Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§§ 1726.1-1726.9 - §[Reserved]
§ 1726.10 - Introduction.

The policies, procedures and requirements included in this part are intended to implement provisions of the standard form of loan documents between the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and its electric borrowers. Unless prior written approval is received from RUS, borrowers are required to comply with RUS policies and procedures as a condition to RUS providing loans, loan guarantees, or reimbursement of general funds for the construction and improvement of electric facilities. Requirements relating to RUS approval of plans and specifications, duties and responsibilities of the engineer and architect, and engineering and architectural services contracts, are contained in other RUS regulations. The terms “RUS form”, “RUS standard form”, “RUS specification”, “and RUS bulletin” have the same meanings as the terms “REA form”, “REA standard form”, “REA specification”, “and REA bulletin”, respectively, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1726.11 - Purpose.

Each borrower is responsible for the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of its electric system. RUS, as a secured lender, has a legitimate interest in accomplishing RUS's programmatic objectives, and in assuring that the costs of construction, materials, and equipment are reasonable and economical and that the property securing the loans is constructed adequately to serve the purposes for which it is intended.

§ 1726.12 - Applicability.

The requirements of this part apply to the procurement of materials and equipment for use by electric borrowers in their electric systems and to the construction of their electric systems if such materials, equipment, and construction are financed, in whole or in part, with loans made or guaranteed by RUS, including reimbursable projects. In order for general fund expenditures for procurement or construction to be eligible for reimbursement from loan funds, the borrower must comply with the procedures required by this part. In the case of jointly owned projects, RUS will determine on a case by case basis the applicability of the requirements of this part.

§ 1726.13 - Waivers.

The Administrator may waive, for good cause on a case by case basis, certain requirements and procedures of this part. RUS reserves the right, as a condition of providing loans, loan guarantees, or other assistance, to require any borrower to make any specification, contract, or contract amendment subject to the approval of the Administrator.

§ 1726.14 - Definitions.

Terms used in this part have the meanings set forth in 7 CFR 1710.2. References to specific RUS forms and other RUS documents, and to specific sections or lines of such forms and documents, shall include the corresponding forms, documents, sections and lines in any subsequent revisions of these forms and documents. In addition to the terms defined in 7 CFR 1710.2, the following terms have the following meanings for the purposes of this part:

Approval of proposed construction means RUS approval of a construction work plan or other appropriate engineering study and RUS approval, for purposes of system financing, of the completion of all appropriate environmental review requirements in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970.

Architect means a registered or licensed person employed by the borrower to provide architectural services for a project and duly authorized assistants and representatives.

Bona fide bid means a bid which is submitted by a contractor on the borrower's list of qualified bidders for the specific contract, prior to bid opening.

“Buy American” certificate means a certification that the contractor has complied with the “Buy American” requirement (see § 1726.15).

Competitive procurement means procurement of goods or services based on lowest evaluated bid for similar products or services when three or more bids are received.

Construction unit means a specifically defined portion of a construction project containing materials, labor, or both, for purposes of bidding and payment.

Contracting committee means the committee consisting of three to five members representing the borrower's management and board of directors and the engineer. The contracting committee represents the borrower during contract clarifying discussions or negotiations under informal competitive bidding or multiparty negotiation, respectively.

Encumbrance means the process of approval for advance of loans funds by RUS.

Engineer means a registered or licensed person, who may be a staff employee or an outside consultant, to provide engineering services and duly authorized assistants and representatives.

Equipment means a major component of an electric system, e.g., a substation transformer, heat exchanger or a transmission structure.

Force account construction means construction performed by the borrower's employees.

Formal competitive bidding means the competitive procurement procedure wherein bidders submit sealed proposals for furnishing the goods or services stipulated in the specification. Bids are publicly opened and read at a predetermined time and place. If a contract is awarded, it must be to the lowest evaluated responsive bidder (see § 1726.201).

Goods or services means materials, equipment, or construction, or any combination thereof.

Informal competitive bidding means the competitive procurement procedure which provides for private opening of bids and allows clarifying discussions between the contracting committee and the bidders. During the clarifying discussions any exceptions to the bid documents must be eliminated, or the bid rejected, so that the contract is awarded to the lowest evaluated responsive bidder (see § 1726.202).

Material means miscellaneous hardware which is combined with equipment to form an electric system, e.g., poles, insulators, or conductors.

Minor error or irregularity means a defect or variation in a bid that is a matter of form and not of substance. Errors or irregularities are “minor” if they can be corrected or waived without being prejudicial to other bidders and when they do not affect the price, quantity, quality, or timeliness of construction. A minor error or irregularity is not an exception for purposes of determining whether a bid is responsive.

Minor modification or improvement means a project the cost of which is $250,000 or less, exclusive of the cost of owner furnished materials.

Multiparty lump sum quotations means the procurement of goods or services on a lump sum basis, based on the lowest evaluated offering, when three or more offers are received. (See § 1726.205).

Multiparty negotiation means the procurement procedure where three or more bids are received and provides for negotiations between the contracting committee and each bidder to determine the bid which is in the borrower's best interest (see § 1726.203).

Net utility plant (NUP) means Part C, Line 5 of RUS Form 7 for distribution borrowers or Section B, Line 5 of RUS Form 12a for power supply borrowers for the immediately preceding calendar year.

Procurement method means a procedure, including, but not limited to, those in subpart G of this part, that a borrower uses to obtain goods and services.

Owner furnished materials means materials or equipment or both supplied by the borrower for installation by the contractor.

Responsive bid means a bid with no exceptions or non-minor errors or irregularities on any technical requirement or in the contract terms and conditions.

RUS approval means written approval by the Administrator or a representative with delegated authority. RUS approval must be in writing, except in emergency situations where RUS approval may be given over the telephone followed by a confirming letter.

Unit prices means individual prices for specific construction units defined in accordance with RUS approved units specified in RUS standard contract forms.

[60 FR 10155, Feb. 23, 1995, as amended at 77 FR 3071, Jan. 23, 2012; 81 FR 11027, Mar. 2, 2016; 89 FR 17275, Mar. 11, 2024]
§ 1726.15 - “Buy American”.

The borrower must ensure that all materials and equipment financed with loans made or guaranteed by RUS complies with the “Buy American” provisions of the Rural Electrification Act of 1938 (7 U.S.C. 903 note), as amended by the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (107 Stat 2129). When a “Buy American” certificate is required by this part, this must be on RUS Form 213.

§ 1726.16 - Debarment and suspension.

Borrowers are required to comply with certain requirements on debarment and suspension in connection with procurement activities set forth in 2 CFR part 180, as adopted by USDA through 2 CFR part 417, particularly with respect to lower tier transactions, e.g., procurement contracts for goods or services.

[79 FR 76003, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 1726.17 - Restrictions on lobbying.

Borrowers are required to comply with certain restrictions and requirements in connection with procurement activities as set forth in 2 CFR part 418.

[79 FR 76003, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 1726.18 - Pre-loan contracting.

Borrowers must consult with RUS prior to entering into any contract for material, equipment, or construction if a construction work plan, general funds, loan or loan guarantee for the proposed work has not been approved. While the RUS staff will work with the borrower in such circumstances, nothing contained in this part is to be construed as authorizing borrowers to enter into any contract before the availability of funds has been ascertained by the borrower and all environmental review requirements in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970, have been met.

[81 FR 11027, Mar. 2, 2016]
§ 1726.19 - Use of competitive procurement.

RUS borrowers' procurement is not subject to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR chapter 1); however, since borrowers receive the benefit of Federal financial assistance borrowers must use competitive procurement to the greatest extent practical. The borrower must use competitive procurement for obtaining all goods or services when a RUS loan or loan guarantee is involved except:

(a) As specifically provided for in subparts B through F of this part; or

(b) A waiver is granted.

§ 1726.20 - Standards and specifications.

All materials, equipment, and construction must meet the minimum requirements of all applicable RUS standards and specifications. (See part 1728 of this chapter, Electric Standards and Specifications for Materials and Construction, which is applicable regardless of the source of funding.)

[69 FR 7109, Feb. 13, 2004]
§ 1726.21 - New materials.

The borrower shall purchase only new materials and equipment unless otherwise approved by RUS, on a case by case basis, prior to the purchase.

§ 1726.22 - Methods of construction.

The borrower is generally responsible for determining whether construction will be by contract or force account. If construction is by contract, the borrower must determine whether materials will be supplied by the contractor or will be furnished by the borrower. RUS reserves the right to require contract construction in lieu of force account construction on a case by case basis.

§ 1726.23 - Qualification of bidders.

(a) Qualified bidder list (QBL). The borrower shall (acting through its engineer, if applicable) review the qualifications of prospective bidders for contract construction and for material and equipment procurement, and select firms qualified for inclusion on the borrower's list of qualified bidders for each contract. (See also § 1726.16 and § 1726.17.) A bid may not be solicited from a prospective bidder or opened by the borrower unless that bidder has been determined to be a qualified bidder for the contract. When preparing the QBL, in addition to the actual experience of the borrower, if any, in dealing with a prospective bidder, the borrower may solicit information from that bidder or from other parties with firsthand experience regarding the firm's capabilities and experience. It is also important to consider the firm's performance record, safety record, and similar factors in determining whether to include that firm on the QBL, since the borrower may not evaluate these factors when evaluating a bid from a qualified and invited bidder.

(b) Conflict of interest. If there is a relationship between the borrower or engineer and a prospective bidder which might cause the borrower or engineer to have or appear to have a conflict of interest, that prospective bidder shall not be included on the QBL unless the engineer discloses the nature of the relationship to the borrower. In the case of the borrower, if its employees or directors have a relationship with a prospective bidder, the prospective bidder shall not be included on the qualified bidders list unless the nature of the relationship is disclosed to the board of directors, and the board of directors specifically approves the inclusion of that bidder in light of the potential for a conflict of interest.

§ 1726.24 - Standard forms of contracts for borrowers.

(a) General. The standard loan agreement between RUS and the borrowers provides that, in accordance with applicable RUS regulations in this chapter, the borrower shall use standard forms of contracts promulgated by RUS for construction, procurement, engineering services, and architectural services financed by a loan made or guaranteed by RUS. This part implements these provisions of the RUS loan agreement. Subparts A through H and J of this part prescribe when and how borrowers are required to use RUS standard forms of contracts in procurement and construction. Subpart I of this part prescribes the procedures that RUS follows in promulgating standard contract forms and identifies those contract forms that borrowers are required to use for procurement and construction.

(b) Amendments to contracts—(1) Contract forms. The borrower must use RUS Form 238, Construction or Equipment Contract Amendment, for any change or addition in any contract for construction or equipment.

(2) Special considerations. Each time an amendment to a construction contract is executed, the borrower must ensure that contractor's bond is adequate, that all necessary licenses and permits have been obtained, and that any environmental requirements associated with the proposed construction have been met.

(3) Amendment approval requirements. (i) If a RUS approved form of contract is required by this part, an amendment must not alter the terms and conditions of the RUS approved form of contract without prior RUS approval.

(ii) The borrower must make a contract amendment subject to RUS approval if the underlying contract was made subject to RUS approval and the total amended contract price exceeds 120 percent of the original contract price (excluding any escalation provision contained in the contract).

(iii) Contract amendments, except as provided in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, are not subject to RUS approval and need not be submitted to RUS unless specifically requested by RUS on a case by case basis.

[60 FR 10155, Feb. 23, 1995, as amended at 63 FR 58286, Oct. 30, 1998; 69 FR 7109, Feb. 13, 2004]
§ 1726.25 - Subcontracts.

Subcontracts are not subject to RUS approval and need not be submitted to RUS unless specifically requested by RUS on a case by case basis.

[69 FR 7109, Feb. 13, 2004]
§ 1726.26 - Interest on overdue accounts.

Certain RUS contract forms contain a provision concerning payment of interest on overdue accounts. Prior to issuing the invitation to bidders, the borrower must insert an interest rate equal to the lowest “Prime Rate” listed in the “Money Rates” section of the Wall Street Journal on the date such invitation to bid is issued. If no prime rate is published on that date, the last such rate published prior to that date must be used. The rate must not, however, exceed the maximum rate allowed by any applicable state law.

[63 FR 58286, Oct. 30, 1998]
§ 1726.27 - Contractor's bonds.

(a) RUS Form 168b, Contractor's Bond, shall be used when a contractor's bond is required by RUS Forms 200, 257, 786, 790, or 830 unless the contractor's surety has accepted a Small Business Administration guarantee and the contract is for $1 million or less.

(b) RUS Form 168c, Contractor's Bond, shall be used when a contractor's bond is required by RUS Forms 200, 257, 786, 790, or 830 and the contractor's surety has accepted a Small Business Administration guarantee and the contract is for $1 million or less.

(c) Surety companies providing contractor's bonds shall be listed as acceptable sureties in the U.S. Department of the Treasury Circular No. 570, Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies. Copies of the circular and interim changes may be obtained directly from the Government Printing Office (202) 512-1800. Interim changes are published in the Federal Register as they occur. The list is also available through the Internet at and on the Department of the Treasury's computerized public bulletin board at (202) 874-6887.

[63 FR 58286, Oct. 30, 1998, as amended at 69 FR 7109, Feb. 13, 2004]
§§ 1726.28-1726.34 - §[Reserved]
§ 1726.35 - Submission of documents to RUS.

(a) Where to send documents. Documents required to be submitted to RUS under this part are to be sent electronically to RUS, unless otherwise directed.

(b) Borrower certification. When a borrower certification is required by this part, it must be made by the borrower's manager unless the board of directors specifically authorizes another person to make the required certification. In such case, a certified copy of the specific authorizing resolution must accompany the document or be on file with RUS.

(c) Contracts requiring RUS approval. The borrower shall submit to RUS, one copy of each contract that is subject to RUS approval under subparts B through F of this part. Any contract submitted by the borrower contract must be accompanied by:

(1) A bid tabulation and evaluation and, if applicable, a written recommendation of the architect or engineer.

(2) For awards made under the informal competitive bidding procedure or the multiparty negotiation procedure, a written recommendation of the contracting committee (See §§ 1726.202 and 1726.203).

(3) One copy of an executed contractor's bond on RUS approved bond forms as required in the contract form and one copy of the bid bond or copy of the certified check.

(4) A certification by the borrower or chairperson of the contracting committee, as applicable, that the appropriate bidding procedures were followed as required by this part.

(5) Evidence of clear title to the site for substations and headquarters construction contracts, if not previously submitted.

(6) Documentation that all reasonable measures were taken to assure competition if fewer than three bids were received.

(d) Contract amendments requiring RUS approval. The borrower must submit to RUS, one copy of each contract amendment which is subject to RUS approval under § 1726.24(b). Each contract amendment submittal to RUS must be accompanied by a bond extension, where necessary.

(e) Encumbrance of loan or loan guarantee funds. (1) For contracts subject to RUS approval, the submittals required under paragraph (c) of this section will initiate RUS action to encumber loan or loan guarantee funds for such contracts.

(2) For contracts not subject to RUS approval (except for generation projects), loan or loan guarantee funds will normally be encumbered using RUS Form 219, Inventory of Work Orders, after closeout of the contracts. In cases where the borrower can show good cause for a need for immediate cash, the borrower may request encumbrance of loan or loan guarantee funds based on submittal of a copy of the executed contract, provided it meets all applicable RUS requirements.

(3) For generation project contracts not subject to RUS approval, the borrower must submit to RUS the following documentation:

(i) A brief description of the scope of the contract, including contract identification (name, number, etc.);

(ii) Contract date;

(iii) Contractor's name;

(iv) Contract amount;

(v) Bidding procedure used;

(vi) Borrower certification that:

(A) The bidding procedures and contract award for each contract were in conformance with the requirements of Part 1726, Electric System Construction Policies and Procedures;

(B) If a RUS approved form of contract is required by this part, the terms and conditions of the RUS approved form of contract have not been altered;

(C) If RUS has approved plans and specifications for the contract, the contract was awarded on the basis of those plans and specifications; and

(D) No restriction has been placed on the borrower's right to assign the contract to RUS or its successors.

(4) Contract amendments. (i) For amendments subject to RUS approval, the submittals required under paragraph (c) of this section will initiate RUS action to encumber loan or loan guarantee funds for contract amendments requiring RUS approval.

(ii) For amendments not subject to RUS approval (except generation projects), loan or loan guarantee funds will normally be encumbered using RUS Form 219, Inventory of Work Orders, after closeout of the contracts. In cases where the borrower can justify a need for immediate cash, the borrower may request encumbrance of loan or loan guarantee funds based on submittal of a copy of the executed amendment, providing it meets all applicable RUS requirements.

(iii) For each generation project contract amendment not subject to RUS approval, the borrower must submit to RUS the following information and documentation:

(A) The contract name and number;

(B) The amendment number;

(C) The amendment date;

(D) The dollar amount of the increase or the decrease of the amendment;

(E) Borrower certification that:

(1) The amendment was approved in accordance with the policy of the board of directors;

(2) If a RUS approved form of contract is required by this part, the terms and conditions of the RUS approved form of contract has not been altered; and

(3) No restriction has been placed on the borrower's right to assign the contract to RUS or its successors.

[60 FR 10155, Feb. 23, 1995, as amended at 84 FR 32617, July 9, 2019; 86 FR 36197, July 9, 2021]
§ 1726.36 - Documents subject to RUS approval.

Unless otherwise indicated, the borrower shall make all contracts and amendments that are subject to RUS approval effective only upon RUS approval.

§ 1726.37 - OMB control number.

The collection of information requirements in this part have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB control number 0572-0107.

§§ 1726.38-1726.49 - §[Reserved]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 901
source: 60 FR 10155, Feb. 23, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 1726.17