Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 3560.251 - General.
This subpart contains policies for borrower administration and tenant use of rental subsidies in Agency financed multi-family housing (MFH) projects.
§ 3560.252 - Authorized rental subsidies.
(a) General. The purpose of rental subsidies is to reduce amounts paid by tenants for rent. Rental subsidies equal the difference between the approved shelter costs and tenant contributions as calculated in accordance with § 3560.203(a)(1).
(b) Forms of rental subsidies. Rental subsidies may be in the form of:
(1) Agency rental assistance;
(2) Agency housing vouchers;
(3) HUD section 8 assistance, including project-based and vouchers;
(4) Private rental subsidies; or
(5) State or local government rental subsidies.
(c) Multiple rent subsidies. (1) Multiple types of rent subsidies may be used in the same MFH project.
(2) Tenants with subsidies from sources other than the Agency may be eligible for Agency rental assistance if all the following conditions are met.
(i) The tenant qualifies for Agency rental assistance.
(ii) The rental subsidy the tenant is receiving is not a HUD voucher.
(iii) The rental subsidy being received by the tenant is less than the full amount of Agency rental assistance for which the tenant would qualify. In such cases, the Agency may provide the difference between the subsidy received by the tenant and the amount of Agency rental assistance for which the tenant qualifies.
(d) Agency rental assistance (RA). Agency RA is obligated to MFH projects on a rental unit basis. The obligation is composed of a number of rental units and associated dollar amounts of RA specified in a RA agreement with a borrower. The following types of Agency RA may be obligated to a housing project.
(1) Renewal units. RA may be assigned to a housing project to replace existing rental unit obligations because funds associated with the units have been fully disbursed.
(2) New construction units. RA may be provided in conjunction with initial Agency loans for construction or substantial rehabilitation of MFH projects.
(3) Servicing units. Additional RA may be provided to operational MFH projects as a part of the Agency's general loan servicing or preservation activities.
[69 FR 69106, Nov. 26, 2004, as amended at 87 FR 11283, Mar. 1, 2022]
§ 3560.253 - [Reserved]
§ 3560.254 - Eligibility for rental assistance.
(a) Eligible housing. Housing projects eligible for Agency RA include the following types of projects.
(1) Housing projects that operate under an Interest Credit Plan II RA agreement.
(2) Housing projects financed with an Agency off-farm labor housing loan or grant. On-farm labor housing is not eligible for rental assistance.
(3) Housing projects financed with a direct or insured Rural Rental Housing loan approved prior to August 1, 1968, and operated under an interest credit agreement that identifies the housing project as a Plan RA project.
(4) Housing projects financed from Agency and other sources if the conditions of § 3560.66 are met.
(b) Eligible units. Borrowers may not request RA for rental units that the Agency determines are not habitable in accordance with § 3560.103.
(c) Eligible households. Households eligible for rental assistance are those:
(1) With very low- or low-incomes who are eligible to live in MFH;
(2) Whose net tenant contribution to rent determined in accordance with § 3560.203(a)(1) is less than the basic rent for the unit;
(3) Whose head of the household is a U.S. citizen or a legal alien as defined in § 3560.11;
(4) Who meet the occupancy rules/policies established by the borrower in accordance with § 3560.155(e);
(5) Who have a signed, unexpired tenant certification form on file with the borrower; and
(6) Who is not delinquent on any Agency unauthorized assistance repayment agreements.
[69 FR 69106, Nov. 26, 2004, as amended at 87 FR 11283, Mar. 1, 2022]
Effective Date Note:At 70 FR 8503, Feb. 22, 2005, in § 3560.254(c)(3), implementation of the words “Whose head of the household is a U.S. citizen or a legal alien as defined in § 3560.11.” was delayed indefinitely.
§ 3560.255 - Requesting rental assistance.
(a) Submitting requests. Borrowers seeking an allocation of rental assistance for MFH must request the rental assistance from the Agency as follows.
(1) Renewal rental assistance. To the extent sufficient funds are available, the Agency will automatically renew expiring rental assistance agreements at the existing number of units.
(2) New construction units. Loan applicants proposing to use Agency rental assistance must include their request for rental assistance in their loan proposal in accordance with § 3560.56.
(3) Servicing units. Borrowers requesting rental assistance must have tenants or eligible tenant applicants on a waiting list who are RA eligible.
(b) Denial of requests. (1) If a rental assistance request is denied due to the loan applicant's or borrower's ineligibility, the Agency will send the loan applicant or borrower written notification of the decision with an explanation of the denial.
(2) If a rental assistance request to renew expiring rental assistance agreements is denied because funding is not available, the Agency will notify the borrower and the borrower must notify the tenants of rent increases in accordance with their lease and state and local law. Tenants losing rental assistance due to a lack of Agency funding may quit the lease and vacate the housing without penalty in accordance with the terms of their lease.
(3) Loan applicants or borrowers determined to be eligible for RA as a result of an appeal or funding review will receive RA, if RA funding is available, beginning with the month following the date of the appeal or funding review decision or beginning in the first month that RA funding becomes available.
§ 3560.256 - Rental assistance payments.
(a) Borrower submission requirements. The borrower must submit monthly requests for RA payments to the Agency based on occupancy as of the first day of the month previous to the month in which the request is being made.
(b) Basis of RA requests. Borrower requests for RA payments must be based on the difference between the basic rent plus utility allowances for each rental unit eligible for RA and the net tenant contribution of the tenant.
(c) Payments to borrower. Prior to making RA payments to a borrower, the Agency will deduct from the approved RA payment amount any unpaid loan payments, late fees, and other amounts which the borrower owes to the Agency.
(d) Utility payments to tenants. The borrower must pay tenants the difference between the utility allowance and the tenant's net contribution to rent when a tenant receiving RA is billed directly for utilities and the utility allowance exceeds the net tenant contribution to rent. Such utility payments to tenants must be made on a monthly basis.
(e) Administrative errors. Borrowers are responsible for correcting borrower errors made in regard to RA requests for payments. In accordance with subpart O of this part, borrowers will be required to repay the Agency for any unauthorized RA received or any unauthorized use of RA except in certain cases of tenant error or fraud.
§ 3560.257 - Assigning rental assistance.
(a) Priorities for rental assistance. (1) Borrowers must use the following priorities when assigning available rental assistance.
(i) First priority is to eligible very low-income tenants paying the highest percentage of their adjusted annual income for Agency approved shelter costs.
(ii) Second priority, if the housing project has vacant rental units, is to eligible very low-income applicants on the waiting list.
(iii) Third priority is to eligible low-income tenants paying the highest percentage of their adjusted annual income for Agency approved shelter costs.
(iv) Fourth priority, if the housing project has vacant rental units, is to eligible low-income applicants on the waiting list.
(v) Fifth priority is to households which are residing in a rental unit for which they do not qualify on the basis of an occupancy waiver or other special approval situations.
(2) In order to provide rental assistance to the third, fourth, and fifth priority categories, a borrower must fully document either that there are no very low-income households on the housing project's waiting list or that occupancy by low-income households is limited as follows:
(i) For housing occupied on or after November 30, 1983, no more than 5 percent of the units in the housing are occupied by low-income households; or
(ii) For housing occupied before November 30, 1983, no more than 25 percent of the units in the housing are occupied by low-income households.
(b) Continued eligibility. Tenants receiving rental assistance may continue to do so as long as they remain eligible for occupancy and for rental assistance under § 3560.254(c), and as long as rental assistance units are available.
(c) Assignment of rental assistance. Except as provided in § 3560.454(c) and using the priorities given in paragraph (a) of this section, borrowers must assign available rental assistance units as soon as rental assistance units become available.
(1) When a rental assistance unit is assigned to an eligible existing tenant on a day other than the first day of a month, the Agency will not provide the borrower rental assistance for the newly assigned existing tenant and the tenant will not pay reduced rental charges until the first of the month following the assignment of the rental assistance.
(2) When an eligible applicant moves into a rental assistance unit on a day other than the first day of a month, they will pay a prorated rent based on the number of days they occupy the rental assistance unit and the amount of rental assistance they will be receiving.
(d) Incorrectly assigned rental assistance. Incorrectly assigned rental assistance is viewed as unauthorized assistance and handled in accordance with subpart O of this part.
§ 3560.258 - Terms of agreement.
(a) Term of agreement. Rental assistance agreements will have a term of the later of 12 months from the first disbursement of the obligation or when funds under the agreement are exhausted.
(b) Replacing expiring obligations. Rental assistance agreements may be renewed in accordance with § 3560.255(a)(1).
[87 FR 11283, Mar. 1, 2022]
§ 3560.259 - Transferring rental assistance.
(a) Agency authority. The Agency may transfer rental assistance in the following instances:
(1) To accompany the transfer of a housing project to a different borrower;
(2) After a voluntary conveyance or a foreclosure sale;
(3) After a liquidation, prepayment, or natural maturity;
(4) To the extent permitted by law, when any rental assistance units have not been used for a 6-month period (Section 515) or a 12-month period (Section 514 or 516); or
(5) When the loan cannot be closed.
(b) Agency review before transferring rental assistance. The Agency must perform a review to determine if all eligible tenants in the project are receiving rental assistance before the Agency transfers it to another project.
(c) Transferring rental assistance for displaced tenants. The Agency may transfer rental assistance from one housing project to another eligible housing project for a tenant who is moving due to displacement as a result of prepayment, liquidation, or a natural disaster. The tenant must begin using the rental assistance within 4 months of the transfer or the RA will become available for use by the next rental assistance eligible tenant in the housing project.
(d) Agency use of obligation balances. In lieu of transferring rental assistance units, the Agency may elect to utilize the remaining obligation balances of units identified in paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section for renewal purposes.
[69 FR 69106, Nov. 26, 2004, as amended at 87 FR 11283, Mar. 1, 2022]
§ 3560.260 - Rental subsidies from non-Agency sources.
(a) General. The Agency may authorize the use of rental subsidies from sources other than the Agency in Agency financed housing projects. The Agency will make no commitment to providing Agency rental assistance at the expiration of the rental subsidies from other sources.
(b) HUD vouchers. For tenants with HUD vouchers, the borrower must set the rental unit rent at the basic rent or the rent standard set by the public housing authority, whichever is less. The public housing authority distributing the HUD vouchers may set the utility allowance.
(c) Loan proposals using non-Agency rental subsidy. Loan applicants or borrowers proposing to use rental subsidy from sources other than the Agency must provide:
(1) Documentation demonstrating that a market exists for households eligible for the subsidy and the households are at income levels that would benefit from the amount of rental subsidy that will be provided;
(2) A plan describing actions to be taken when the rental subsidy expires to minimize the impact on tenants losing the rental assistance and to avoid displacement; and
(3) A copy of the project-based rental assistance agreement to be signed by the borrower and the provider of the rental assistance.
(d) Rental subsidy agreement. The borrower and the provider of rental subsidies from sources other than the Agency must execute a rental subsidy agreement and submit a copy of the agreement to the Agency. At a minimum, the rental subsidy agreement between the borrower and the source of the rental subsidy must include the following provisions:
(1) A description of how the subsidy will be paid. The rental subsidy payments may be paid directly to the tenants, to the borrower on behalf of the tenants, or deposited to a separate account established for the subsidy. The tenants must be advised of the amount and source of the subsidy through the lease or a supplement to the lease.
(2) The life of a project-based rental subsidy agreement with a non-Agency source must be similar to existing or current Agency rental assistance funding levels and sufficient funds must be set aside to assure availability of the rental subsidy for this term. The method of supplying the funds must be clearly established.
§ 3560.261 - Improperly advanced rental assistance.
Improperly advanced RHS rental assistance resulting from tenant or borrower error or fraud constitutes unauthorized assistance and the provisions of subpart O of this part apply.
§§ 3560.262-3560.299 - §[Reserved]
§ 3560.300 - OMB control number.
The information collection requirements contained in this regulation have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and have been assigned OMB control number 0575-0189. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to vary from 15 minutes to 18 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. A person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.