Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality last revised: Oct 07, 2024
§ 280.1 - Notice of intention to fine; administrative proceedings not exclusive.

Whenever a district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office has reason to believe that any person has violated any of the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act and has thereby become liable to the imposition of an administrative fine under the Immigration and Nationality Act, he shall cause a Notice of Intention to Fine, Form I-79, to be served as provided in this part. Nothing in this subchapter shall affect, restrict, or prevent the institution of a civil suit, in the discretion of the Attorney General, under the authority contained in section 280 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989]
§ 280.2 - Special provisions relating to aircraft.

In any case in which the imposition of a fine is predicated upon an alleged violation of a regulation promulgated under authority of section 239 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the procedure prescribed in this part shall be followed and the aircraft involved shall not be granted clearance pending determination of the question of liability to the payment of any fine, or while the fine remains unpaid; but clearance may be granted prior to the determination of such question upon the deposit of a sum sufficient to cover such fine or of a bond with sufficient surety to secure the payment thereof, approved by the Commissioner. If the alleged violation was by the owner or person in command of the aircraft, the penalty provided for shall be a lien against the aircraft, which, except as provided in § 280.21, shall be seized by the district director or by an immigration officer designated by the district director, and placed in the custody of the customs officer who is in charge of the port of entry or customs station nearest the place of seizure. If the owner or owners of the airport at which such aircraft is located are the owners of the seized aircraft, the aircraft shall be removed to another suitable place for storage if practicable.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 32 FR 17651, Dec. 12, 1967; 56 FR 26020, June 6, 1991]
§ 280.3 - Departure of vessel or aircraft prior to denial of clearance.

If any vessel or aircraft which is subject to the imposition of a fine shall have departed from the United States prior to the denial of clearance by the district director of customs and such vessel or aircraft is subsequently found in the United States, a Notice of Intention to Fine, Form I-79, shall be served as provided in this part, if such form has not been previously served for the same violation. Clearance of such vessel or aircraft shall be withheld by the district director of customs, and the procedure prescribed in this part shall be followed to the same extent and in the same manner as though the vessel or aircraft had not departed from the United States. Aircraft subject to the provisions of § 280.2, which shall have departed from the United States prior to the time of seizure could be effected, shall be subject to all of the provisions of this part, if subsequently found in the United States, to the same extent as though it had not departed from the United States.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 32 FR 17651, Dec. 12, 1967]
§ 280.4 - Data concerning cost of transportation.

Within five days after request therefor, transportation companies shall furnish to the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office pertinent information contained in the original transportation contract of all rejected aliens whose cases are within the purview of any of the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act relating to refund of passage monies, and shall specify the exact amounts paid for transportation from the initial point of departure (which point shall be indicated) to the foreign port of embarkation, from the latter to the port of arrival in the United States and from the port of arrival to the inland point of destination, respectively, and also the amount paid for headtax, if any.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989]
§ 280.5 - Mitigation or remission of fines.

In any case in which mitigation or remission of a fine is authorized by the Immigration and Nationality Act, the party served with Notice of Intention to Fine may apply in writing to the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office for such mitigation or remission.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989]
§ 280.6 - Bond to obtain clearance; form.

A bond to obtain clearance of a vessel or aircraft under section 231, 237, 239, 243, 251, 253, 254, 255, 256, 272, or 273 of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall be filed on Form I-310.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 54 FR 102, Jan. 4, 1989]
§ 280.7 - Approval of bonds or acceptance of cash deposit to obtain clearance.

The district director of customs is authorized to approve the bond, or accept the sum of money which is being offered for deposit under any provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act or by this chapter for the purpose of obtaining clearance of a vessel or aircraft with the exception of sections 239, 251(d), 255, 256, 272, and 273(d) in which the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service is authorized to approve the bond or accept the sum of money which is being offered for deposit.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 32 FR 17651, Dec. 12, 1967; 56 FR 26020, June 6, 1991]
§ 280.11 - Notice of intention to fine; procedure.

Notice of Intention to Fine, Form I-79, shall be prepared in triplicate, with one additional copy for each additional person on whom the service of such notice is contemplated. The notice shall be addressed to any or all of the available persons subject to fine. A copy of the notice shall be served by personal service on each such person. If the notice is delivered personally, the person upon whom it is served shall be requested to acknowledge such service by signing his name to the duplicate and triplicate copies. The officer effecting such service shall attest to the service by signing his name thereon and shall indicate thereon the date and place of service. If the person so served refuses to acknowledge service, or if service is made by leaving it at an office or mailing it, the person making such service shall indicate the method and date on the duplicate and triplicate copies of Form I-79, and shall sign his name upon such copies. The duplicate copy shall be retained by the district director of immigration and naturalization or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office and the triplicate copy shall be delivered directly to the district director of customs for the district in which the vessel or aircraft is located, and the district director of customs shall withhold clearance until deposit is made or bond furnished as provided in the Immigration and Nationality Act. If the vessel or aircraft is located in a customs district which is outside the jurisdiction of the office of the Service having jurisdiction over the matter, the triplicate copy shall be forwarded to the office of the Service nearest such customs district for delivery to the district director of customs.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 32 FR 17651, Dec. 12, 1967; 37 FR 11471, June 8, 1972; 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989]
§ 280.12 - Answer and request or order for interview.

Within 30 days following the service of the Notice of Intention to Fine (which period the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office may extend for an additional period of 30 days upon good cause being shown), any person upon whom a notice under this part has been served may file with the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office a written defense, in duplicate, under oath setting forth the reasons why a fine should not be imposed, or if imposed, why it should be mitigated or remitted if permitted by the Immigration and Nationality Act, and stating whether a personal appearance is desired. Documentary evidence shall be submitted in support of such defense and a brief may be submitted in support of any argument made. If a personal interview is requested, the evidence in opposition to the imposition of the fine and in support of the request for mitigation or remission may be presented at such interview. An interview shall be conducted if requested by the party as provided hereinabove or, if directed at any time by the Board, the Commissioner, or the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office.

[22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989]
§ 280.13 - Disposition of case.

(a) Allegations admitted or no answer filed. If a request for personal appearance is not filed and (1) the answer admits the allegations in the notice, or (2) no answer is filed, the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office shall enter such order in the case as he deems appropriate and no appeal from his decision may be taken.

(b) Answer filed; personal appearance. Upon receipt of an answer asserting a defense to the allegations in the notice without requesting a personal appearance, or if a personal appearance is requested or directed, the case shall be assigned to an immigration officer. The immigration officer shall prepare a report summarizing the evidence and containing his findings and recommendation. The record, including the report and recommendation of the immigration officer, shall be forwarded to the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office. The district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office shall note on the report of the immigration officer whether he approves or disapproves the recommendation of the immigration officer. The person shall be informed in writing of the decision of the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office and, if his decision is that a fine shall be imposed or that the requested mitigation or remission shall not be granted, of the reasons for such decision. From the decision of the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office an appeal may be taken to the Board as provided in 8 CFR part 1003.

[22 FR 9808, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 23 FR 9124, Nov. 26, 1958; 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989; 76 FR 74629, Dec. 1, 2011]
§ 280.14 - Record.

The record made under § 280.13 shall include the request for the interview or a reference to the order directing the interview; the medical certificate, if any; a copy of any record of hearing before a Board of Special Inquiry, Hearing Examiner, Hearing Officer, or Special Inquiry Officer which is relevant to the fine proceedings; the duplicate copy of the Notice of Intention to Fine; the evidence upon which such Notice was based; the duplicate of any notices to detain, deport, deliver, or remove aliens; notice to pay expenses; evidence as to whether any deposit was made or bond furnished in accordance with the Immigration and Nationality Act; reports of investigations conducted; documentary evidence and testimony adduced at the interview; the original of any affidavit or brief filed in opposition to the imposition of fine; the application for mitigation or remission; and any other relevant matter.

§ 280.15 - Notice of final decision to district director of customs.

At such time as the decision under this part is final, the regional administrative officer shall be furnished a copy of the decision by the district director of immigration and naturalization or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office. The regional administrative officer shall notify the district director of customs who was furnished a copy of the Notice of Intention to Fine of the final decision made in the case. Such notification need not be made if the regional administrative officer has been previously furnished with a notice of collection of the amount of the penalty by the district director of customs.

[32 FR 17651, Dec. 12, 1967, as amended at 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989]
§ 280.21 - Seizure of aircraft.

Seizure of an aircraft under the authority of section 239 of the Act and § 280.2 will not be made if such aircraft is damaged to an extent that its value is less than the amount of the fine which may be imposed. If seizure of an aircraft for violation of section 239 of the Act is to be made, Form G-297 (Order to Seize Aircraft) and Form G-298 (Public Notice of Seizure) shall be prepared in septuple and the originals furnished to the immigration officer who will effect the seizure. The original of Form G-297, properly endorsed as to date and place of seizure, shall be returned for retention in the relating file after seizure is effected. The original of Form G-298 shall be placed on the seized aircraft and a copy retained in the file. Copies of both forms shall be served upon the owner of the aircraft and the pilot if other than the owner. Copies shall also be furnished the district director of customs and the United States Attorney for the district in which the seizure was made. In addition, immediately upon the seizure of an aircraft, or prior thereto, if circumstances permit, a full report of the facts in the case shall be submitted by the district director to the United States Attorney for the district in which the seizure was made, together with copies of Form G-296 (Report of Violation) and Form I-79 (Notice of Intention to Fine). The report shall include the cost incurred in seizing and guarding the aircraft and an estimate of the further additional cost likely to be incurred.

[29 FR 14433, Oct. 21, 1964, as amended at 32 FR 17651, Dec. 12, 1967]
§ 280.51 - Application for mitigation or remission.

(a) When application may be filed. An application for mitigation or remission of a fine may be filed as provided under § 280.12 of this part; or, within 30 days after the date of receipt of the district director's or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office's decision to impose a fine whether or not the applicant responded to the Notice of Intention to Fine.

(b) Form and contents of application. An application for mitigation or remission shall be filed in duplicate under oath and shall include information, supported by documentary evidence, as to the basis of the claim to mitigation or remission, and as to the action, if any, which may have been taken by the applicant, or as to the circumstances present in the case which, in the opinion of the applicant, justified the granting of his application.

(c) Disposition of application. The application, if filed with the answer, shall be disposed of as provided in § 280.13. In any other case the application shall be considered and decided by the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office from whose decision an appeal may be taken to the Board as provided in 8 CFR part 1003.

[22 FR 9808, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 23 FR 9124, Nov. 26, 1958; 46 FR 28624, May 28, 1981; 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989; 76 FR 74629, Dec. 1, 2011]
§ 280.52 - Payment of fines.

(a) All fines assessed pursuant to sections 231(d); 237(b); 239; 251(d); 254(a); 255; 256; 271(a); 272, 273 and 274(c) of the Act shall be made payable to and collected by the Service.

(b) All fines collected pursuant to sections 271(a) and 273 of the Act shall be deposited in the Immigration User Fee Account established in accordance with the provisions of section 286 of the Act.

(c) From the amounts collected under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the increase in penalties collected resulting from the amendments made by sections 203(b), 543(a), and 544 of the Immigration Act of 1990, shall be credited to the appropriation for activities authorized under section 280(b) of the Act.

[56 FR 26020, June 6, 1991]
§ 280.53 - Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment.

(a) Statutory authority. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, Public Law 101-410, 104 Stat. 890, as amended by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015, Public Law 114-74, Sec. 701, 129 Stat. 599, the civil monetary penalties listed in paragraph (b) of this section are adjusted as provided in paragraph (b).

(b) Adjustment of penalties. For violations occurring on or before November 2, 2015, the penalty amount prior to adjustment applies. For violations occurring after November 2, 2015, the listed penalties are adjusted as follows:

(1) Section 231(g) of the Act, penalties for non-compliance with arrival and departure manifest requirements for passengers, crewmembers, or occupants transported on commercial vessels or aircraft arriving to or departing from the United States: From $1,643 to $1,696.

(2) Section 234 of the Act, penalties for non-compliance with landing requirements at designated ports of entry for aircraft transporting aliens: From $4,465 to $4,610.

(3) Section 240B(d) of the Act, penalties for failure to depart voluntarily: From $1,881 minimum/$9,413 maximum to $1,942 minimum/$9,718 maximum.

(4) Section 243(c)(1)(A) of the Act, penalties for violations of removal orders relating to aliens transported on vessels or aircraft, under section 241(d) of the Act, or for costs associated with removal under section 241(e) of the Act: From $3,765 to $3,887.

(5) Penalties for failure to remove alien stowaways under section 241(d)(2) of the Act: From $9,413 to $9,718.

(6) Section 251(d) of the Act, penalties for failure to report an illegal landing or desertion of alien crewmen, and for each alien not reported on arrival or departure manifest or lists required in accordance with section 251 of the Act: From $446 to $460; and penalties for use of alien crewmen for longshore work in violation of section 251(d) of the Act: From $11,162 to $11,524.

(7) Section 254(a) of the Act, penalties for failure to control, detain, or remove alien crewmen: From $1,116 minimum/$6,696 maximum to $1,152 minimum/$6,913 maximum.

(8) Section 255 of the Act, penalties for employment on passenger vessels of aliens afflicted with certain disabilities: From $2,232 to $2,304.

(9) Section 256 of the Act, penalties for discharge of alien crewmen: From $3,348 minimum/$6,696 maximum to $3,457 minimum/$6,913 maximum.

(10) Section 257 of the Act, penalties for bringing into the United States alien crewmen with intent to evade immigration laws: From $22,324 maximum to $23,048 maximum.

(11) Section 271(a) of the Act, penalties for failure to prevent the unauthorized landing of aliens: From $6,696 to $6,913.

(12) Section 272(a) of the Act, penalties for bringing to the United States aliens subject to denial of admission on a health-related ground: From $6,696 to $6,913.

(13) Section 273(b) of the Act, penalties for bringing to the United States aliens without required documentation: From $6,696 to $6,913.

(14) Section 274D of the Act, penalties for failure to depart: From $942 maximum to $973 maximum, for each day the alien is in violation.

(15) Section 275(b) of the Act, penalties for improper entry: From $94 minimum/$472 maximum to $97 minimum/$487 maximum, for each entry or attempted entry.

[82 FR 8580, Jan. 27, 2017, as amended at 83 FR 13835, Apr. 2, 2018; 84 FR 13509, Apr. 5, 2019; 85 FR 36479, June 17, 2020; 86 FR 57540, Oct. 18, 2021; 87 FR 1327, Jan. 11, 2022; 88 FR 2183, Jan. 13, 2023; 89 FR 53859, June 28, 2024]
authority: 8 U.S.C. 1103,1221,1223,1227,1229,1253,1281,1283,1284,1285,1286,1322,1323,1330; 66 Stat. 173, 195, 197, 201, 203, 212, 219, 221-223, 226, 227, 230; Pub. L. 101-410, 104 Stat. 890, as amended by Pub. L. 114-74, 129 Stat. 599
source: 22 FR 9807, Dec. 6, 1957, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 8 CFR 280.53