Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 1951.251 - Purpose.

This subpart prescribes the policies to be followed when analyzing a direct borrower's need for continued Agency supervision, further credit, and graduation. All loan accounts will be reviewed for graduation in accordance with this subpart, with the exception of Guaranteed, Rural Development Loan Funds, and Rural Rental Housing loans made to build or acquire new units pursuant to contracts entered into on or after December 15, 1989, and Intermediary Relending Program loans. The term “Agency” used in this subpart refers to theRural Housing Service (RHS), or Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS), depending upon the loan program discussed herein. This subpart does not apply to Farm Service Agency, Farm Loan Programs and to RHS direct single family housing (SFH) customers. In addition, this subpart does not apply to Water and Waste Programs of the Rural Utilities Service, Watershed loans, Resource Conservation and Development loans, which are serviced under part 1782 of this title.

[72 FR 55018, Sept. 28, 2007, as amended at 72 FR 64123, Nov. 15, 2007]
§ 1951.252 - Definitions.

Commercial classified. The Agency's highest quality Farm Credit Programs (FCP) accounts. The financial condition of the borrowers is strong enough to enable them to absorb the normal adversities of agricultural production and marketing. There is ample security for all loans, there is sufficient cash flow to meet the expenses of the agricultural enterprise and the financial needs of the family, and to service debts. The account is of such quality that commercial lenders would likely view the loans as a profitable investment.

Farm Credit Programs (FCP) loans. FSA Farm Ownership (FO), Operating (OL), Soil and Water (SW), Recreation (RL), Emergency (EM), Economic Emergency (EE), Economic Opportunity (EO), Special Livestock (SL), Softwood Timber (ST) loans, and Rural Housing loans for farm service buildings (RHF).

Graduation, FCP. The payment in full of all FCP loans or all FCP loans of one type (i.e., all loans made for chattel purposes or all loans made for real estate purposes) by refinancing with other credit sources either with or without an Agency loan guarantee. A loan made for both chattel and real estate purposes, for example an EM loan, will be classified according to how the majority of the loan's funds were expended. Borrowers must continue with their farming operations to be considered as graduated.

Graduation, other programs. The payment in full of any direct loan for Community and Business Programs, and all direct loans for housing programs, before maturity by refinancing with other credit sources. Graduated housing borrowers must continue to hold title to the property. Graduation, for other than FCP, does not include credit which is guaranteed by the United States.

Prospectus, FCP. Consists of a transmittal letter with a current balance sheet and projected year's budget attached. The applicant's or borrower's name and address need not be withheld from the lender. The prospectus is used to determine lender interest in financing or refinancing specific Agency direct loan applicants and borrowers. The prospectus will provide information regarding the availability of an Agency loan guarantee and interest assistance.

Reasonable rates and terms. Those commercial rates and terms which borrowers are expected to meet when borrowing for similar purposes and similar periods of time. The “similar periods of time” of available commercial loans will be measured against, but need not be the same as, the remaining or original term of the loan. In the case of Multi-Family Housing (MFH) loans, “reasonable rates and terms” would be considered to mean financing that would allow the units to be offered to eligible tenants at rates consistent with other multi-family housing.

Servicing official. The district or county office official responsible for the immediate servicing functions of the borrower.

Standard classified. These loan accounts are fully acceptable by Agency standards. Loan risk and potential loan servicing costs are higher than would be acceptable to other lenders, but all loans are adequately secured. Repayment ability is adequate, and there is a high probability that all loans will be repaid as scheduled and in full.

§ 1951.253 - Objectives.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) Borrowers must graduate to other credit at reasonable rates and terms when they are able to do so.

(c) If a borrower refuses to graduate, the account will be liquidated under the following conditions:

(1) The borrower has the legal capacity and financial ability to obtain other credit.

(2) Other credit is available from a commercial lender at reasonable rates and terms. In the case of Labor Housing (LH), Rural Rental Housing (RRH), and Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH) Programs, reasonable rates and terms must also permit the borrowers to continue providing housing for low and moderate income persons at rental rates tenants can afford considering the loss of any subsidy which will be canceled when the loan is paid in full.

(d) The Agency will enforce borrower graduation.

§ 1951.254 - [Reserved]
§ 1951.255 - Nondiscrimination.

All loan servicing actions described in this subpart will be conducted without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, age, or physical or mental handicap.

§§ 1951.256-1951.261 - §[Reserved]
§ 1951.262 - Farm Credit Programs—graduation of borrowers.

(a)-(d) [Reserved]

(e) Graduation candidates. Borrowers who are classified “commercial” or “standard” are graduation candidates. At least every 2 years, all borrowers who have a current classification of commercial or standard must submit a year-end balance sheet, actual financial performance information for the most recent year, and a projected budget for the current year to enable the Agency to reclassify their status and determine their ability to graduate.

(f) Sending prospectus information to lenders. (1) The Agency will distribute a borrower's prospectus to local lenders for possible refinancing. The borrower's permission is not required, however, the borrower must be notified of this action.

(2) The borrower is responsible for any application fees. The borrower has 30 days from the date the borrower is notified of lender interest in refinancing to make application, if required by the lender, and refinance the FLP loan. For good cause, the borrower may be granted a reasonable amount of additional time by the Agency.

[61 FR 35927, July 9, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 10120, Mar. 5, 1997]
§ 1951.263 - Graduation of non-Farm Credit programs borrowers.

(a)-(b) [Reserved]

(c) The thorough review. Borrowers are required to supply such financial information as the Agency deems necessary to determine whether they are able to graduate to other credit. At a minimum, the financial statements requested from the borrower must include a balance sheet and a statement of income and expenses. Ordinarily, the financial statements will be those normally required at the end of the particular borrower's fiscal year. For borrowers who are not requested to furnish audited financial statements, the balance sheet and statement of income and expenses may be of the borrower's own format if the borrower's financial situation is accurately reflected. The borrower has 60 days for group type loans and 30 days for individual type loans to supply the financial information requested.

(d) [Reserved]

(e) Requesting the borrower to graduate. (1) The Agency will send written notice to borrowers found able to graduate requesting them to graduate. The borrower must seek a loan only in the amount necessary to repay the unpaid balance.

(2) Borrowers must provide evidence of their ability or inability to graduate within 30 days for RH borrowers, and 90 days for group type borrowers, after the date of the request. The Agency may allow additional time for good cause, for example when a borrower expects to receive income in the near future for the payment of accounts which would substantially reduce the amount required for refinancing, or when a borrower is a public body and must issue bonds to accomplish graduation.

(3) If a borrower is unable to graduate the full amount of the loan, the borrower must furnish evidence to the Agency, showing:

(i) The names of other lenders contacted;

(ii) The amount of loan requested by the borrower and the amount, if any, offered by the lenders;

(iii) The rates and terms offered by the lenders or the specific reasons why other credit is not available; and

(iv) The purpose of the loan request.

(4) The difference in interest rates between the Agency and other lenders will not be sufficient reason for failure to graduate if the other credit is available at rates and terms which the borrower can reasonably be expected to pay. An exception is made where there is an interest rate ceiling imposed by Federal law or contained in the note or mortgage.

(5) The Agency will notify the borrower in writing if it determines that the borrower can graduate. The borrower must take positive steps to graduate within 15 days for individual loans and 60 days for group loans from such notice to avoid legal action. The servicing official may grant a longer period where warranted.

§ 1951.264 - Action when borrower fails to cooperate, respond or graduate.

(a) When borrowers with other than FCP loans fail to:

(1) Provide information following receipt of both FmHA Guide Letters 1951-1 and 1951-2 (available in any Agency office), or letters of similar format, they are in default of the terms of their security instruments. The approval official may, when appropriate, accelerate the account based on the borrower's failure to perform as required by this subpart and the loan and security instruments.

(2) Apply for or accept other credit following receipt of both FmHA Guide Letters 1951- 5 and 1951-6 (available in any Agency office), or letters of similar format, they are in default under the graduation requirement of their security instruments. If the Agency determines the borrower is able to graduate, foreclosure action will be initiated in accordance with § 1955.15(d)(2)(ii). If the borrower's account is accelerated, the borrower may appeal the decision.

(b) If an FCP borrower fails to cooperate after a lender expresses a willingness to consider refinancing the Agency loan, the account will be referred for legal action.

§ 1951.265 - Application for subsequent loan, subordination, or consent to additional indebtedness from a borrower who has been requested to graduate.

(a) Any borrower who appears to meet the local commercial lending standards, taking into consideration the Agency's loan guarantee program, will not be considered for a subsequent loan, subordination, or consent to additional indebtedness until the borrower's ability or inability to graduate has been confirmed. An exception may be made where the proposed action is needed to alleviate an emergency situation, such as meeting applicable health or sanitary standards which require immediate attention.

(b) If the borrower has been requested to graduate and has also been denied a request for a subsequent loan, subordination, or consent to additional indebtedness, the borrower may appeal both issues.

§ 1951.266 - Special requirements for MFH borrowers.

All requirements of 7 CFR part 3560, subpart K must be met prior to graduation and acceptance of the full payment from an MFH borrower.

[69 FR 69105, Nov. 26, 2004]
§§ 1951.267-1951.299 - §[Reserved]
§ 1951.300 - OMB control number.

The reporting requirements contained in this regulation have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and have been assigned OMB control number 0575-0093.

Appendix - Exhibit A to Subpart F of Part 1951 [Reserved]
Appendix - Exhibit B to Subpart F of Part 1951—Suggested Outline for Seeking Information From Lenders on Credit Criteria for Graduation of Single Family Housing Loans
Date: Name of Lender: Title: Address: Name of County Supervisor: Service Area:

1. Is the lender interested in making loans to refinance rural housing borrowers? Yes:____; No:____.

If later, when?

How much credit does the lender expect to have available in the next three to four months for making such loans? $____________

In the next twelve (12) months? $____________

2. What are the loan terms? ____________

3. What is the current interest rate? ____________ □ Variable rate. □ Fixed rate.

If variable, how is it determined? ____________

4. Is a risk differential used in establishing interest rates charged for new customers? Yes: ____; No: ____.

If yes, explain:

5. What can a typical loan applicant be expected to pay for:

Dollars Or percent
a. Filing an application
b. Real estate appraisal
c. Credit report
d. Loan orgination fee
e. Loan closing costs

6. Is mortgage guarantee insurance required? Yes: ____; No: ____. If yes, how many years? ____. Cost? ____________.

7. Is there a minimum or maximum loan size policy? Yes: ____; No: ____.

If yes, explain:

8. Is there a minimum and maximum home value the lender will loan on? Yes: ____; No: ____. If yes, minimum: $____________; maximum: $____________.

9. Does the lender use a loan to market value ratio? ____________

10. Is there a minimum net and gross income criteria? Yes: ____; No: ____. If yes, net: $____________; gross: $____________.

11. Does the lender use a minimum loan or home value to income ratio? Yes: ____; No: ____. If yes, loan to income ratio: ____________ Value to income ratio: ____________

12. Is there a percentage of gross income a typical applicant should have available to pay housing costs? ____________

a. To pay for principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI)? ____%.

b. To pay for the total housing costs and other credit obligations? ____%.

13. Are there any age of home, housing type, site size, and/or geographic restriction policies? Yes: ____; No: ____.

If yes, List: 14. Other Comments:

15. For the purpose of reducing the number of inappropriate referrals, would the lender like the opportunity to review specific borrower financial information prior to the borrower being asked to file a formal application? Yes: ____; No: ____. If the answer is yes, only those borrowers who are listed on Form RD 1951-24 will be referred to the bank. The lenders should be advised, however, the information supplied to them will not include the borrower's name, social security number, exact address, or place of employment that could be used to link a specific borrower to the information being provided by Rural Development.

[48 FR 40203, Sept. 6, 1983; 48 FR 41142, Sept. 14, 1983]
cite as: 7 CFR 1951.252