Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 3.10 - Aggressive agency collection activity.

An agency will aggressively collect all debts arising out of activities of, or referred or transferred for collection services to, that agency. Collection activities will be undertaken promptly with follow-up action taken as necessary.

§ 3.11 - Demand for payment.

(a) Generally, debt collection is initiated with a written demand for payment to the debtor unless an applicable agreement or instrument (including a post-delinquency payment agreement) provides otherwise (such as providing USDA an immediate right to collect upon delinquency). Written demand as described in paragraph (b) of this section will be made promptly upon a debtor of the United States in terms that inform the debtor of the consequences of failing to cooperate with the agency to resolve the debt. The specific content, timing, and number of demand letters will depend upon the type and amount of the debt and the debtor's response, if any, to the agency's letters or telephone calls. Where statutes or agency regulations are specific as to the requirements for demand letters, an agency will follow its own procedures in formulating demand letters. Generally, one demand letter should suffice. In determining the timing of the demand letter(s), an agency will give due regard to the need to refer debts promptly to Justice for litigation, in accordance with 31 CFR 904.1. When necessary to protect the government's interest (for example, to prevent the running of a statute of limitations), written demand may be preceded by other appropriate actions under this part, including immediate referral for litigation.

(b) In demand letters, the USDA creditor agency will inform the debtor:

(1) The nature and amount of the debt; and the facts giving rise to the debt;

(2) How interest, penalties, and administrative costs are added to the debt, the date by which payment must be made to avoid such charges, and that such assessments must be made unless excused in accordance with § 3.17;

(3) The date by which payment should be made to avoid the enforced collection actions described in paragraph (b)(6) of this section;

(4) Of any willingness to discuss alternative payment arrangements and how the debtor may enter into a written agreement to repay the debt under terms acceptable to the agency (see § 3.16);

(5) The name, address, telephone number and email address (optional) of a contact person or office;

(6) The intent to enforce collection if the debtor fails to pay or otherwise resolve the debt, by taking one or more of the following actions:

(i) Offset the debtor's USDA payments and refer the debtor's debt to TOP for offset against other Federal payments, including income tax refunds, in accordance with subpart D of this part;

(ii) Refer the debt to a private collection agency.

(iii) Report the debt to a credit reporting agency in accordance with § 3.12;

(iv) Refer the debt to Treasury in accordance with subpart E of this part for possible collection by garnishing the debtor's wages through administrative wage garnishment;

(v) Refer the debt to Justice in accordance with § 3.21 to initiate litigation to collect the debt;

(vi) Refer the debt to Treasury for collection in accordance with subpart C of this part;

(7) How the debtor may inspect and copy records related to the debt;

(8) How the debtor may request an administrative review of the determination that the debtor owes a debt and present evidence that the debt is not delinquent or legally enforceable (see subpart F of this part);

(9) How a debtor who is a Federal employee subject to Federal salary offset may request a hearing (see subpart G of this part);

(10) How a debtor may request a waiver of the debt, if applicable;

(11) How the debtor's spouse may claim his or her share of a joint income tax refund by filing Form 8379 with the Internal Revenue Service (see;

(12) How the debtor may exercise other statutory or regulatory rights and remedies available to the debtor;

(13) That certain debtors may be ineligible for government loans, guarantees, and insurance (see § 3.14);

(14) If applicable, the intention to suspend or revoke licenses, permits, or privileges (see § 3.14); and

(15) That the debtor must advise the creditor agency of the filing of any bankruptcy proceedings of the debtor or of another person liable for the debt being collected.

(16) The debtor's right to appeal the determination in accordance with applicable appeal procedures;

(17) The debtor's right to present evidence that all or part of the debt is not past-due or not legally enforceable.

(c) A USDA creditor agency may omit from a demand letter one or more of the provisions contained in paragraphs (b)(6) through (17) of this section if the USDA creditor agency, in consultation with OGC, determines that any provision is not legally required given the collection remedies to be applied to a particular debt. In the case of foreign debt that is subject to insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings outside the United States, a USDA creditor agency may, in lieu of a demand letter, submit such documentation necessary to establish its claim as a creditor.

(d) Agencies will exercise care to ensure that demand letters are mailed or delivered (as applicable for the program) on the same day that they are dated. There is no prescribed format for demand letters. Agencies will utilize demand letters and procedures that will lead to the earliest practicable determination of whether the debt can be resolved administratively or must be referred for litigation.

(e) Agencies will respond promptly to communications from debtors, within 30 days of receipt whenever feasible, and will advise debtors who dispute debts to furnish available evidence to support their contentions.

(f) Prior to the initiation of the demand process or at any time during or after completion of the demand process, if an agency determines to pursue, or is required to pursue, administrative offset, the procedures applicable to offset must be followed (see subpart D of this part). The availability of funds or money for debt satisfaction by administrative offset, and the agency's determination to pursue collection by administrative offset, will release the agency from the necessity of further compliance with paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section.

(g) Prior to referring a debt for litigation under 31 CFR part 904, agencies will advise each debtor determined to be liable for the debt that, unless the debt can be collected administratively, litigation may be initiated. This notification complies with Executive Order 12988 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and may be given as part of a demand letter under paragraph (b) of this section or in a separate document. Litigation counsel for the government will be advised that this notice has been given. In general, only one agency should service a debt at a time; that is, agencies should not simultaneously refer a debt to both Treasury and Justice for collection.

(h) When an agency learns that a bankruptcy petition has been filed with respect to a debtor, before proceeding with further collection action, the agency will immediately request legal advice from OGC concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code on any pending or contemplated collection activities. Unless the agency is advised that the automatic stay imposed at the time of filing pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 362 has been lifted or is no longer in effect, in most cases collection activity against the debtor must stop immediately. The agency should take the following steps:

(1) After requesting legal advice, a proof of claim must be filed in most cases with the bankruptcy court or the Trustee. Agencies will refer to the provisions of 11 U.S.C. 106 relating to the consequences on sovereign immunity of filing a proof of claim.

(2) If the agency is a secured creditor, it may request relief from the automatic stay regarding its security, subject to the provisions and requirements of 11 U.S.C. 362.

(3) Offset is stayed in most cases by the automatic stay. However, agencies may request legal advice from OGC to determine whether their payments to the debtor and payments of other agencies available for offset may be frozen by the agency until relief from the automatic stay can be obtained from the bankruptcy court. Agencies also may request legal advice from OGC to determine whether recoupment is available.

§ 3.12 - Reporting of debts to Credit Reporting Agencies.

(a) In demand letters to debtors sent in accordance with § 3.11, agencies will inform debtors:

(1) The intent of the agency to report the delinquent debt to credit reporting agencies after 60 days;

(2) The specific information to be transmitted (that is, name, address, and taxpayer identification number, information about the debt);

(3) The actions which may be taken by the debtor to prevent the reporting (that is, repayment in full or a repayment agreement); and

(4) The rights of the debtor to request review of the existence of the debt in accordance with subpart F of this part.

(b) Disclosure of delinquent consumer debts must be consistent with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 3711(e), the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), the Bankruptcy Code, and 31 CFR 901.4.

(c) When an agency has given a debtor any of the notices required by this part and an opportunity for administrative review under subpart F of this part, the agency need not duplicate such notice and review opportunities before reporting the delinquent debt to credit reporting agencies.

(d) Agencies will not disclose a delinquent debt to a credit reporting agency if a debtor requests review under subpart F of this part until a final determination is made by a reviewing official that upholds the agency intent to disclose.

§ 3.14 - Suspension or revocation of eligibility for loans and loan guarantees, licenses, permits, or privileges.

(a) Agencies are not permitted to extend financial assistance in the form of a loan, loan guarantee, or loan insurance to any person delinquent on a nontax debt owed to a Federal agency, except as otherwise authorized by law or upon waiver of application of this section by the USDA Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Deputy CFO. This prohibition does not apply to disaster loans. Agencies may extend credit after the delinquency has been resolved. The Secretary of the Treasury may exempt classes of debts from this prohibition and has prescribed standards defining when a “delinquency” is “resolved” for purposes of this prohibition. See 31 CFR 285.13 (Barring Delinquent Debtors from Obtaining Federal Loans or Loan Insurance or Guarantees).

(b) Similarly, agencies also are not permitted to extend financial assistance (either directly or indirectly) in the form of grants, loans, or loan guarantees to judgment debtors who have a judgment lien placed against their property until the judgment is satisfied, unless the agency grants a waiver in accordance with agency regulations. See 31 U.S.C. 3720B.

(c) In non-bankruptcy cases, agencies pursuing the collection of statutory penalties, forfeitures, or other types of claims must consider the suspension or revocation of licenses, permits, or other privileges for any inexcusable or willful failure of a debtor to pay such a debt in accordance with the agency's regulations or governing procedures. The debtor will be advised in the agency's written demand for payment of the agency's ability to suspend or revoke licenses, permits, or privileges.

(d) Any agency making, guaranteeing, insuring, acquiring, or participating in, loans must consider suspending or disqualifying any lender, contractor, or broker from doing further business with the agency or engaging in programs sponsored by the agency if such lender, contractor, or broker fails to pay its debts to the government within a reasonable time or if such lender, contractor, or broker has been suspended, debarred, or disqualified from participation in a program or activity by USDA or another Federal agency. Failure to pay a single substantial debt, or a number of outstanding debts (including disallowed costs and overrun payments, but not including sums owed to the government under the Internal Revenue Code or as specified in the appropriations provisions regarding outstanding tax debt in sections 745 and 746 of Division E of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114-113) and successor provisions of law) owed to any Federal agency or instrumentality is grounds for non-procurement suspension or debarment if the debt is uncontested and the debtor's legal administrative remedies for review of the debt are exhausted. See 2 CFR 180.800(c)(3).

(e) The failure of any surety to honor its obligations in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 9305 will be reported to Treasury. Treasury will forward to all interested agencies notification that a surety's certificate of authority to do business with the government has been revoked.

(f) The suspension or revocation of licenses, permits, or privileges also may extend to USDA programs or activities that are administered by the States on behalf of the government, to the extent that they affect the government's ability to collect money or funds owed by debtors. Therefore, States that manage USDA activities, pursuant to approval from the agencies, will ensure that appropriate steps are taken to safeguard against issuing licenses, permits, or privileges to debtors who fail to pay their debts to the government.

(g) In bankruptcy cases, before advising the debtor of an agency's intention to suspend or revoke licenses, permits, or privileges, agencies may request legal advice from OGC concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code, particularly 11 U.S.C. 362 and 525, which may restrict such action.

§ 3.15 - Liquidation of collateral.

(a) In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, agencies may liquidate security or collateral through a sale or a nonjudicial foreclosure and apply the proceeds to the applicable debt(s), if the debtor fails to pay the debt(s) within a reasonable time after demand and if such action is in the interest of the United States. Collection from other sources, including liquidation of security or collateral, is not a prerequisite to requiring payment by a surety, insurer, or guarantor unless such action is expressly required by statute or contract.

(b) When an agency learns that a bankruptcy petition has been filed with respect to a debtor, the agency may request legal advice from OGC concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code, including, but not limited to, 11 U.S.C. 362,to.

§ 3.16 - Collection in installments.

(a) Whenever feasible, agencies will collect the total amount of a debt in one lump sum. If a debtor is financially unable to pay a debt in one lump sum, agencies may accept payment in regular installments. Agencies will obtain financial statements from debtors (or a similar statement from foreign debtors) who represent that they are unable to pay in one lump sum and independently verify such representations whenever possible (see 31 CFR 902.2(g) for methods of verification). Agencies that agree to accept payments in regular installments will obtain a legally enforceable written agreement from the debtor that specifies all terms of the arrangement and that contains a provision accelerating the debt in the event of default.

(b) The size and frequency of installment payments will bear a reasonable relation to the size of the debt and the debtor's ability to pay. If possible, the installment payments will be sufficient in size and frequency to liquidate the debt in 3 years or less.

(c) Security for deferred payments will be obtained in appropriate cases. Agencies may accept installment payments notwithstanding the refusal of the debtor to execute a written agreement or to give security, at the agency's option.

§ 3.17 - Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, agencies will charge interest, penalties, and administrative costs on debts owed to the United States as specified in 31 U.S.C. 3717. If not included in the agency's demand notice, an agency will mail or deliver a written notice to the debtor, at the debtor's most recent address available to the agency, explaining the agency's requirements concerning these charges except where these requirements are included in a contractual or repayment agreement. These charges will continue to accrue until the debt is paid in full or otherwise resolved through compromise, termination, or waiver of the charges.

(b) Agencies will charge interest on debts owed the United States except as otherwise required by law and as provided in paragraph (i) of this section for debts owed to CCC and FSA. In charging such interest, agencies will apply the following provisions:

(1) Interest will accrue from the date of delinquency, or as otherwise provided by law.

(2) Unless otherwise established in a contract, repayment agreement, or by law, the rate of interest charged will be the rate established annually by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3717. Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3717,an. The agency must document the reason(s) for its determination that the higher rate is necessary.

(3) The rate of interest, as initially charged, will remain fixed for the duration of the indebtedness. When a debtor defaults on a repayment agreement and requests to enter into a new agreement, the agency may require payment of interest at a new rate that reflects the current value of funds to the Treasury at the time the new agreement is executed. Interest will not be compounded, that is, interest will not be charged on interest, penalties, or administrative costs required by this section. If, however, a debtor defaults on a previous repayment agreement, charges that accrued but were not collected under the defaulted agreement will be added to the principal under the new repayment agreement.

(c) Agencies will assess administrative costs incurred for processing and handling delinquent debts. The calculation of administrative costs will be based on actual costs incurred or upon estimated costs as determined by the assessing agency.

(d) Unless otherwise established in a contract, repayment agreement, or by law, agencies will charge a penalty, as specified in 31 U.S.C. 3717(e)(2), not to exceed six percent a year on the amount due on a debt that is delinquent for more than 90 days. This charge will accrue from the date of delinquency.

(e) Agencies may increase an “administrative debt” by the cost of living adjustment in lieu of charging interest and penalties under this section. “Administrative debt” includes, but is not limited to, a debt based on fines, penalties, and overpayments, but does not include a debt based on the extension of government credit, such as those arising from loans and loan guarantees. The cost of living adjustment is the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index for the month of June of the calendar year preceding the adjustment exceeds the Consumer Price Index for the month of June of the calendar year in which the debt was determined or last adjusted. Increases to administrative debts will be computed annually. Agencies may use this alternative only when there is a legitimate reason to do so, such as when calculating interest and penalties on a debt would be extremely difficult because of the age of the debt.

(f) When a debt is paid in partial or installment payments, amounts received by the agency will be applied first to outstanding penalties, second to administrative charges (when applicable), third to interest, and last to principal, except as otherwise required by law.

(g) Agencies will waive the collection of interest and administrative charges imposed pursuant to this section (that is, this does not apply to interest or administrative penalties determined by an applicable agreement or instrument such as a loan contract) on the portion of the debt that is paid within 30 days after the date on which interest began to accrue. Agencies may extend this 30-day period on a case-by-case basis. In addition, agencies may waive interest, penalties, and administrative costs charged under this section, in whole or in part, without regard to the amount of the debt, either under the criteria specified in the Federal standards for the compromise of debts (31 CFR part 902), or if the agency determines that collection of these charges is against equity and good conscience or is not in the interest of the United States.

(h) Agencies are authorized to impose interest and related charges on debts not subject to 31 U.S.C. 3717,in. Agencies will consult OGC before imposing interest and related charges under common law for any debt.

(i)(1) For debts resulting from CCC loans made in accordance with chapter XIV of this title:

(i) Late payment interest will begin to accrue from the date on which a claim is established. In addition, an additional charge of 3 percent per year will be assessed on a portion of a debt that remains unpaid 60 days after the date on which a claim was established. Such rate will be assessed retroactively from the date of claim establishment and apply on a daily basis and will continue to be used until the delinquent debt has been paid.

(ii) Penalty charges, administrative costs and interest will continue to accrue if a debtor makes a request for appeal as provided by any agency or USDA-wide appeal regulation Collection by offset will continue during the appeal process unless prohibited by statute. If the debtor ultimately wins an appeal and the debt is found to be incorrect, CCC will credit the debtor's debt for the amount of penalty charges, administrative costs, and interest that has accrued from the date such charges were initiated on the portion determined in the appeal to not be due.

(2) Late payment interest provisions of this section do not apply to FSA and CCC debts owed by Federal agencies and State and local governments. Interest on debts owed by such entities will be assessed at the rate of interest charged by the U.S. Treasury for funds borrowed by CCC on the day the debt became delinquent.

(3) Late payment interest, penalty charges, and administrative costs may be waived by FSA or CCC in full or in part, if it is determined by the agency that such action is in the Government's interest.

(4) The provisions of this section do not apply to CCC foreign debt.

§ 3.18 - Use and disclosure of mailing addresses.

(a) When attempting to locate a debtor in order to collect or compromise a debt under this part or 31 CFR parts 902 through 904 or other authority, agencies may send a request to Treasury to obtain a debtor's mailing address from the records of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

(b) Agencies are authorized to use mailing addresses obtained under paragraph (a) of this section to enforce collection of a delinquent debt and may disclose such mailing addresses to other agencies and to collection agencies for collection purposes.

§ 3.19 - Standards for the compromise of claims and debt settlement.

(a) An agency will follow the standards specified in 31 CFR part 902 for the compromise of debts pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711 arising out of the activities of, or referred or transferred for collection services to, that agency, except where otherwise authorized or required by law.

(b) For FSA FLP debts, the first instance of debt cancellation is exempt from the monetary limits established in 31 CFR 902.1.

(c) For CCC debts, CCC will, in exercising its authority pursuant to section 4 of the CCC Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714b) to make final and conclusive settlement and adjustment of any CCC claims, follow the standards specified in 31 CFR 902.2, 902.3, 902.4, 902.6, and 902.7, for the compromise of debts owed to CCC, to the maximum extent practicable. In addition to the bases for the compromise of debts specified in 31 CFR 902.2, CCC may compromise a debt when the approving official with the authority to compromise the debt has determined that such action is in the interest of CCC.

§ 3.20 - Standards for suspending or terminating collection activities.

(a) An agency will follow the standards specified in 31 CFR part 903 for the suspension or termination of collection activity pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711,except.

(b) CCC will, in exercising its authority pursuant to section 4 of the CCC Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714b) to make final and conclusive settlement and adjustment of any CCC claims, follow the standards specified in 31 CFR 903.2, 903.3, 903.4, and 903.5(c) and (d), for the suspension or termination of collection activities with regard to debts owed to CCC, to the maximum extent practicable. In addition to the bases for the termination of collection activities specified in 31 CFR 903.3, CCC may terminate collection activities when the approving official with the authority to terminate collection activities with regard to the debt has determined that such action is in the interest of CCC.

§ 3.21 - Referrals of debts to Justice.

An agency will promptly refer to Justice for litigation debts on which aggressive collection activity has been taken in accordance with this part, and that cannot be compromised by the agency or on which collection activity cannot be suspended or terminated in accordance with 31 CFR parts 902 and 903. Agencies will follow the procedures specified in 31 CFR part 904 in making such referrals. Agencies will consult with OGC on all debts which are to be collected in foreign jurisdictions to determine how and if a referral to Justice will take place.

§ 3.22 - CCC withholding of payment.

(a) CCC may temporarily withhold issuance of payment of some or all amounts to a debtor under one or more contracts or programs. Withholding of a payment prior to the completion of an applicable offset procedure may be made from amounts payable to a debtor by CCC to ensure that the interests of CCC and the United States will be protected as provided in this section.

(b) A payment may be withheld to protect the interests of CCC or the United States if CCC determines that:

(1) There has been a serious breach of contract or violation of program requirements and the withholding action is considered necessary to protect the financial interests of CCC;

(2) There is substantial evidence of violations of criminal or civil fraud laws and criminal prosecution or civil fraud action is of primary importance to program operations of CCC;

(3) Prior experience with the debtor indicates that collection will be difficult if amounts payable to the debtor are not withheld;

(4) There is doubt that the debtor will be financially able to pay a judgment on the claim of CCC;

(5) The facts available to CCC are insufficient to determine the amount to be offset or the proper payee;

(6) A judgement on a claim of CCC has been obtained; or

(7) Such action has been requested by Justice.

§ 3.23 - CCC assignment of payment.

(a) No amounts payable to a debtor by CCC will be paid to an assignee of the debt until amounts owed by the debtor have been collected and applied to the debt.

(b) A payment that is assigned as specified in part 1404 of this title by execution of any CCC assignment form will be subject to offset for any debt owed to CCC, or any USDA agency, or any other Federal agency, any IRS notice of levy, or any judgment in favor of the United States, without regard to the date notice of assignment was accepted by CCC.

(c) Except as provided in 7 CFR 1404.6(b), any indebtedness owed by the assignor to CCC will be offset from any payment which is owed by CCC if such indebtedness was entered on the debt record of the applicable USDA office prior to the date of the filing Forms CCC-251 (Notice of Assignment) and CCC-252 (Instrument of Assignment).

source: 85 FR 36672, June 17, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 3.14