Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality last revised: Jan 28, 2025
§ 1207.3 - Waivers of inadmissibility.

(a) Authority. Section 207(c)(3) of the Act sets forth grounds of inadmissibility under section 212(a) of the Act which are not applicable and those which may be waived in the case of an otherwise qualified refugee and the conditions under which such waivers may be approved. Officers in charge of overseas offices are delegated authority to initiate the necessary investigations to establish the facts in each waiver application pending before them and to approve or deny such waivers.

(b) Filing requirements. The applicant for a waiver must submit Form I-602, Application by Refugee for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility, with the Service office processing his or her case. The burden is on the applicant to show that the waiver should be granted based upon humanitarian grounds, family unity, or the public interest. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision, including the reasons for denial, if the application is denied. There is no appeal from such decision.

[62 FR 10336, Mar. 6, 1997. Duplicated from § 207.3 at 68 FR 9833, Feb. 28, 2003]
cite as: 8 CFR 1207.3