Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 1710.100 - General.

(a) RUS makes loans and loan guarantees to finance the construction of electric distribution, transmission, and generation facilities, including system improvements and replacements, and cybersecurity and grid security improvements, required to furnish and improve electric service in rural areas, and for demand side management, efficiency, and energy conservation programs, and on-grid and off-grid renewable energy systems. In certain limited circumstances, and at the discretion of the Administrator, RUS may finance selected operating expenses of its borrowers. Loans made or guaranteed by the Administrator will be made in conformance with the RE Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.), and this chapter. The Administrator's decision to provide financing for selecting operating expenses may include, but is not limited to the following factors:

(1) The overall availability of funding compared to anticipated loan demand;

(2) The best interests of rural consumers;

(3) The protection of the Government's financial interest in existing loans and collateral; and

(4) Broader policy objectives, including directing benefits to disadvantaged communities, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and other priorities of the Secretary of Agriculture.

(b) RUS provides technical assistance to borrowers to aid the development or improvement of rural electric service and to protect RUS' loan security. Additional information is available at

(c) Provided funds are available for such purpose, RUS may refinance, as provided in § 1710.53, RUS Electric Program loans made or guaranteed for the purpose of furnishing and improving electric service in rural areas, and for the purpose of assisting electric borrowers to implement demand side management, energy efficiency and conservation programs, on-grid and off-grid renewable energy systems, and cybersecurity and grid security improvements.

[87 FR 74498, Dec. 6, 2022]
§ 1710.101 - Types of eligible borrowers.

(a) RUS makes loans to corporations, States, Tribes, territories, and subdivisions and agencies thereof; municipalities; people's utility districts; and cooperative, nonprofit, limited-dividend, or mutual associations that provide or propose to provide:

(1) The retail electric service needs of rural areas, or

(2) The power supply needs of distribution borrowers under the terms of power supply arrangement satisfactory to RUS, or

(3) Eligible purposes under the Rural Energy Savings Program, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy storage or energy conservation measures and related services, improvements, investments, financing or relending.

(b) In making loans, RUS gives preference to States, Tribes, territories, and subdivisions and agencies thereof; municipalities; people's utility districts; and cooperative, nonprofit, or limited-dividend associations. RUS does not make direct loans to individual consumers.

(c) For the purpose of determining eligibility of a distribution borrower not in default on the repayment of a loan made or guaranteed under the RE Act for a loan, loan guarantee, or lien accommodation, a default by a borrower from which a distribution borrower purchases wholesale power shall not:

(1) Be considered a default by the distribution borrower;

(2) Reduce the eligibility of the distribution borrower for assistance under the RE Act; or

(3) Be the cause, directly or indirectly, of imposing any requirement or restriction on the borrower as a condition of the assistance, except such requirements or restrictions as are necessary to implement a debt restructuring agreed on by the power supply borrower and RUS.

(d) For the purpose of determining the eligibility of a distribution borrower, RUS will consider whether the distribution borrower is current on its obligations to its wholesale power supplier under the RUS wholesale power contract.

(e) Nothing in paragraph (c) of this section relieves any distribution borrower that is a member of a power supply borrower in default on its obligations to RUS or operating under a debt restructuring agreement, of requirements set forth in RUS regulations, including, without limitation, § 1710.112(b)(6), or of any terms and conditions that the Administrator may otherwise impose on any borrower as a condition of obtaining a loan or loan guarantee (including, in appropriate cases, member guarantees).

(f) Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, former borrowers that have paid off all outstanding loans may reapply for a loan to serve RE Act beneficiary loads accruing from the time the former borrower's complete loan application is received by RUS. The determination of whether an area is rural will be based on the Census designation of the area at the time of the reapplication for a loan, if the area is not served by electric facilities financed by RUS. If the area is served by electric facilities financed by RUS, it will continue to be considered rural.

(g) Former borrowers that have prepaid all, or portions of outstanding insured and direct loans in accordance with RUS regulations must comply with the provisions of 7 CFR part 1786 before being considered eligible to borrow additional funds from RUS.

[58 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1993, as amended at 78 FR 73365, Dec. 5, 2013; 85 FR 18418, Apr. 2, 2020; 87 FR 73436, Nov. 30, 2022]
§ 1710.102 - Borrower eligibility for different types of loans.

(a) Insured loans under section 305. Insured loans are normally reserved for the financing of distribution and subtransmission facilities of both distribution and power supply borrowers, including, under certain circumstances, the implementation of demand side management, energy efficiency and energy conservation programs, and on grid and off grid renewable energy systems. In accordance with § 1710.110, the Administrator may require the borrower to obtain no more than 30 percent of the total debt financing required for a proposed project by means of a supplemental loan from another lender without an RUS guarantee.

(b) Direct loans under section 4. Direct loans are normally reserved for the financing of distribution and subtransmission facilities of both distribution and power supply borrowers, including, under certain circumstances, the implementation of demand side management, energy efficiency and energy conservation programs, and on grid and off grid renewable energy systems.

(c) One hundred percent loan guarantees under section 306. Both distribution and power supply borrowers are eligible for 100 percent loan guarantees under section 306 of the RE Act for any or all of the purposes set forth in § 1710.106, including, under certain circumstances, the implementation of demand side management, energy conservation programs, and on grid and off grid renewable energy systems. (See 7 CFR part 1712). These guarantees are normally used to finance bulk transmission and generation facilities, but they may also be used to finance distribution and subtransmission facilities. If a borrower applies for a section 306 loan guarantee to finance all or a portion of distribution and subtransmission facilities, such request will not affect the borrower's eligibility for an insured loan to finance any remaining portion of said facilities or for any future insured loan to finance other distribution or subtransmission facilities. A section 306 loan guarantee, however, may not be used to guarantee a supplemental loan required by § 1710.110.

(d) One hundred percent loan guarantees under section 306A. Under section 306A of the RE Act, both distribution and power supply borrowers are eligible under certain conditions to use an existing section 306 guarantee to refinance advances made on or before July 2, 1986 from a loan made by the Federal Financing Bank. (See 7 CFR part 1786.)

(e) Ninety percent guarantees of private-sector loans under section 311. Under section 311 of the RE Act, both distribution and power supply borrowers in the state of Alaska are eligible under certain conditions to obtain from RUS a 90 percent guarantee of a private-sector loan to refinance their Federal Financing Bank loans. (See 7 CFR part 1786.)

[57 FR 2832, Jan. 24, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1993; 66 FR 66294, Dec. 26, 2001; 78 FR 73365, Dec. 5, 2013]
§ 1710.103 - Area coverage.

(a) Borrowers shall make a diligent effort to extend electric service to all unserved persons within their service area who:

(1) Desire electric service; and

(2) Meet all reasonable requirements established by the borrower as a condition of service.

(b) If economically feasible and reasonable considering the cost of providing such service and/or the effects on all consumers' rates, such service shall be provided, to the maximum extent practicable, at the rates and minimum charges established in the borrower's rate schedules, without the payment by such persons, other than seasonal or temporary consumers, of a contribution in aid of construction. A seasonal consumer is one that demands electric service only during certain seasons of the year. A temporary consumer is a seasonal or year-round consumer that demands electric service over a period of less than five years.

(c) Borrowers may assess contributions in aid of construction provided such assessments are consistent with the policy set forth in this section.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 67404, Dec. 29, 1995]
§ 1710.104 - Service to non-RE Act beneficiaries.

(a) To the greatest extent practical, loans are limited to providing and improving electric facilities to serve consumers that are RE Act beneficiaries. When it is determined by the Administrator to be necessary in order to furnish or improve electric service in rural areas, loans may, under certain circumstances, be made to finance electric facilities to serve consumers that are not RE Act beneficiaries.

(b) Loan funds may be approved for facilities to serve non-RE Act beneficiaries only if:

(1) The primary purpose of the loan is to furnish or improve service for RE Act beneficiaries; and

(2) The use of loan funds to serve non-RE Act beneficiaries is necessary and incidental to the primary purpose of the loan.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992; 57 FR 4513, Feb. 5, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1993]
§ 1710.105 - State and Tribal regulatory approvals.

(a) In States or in Tribal areas where a borrower is required to obtain approval of a project or its financing from a State or Tribal regulatory authority, RUS requires that such approvals be obtained before the following types of loans are approved by RUS:

(1) Loans requiring an Environmental Impact Statement;

(2) Loans to finance generation and transmission facilities, when the loan request for such facilities is $25 million or more; and

(3) Loans for the purpose of assisting borrowers to implement demand side management and energy conservation programs and on and off grid renewable energy systems.

(b) In Tribal areas all borrowers are required to obtain approval of the project from the Tribal government or relevant Tribal regulatory body, before any loan is approved by RUS.

(c) At minimum, in the case of all loans in States or Tribal areas where State regulatory approval is required of the project or its financing, such State or Tribal approvals will be required before loan funds are advanced.

(d) In cases where State regulatory authority or Tribal government or relevant Tribal regulatory body approval has been obtained, but the borrower has failed to proceed with the project in a timely manner according to the schedule contained in the borrower's project design manual, or if there are cost overruns or other developments that threaten loan feasibility or security, RUS may require the borrower to obtain a reaffirmation of the project and its financing from the State or Tribal authority before any additional loan funds are advanced.

[87 FR 73436, Nov. 30, 2022]
§ 1710.106 - Uses of loan funds.

(a) Funds from loans made or guaranteed by RUS may be used to finance:

(1) Distribution facilities. (i) The construction of new distribution facilities or systems, the cost of system improvements and removals less salvage value, the cost of ordinary replacements and removals less salvage value, needed to meet load growth requirements, improve the quality of service, or replace existing facilities.

(ii) The purchase, rehabilitation and integration of existing distribution facilities and associated service territory when the acquisition is an incidental and necessary means of providing or improving service to persons in rural areas who are not receiving adequate central station service, and the borrower is unable to finance the acquisition from other sources. See § 1710.107.

(2) Transmission and generation facilities. (i) The construction of new transmission and generation facilities or systems, the cost of system improvements and removals, less salvage value, the cost of ordinary replacements and removals less salvage value, needed to meet load growth, improve the quality of service, or replace existing facilities.

(ii) The purchase of an ownership interest in new or existing transmission or generation facilities to serve RE Act beneficiaries.

(3) Headquarters Offices, Warehouse, and garage facilities. The purchase, remodeling, or construction of headquarters office, other headquarters facilities, warehouse, and garage facilities required for the operation of a borrower's system. See paragraph (b) of this section.

(4) Interest. The payment of interest on indebtedness incurred by a borrower to finance the construction of generation and transmission facilities during the period preceding the date such facilities are placed into service, if requested by the borrower and found necessary by RUS.

(5) Certain costs incurred in demand side management, energy conservation programs and on and off grid renewable energy systems.

(6) Eligible Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs pursuant to Subpart H of this part.

(7) Cybersecurity and grid security. Eligible cybersecurity and grid security improvements.

(8) Smart grid infrastructure. The purchase, installation, improvements, and investments in assets needed for a robust smart grid infrastructure capability that enables the utility to operate efficiently, improve its reliability, and enhance its ability to recover from disasters, physical or cyber-attacks, carry out energy efficiency and demand side management activities, and implement renewable energy technologies and cybersecurity and grid security strategies.

(i) Smart grid, grid security, or cybersecurity infrastructure financed under this section must relate to one or more electric utility or energy efficiency purpose. Loan proceeds under this section may not be used to solely finance retail broadband services.

(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(8)(i) of this section, a borrower is permitted to use up to 10 percent of the amount provided under this subpart to construct, improve, or acquire broadband infrastructure related to the project financed, subject to the requirements of 7 CFR part 1980, subpart M.

(b) In cases of financial hardship, as determined by the Administrator, loans may also be made to finance the following items:

(1) General plant equipment, including furniture, office, transportation, data processing and other work equipment; and

(2) Working capital required for the initial operation of a new system.

(c) RUS will not make loans to finance the following:

(1) Electric facilities, equipment, appliances, or wiring located inside the premises of the consumer, except for measures related to grid security, cybersecurity, or assets financed pursuant to an eligible EE Program, and qualifying items included in a loan for demand side management or energy resource conservation programs, or renewable energy systems.

(2) Facilities to serve consumers who are not RE Act beneficiaries unless those facilities are necessary and incidental to providing or improving electric service in rural areas (See § 1710.104).

(3) Any facilities or other purposes that a State regulatory authority having jurisdiction will not approve for inclusion in the borrower's rate base or will not otherwise allow rates sufficient to repay with interest the debt incurred for the facilities or other purposes.

(d) A distribution borrower may request a loan period of up to 4 years. Except in the case of loans for new generating and associated transmission facilities, a power supply borrower may request a loan period of not more than 4 years for transmission and substation facilities and improvements or replacements of generation facilities. The loan period for new generating facilities and DSM activities will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The Administrator may approve a loan period shorter than the period requested by the borrower, if in the Administrator's sole discretion, a loan made for the longer period would fail to meet RUS requirements for loan feasibility and loan security set forth in §§ 1710.112 and 1710.113, respectively.

(e)(1) If, in the sole discretion of the Administrator, the amount authorized for lending for municipal rate loans, hardship rate loans, and loan guarantees in a fiscal year is substantially less than the total amount eligible for RUS financing, RUS may limit the size, type, or purpose of loans approved during the fiscal year. Depending on the amount of the shortfall between the amount authorized for lending and the loan application inventory on hand for each type of loan, RUS may either reduce the amount on an equal proportion basis for all applicants for that type of loan based on the amount of funds for which the applicant is eligible or may shorten the loan period for which funding will be approved to less than the maximum of 4 years. All applications for the same type of loan approved during a fiscal year will be treated in the same manner, except that RUS will not limit funding to any borrower requesting a RUS loan or loan guarantee of $1 million or less. Should a shortfall or urgent need related to cybersecurity, grid security, or statutory preference become evident during a fiscal year, the Administrator may announce priorities in a public notice for utilizing available funds for the balance of the fiscal year.

(2) If RUS limits the amount of loan funds approved for borrowers, the Administrator shall provide public notice to all electric borrowers as early as possible in the fiscal year of the manner in which funding will be limited. The portion of the loan application that is not funded during that fiscal year may, at the borrower's option, be treated as a second loan application received by RUS at a later date. This date will be determined by RUS in the same manner for all affected loans and will be based on the availability of loan funds. The second loan application shall be considered complete except that the borrower must submit a certification from a duly authorized corporate official stating that funds are still needed for loan purposes specified in the original application and must notify RUS of any changes in its circumstances that materially affects the information contained in the original loan application or the primary support documents. See § 1710.401(f).

(f)(1) For borrowers having one or more loans approved on or after October 1, 1991, advances of funds will be made only for the primary budget purposes included in the loan as shown on RUS Form 740c as amended and approved by RUS, or on a construction work plan or a construction work plan amendment approved by RUS. Each advance will be charged to the oldest outstanding note(s) having unadvanced funds for the primary budget purpose for which the request for advances was made, regardless of whether such notes are associated with loans approved before or after October 1, 1991, unless any conditions on advances under any of these notes have not been met by the borrower.

(2) For borrowers whose most recent loan was approved before October 1, 1991, advances will be made on the oldest outstanding note having unadvanced funds, unless any conditions on advances under such note have not been met by the borrower.

(g) A borrower is permitted to use up to 10 percent of the amount provided under this part to construct, improve, or acquire broadband infrastructure related to the project financed, subject to the requirements of 7 CFR part 1980, subpart M.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1993; 60 FR 3730, Jan. 19, 1995; 62 FR 7922, Feb. 21, 1997; 64 FR 33178, June 22, 1999; 78 FR 73365, Dec. 5, 2013; 84 FR 32610, July 9, 2019; 85 FR 57081, Sept. 15, 2020; 87 FR 74498, Dec. 6, 2022; 87 FR 73436, Nov. 30, 2022]
§ 1710.107 - Amount lent for acquisitions.

The maximum amount that will be lent for an acquisition is limited to the value of the property, as determined by RUS. If the acquisition price exceeds this amount, the borrower shall provide the remainder without RUS financial assistance.

§ 1710.108 - Mergers and consolidations.

(a) RUS encourages its borrowers to consider merging or consolidating with another electric borrower when such action will contribute to greater operating efficiency and financial soundness.

(b) After a merger or consolidation, RUS will give priority consideration per § 1710.119 to the processing of loans for the surviving system to finance the integration and rehabilitation of electric facilities, if necessary, and the improvement or extension of electric service in rural areas. Such priority consideration will also be given in the case of a borrower that has merged or consolidated with an electric system that has not previously received RUS financial assistance, if such system was serving primarily rural residents at the time of the merger or consolidation and such rural residents will continue to be served by the merged or consolidated system. RUS does not make loans for costs incurred in effectuating mergers or consolidations, such as legal expenses or feasibility study costs.

§ 1710.109 - Reimbursement of general funds and interim financing.

(a) Borrowers may request that a loan include funds to reimburse general funds and/or replace interim financing used to finance equipment and facilities that were included in an RUS-approved construction work plan, energy efficiency and conservation program work plan, work plan amendment or other RUS-approved plan, and for which loan funds have not been provided by RUS. Such reimbursement and/or replacement of interim financing may include the direct costs of procurement and construction, as well as the related cost of engineering, architectural, environmental and other studies and plans needed to support the project, when such cost is capitalized as part of the cost of the facilities.

(b) If procurement and/or construction of the equipment and facilities was completed prior to the current loan period, reimbursement, including replacement of interim financing, will be limited, except in cases of extreme financial hardship as determined by the Administrator, to the cost of procurement and construction completed during the period immediately preceding the current loan period, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section. As defined in § 1710.2, the loan period begins on the date shown on page 1 of RUS Form 740c, Cost Estimates and Loan Budget for Electric Borrowers.

(c) The period immediately preceding the current loan period for which reimbursement and replacement of interim financing is authorized under paragraph (b) of this section is 48 months. Policies for reimbursement of general funds and interim financing following certain mergers, consolidations, and transfers of systems substantially in their entirety are set forth in 7 CFR 1717.154.

(d) If the reimbursement of general funds and/or replacement of interim financing is for approved expenditures for equipment and facilities whose procurement and/or construction is completed during the current loan period, the time limits of paragraph (c) of this section do not apply.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1993; 61 FR 66870, Dec. 19, 1996; 78 FR 73366, Dec. 5, 2013; 86 FR 36196, July 9, 2021]
§ 1710.110 - Supplemental financing.

(a) Except in the case of financial hardship as determined by the Administrator, and following certain mergers, consolidations, and transfers of systems substantially in their entirety as set forth in 7 CFR 1717.154, applicants for a municipal rate loan will be required to obtain a portion of their loan funds from a supplemental source without an RUS guarantee, in the amounts set forth in paragraph (c) of this section. RUS will normally grant a lien accommodation to the supplemental lender. RUS does not require supplemental financing in conjunction with an RUS guaranteed loan. However, if a borrower elects to obtain supplemental financing in conjunction with a guaranteed loan, the granting of RUS's loan guarantee may be conditioned on the borrower's obtaining supplemental financing.

(b) The terms and conditions of supplemental financing and any security offered to the supplemental lender are subject to RUS approval. Generally, supplemental loans must have the same final maturity and be amortized in the same manner as RUS loans made concurrently. Borrowers may elect to repay the loans either in substantially equal periodic installments covering interest and principal, or in periodic installments that include interest and level amortization of principal.

(c) Supplemental financing required for municipal rate loans—(1) Distribution borrowers. (i) Distribution borrowers that had, as of December 31, 1980, an average consumer density of 2 or fewer consumers per mile or an average adjusted plant revenue ratio (APRR), as defined in § 1710.2, of over 9.0 shall obtain supplemental financing equal to 10 percent of their loan request.

(ii) All other distribution borrowers must obtain supplemental financing according to their plant revenue ratio (PRR), as defined in § 1710.2, based on the most recent year-end data available on the date of loan approval, as follows:

PRR Supplemental loan percentage
9.00 and above10
8.00 and below30

(iii) If a distribution borrower enters into a merger, consolidation, or transfer of system substantially in its entirety, and the provisions of 7 CFR 1717.154(b) do not apply, required supplemental financing will be determined as follows for loans approved by RUS after December 19, 1996. If one of the merging parties met the criteria in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section prior to the effective date of the merger consolidation or transfer, the borrower will be required to obtain supplemental financing equal to 10 percent of any loan funds requested for facilities to serve consumers located in the territory formerly served by the “paragraph (c)(1)(i)” borrower. The required amount of supplemental financing for the rest of the loan will be determined according to the provisions of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section.

(2) Power supply borrowers. The supplemental loan proportion required of a power supply borrower is based on the simple arithmetic mean of the supplemental loan proportions required of the borrower's distribution members.

(3) Subsequent loans. (i) If more than 5 percent of an insured loan made prior to November 1, 1993, or of a municipal rate loan is terminated or rescinded, the amount of supplemental financing required in the borrower's next loan after the rescission for which supplemental financing is required, pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, will be adjusted to average the actual supplemental financing portion on the terminated or rescinded loan with the supplemental financing portion that would have been required on the new loan according to paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section, in accordance with the formulas set forth in paragraphs (c)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section.

(ii) If a borrower's supplemental financing requirement as set forth in paragraphs (a), (c)(1), and (c)(2) of this section has not changed between the most recent loan and the loan being considered, then the amount of supplemental financing required for the new loan will be computed as follows:

Supplemental financing amount, new loan = [(A + B) × C] − D where: A = The total funds ($) actually advanced from the first loan, including both RUS loan funds and funds from the supplemental loan, plus any unadvanced funds still available to the borrower after the rescission. B = The total amount ($) for facilities of the new loan request, including both RUS loan funds and funds from supplemental loans. C = The proportion (%) of supplemental financing required on the loans according to paragraphs (a), (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section. D = The amount ($) of supplemental funds actually advanced on the first loan, plus any unadvanced supplemental funds still available to the borrower after the rescission.

(iii) If a borrower's supplemental financing requirement as set forth in paragraphs (a), (c)(1), and (c)(2) of this section has changed between the most recent loan and the loan being considered, then the amount of supplemental financing required for the new loan will be the weighted average of the portions otherwise applicable on the two loans and will be computed as follows:

Supplemental financing amount, new loan = (A × C1) + (B × C2)−D where: A = The total funds ($) actually advanced from the first loan, including both RUS loan funds and funds from the supplemental loan, plus any unadvanced funds still available to the borrower after the rescission. B = The total amount ($) for facilities of the new loan request, including both RUS funds and funds from supplemental loans. C1 = The proportion (%) of supplemental financing required on the old loan according to paragraphs (a), (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section. C2 = The proportion (%) of supplemental financing required on the new loan according to paragraphs (a), (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section. D = The amount ($) of supplemental funds actually advanced on the first loan, plus any unadvanced supplemental funds still available to the borrower after the rescission.

(d) Supplemental financing will not be required in connection with hardship rate loans. Borrowers that qualify for hardship rate loans but elect to take municipal rate loans instead, will be required to obtain supplemental financing pursuant to this section, unless at the time of loan approval, there are no funds remaining available for hardship loans, in which case supplemental financing will not be required.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1993; 60 FR 3730, Jan. 19, 1995; 61 FR 66870, Dec. 19, 1996]
§ 1710.111 - Refinancing.

(a) RUS makes loans or loan guarantees to refinance the outstanding indebtedness of borrowers in the following cases:

(1) Loans or loan guarantees to refinance long-term debt owed by borrowers to the Tennessee Valley Authority for credit extended under the terms of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, as amended.

(2) Loan guarantees made in accordance with the provisions of section 306A of the RE Act to prepay a loan (or any loan advance thereunder) made by the Federal Financing Bank.

(b) In certain circumstances, RUS may make a loan to replace interim financing obtained for the construction of facilities (See § 1710.109).

§ 1710.112 - Loan feasibility.

(a) RUS will make a loan only if there is reasonable assurance that the loan, together with all outstanding loans and other obligations of the borrower, will be repaid in full as scheduled, in accordance with the mortgage, notes, and loan contracts. The borrower must provide evidence satisfactory to the Administrator that the loan will be repaid in full as scheduled, and that all other obligations of the borrower will be met.

(b) Based on evidence submitted by the borrower and other information, RUS will use the following criteria to evaluate loan feasibility:

(1) Projections of power requirements, rates, revenues, expenses, margins, and other factors for the present system and proposed additions are based on reasonable assumptions and adequate supporting data and analysis, including analysis of a range of assumptions for the significant variables, when required by § 1710.300(d)(5).

(2) Projected revenues from the rates proposed by the borrower are adequate to meet the required TIER and DSC ratios based on the borrower's total costs, including the projected maximum debt service cost of the new loan.

(3) The economics of the borrower's operations and service area are such that consumers can reasonably be expected to pay the proposed rates required to cover all expenses and meet RUS TIER and DSC requirements, and the borrower can reasonably compete with other utilities and other energy sources to prevent substantial load loss while providing satisfactory service to its consumers.

(4) Risks of possible loss of substantial loads from large consumers or from load concentrations in particular industries will not substantially impair loan feasibility.

(5) Risks of loss of portions of the borrower's service territory from annexation or other causes will not substantially impair loan feasibility. If there appears to be a substantial risk, RUS may require additional information from the borrower, such as a summary and analysis of the risk by the borrower; state, county or local planning reports having information on projected growth or expansion plans of local communities; annexation plans of the municipalities in question; and any other relevant information.

(6) In states where rates or investment decisions are subject to approval by state regulatory authorities, there is reasonable expectation that such approvals will be forthcoming to enable repayment of the loan in full according to its terms.

(7) The experience and performance of the system's management is acceptable.

(8) In the case of joint ventures, the borrower has sufficient management control or other contractual safeguards with respect to the construction and operation of the jointly owned facility to ensure that the borrower's interests are protected and the credit risk is minimized.

(9) The borrower has implemented adequate financial and management controls and there are and have been no significant financial or other irregularities.

(10) The borrower's projected capitalization, measured by its equity as a percentage of total assets, is adequate to enable the borrower to meet its financial needs and to provide service consistent with the RE Act. Among the factors to be considered in reviewing the borrower's projected capitalization are the economic strength of the borrower's service territory, the inherent cost of providing service to the territory, the disparity in rates between the borrower and neighboring utilities, the intensity of competition faced by the borrower from neighboring utilities and other power sources, and the relative amount of new capital investment required to serve existing or new loads.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992; 57 FR 4513, Feb. 5, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 3731, Jan. 19, 1995; 63 FR 51793, Sept. 29, 1998; 84 FR 32610, July 9, 2019]
§ 1710.113 - Loan security.

(a) RUS makes loans only if, in the judgment of the Administrator, the security therefor is reasonably adequate and the loan will be repaid according to its terms within the time agreed.

(b) RUS generally requires that borrowers provide it with a first lien on all of the borrower's real and personal property, including intangible personal property and any property acquired after the date of the loan. This lien shall be in the form of a mortgage by the borrower to the Government or a deed of trust between the borrower and a trustee satisfactory to the Administrator, together with such security documents as RUS may deem necessary in a particular case.

(c)(1) When a borrower is unable by reason of preexisting encumbrances, or otherwise, to furnish a first mortgage lien on its entire system the Administrator may accept other forms of security, such as a pledge of revenues, if he or she determines such security is reasonably adequate and the form and nature thereof is otherwise acceptable.

(2) The Administrator, at his or her discretion, may approve the use of an indenture patterned after those indentures commonly used by utilities engaged in private market financing, in lieu of a mortgage as the security instrument for loans to power supply borrowers. The use of an indenture will be by mutual agreement of the borrower and the Administrator. The terms of each indenture and related loan agreement will be negotiated on a case by case basis to best meet the needs of the individual borrower and the Government. The provisions of the indenture and loan contract shall control, notwithstanding any provisions of 7 CFR Chapter XVII which may be in conflict therewith.

(d) In the case of loans that include the financing of electric facilities that are operated as an integral component of a non-RUS financed system (such as generation and transmission facilities co-owned with other electric utilities), the borrower shall, in addition to the mortgage lien on all of the borrower's electric facilities, furnish adequate assurance, in the form of contractual or other security arrangements, that the system will be operated on an efficient and continuous basis. Satisfactory evidence must also be provided that the non-RUS financed system is financially sound and under capable management. Examples of such evidence include financial reports, annual reports, Security and Exchange Commission 10K reports if the system is required to file them, credit reports from Standard and Poor's, Moodys or other recognized sources, reports to state regulatory authorities and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and evidence of a successful track record in related construction projects.

(e) Additional controls on the borrower's financial, investment and managerial activities appear in the loan contract and mortgage required by RUS.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 62 FR 7665, Feb. 20, 1997]
§ 1710.114 - TIER, DSC, OTIER and ODSC requirements.

(a) General. Requirements for coverage ratios are set forth in the borrower's mortgage, loan contract, or other contractual agreements with RUS. Nothing in this section, however, shall limit the Administrator's ability to contractually agree to a different ratio provided in this section when doing so would advance or protect the interests of the government.

(b) Coverage ratios. (1) The minimum coverage ratios required of distribution borrowers whether applied on an annual or average basis of the 2 best years out of the 3 most recent calendar years, are a TIER of 1.25, DSC of 1.25. Further, the minimum coverage ratios required of distribution borrowers whether applied on an annual or average basis of the 2 best years out of the 3 most recent calendar years are an OTIER and ODSC of 1.1 or an MTIER and MDSC of 1.1.

(2) The minimum coverage ratios required of power supply borrowers, whether applied on an annual or average basis, are a TIER of 1.05 and DSC of 1.00.

(3) When new loan contracts are executed, the Administrator may, case by case, increase the coverage ratios of distribution and power supply borrowers above the levels cited in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2), respectively, of this section if the Administrator determines that the higher ratios are required to ensure reasonable security for and/or the repayment of loans made or guaranteed by RUS. Also, the Administrator may, case by case, reduce said coverage ratios if the Administrator determines that the lower ratios are required to ensure reasonable security for and/or the repayment of loans made or guaranteed by RUS. Policies for coverage ratios following certain mergers, consolidations, and transfers of systems substantially in their entirety are in 7 CFR 1717.155.

(4) If a distribution borrower has in service or under construction a substantial amount of generation and associated transmission plant financed at a cost of capital substantially higher than the cost of funds under section 305 of the RE Act, then the Administrator may establish, in his or her sole discretion, blended levels for TIER, DSC, OTIER, and ODSC based on the respective shares of total utility plant represented by said generation and associated transmission plant and by distribution and other transmission plant.

(c) Requirements for loan feasibility. To be eligible for a loan, borrowers must demonstrate to RUS that they will, on a pro forma basis, earn the coverage ratios required by paragraph (b) of this section in each of the years included in the borrower's long-range financial forecast prepared in support of its loan application, as set forth in subpart G of this part.

(d) Requirements for maintenance of coverage ratios—(1) Prospective requirement. Borrowers must design and implement rates for utility service to provide sufficient revenue (along with other revenue available to the borrower in the case of TIER and DSC) to pay all fixed and variable expenses, to provide and maintain reasonable working capital and to maintain on an annual basis the coverage ratios required by paragraph (b) of this section. Rates must be designed and implemented to produce at least enough revenue to meet the requirements of this paragraph under the assumption that average weather conditions in the borrower's service territory will prevail in the future, including average system damage and outages due to weather and the related costs. Failure to design and implement rates pursuant to the requirements of this paragraph shall be an event of default upon notice provided in accordance with the terms of the borrower's mortgage or loan contract.

(2) Retrospective requirement. The average coverage ratios achieved by a borrower in the 2 best years out of the 3 most recent calendar years must meet the levels required by paragraph (b) of this section. If a borrower fails to achieve these average levels, it must promptly notify RUS in writing. Within 30 days of such notification or of the borrower being notified in writing by RUS, whichever is earlier, the borrower, in consultation with RUS, must provide a written plan satisfactory to RUS setting forth the actions that will be taken to achieve the required coverage ratios on a timely basis. Failure to develop and implement a plan satisfactory to RUS shall be an event of default upon notice provided in accordance with the terms of the borrower's mortgage or loan contract.

(3) Fixed and variable expenses, as used in this section, include but are not limited to: all taxes, depreciation, maintenance expenses, and the cost of electric power and energy and other operating expenses of the electric system, including all obligations under the wholesale power contract, all lease payments when due, and all principal and interest payments on outstanding indebtedness when due.

(e) Requirements for advance of funds. (1) If a borrower applying for a loan has failed to achieve the coverage ratios required by paragraph (b) of this section during the latest 12 month period immediately preceding approval of the loan, or if any of the borrower's average coverage ratios for the 2 best years out of the most recent 3 calendar years were below the levels required in paragraph (b) of this section, RUS may withhold the advance of loan funds until the borrower has adopted an annual financial plan and operating budget satisfactory to RUS and taken such other action as RUS may require to demonstrate that the required coverage ratios will be maintained in the future and that the loan will be repaid with interest within the time agreed. Such other action may include, for example, increasing system operating efficiency and reducing costs or adopting a rate design that will achieve the required coverage ratios, and either placing such rates into effect or taking action to obtain regulatory authority approval of such rates. If failure to achieve the coverage ratios is due to unusual events beyond the control of the borrower, such as unusual weather, system outage due to a storm or regulatory delay in approving rate increases, then the Administrator may waive the requirement that the borrower take the remedial actions set forth in this paragraph, provided that such waiver will not threaten loan feasibility.

(2) With respect to any outstanding loan approved by RUS if, based on actual or projected financial performance of the borrower, RUS determines that the borrower may not achieve its required coverage ratios in the current or future years, RUS may withhold the advance of loan funds until the borrower has taken remedial action satisfactory to RUS.

[60 FR 67404, Dec. 29, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 66871, Dec. 19, 1996; 65 FR 51748, Aug. 25, 2000; 88 FR 12810, Mar. 1, 2023]
§ 1710.115 - Final maturity.

(a) RUS is authorized to make loans and loan guarantees with a final maturity of up to 35 years. The borrower may elect a repayment period for a loan not longer than the expected useful life of the facilities, not to exceed 35 years. Most of the electric facilities financed by RUS have a long useful life, often approximating 35 years. Some facilities, such as load management equipment and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition equipment, have a much shorter useful life due, in part, to obsolescence. Operating loans to finance working capital required for the initial operation of a new system are a separate class of loans and usually have a final maturity of less than 10 years.

(b) Loans made or guaranteed by RUS for facilities owned by the borrower generally must be repaid with interest within a period, up to 35 years, that approximates the expected useful life of the facilities financed. The expected useful life shall be based on the weighted average of the useful lives that the borrower proposes for the facilities financed by the loan, provided that the proposed useful lives are deemed appropriate by RUS. RUS Form 740c, Cost Estimates and Loan Budget for Electric Borrowers, submitted as part of the loan application must include, as a note, either a statement certifying that at least 90 percent of the loan funds are for facilities that have a useful life of 33 years or longer, or a schedule showing the costs and useful life of those facilities with a useful life of less than 33 years. If the useful life determination proposed by the borrower is not deemed appropriate by RUS, RUS will base expected useful life on an independent evaluation, the manufacturer's estimated useful-life or RUS experience with like-property, as applicable. Final maturities for loans for the implementation of programs for demand side management and energy resource conservation and on and off grid renewable energy sources not owned by the borrower will be determined by RUS. Due to the uncertainty of predictions over an extended period of time, RUS may add up to 2 years to the composite average useful life of the facilities in order to determine final maturity.

(c) The term for loans made to finance Eligible EE Programs will be determined in accordance with § 1710.408 of this part.

(d) The Administrator may approve a repayment period longer than the expected useful life of the facilities financed, up to 35 years, if a longer final maturity is required to ensure repayment of the loan and loan security is adequate.

(e) The final maturity of a loan established pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not be extended as a result of extending loan payments under section 12(a) of the RE Act.

[58 FR 66265, Dec. 20, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 3731, Jan. 19, 1995; 68 FR 54236, May 7, 2003; 78 FR 73366, Dec. 5, 2013]
§ 1710.116 - [Reserved]
§ 1710.117 - Environmental review requirements.

Borrowers are required to comply with the environmental review requirements in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970, and other applicable environmental laws, regulations and Executive orders.

[81 FR 11026, Mar. 2, 2016]
§ 1710.118 - [Reserved]
§ 1710.119 - Loan processing priorities.

(a) Generally loans are processed in chronological order based on the date the complete application is received in the Regional office.

(b) The Administrator may give priority to processing loans that are required to meet the following needs:

(1) To restore electric service following a major storm or other catastrophe;

(2) To bring existing electric facilities into compliance with any environmental requirements imposed by Federal or state law that were not in effect at the time the facilities were originally constructed;

(3) To finance the capital needs of borrowers that are the result of a merger, consolidation, or a transfer of a system substantially in its entirety, provided that the merger, consolidation, or transfer has either been approved by RUS or does not need RUS approval pursuant to the borrower's loan documents (See 7 CFR 1717.154); or

(4) To correct serious safety problems, other than those resulting from borrower mismanagement or negligence.

(c) The Administrator may also change the normal order of processing loan applications when it is necessary to ensure that all loan authority for the fiscal year is utilized.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 61 FR 66871, Dec. 19, 1996]
§ 1710.120 - Construction standards and contracting.

Borrowers shall follow all RUS requirements regarding construction work plans, energy efficiency and conservation program work plans, construction standards, approved materials, construction and related contracts, inspection procedures, and bidding procedures.

[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 78 FR 73366, Dec. 5, 2013]
§ 1710.121 - Insurance requirements.

Borrowers are required to comply with certain requirements with respect to insurance and fidelity coverage as set forth in 7 CFR part 1788.

§ 1710.122 - Equal opportunity and nondiscrimination.

Borrowers are required to comply with certain regulations on nondiscrimination in program services and benefits and on equal employment opportunity as set forth in RUS Bulletins 20-15 and 20-19 or their successors; 7 CFR parts 15 and 15b; and 45 CFR part 90.

§ 1710.123 - Debarment and suspension.

Borrowers are required to comply with certain requirements on debarment and suspension as set forth in 2 CFR part 180, as adopted by USDA through 2 CFR part 417.

[79 FR 76002, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 1710.124 - Uniform Relocation Act.

Borrowers are required to comply with applicable provisions of 49 CFR part 24, which sets forth the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91-646; 84 Stat. 1894), as amended by the Uniform Relocation Act Amendments of 1987 (Pub. L. 100-17; 101 Stat. 246-256) and the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991.

§ 1710.125 - Restrictions on lobbying.

Borrowers are required to comply with certain requirements with respect to restrictions on lobbying activities. See 2 CFR part 418.

[79 FR 76002, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 1710.126 - Federal debt delinquency.

(a) Prior to approval of a loan or advance of funds, a borrower must report to RUS whether or not it is delinquent on any Federal debt, such as Federal income tax obligations or a loan or loan guarantee from another Federal agency. If delinquent, the reasons for the delinquency must be explained, and RUS will take such explanation into consideration in deciding whether to approve the loan or advance of funds.

(b) Applicants for a loan or loan guarantee must also certify that they have been informed of the collection options the Federal government may use to collect delinquent debt.

§ 1710.127 - Drug free workplace.

Borrowers are required to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 8101 et. seq.) and the Act's implementing regulations (2 CFR part 421) when a borrower receives a Federal grant or enters into a procurement contract awarded pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (title 48 CFR) to sell to a Federal agency property or services having a value of $25,000 or more.

[79 FR 76002, Dec. 19, 2014]
§§ 1710.128-1710.149 - §[Reserved]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 901
source: 57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 1710.119