Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 3550.151 - Servicing goals.

This subpart sets forth the Rural Housing Service (RHS) policies for managing the repayment of loans made under sections 502 and 504 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended.

§ 3550.152 - Loan payments.

(a) Payment terms. Unless the loan documents specify other loan repayment terms, borrowers are required to make monthly payments. Borrowers with existing loans specifying annual payments may request conversion to monthly payments, and must convert to a monthly payment schedule before any subsequent loan or new payment assistance is approved. Suitable forms of payment are: check, money order, or bank draft. Borrowers who make cash payments will be assessed a fee to cover the cost of conversion to a money order.

(b) Application of payments. If a borrower makes less than the scheduled payment, the payment is held in suspense and is not applied to the borrower's account. When subsequent payments are received in an amount sufficient to equal a scheduled payment, the amount will be applied in the following order:

(1) Protective advances charged to the account.

(2) Accrued interest due.

(3) Principal due.

(4) Escrow for taxes and insurance.

(c) Multiple loans. When a borrower with multiple loans for the same property makes less than the scheduled payment on all loans, the payment will be applied to the oldest loan and then in declining order of age. Future remittances will be applied beginning with the oldest unpaid installment.

(d) Application of excess payments. Borrowers can elect to make payments in excess of the scheduled amount to be applied to principal, provided there are no outstanding fees.

§ 3550.153 - Fees.

RHS may assess reasonable fees including a tax service fee, fees for late payments, and fees for checks returned for insufficient funds.

§ 3550.154 - Inspections.

RHS or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of any property used as security for an RHS loan as necessary to protect the interest of the Government. RHS will give the borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection.

§ 3550.155 - Escrow account.

Escrow accounts will be administered in accordance with RESPA and section 501(e) of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended.

(a) Upon creation of the escrow account, RHS may require borrowers to deposit funds sufficient to pay taxes and insurance premiums applicable to the mortgage for the period since the last payments were made and to fund a cushion as permitted by RESPA.

(b) Borrowers may elect to escrow at any time during the terms of the loan if the outstanding RHS loan balance is over $2,500.

(c) RHS may require borrowers to escrow in conjunction with any special servicing action.

§ 3550.156 - Borrower obligations.

(a) After receiving a loan from RHS, borrowers are expected to meet a variety of obligations outlined in the loan documents. In addition to making timely payments, these obligations include:

(1) Maintaining the security property; and

(2) Maintaining an adequately funded escrow account, or paying real estate taxes, hazard and flood insurance, and other related costs when due.

(b) If a borrower fails to fulfill these obligations, RHS may obtain the needed service and charge the cost to the borrowers account.

§ 3550.157 - Payment subsidy.

(a) Borrowers currently receiving payment subsidy. (1) RHS will review annually each borrower's eligibility for continued payment subsidy and determine the appropriate level of assistance. To be eligible for payment subsidy renewal, the borrower must also occupy the property.

(2) If the renewal is not completed before the expiration date of the existing agreement, the effective date of the renewal will be either the expiration date of the previous agreement if RHS error caused the delay, or the next due date after the renewal is approved in all other cases.

(3) The borrower must notify RHS whenever an adult member of the household becomes employed or changes employment, there is a change in household composition, or if income increases by at least 10 percent. The household may also report decreases in income. If the change in the household's income will cause the payment for principal and interest to change by at least 10 percent, the household's payment subsidy may be adjusted for a new 12-month period. The new agreement will be effective the due date following the date the borrower's information is verified by RHS.

(b) Borrowers not currently receiving payment subsidy. Payment assistance may be granted to borrowers not currently receiving payment subsidy whose loans were approved on or after August 1, 1968, whose income does not exceed the applicable low-income limit for the area, are personally occupying the RHS financed property, and who meet the requirements of § 3550.53(b), (e), and (f). In general, to receive payment assistance the term of the loan at closing must have been at least 25 years. If an account has been reamortized and the initial term of the loan was at least 25 years, payment assistance may be granted even though the term of the reamortized loan is less than 25 years. Payment assistance may be granted on a subsequent loan for repairs with a term of less than 25 years.

(c) Cancellation of payment subsidy. RHS will cancel a payment subsidy if the borrower does not occupy the property, has sold or transferred title to the property, or is no longer eligible for payment subsidy.

§ 3550.158 - Active military duty.

The Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act requires that the interest rate charged a borrower who enters full-time active military duty after a loan is closed not exceed six percent. Active military duty does not include participation in a military reserve or the National Guard unless the borrower is called to active duty.

(a) Amount of assistance. If a borrower qualifies for payment subsidy after reduction of the interest rate to six percent, the amount of payment subsidy received during the period of active military duty will be the difference between the amount due at the subsidized rate for principal and interest and the amount due at a six percent interest rate. The six percent interest rate will be effective with the first payment due after RHS confirms the active military status of the borrower.

(b) Change of active military status. The borrower must notify RHS when he or she is no longer on active military duty. RHS will cancel the six percent interest rate and resume use of the promissory note interest rate. A new payment subsidy agreement may be processed if the borrower is eligible.

§ 3550.159 - Borrower actions requiring RHS approval.

(a) Mineral leases. Borrowers who wish to lease mineral rights to a security property must request authorization from RHS. RHS may consent to the lease of mineral rights and subordinate its liens to the lessee's rights and interests in the mineral activity if the security property will remain suitable as a residence and the Government's security interest will not be adversely affected. Subordination of RHS loans to a mineral lease does not entitle the leaseholder to any proceeds from the sale of the security property.

(1) If the proposed activity is likely to decrease the value of the security property, RHS may consent to the lease only if the borrower assigns 100 percent of the income from the lease to RHS to be applied to reduce principal and the rent to be paid is at least equal to the estimated decrease in the market value of the security.

(2) If the proposed activity is not likely to decrease the value of the security property, RHS may consent to the lease if the borrower agrees to use any damage compensation received from the lessee to repair damage to the site or dwelling, or to assign it to RHS to be applied to reduce principal.

(b) Subordination. RHS may subordinate its interests to permit a borrower to defer recapture amounts and refinance the loan, or to obtain a subsequent loan with private credit.

(1) When it is in the best interest of the Government, subordination will be permitted if:

(i) The other lender will verify that the funds will be used for purposes for which an RHS loan could be made;

(ii) The prior lien debt will be on terms and conditions that the borrower can reasonably be expected to meet without jeopardizing repayment of the RHS indebtedness;

(iii) Any proposed development will be planned and performed in accordance with 7 CFR part 1924, subpart A or directed by the other lender in a manner which is consistent with that subpart; and

(iv) An agreement is obtained in writing from the prior lienholder providing that at least 30 days prior written notice will be given to RHS before action to foreclose on the prior lien is initiated.

(2) The total amount of debt permitted when RHS subordinates its interests depends on whether the borrower pays off the RHS loan.

(i) For situations in which the borrower is obtaining a subsequent loan from another source and will not pay off the RHS debt, the prior lien debt plus the unpaid balance of all RHS loans, exclusive of recapture, will not exceed the market value of the security.

(ii) For situations in which RHS is subordinating only a deferred recapture amount, the prior lien debt plus the deferred recapture amount will not exceed the market value of the security.

(c) Partial release of security. RHS may consent to transactions affecting the security, such as sale or exchange of security property or granting of a right-of-way across the security property, and grant a partial release provided:

(1) The compensation is:

(i) For sale of the security property, cash in an amount equal to the value of the security being disposed of or rights granted.

(ii) For exchange of security property, another parcel of property acquired in exchange with value equal to or greater than that being disposed of.

(iii) For granting an easement or right-of-way, benefits derived that are equal to or greater than the value of the security property being disposed of.

(2) An appraisal must be conducted if the latest appraisal is more than 1 year old or if it does not reflect market value and the amount of consideration exceeds $5,000. The appraisal fee will be charged to the borrower.

(3) The security property, after the transaction is completed, will be an adequate but modest, decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling and related facilities.

(4) Repayment of the RHS debt will not be jeopardized.

(5) Environmental requirements are met and environmental documentation is submitted in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970.

(6) When exchange of all or part of the security is involved, title clearance is obtained before release of the existing security.

(7) Proceeds from the sale of a portion of the security property, granting an easement or right-of-way, damage compensation, and all similar transactions requiring RHS consent, will be used in the following order:

(i) To pay customary and reasonable costs related to the transaction that must be paid by the borrower.

(ii) To be applied on a prior lien debt, if any.

(iii) To be applied to RHS indebtedness or used for improvements to the security property in keeping with purposes and limitations applicable for use of RHS loan funds. Proposed development will be planned and performed in accordance with 7 CFR part 1924, subpart A and supervised to ensure that the proceeds are used as planned.

(d) Lease of security property. A borrower must notify RHS if they lease the property. If the lease is for a term of more than 3 years or contains an option to purchase, RHS may liquidate the loan. During the period of any lease, the borrower is not eligible for a payment subsidy or special servicing benefits.

[61 FR 59779, Nov. 22, 1996, as amended at 81 FR 11048, Mar. 2, 2016]
§ 3550.160 - Refinancing with private credit.

(a) Objective. RHS direct loan programs are not intended to supplant or compete with private credit sources. Therefore, borrowers are required to refinance RHS loans with private credit sources when RHS determines that the borrower meets RHS criteria.

(b) Criteria for refinancing with private credit. Borrowers must refinance with private credit when RHS determines that the borrower has the ability to obtain other credit at reasonable rates and terms based on their income, assets, and credit history. Reasonable rates and terms are those commercial rates and terms that borrowers are expected to meet when borrowing for similar purposes. Differences in interest rates and terms between RHS and other lenders will not be an acceptable reason for a borrower to fail to refinance with private credit if the available rates and terms are within the borrower's ability to pay.

(c) Notice of requirement to refinance with private credit. The financial status of all borrowers may be reviewed periodically to determine their ability to refinance with private credit. A borrower's financial status may be reviewed at any time if information becomes available to RHS that indicates that the borrower's circumstances have changed.

(1) A borrower undergoing review is required to supply, within 30 days of a request from RHS, sufficient financial information to enable RHS to determine the borrowers ability to refinance with private credit. Foreclosure action may be initiated against any borrower who fails to respond.

(2) When RHS determines that a borrower has the ability to refinance with private credit, the borrower will be required to refinance within 90 days.

(3) Within 30 days after being notified of the requirement to refinance with private credit, a borrower may contest the RHS decision and provide additional financial information to document an inability to refinance with private credit.

(d) Failure to refinance with private credit. (1) If the borrower is unable to secure private credit, the borrower must submit written statements and documentation to RHS showing:

(i) The lenders contacted.

(ii) The amount of the loan requested by the borrower and the amount, if any, offered by the lenders.

(iii) The rates and terms offered by the lenders or the specific reasons why other credit is not available.

(iv) The information provided by the borrower to the lenders regarding the purpose of the loan.

(2) If RHS determines that the borrower's submission does not demonstrate the borrower's inability to refinance with private credit, or if the borrower fails to submit the required information, foreclosure may be initiated.

(e) Subordination of recapture amount. RHS may subordinate its interest in any deferred recapture amount to permit a borrower to refinance with private credit. The amount to which the RHS debt will be subordinated may include:

(1) The amount required to repay the RHS debt, exclusive of recapture;

(2) Reasonable closing costs;

(3) Up to one percent of the loan amount for loan servicing costs, if required by the lender; and

(4) The cost of any necessary repairs or improvements to the security property.

(f) Application for additional credit. A borrower who has been asked to refinance with private credit will not be considered for additional credit until the refinancing issue is resolved unless such additional credit is necessary to protect the Government's interest.

§ 3550.161 - Final payment.

(a) Payment in full. Full payment of a borrower's account includes repayment of principal and outstanding interest, unauthorized assistance, recapture amounts, and charges made to the borrower's account. Any supervised funds or funds remaining in a borrower's escrow account will be applied to the borrower's account or returned to the borrower.

(b) Release of security instruments. RHS may release security instruments when full payment of all amounts owed has been received and verified. If RHS and the borrower agree to settle the account for less than the full amount owed, the security instruments may be released when all agreed-upon amounts are received and verified. Security instruments will not be released until any deferred recapture amount has been paid in full.

(c) Payoff statements. At the borrower's request, RHS will provide a written statement indicating the amount required to pay the account in full. RHS may charge a fee for statements for the same account if more than 2 statements are requested in any 30 day period.

(d) Suitable forms of payment. Suitable forms of payment are: check, money order, or bank draft. Borrowers who make cash payments will be assessed a fee to cover conversion to a money order.

(e) Recording costs. Recording costs for the release of the mortgage will be the responsibility of the borrower, except where State law requires the mortgagee to record or file the satisfaction.

§ 3550.162 - Recapture.

(a) Recapture policy. Borrowers with loans approved or assumed on or after October 1, 1979, will be required to repay subsidy amounts received through payment subsidy (including the former interest credit program) or deferred mortgage assistance in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. Amounts to be recaptured are due and payable when the borrower transfers title or ceases to occupy the property, including but not limited to, in the event of foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure. Such recapture will include the amount of principal reduction attributed to subsidy (for loans subject to recapture that were approved, and received interest credit, between October 1, 1979, and December 31, 1989), except in cases of foreclosure and deed in lieu of foreclosure.

(b) Amount to be recaptured—(1) General. The amount to be recaptured is determined by a calculation specified in the borrower's subsidy repayment agreement and is based on the borrower's equity in the property at the time of loan pay off. If there is no equity based on the recapture calculation, the amount of principal reduction attributed to subsidy is not collected. The recapture calculation includes the amount of principal reduction attributed to subsidy plus the lesser of:

(i) The amount of subsidy received; or

(ii) A portion of the value appreciation of the property subject to recapture. In order for the value appreciation to be calculated, the borrower will provide a current appraisal, including an appraisal for any capital improvements, or arm's length sales contract as evidence of market value upon Agency request. Appraisals must meet Agency standards under § 3550.62.

(2) Foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure. Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the amount to be recaptured in a foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure is the amount of subsidy received, not including any principal reduction attributed to subsidy. Foreclosure actions will seek to recover such amounts only from the proceeds of the property. Liquidation proceeds (in the case of foreclosure) or the net recovery value (in the case of deed in lieu of foreclosure) will be applied or credited to the borrower's debt in accordance with the security agreement in the following order:

(i) Recoverable costs (e.g. protective advances, foreclosure costs, late charges).

(ii) Accrued interest.

(iii) Principal.

(iv) Subsidy.

(3) Value appreciation. The value appreciation of property with a cross-collateralized loan is based on the market value of the dwelling and lot. If located on a farm, the lot size would be a typical lot for a single family housing property.

(4) Interest reduced from the promissory note rate to six percent under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is not subject to recapture.

(c) Deferral of recapture. If the borrower refinances or otherwise pays in full without transfer of title and continues to occupy the property, the amount of recapture will be calculated in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section but payment of recapture may be deferred, interest free, until the property is sold or vacated. If the recapture amount is deferred, the Agency mortgage can be subordinated when in the Government's best interest but will not be released nor the promissory note satisfied until the Agency is paid in full. In situations where deferral of recapture is an option, recapture will be discounted if paid in full at the time of settlement or timely paid after Agency notification to the borrower that recapture is due.

(d) Assumed loans. (1) When a loan subject to recapture is assumed under new rates and terms, the recapture amount may be paid in full by the seller or included in the principal amount assumed by the buyer.

(2) When a loan is assumed under the same rates and terms as the original promissory note, recapture amounts will not be due. When the new borrower transfers title or ceases to occupy the property, all subsidy subject to recapture before and after the assumption is due.

(3) When a borrower has deferred payment of recapture amounts, the deferred recapture amount may be included in the principal amount of the new loan.

[77 FR 3378, Jan. 24, 2012, as amended at 87 FR 6773, Feb. 7, 2022]
§ 3550.163 - Transfer of security and assumption of indebtedness.

(a) General policy. RHS mortgages contain due-on-sale clauses that generally require RHS consent before title to a security property can be transferred with an assumption of the indebtedness. If it is in the best interest of the Government, RHS will approve the transfer of title and assumption of indebtedness on program or nonprogram (NP) terms, depending on the transferee's eligibility and the property's characteristics.

(b) RHS approval of assumptions. (1) A borrower with a loan on program terms who wishes to transfer a security property restricted by a due-on-sale clause to a purchaser who wishes to assume the debt must receive prior authorization from RHS. If RHS authorizes the transfer and assumption, the account will be serviced in the purchaser's name and the purchaser will be liable for the loan under the terms of the security instrument.

(2) If a borrower transfers title to the security property with a due-on-sale clause without obtaining RHS authorization, RHS will not approve assumption of the indebtedness, and the loan will be liquidated unless RHS determines that it is in the Government's best interest to continue the loan. If RHS decides to continue the loan, the account will be serviced in the original borrower's name and the original borrower will remain liable for the loan under the terms of the security instrument.

(c) Exceptions to due-on-sale clauses. (1) Due-on-sale clauses are not triggered by the following types of transfers:

(i) A transfer from the borrower to a spouse or children not resulting from the death of the borrower.

(ii) A transfer to a relative, joint tenant, or tenant by the entirety resulting from the death of the borrower.

(iii) A transfer to a spouse or ex-spouse resulting from a divorce decree, legal separation agreement, or property settlement agreement.

(iv) A transfer to a person other than a deceased borrower's spouse who wishes to assume the loan for the benefit of persons who were dependent on the deceased borrower at the time of death, if the dwelling will be occupied by one or more persons who were dependent on the borrower at the time of death, and there is a reasonable prospect of repayment.

(v) A transfer into an inter vivos trust in which the borrower does not transfer rights of occupancy in the property.

(2) A transferee who obtains property through one of the types of transfer listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section:

(i) Is not required to assume the loan, and RHS is not permitted to liquidate the loan, if the transferee continues to make scheduled payments and meet all other obligations of the loan. A transferee who does not assume the loan is not eligible for payment assistance or a moratorium.

(ii) May assume the loan on the rates and terms contained in the promissory note, with no down payment. If the account is past due at the time an assumption is executed, the account may be brought current by using any of the servicing methods discussed in subpart E of this part.

(iii) May assume the loan under new rates and terms if the transferee applies and is program-eligible.

(3) Any subsequent transfer of title, except upon death of the inheritor or between inheritors to consolidate title, will be treated as a sale.

(d) Requirements for an assumption. (1) Loans secured by program-eligible properties to be assumed by program-eligible purchasers may be assumed on program terms. Loans secured by nonprogram properties and loans to be assumed by purchasers who are not eligible for program terms may be assumed on NP terms.

(2) The amount the transferee will assume will be either the current market value less any prior liens and any required down payment, or the indebtedness, whichever is less.

(3) For loans assumed on program terms, the interest rate charged by RHS will be the rate in effect at loan approval or loan closing, whichever is lower. For loans assumed on nonprogram terms, the interest rate will be the rate in effect at the time of loan approval.

(4) If additional financing is required to purchase the property or to make repairs, RHS may approve a subsequent loan under subparts B or C of this part.

(5) If an appraisal is required for an assumption on new terms, the purchaser is responsible for the appraisal fee.

(6) If all or a portion of the borrower's account balance is assumed, the borrower and cosigner, if any, will be released from liability on the amount of the indebtedness assumed. If an account balance remains after the assumption, RHS may pursue debt settlement in accordance with subpart F of this part.

(7) Unless it is in the Government's best interest, RHS will not approve an assumption of a secured loan if the seller fails to repay any unsecured RHS loan.

(8) If a loan is secured by a property with a dwelling situated on more than a minimum adequate site and the excess property cannot be sold separately as a minimum adequate site for another dwelling, RHS may approve a transfer of the entire property. If the excess property can be sold separately as a minimum adequate site, RHS will approve assumption of only the dwelling and the minimum adequate site. If the value of the dwelling on the minimum adequate site is less than the amount of the outstanding RHS debt, the remaining debt will be secured by the excess property. The outstanding debt will be converted to an NP loan and reamortized over a period not to exceed 10 years or the final due date of the original promissory note, whichever is sooner.

[61 FR 59779, Nov. 22, 1996, as amended at 67 FR 78332, Dec. 24, 2002]
§ 3550.164 - Unauthorized assistance.

(a) Definition. Unauthorized assistance includes any loan, payment subsidy, deferred mortgage payment, or grant for which the recipient was not eligible.

(b) Unauthorized assistance due to false information. (1) False information includes information that the recipient knew was incorrect or should have known was incorrect that was provided or omitted for the purposes of obtaining assistance for which the recipient was not eligible.

(2) If the recipient receives an unauthorized loan due to false information, RHS will adjust the account using the NP interest rate that was in effect when the loan was approved. The recipient must pay the account in full within 30 days.

(3) If the recipient receives unauthorized subsidy due to false information, RHS will require the recipient to repay it within 30 days. The account cannot be reamortized to include the unauthorized subsidy. If the recipient repays the unauthorized subsidy, the loan may be continued.

(c) Unauthorized assistance due to inaccurate information. (1) Inaccurate information includes incorrect information inadvertently provided, used, or omitted without the intent to obtain benefits for which the recipient was not eligible.

(2) RHS will permit a recipient who receives an unauthorized loan due to inaccurate information to retain the loan under the following conditions.

(i) If the inaccurate information was related to the purpose of the loan or the recipient's eligibility, with the exception of income, or the income used was incorrect, but the recipient still qualified as income-eligible, RHS will allow the recipient to continue the loan on existing terms.

(ii) If a section 502 recipient's income was above the moderate-income level, RHS will convert the loan to an NP loan, using the nonprogram interest rate in effect on the date the loan was approved.

(iii) If a section 504 recipient's income was above the very low-income level, RHS will apply the applicable 502 or nonprogram interest rate in effect on the date the loan was approved.

(iv) If an incorrect interest rate was used, RHS will adjust the account using the correct interest rate.

(3) If the recipient receives unauthorized subsidy due to inaccurate information, RHS will require the recipient to repay it within 30 days. If the recipient cannot repay it within 30 days, the account may be reamortized. If the recipient repays the unauthorized subsidy or reamortizes the loan, the loan may be continued.

(d) Unauthorized grants. Recipients may either repay the unauthorized assistance in a lump sum or execute a promissory note, regardless of whether the unauthorized assistance was due to false or inaccurate information. RHS may seek a judgment if the recipient refuses to repay the unauthorized assistance.

(e) Account servicing. RHS will adjust all accounts retroactively to establish the amount of unauthorized assistance. If the recipient does not repay the unauthorized assistance within 30 days, RHS may accelerate the loan. If the unauthorized assistance is due to inaccurate information and the recipient is unable to repay within 30 days, RHS may reamortize the loan.

(f) Accounts with no security. If an unauthorized loan or grant is unsecured, RHS may seek the best mortgage obtainable.

§§ 3550.165-3550.199 - §[Reserved]
§ 3550.200 - OMB control number.

The information collection requirements contained in this regulation have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and have been assigned OMB control number 0575-0172. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to vary from 5 minutes to 3 hours per response, with an average of 1 1/2 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

[61 FR 59779, Nov. 22, 1996, as amended at 67 FR 78332, Dec. 24, 2002]
source: 61 FR 59779, Nov. 22, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 3550.153