Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 1717.650 - Purpose.

This subpart sets forth general regulations for implementing and interpreting provisions of the RUS mortgage and loan contract regarding investments, loans, and guarantees made by electric borrowers, as well as the provisions of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, including section 312 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) (RE Act), permitting, in certain circumstances, that electric borrowers under the RE Act may, without restriction or prior approval of the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service (RUS), invest their own funds and make loans or guarantees.

§ 1717.651 - General.

(a) Policy. RUS electric borrowers are encouraged to utilize their own funds to participate in the economic development of rural areas, provided that such activity does not in any way put government funds at risk or impair a borrower's ability to repay its indebtedness to RUS and other lenders. In considering whether to make loans, investments, or guarantees, borrowers are expected to act in accordance with prudent business practices and in conformity with the laws of the jurisdictions in which they serve. RUS assumes that borrowers will use the latitude afforded them by section 312 of the RE Act primarily to make needed investments in rural community infrastructure projects (such as water and waste systems, garbage collection services, etc.) and in job creation activities (such as providing technical, financial, and managerial assistance) and other activities to promote business development and economic diversification in rural communities. Nonetheless, RUS believes that borrowers should continue to give primary consideration to safety and liquidity in the management of their funds.

(b) Applicability of this subpart. This subpart applies to all distribution and power supply borrowers regardless of when their loan contract or mortgage was executed.

§ 1717.652 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart:

Borrower means any organization that has an outstanding loan made or guaranteed by RUS for rural electrification.

Cash-construction fund-trustee account means the account described in the Uniform System of Accounts as one to which funds are deposited for financing the construction or purchase of electric facilities.

Distribution borrower means a Distribution Borrower as defined in 7 CFR 1710.2.

Electric system means all of the borrower's interests in all electric production, transmission, distribution, conservation, load management, general plant and other related facilities, equipment or property and in any mine, well, pipeline, plant, structure or other facility for the development, production, manufacture, storage, fabrication or processing of fossil, nuclear, or other fuel or in any facility or rights with respect to the supply of water, in each case for use, in whole or in major part, in any of the borrower's generating plants, including any interest or participation of the borrower in any such facilities or any rights to the output or capacity thereof, together with all lands, easements, rights-of-way, other works, property, structures, contract rights and other tangible and intangible assets of the borrower in each case used or useful in such electric system.

Equity means the Margins and Equities of the borrower as defined in the Uniform System of Accounts, less regulatory created assets.

Guarantee means to undertake collaterally to answer for the payment of another's debt or the performance of another's duty, liability, or obligation, including, without limitation, the obligations of subsidiaries. Some examples of such guarantees include guarantees of payment or collection on a note or other debt instrument (assuring returns on investments); issuing performance bonds or completion bonds; or cosigning leases or other obligations of third parties.

Invest means to commit money in order to earn a financial return on assets, including, without limitation, all investments properly recorded on the borrower's books and records in investment accounts as those accounts are used in the Uniform System of Accounts for RUS Borrowers. Borrowers may submit any proposed transaction to RUS for an interpretation of whether the action is an investment for the purposes of this definition.

Make loans means to lend out money for temporary use on condition of repayment, usually with interest.

Mortgaged property means any asset of the borrower which is pledged in the RUS mortgage.

Natural gas distribution system means any system of community infrastructure that distributes natural gas and whose services are available by design to all or a substantial portion of the members of the community.

Operating DSC means Operating Debt Service Coverage (ODSC) of the borrower's electric system calculated as:

where: All amounts are for the same year and are based on the RUS system of accounts; A = Depreciation and Amortization Expense of the electric system; B = Interest on Long-term Debt of the electric system, except that Interest on Long-term Debt shall be increased by 1/3 of the amount, if any, by which the rentals of Restricted Property of the electric system exceed 2 percent of Total Margins and Equities; C = Patronage Capital & Operating Margins of the electric system (distribution borrowers) or Operating Margins of the electric system (power supply borrowers); and D = Debt Service Billed (RUS + other) which equals all interest and principal billed or billable during the calendar year for long-term debt of the electric system plus 1/3 of the amount, if any, by which the rentals of Restricted Property of the electric system exceed 2 percent of Total Margins and Equities. Unless otherwise indicated, all terms used in defining ODSC and OTIER are as defined in RUS Bulletin 1717B-2 Instructions for the Preparation of the Financial and Statistical Report for Electric Distribution Borrowers, and RUS Bulletin 1717B-3 Instructions for the Preparation of the Operating Report for Power Supply Borrowers and for Distribution Borrowers with Generating Facilities, or the successors to these bulletins.

Operating TIER means Operating Times Interest Earned Ratio (OTIER) of the borrower's electric system calculated as:

where: All amounts are for the same year and are based on the RUS system of accounts; A = Interest on Long-term Debt of the electric system, except that Interest on Long-term Debt shall be increased by 1/3 of the amount, if any, by which the rentals of Restricted Property of the electric system exceed 2 percent of Total Margins and Equities; and B = Patronage Capital & Operating Margins of the electric system (distribution borrowers) or Operating Margins of the electric system (power supply borrowers).

Own funds means money belonging to the borrower other than funds on deposit in the cash-construction fund-trustee account.

Power supply borrower means a Power Supply Borrower as defined in 7 CFR 1710.2.

Regulatory created assets means the sum of the amounts properly recordable in Account 182.2 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs, and Account 182.3 Other Regulatory Assets of the Uniform System of Accounts.

RUS means the Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture established pursuant to Section 232 of the Federal Crop Insurance Reform and Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-354, 108 Stat. 3178, 7 U.S.C. 6941 et seq.) and, for purposes of this subpart, includes its predecessor, the Rural Electrification Administration.

RUS loan contract means the loan contract between the borrower and RUS.

RUS mortgage means any and all instruments creating a lien on or security interest in the borrower's assets in connection with loans or guarantees under the RE Act.

Solid waste disposal system means any system of community infrastructure that provides collection and/or disposal of solid waste and whose services are available by design to all or a substantial portion of the members of the community.

Subsidiary means a company which is controlled by the borrower through ownership of voting stock, and is further defined in 7 CFR 1767.10.

Supplemental lender means a lender that has provided a supplemental source of financing that is secured by the RUS mortgage.

Telecommunication and other electronic communication system means any community infrastructure that provides telecommunication or other electronic communication services and whose services are available by design to all or a substantial portion of the members of the community.

Total assets means the total assets of the borrower as calculated according to the Uniform System of Accounts, less regulatory created assets.

Total utility plant means the sum of the borrower's Electric Plant Accounts and Construction Work in Progress—Electric Accounts, as such terms are used in the Uniform System of Accounts.

Uniform System of Accounts means the system of accounts prescribed for RUS borrowers in 7 CFR part 1767.

Water and waste disposal system means any system of community infrastructure that supplies water and/or collects and treats waste water and whose services are available by design to all or a substantial portion of the members of the community.

§ 1717.653 - Borrowers in default.

Any borrower not in compliance with all provisions of its mortgage, loan contract, or any other agreements with RUS must, unless the borrower's mortgage, loan contract, or other agreement with RUS specifically provides otherwise with respect to such a borrower:

(a) Obtain prior written approval from the Administrator to invest its own funds or to make loans or guarantees regardless of the aggregate amount of such investments, loans, or guarantees; and

(b) If requested by the Administrator, restructure or reduce the amount of its investments, loans, and guarantees to a level determined by the Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, to be in the financial interest of the government with respect to loan security and/or repayment. If the borrower does not so restructure or reduce its portfolio within a reasonable period of time determined by the Administrator, which shall not exceed 12 months from the date the borrower was notified of the required action, then, upon written notice from RUS, the borrower shall be in default of its RUS loan contract and mortgage.

§ 1717.654 - Transactions below the 15 percent level.

(a) A borrower in compliance with all provisions of its RUS mortgage, RUS loan contract, and any other agreements with RUS may, without prior written approval of the Administrator, invest its own funds or make loans or guarantees not in excess of 15 percent of its total utility plant without regard to any provision contained in any RUS mortgage or RUS loan contract to the effect that the borrower must obtain prior approval from RUS, provided, however, that the borrower may not, without the prior written approval of the Administrator, make such investments, loans, and guarantees to extend, add to, or modify its electric system. Moreover, funds necessary to make timely payments of principal and interest on loans secured by the RUS mortgage remain subject to RUS controls on borrower investments, loans and guarantees.

(b) RUS will not consider requests from borrowers to exclude investments, loans, or guarantees made below the 15 percent level. (Categorical exclusions are set forth in § 1717.655.)

§ 1717.655 - Exclusion of certain investments, loans, and guarantees.

(a) In calculating the amount of investments, loans and guarantees permitted under this subpart, there is excluded from the computation any investment, loan or guarantee of the type which by the terms of the borrower's RUS mortgage or RUS loan contract the borrower may make in unlimited amounts without RUS approval.

(b) Furthermore, the borrower may make unlimited investments, without prior approval of the Administrator, in:

(1) Securities or deposits issued, guaranteed or fully insured as to payment by the United States Government or any agency thereof;

(2) Capital term certificates, bank stock, or other similar securities of the supplemental lender which have been purchased as a condition of membership in the supplemental lender, or as a condition of receiving financial assistance from such lender, as well as any other investment made in, or loans made to, the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation, the Saint Paul Bank for Cooperatives, and CoBank, ACB;

(3) Patronage capital allocated from an electric power supply cooperative of which the borrower is a member; and

(4) Patronage capital allocated from an electric distribution cooperative to a power supply borrower.

(c) Without prior approval of the Administrator, the borrower may also:

(1) Invest or lend funds derived directly from:

(i) Grants which the borrower in not obligated to repay, regardless of the source or purpose of the grant; and

(ii) Loans received from or guaranteed by any Federal, State or local government program designed to promote rural economic development, provided that the borrower uses the loan proceeds for such purpose;

(2) Make loans guaranteed by an agency of USDA, up to the amount of principal whose repayment, with interest, is fully guaranteed; and

(3)(i) Make unlimited investments in and unlimited loans to finance the following community infrastructure that serves primarily consumers located in rural areas as defined in 7 CFR 1710.2, and guarantee debt issued for the construction or acquisition of such infrastructure, up to an aggregate amount of such guarantees not to exceed 20 percent of the borrower's equity:

(A) Water and waste disposal systems;

(B) Solid waste disposal systems;

(C) Telecommunication and other electronic communication systems; and

(D) Natural gas distribution systems.

(ii) In each of the four cases in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, if the system is a component of a larger organization other than the borrower itself (e.g., if it is a component of a subsidiary of the borrower or a corporation independent of the borrower), to be eligible for the exemption the borrower must certify annually that a majority of the gross revenues of the larger organization during the most recent fiscal year came from customers of said system who were located in a rural area.

(d) Also excluded from the calculation of investments, loans and guarantees made by the borrower are:

(1) Amounts properly recordable in Account 142 Customer Accounts Receivable, and Account 143 Other Accounts Receivable;

(2) Any investment, loan, or guarantee that the borrower is required to make by an agency of USDA, for example, as a condition of obtaining financial assistance for itself or any other person or organization;

(3) Investments included in an irrevocable trust for the purpose of funding post-retirement benefits of the borrower's employees;

(4) Reserves required by a reserve bond agreement or other agreement legally binding on the borrower, that are dedicated to making required payments on debt secured under the RUS mortgage, not to exceed the amount of reserves specifically required by such agreements; and

(5) Investments included in an irrevocable trust approved by RUS and dedicated to the payment of decommissioning costs of nuclear facilities of the borrower.

(e) Grandfathered exclusions. All amounts of individual investments, loans, and guarantees excluded by RUS as of February 16, 1995 shall remain excluded. Such exclusions must have been based on the RUS mortgage, RUS loan contract, regulations, bulletins, memoranda, or other written notice from RUS. Profits, interest, and other returns earned (regardless of whether or not they are reinvested) on such investments, loans and guarantees after February 16, 1995 shall be excluded only if they are eligible for exclusion under paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. Any new commitments of money to such investments, loans and guarantees shall likewise be excluded only if they are eligible under paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.

(f) Any investment, loan or guarantee made by a borrower that is not excluded under this section or under § 1717.657(d) shall be included in the aggregate amount of investments, loans and guarantees made by the borrower, regardless of whether RUS has specifically approved the investment, loan or guarantee under § 1717.657(c), or has approved a related transaction (e.g., a lien accommodation).

§ 1717.656 - Exemption of certain borrowers from controls.

(a) Any distribution or power supply borrower that meets all of the following criteria is exempted from the provisions of the RUS mortgage and loan contract that require RUS approval of investments, loans, and guarantees, except investments, loans, and guarantees made to extend, add to, or modify the borrower's electric system:

(1) The borrower is in compliance with all provisions of its RUS mortgage, RUS loan contract, and any other agreements with RUS;

(2) The average revenue per kWh for residential service received by the borrower during the two most recent calendar years does not exceed 130 percent of the average revenue per kWh for residential service during the same period for all residential consumers located in the state or states served by the borrower. This criterion applies only to distribution borrowers and does not apply to power supply borrowers. If a borrower serves customers in more than one state, the state average revenue per kWh will be based on a weighted average using the kWh sales by the borrower in each state as the weight. The calculation will be based on the two most recent calendar years for which both borrower and state-wide data are available. If a borrower fails to qualify for an exemption based solely on its failure to meet this criterion on rate disparity, at the borrower's request the Administrator may, at his or her sole discretion, exempt the borrower if he or she finds that the borrower's strengths with respect to the other criteria are sufficient to offset any weakness due to rate disparity;

(3) In the most recent calendar year for which data are available, the borrower achieved an operating TIER of at least 1.0 and an operating DSC of at least 1.0, in each case based on the average of the two highest ratios achieved in the three most recent calendar years;

(4) The borrower's ratio of net utility plant to long-term debt is at least 1.1, based on year-end data for the most recent calendar year for which data are available; and

(5) The borrower's equity is equal to at least 27 percent of its total assets, based on year-end data for the most recent calendar year for which data are available.

(b) While borrowers meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section are exempt from RUS approval of investments, loans and guarantees, they are nevertheless subject to the record-keeping, reporting, and other requirements of § 1717.658.

(c) Any borrower exempt under paragraph (a) of this section that ceases to meet the criteria for exemption shall, upon written notice from RUS, no longer be exempt and shall be subject to the provisions of this subpart applicable to non-exempt borrowers. A borrower may regain its exemption if it subsequently meets the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section, and is so notified in writing by RUS.

(d)(1) A borrower that loses its exemption and is not in compliance with all provisions of its mortgage, loan contract, or any other agreement with RUS may be required to restructure or reduce its portfolio of investments, loans and guarantees as provided in § 1717.653(b). If the borrower's portfolio exceeds the 15 percent level, the borrower will be required to restructure or reduce its portfolio to the 15 percent level or below. For example, if the borrower's mortgage or loan contract has an approval threshold, the borrower may be required to reduce its portfolio to that level, which in many cases is 3 percent of total utility plant.

(2) A borrower that loses its exemption but is in compliance with all provisions of its mortgage, loan contract, and any other agreements with RUS will be required, if its investments, loans and guarantees exceed the 15 percent level, to restructure or reduce its portfolio to the 15 percent level, unless the Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, determines that such action would not be in the financial interest of the government with respect to loan security and/or repayment. (Such borrower is eligible to ask RUS to exclude a portion of its investments under the conditions set forth in § 1717.657(d).)

(3) If a borrower required to reduce or restructure its portfolio does not fully comply within a reasonable period of time determined by the Administrator, which shall not exceed 12 months from the date the borrower was notified of its loss of exemption, then, upon written notice from RUS, the borrower shall be in default of its RUS loan contract and/or RUS mortgage.

(e) By no later than July 1 of each year, RUS will provide written notice to any borrowers whose exemption status has changed as a result of more recent data being available for the qualification criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, or as a result of other reasons, such as corrections in the available data. An explanation of the reasons for any changes in exemption status will also be provided to the borrowers affected.

§ 1717.657 - Investments above the 15 percent level by certain borrowers not exempt under § 1717.656(a).

(a) General. (1) This section applies only to borrowers that are in compliance with all provisions of their mortgage, loan contract, and any other agreements with RUS and that do not qualify for an exemption from RUS investment controls under § 1717.656(a).

(2) Nothing in this section shall in any way affect the Administrator's authority to exercise approval rights over investments, loans, and guarantees made by a borrower that is not in compliance with all provisions of its mortgage, loan contract and any other agreements with RUS.

(b) Distribution borrowers. Distribution borrowers not exempt from RUS investment controls under § 1717.656(a) may not make investments, loans and guarantees in an aggregate amount in excess of 15 percent of total utility plant. Above the 15 percent level, such borrowers will be restricted to excluded investments, loans and guarantees as defined in § 1717.655. (However, they are eligible to ask RUS to exclude a portion of their investments under the conditions set forth in paragraph (d) of this section.)

(c) Power supply borrowers. (1) Power supply borrowers not exempt from RUS investment controls under § 1717.656(a) may request approval to exceed the 15 percent level if all of the following criteria are met:

(i) Satisfactory evidence has been provided that the borrower is in compliance with all provisions of its RUS mortgage, RUS loan contract, and any other agreements with RUS;

(ii) The borrower is not in financial workout and has not had its government debt restructured;

(iii) The borrower has equity equal to at least 5 percent of its total assets; and

(iv) After approval of the investment, loan or guarantee, the aggregate of the borrower's investments, loans and guarantees will not exceed 20 percent of the borrower's total utility plant.

(2) Borrower requests for approval to exceed the 15 percent level will be considered on a case by case basis. The requests must be made in writing.

(3) In considering borrower requests, the Administrator will take the following factors into consideration:

(i) The repayment of all loans secured under the RUS mortgage will continue to be assured, and loan security must continue to be reasonably adequate, even if the entire investment or loan is lost or the borrower is required to perform for the entire amount of the guarantee. These risks will be considered along with all other risks facing the borrower, whether or not related to the investment, loan or guarantee;

(ii) In the case of investments, the investment must be made in an entity separate from the borrower, such as a subsidiary, whereby the borrower is protected from any liabilities incurred by the separate entity, unless the borrower demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that making the investment directly rather than through a separate entity will present no substantial risk to the borrower in addition to the possibility of losing all or part of the original investment;

(iii) The borrower must be economically and financially sound as indicated by its costs of operation, competitiveness, operating TIER and operating DSC, physical condition of the plant, ratio of equity to total assets, ratio of net utility plant to long-term debt, and other factors; and

(iv) Other factors affecting the security and repayment of government debt, as determined by the Administrator on a case by case basis.

(4) If the Administrator approves an investment, loan or guarantee, such investment, loan or guarantee will continue to be included when calculating the borrower's ratio of aggregate investments, loans and guarantees to total utility plant.

(d) Distribution and power supply borrowers. If the aggregate of the investments, loans and guarantees of a distribution or power supply borrower exceeds 15 percent of the borrower's total utility plant as a result of the cumulative profits or margins, net of losses, earned on said transactions over the past 10 calendar years (i.e., the sum of all profits earned during the 10 years on all transactions—including interest earned on cash accounts, loans, and similar transactions—less the sum of all losses experienced on all transactions during the 10 years) then:

(1) The borrower will not be in default of the RUS loan contract or RUS mortgage with respect to required approval of investments, loans and guarantees, provided that the borrower had not made additional net investments, loans or guarantees without approval after reaching the 15 percent level; and

(2) At the request of the borrower, the Administrator in his or her sole discretion may decide to exclude up to the amount of net profits or margins earned on the borrower's investments, loans and guarantees during the past 10 calendar years, if the Administrator determines that such exclusion will not increase loan security risks. The borrower must provide documentation satisfactory to the Administrator as to the current status of its investments, loans and guarantees and the net profits earned during the past 10 years. Any exclusion approved by the Administrator may or may not reduce the level of investments, loans and guarantees to or below the 15 percent level. If such exclusion does not reduce the level to or below the 15 percent level, RUS will notify the borrower in writing that it must reduce or restructure its investments, loans and guarantees to a level of not more than 15 percent of total utility plant. If the borrower does not come within the 15 percent level within a reasonable period of time determined by the Administrator, which shall not exceed 12 months from the date the borrower was notified of the required action, then, upon written notice from RUS, the borrower shall be in default of its RUS loan contract and mortgage.

§ 1717.658 - Records, reports and audits.

(a) Every borrower shall maintain accurate records concerning all investments, loans and guarantees made by it. Such records shall be kept in a manner that will enable RUS to readily determine:

(1) The nature and source of all income, expenses and losses generated from the borrower's loans, guarantees and investments;

(2) The location, identity and lien priority of any loan collateral resulting from activities permitted by this subpart; and

(3) The effects, if any, which such activities may have on the feasibility of loans made, guaranteed or lien accommodated by RUS.

(b) In determining the aggregate amount of investments, loans and guarantees made by a borrower, the borrower shall use the recorded value of each investment, loan or guarantee as reflected on its books and records for the next preceding end-of-month, except for the end-of-year report which shall be based on December 31 information. Every borrower shall also report annually to RUS, in the manner and on the form specified by the Administrator, the current status of each investment, outstanding loan and outstanding guarantee which it has made pursuant to this subpart.

(c) The records of borrowers shall be subject to the auditing procedures prescribed in part 1773 of this chapter. RUS reserves the right to review the financial records of any subsidiaries of the borrower to determine if the borrower is in compliance with this subpart, and to ascertain if the debts, guarantees (as defined in this subpart), or other obligations of the subsidiaries could adversely affect the ability of the borrower to repay its debts to the Government.

(d) RUS will monitor borrower compliance with this subpart based primarily on the annual financial and statistical report submitted by the borrower to RUS and the annual auditor's report on the borrower's operations. However, RUS may inspect the borrower's records at any time during the year to determine borrower compliance. If a borrower's most recent annual financial and statistical report shows the aggregate of the borrower's investments, loans and guarantees to be below the 15 percent level, that in no way relieves the borrower of its obligation to comply with its RUS mortgage, RUS loan contract, and this subpart with respect to Administrator approval of any additional investment, loan or guarantee that would cause the aggregate to exceed the 15 percent level.

§ 1717.659 - Effect of this subpart on RUS loan contract and mortgage.

(a) Nothing in this subpart shall affect any provision, covenant, or requirement in the RUS mortgage, RUS loan contract, or any other agreement between a borrower and RUS with respect to any matter other than the prior approval by RUS of investments, loans, and guarantees by the borrower, such matters including, without limitation, extensions, additions, and modifications of the borrower's electric system. Also, nothing in this subpart shall affect any rights which supplemental lenders have under the RUS mortgage, or under their loan contracts or other agreements with their borrowers, to limit investments, loans and guarantees by their borrowers to levels below 15 percent of total utility plant.

(b) RUS will require that any electric loan made or guaranteed by RUS after October 23, 1995 shall be subject to a provision in the loan contract or mortgage restricting investments, loans and guarantees by the borrower substantially as follows: The borrower shall not make any loan or advance to, or make any investment in, or purchase or make any commitment to purchase any stock, bonds, notes or other securities of, or guaranty, assume or otherwise become obligated or liable with respect to the obligations of, any other person, firm or corporation, except as permitted by the RE Act and RUS regulations.

(c) RUS reserves the right to change the provisions of the RUS mortgage and loan contract relating to RUS approval of investments, loans and guarantees made by the borrower, on a case-by-case basis, in connection with providing additional financial assistance to a borrower after October 23, 1995.

authority: 7 U.S.C. 901
source: 55 FR 38646, Sept. 19, 1990, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 1717.652