.542 - Patents, Copyrights, Inventions, Trademarks, Information, Publications, and Product Formulations.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, any patents, copyrights, inventions, trademarks, information, publications, or product formulations developed through the use of funds collected by the Board under the provisions of this subpart shall be the property of the U.S. Government, as represented by the Board, and shall, along with any rents, royalties, residual payments, or other income from the rental, sales, leasing, franchising, or other uses of such patents, copyrights, inventions, trademarks, information, publications, or product formulations, inure to the benefit of the Board; shall be considered income subject to the same fiscal, budget, and audit controls as other funds of the Board; and may be licensed subject to approval by the Secretary. Upon termination of this subpart, § 1250.358 shall apply to determine disposition of all such property.
(b) Should patents, copyrights, inventions, trademarks, information, publications, or product formulations be developed through the use of funds collected by the Board under this subpart and funds contributed by another organization or person, the ownership and related rights to such patents, copyrights, inventions, trademarks, information, publications, or product formulations shall be determined by an agreement between the Board and the party contributing funds towards the development of such patents, copyrights, inventions, trademarks, information, publications, or product formulations in a manner consistent with paragraph (a) of this section.
[81 FR 90186, Dec. 14, 2016]
§ 1250.547 - Personal liability.
No member, alternate member, employee, or agent of the Board in the performance of his duties with the Board shall be held personally responsible either individually or jointly with others, in anyway whatsoever, to any person for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts, either of commission or omission, by such member, alternate member, employee, or agent, except for acts of dishonesty or willful misconduct.