Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality last revised: Jan 28, 2025
§ 233.1 - Contracts.

The contracts with transportation lines referred to in section 233(c) of the Act may be entered into by the Executive Associate Commissioner for Programs, or by an immigration officer designated by the Executive Associate Commissioner for Programs on behalf of the government and shall be documented on Form I-420. The contracts with transportation lines referred to in section 233(a) of the Act shall be made by the Commissioner on behalf of the government and shall be documented on Form I-426. The contracts with transportation lines desiring their passengers to be preinspected at places outside the United States shall be made by the Commissioner on behalf of the government and shall be documented on Form I-425; except that contracts for irregularly operated charter flights may be entered into by the Associate Commissioner for Examinations or an immigration officer designated by the Executive Associate Commissioner for Programs and having jurisdiction over the location where the inspection will take place.

[62 FR 10353, Mar. 6, 1997]
§ 233.2 - Transportation lines bringing aliens to the United States from or through foreign contiguous territory or adjacent islands.

Form I-420 shall be signed in duplicate and forwarded to the Headquarters Office of Inspections. After acceptance, each Regional Office of Inspections, the district office and the carrier will be furnished with one copy of the agreement. The transmittal letter to the Headquarters Office of Inspections shall indicate whether the signatory to the agreement is a subsidiary or affiliate of a line which has already signed a similar agreement. Correspondence regarding ancillary contracts for office space and other facilities to be furnished by transportation lines at Service stations in Canada shall be similarly handled.

[57 FR 59907, Dec. 17, 1992]
§ 233.3 - [Reserved]
§ 233.4 - Preinspection outside the United States.

(a) Form I-425 agreements. A transportation line bringing applicants for admission to the United States through preinspection sites outside the United States shall enter into an agreement on Form I-425. Such an agreement shall be negotiated directly by the Service's Headquarters Office of Inspections and the head office of the transportation line.

(b) Signatory lines. A list of transportation lines with currently valid transportation agreements on Form I-425 is maintained by the Service's Headquarters Office of Inspections and is available upon written request.

[62 FR 10353, Mar. 6, 1997]
§ 233.5 - Aliens entering Guam pursuant to section 14 of Public Law 99-396, “Omnibus Territories Act.”

A transportation line bringing aliens to Guam under the visa waiver provisions of § 212.1(e) of this chapter shall enter into an agreement on Form I-760. Such agreements shall be negotiated directly by the Service's Headquarters and head offices of the transportation lines.

[62 FR 10353, Mar. 6, 1997]
§ 233.6 - Aliens entering Guam or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands pursuant to Title VII of Public Law 110-229, “Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008.”

A transportation line bringing aliens to Guam or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands under the visa waiver provisions of § 212.1(q) of this chapter or to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands under the visa waiver provisions of § 212.1(r) of this chapter must enter into an agreement on CBP Form I-760. Such agreements must be negotiated directly by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and head offices of the transportation lines.

[89 FR 3331, Jan. 18, 2024]
source: Redesignated at 62 FR 10353, Mar. 6, 1997.
cite as: 8 CFR 233.1