Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality last revised: Oct 07, 2024
§ 1212.1 - Documentary requirements for nonimmigrants.

A valid unexpired visa and an unexpired passport, valid for the period set forth in section 212(a)(26) of the Act, shall be presented by each arriving nonimmigrant alien except that the passport validity period for an applicant for admission who is a member of a class described in section 102 of the Act is not required to extend beyond the date of his application for admission if so admitted, and except as otherwise provided in the Act, this chapter, and for the following classes:

(a) Canadian nationals, and aliens having a common nationality with nationals of Canada or with British subjects in Bermuda, Bahamian nationals or British subjects resident in Bahamas, Cayman Islands, and Turks and Caicos Islands. A visa is not required of a Canadian national in any case. A passport is not required of such national except after a visit outside of the Western Hemisphere. A visa is not required of an alien having a common nationality with Canadian nationals or with British subjects in Bermuda, who has his or her residence in Canada or Bermuda. A passport is not required of such alien except after a visit outside of the Western Hemisphere. A visa and a passport are required of a Bahamian national or a British subject who has his residence in the Bahamas except that a visa is not required of such an alien who, prior to or at the time of embarkation for the United States on a vessel or aircraft, satisfied the examining U.S. immigration officer at the Bahamas, that he is clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to admission in all other respects. A visa is not required of a British subject who has his residence in, and arrives directly from, the Cayman Islands or the Turks and Caicos Islands and who presents a current certificate from the Clerk of Court of the Cayman Islands or the Turks and Caicos Islands indicating no criminal record.

(b) Certain Caribbean residents—(1) British, French, and Netherlands nationals, and nationals of certain adjacent islands of the Caribbean which are independent countries. A visa is not required of a British, French, or Netherlands national, or of a national of Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, or Trinidad and Tobago, who has his or her residence in British, French, or Netherlands territory located in the adjacent islands of the Caribbean area, or in Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, or Trinidad and Tobago, who:

(i) Is proceeding to the United States as an agricultural worker;

(ii) Is the beneficiary of a valid, unexpired indefinite certification granted by the Department of Labor for employment in the Virgin Islands of the United States and is proceeding to the Virgin Islands of the United States for such purpose, or

(iii) Is the spouse or child of an alien described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (b)(1)(ii) of this section, and is accompanying or following to join him or her.

(2) Nationals of the British Virgin Islands. A visa is not required of a national of the British Virgin Islands who has his or her residence in the British Virgin Islands, if:

(i) The alien is seeking admission solely to visit the Virgin Islands of the United States; or

(ii) At the time of embarking on an aircraft at St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, the alien meets each of the following requirements:

(A) The alien is traveling to any other part of the United States by aircraft as a nonimmigrant visitor for business or pleasure (as described in section 101(a)(15)(B) of the Act);

(B) The alien satisfies the examining U.S. Immigration officer at the port-of-entry that he or she is clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to admission in all other respects; and

(C) The alien presents a current Certificate of Good Conduct issued by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Department indicating that he or she has no criminal record.

(c) Mexican nationals. (1) A visa and a passport are not required of a Mexican national who:

(i) Is in possession of a Form DSP-150, B-1/B-2 Visa and Border Crossing Card, containing a machine-readable biometric identifier, issued by the DOS and is applying for admission as a temporary visitor for business or pleasure from contiguous territory.

(ii) Is a Mexican national entering solely for the purpose of applying for a Mexican passport or other official Mexican document at a Mexican consular office on the United States side of the border.

(2) A visa shall not be required of a Mexican national who:

(i) Is in possession of a Form DSP-150, with a biometric identifier, issued by the DOS, and a passport, and is applying for admission as a temporary visitor for business or pleasure from other than contiguous territory;

(ii) Is a crew member employed on an aircraft belonging to a Mexican company owned carrier authorized to engage in commercial transportation into the United States; or

(iii) Bears a Mexican diplomatic or official passport and who is a military or civilian official of the Federal Government of Mexico entering the United States for 6 months or less for a purpose other than on assignment as a permanent employee to an office of the Mexican Federal Government in the United States, and the official's spouse or any of the official's dependent family members under 19 years of age, bearing diplomatic or official passports, who are in the actual company of such official at the time of admission into the United States. This provision does not apply to the spouse or any of the official's family members classifiable under section 101(a)(15)(F) or (M) of the Act.

(3) A Mexican national who presents a BCC at a POE must present the DOS-issued DSP-150 containing a machine-readable biometric identifier. The alien will not be permitted to cross the border into the United States unless the biometric identifier contained on the card matches the appropriate biometric characteristic of the alien.

(4) Mexican nationals presenting a combination B-1/B-2 nonimmigrant visa and border crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport), issued by DOS prior to April 1, 1998, that does not contain a machine-readable biometric identifier, may be admitted on the basis of the nonimmigrant visa only, provided it has not expired and the alien remains admissible. A passport is also required.

(5) Aliens entering pursuant to International Boundary and Water Commission Treaty. A visa and a passport are not required of an alien employed either directly or indirectly on the construction, operation, or maintenance of works in the United States undertaken in accordance with the treaty concluded on February 3, 1944, between the United States and Mexico regarding the functions of the International Boundary and Water Commission, and entering the United States temporarily in connection with such employment.

(d) Citizens of the Freely Associated States, formerly Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia may enter into, lawfully engage in employment, and establish residence in the United States and its territories and possessions without regard to paragraphs (14), (20) and (26) of section 212(a) of the Act pursuant to the terms of Pub. L. 99-239. Pending issuance by the aforementioned governments of travel documents to eligible citizens, travel documents previously issued by the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands will continue to be accepted for purposes of identification and to establish eligibility for admission into the United States, its territories and possessions.

(e) Aliens entering Guam pursuant to section 14 of Public Law 99-396, “Omnibus Territories Act” and 8 CFR 212.1(e). (1) As provided in 8 CFR 212.1(e), until November 28, 2009, a visa is not required of an alien who is a citizen of a country enumerated in 8 CFR 212.1(e)(3) who:

(i) Is classifiable as a visitor for business or pleasure;

(ii) Is solely entering and staying on Guam for a period not to exceed fifteen days;

(iii) Is in possession of a round-trip nonrefundable and nontransferable transportation ticket bearing a confirmed departure date not exceeding fifteen days from the date of admission to Guam;

(iv) Is in possession of a completed and signed Visa Waiver Information Form (Form I-736);

(v) Waives any right to review or appeal the immigration officer's determination of admissibility at the port of entry at Guam; and

(vi) Waives any right to contest any action for deportation, other than on the basis of a request for asylum.

(2) The DHS regulations for waiver of the visa requirement for aliens entering Guam pursuant to section 14 of Public Law 99-396, prior to November 28, 2009, are set forth at 8 CFR 212.1(e).

(3) [Reserved]

(4) Admission under 8 CFR 212.1(e) renders an alien ineligible for:

(i) Adjustment of status to that of a temporary resident or, except under the provisions of section 245(i) of the Act or as an immediate relative as defined in section 201(b), to that of a lawful permanent resident;

(ii) Change of nonimmigrant status; or

(iii) Extension of stay.

(f) Direct transits—(1) Transit without visa. A passport and visa are not required of an alien who is being transported in immediate and continuous transit through the United States in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into between the transportation line and the Service under the provisions of section 238(d) of the Act on Form I-426 to insure such immediate and continuous transit through, and departure from, the United States en route to a specifically designated foreign country: Provided, That such alien is in possession of a travel document or documents establishing his/her identity and nationality and ability to enter some country other than the United States.

(2) Unavailability to transit. This waiver of passport and visa requirement is not available to an alien who is a citizen of Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia-aherzegovina, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, People's Republic of China, Colombia, Congo (Brazzaville), Cuba, India, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and Sudan.

(3) Foreign government officials in transit. If an alien is of the class described in section 212(d)(8) of the Act, only a valid unexpired visa and a travel document valid for entry into a foreign country for at least 30 days from the date of admission to the United States are required.

(g) Unforeseen emergency. A nonimmigrant seeking admission to the United States must present an unexpired visa and a passport valid for the amount of time set forth in section 212(a)(7)(B) of the Act or a valid biometric border crossing card, issued by the DOS on Form DSP-150, at the time of application for admission, unless the nonimmigrant satisfies the requirements described in one or more of the paragraphs (a) through (f),(i) or (o) of this section. Upon a nonimmigrant's application on Form I-193, Application for Waiver of Passport and/or Visa, a district director may, in the exercise of his or her discretion, on a case-by-case basis, waive the documentary requirements if satisfied that the nonimmigrant cannot present the required documents because of an unforeseen emergency. The district director or the Deputy Commissioner may at any time revoke a waiver previously authorized pursuant to this paragraph and notify the nonimmigrant in writing to that effect.

(h) Nonimmigrant spouses, fiancées, fiancés, and children of U.S. citizens. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this part, an alien seeking admission as a spouse, fiancée, fiancé, or child of a U.S. citizen, or as a child of the spouse, fiané, or finacée of a U.S. citizen, pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(K) of the Act shall be in possession of an unexpired nonimmigrant visa issued by an American consular officer classifying the alien under that section, or be inadmissible under section 212(a)(7)(B) of the Act.

(i) Visa Waiver Pilot Program. A visa is not required of any alien who is eligible to apply for admission to the United States as a Visa Waiver Pilot Program applicant pursuant to the provisions of section 217 of the Act and part 217 of this chapter if such alien is a national of a country designated under the Visa Waiver Pilot Program, who seeks admission to the United States for a period of 90 days or less as a visitor for business or pleasure.

(j) Officers authorized to act upon recommendations of United States consular officers for waiver of visa and passport requirements. All district directors, the officers in charge are authorized to act upon recommendations made by United States consular officers or by officers of the Visa Office, Department of State, pursuant to the provisions of 22 CFR 41.7 for waiver of visa and passport requirements under the provisions of section 212(d)(4)(A) of the Act. The District Director at Washington, DC, has jurisdiction in such cases recommended to the Service at the seat of Government level by the Department of State. Neither an application nor fee are required if the concurrence in a passport or visa waiver is requested by a U.S. consular officer or by an officer of the Visa Office. The district director or the Deputy Commissioner, may at any time revoke a waiver previously authorized pursuant to this paragraph and notify the nonimmigrant alien in writing to that effect.

(k) Cancellation of nonimmigrant visas by immigration officers. Upon receipt of advice from the Department of State that a nonimmigrant visa has been revoked or invalidated, and request by that Department for such action, immigration officers shall place an appropriate endorsement thereon.

(l) Treaty traders and investors. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this part, an alien seeking admission as a treaty trader or investor under the provisions of Chapter 16 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(E) of the Act, shall be in possession of a nonimmigrant visa issued by an American consular officer classifying the alien under that section.

(m) Aliens in S classification. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this part, an alien seeking admission pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act must be in possession of appropriate documents issued by a United States consular officer classifying the alien under that section.

(n) Alien in Q-2 classification. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this part, an alien seeking admission as a principal according to section 101(a)(15)(Q)(ii) of the Act must be in possession of a Certification Letter issued by the Department of State's Program Administrator documenting participation in the Irish peace process cultural and training programs.

(o) Alien in T-2 through T-4 classification. Individuals seeking T-2 through T-4 nonimmigrant status may avail themselves of the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section, except that the authority to waive documentary requirements resides with the Service Center.

(p) [Reserved]

(q) Aliens admissible under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program and 8 CFR 212.1(q)—(1) Eligibility for Program. As provided in 8 CFR 212.1(q), in accordance with Public Law 110-229, beginning November 28, 2009, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretaries of the Departments of Interior and State, may waive the visa requirement in the case of a nonimmigrant alien who seeks admission to Guam or to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program. To be admissible under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, prior to embarking on a carrier for travel to Guam or the CNMI, each nonimmigrant alien must:

(i) Be a national of a country or geographic area listed in 8 CFR 212.1(q)(2);

(ii) Be classifiable as a visitor for business or pleasure;

(iii) Be solely entering and staying on Guam or the CNMI for a period not to exceed forty-five days;

(iv) Be in possession of a round trip ticket that is nonrefundable and nontransferable and bears a confirmed departure date not exceeding forty-five days from the date of admission to Guam or the CNMI. “Round trip ticket” includes any return trip transportation ticket issued by a participating carrier, electronic ticket record, airline employee passes indicating return passage, individual vouchers for return passage, group vouchers for return passage for charter flights, or military travel orders which include military dependents for return to duty stations outside the United States on U.S. military flights;

(v) Be in possession of a completed and signed Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Information Form (CBP Form I-736);

(vi) Be in possession of a completed and signed I-94, Arrival-Departure Record (CBP Form I-94);

(vii) Be in possession of a valid unexpired ICAO compliant, machine readable passport issued by a country that meets the eligibility requirements of paragraph (q)(2) of this section;

(viii) Have not previously violated the terms of any prior admissions. Prior admissions include those under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, the prior Guam Visa Waiver Program, the Visa Waiver Program as described in section 217(a) of the Act and admissions pursuant to any immigrant or nonimmigrant visa;

(ix) Waive any right to review or appeal an immigration officer's determination of admissibility at the port of entry into Guam or the CNMI;

(x) Waive any right to contest any action for deportation or removal, other than on the basis of: an application for withholding of removal under section 241(b)(3) of the INA; withholding of removal under the regulations implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; or, an application for asylum if permitted under section 208 of the Act; and

(xi) If a resident of Taiwan, possess a Taiwan National Identity Card and a valid Taiwan passport with a valid re-entry permit issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(2) Implementing regulations. The DHS regulations for waiver of the visa requirement for aliens seeking admission to Guam or to the CNMI under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program are set forth at 8 CFR 212.1(q).

(3) [Reserved]

(4) Admission under 8 CFR 212.1(q). Admission under 8 CFR 212.1(q) renders an alien ineligible for:

(i) Adjustment of status to that of a temporary resident or, except as provided by section 245(i) of the Act, other than as an immediate relative as defined in section 201(b) of the Act, to that of a lawful permanent resident;

(ii) Change of nonimmigrant status; or

(iii) Extension of stay.

(5)-(7) [Reserved]

(8) Inadmissibility and Deportability—(i) Determinations of inadmissibility. (A) An alien who applies for admission under the provisions of the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, who is determined by an immigration officer to be inadmissible to Guam or the CNMI under one or more of the grounds of inadmissibility listed in section 212 of the Act (other than for lack of a visa), or who is in possession of and presents fraudulent or counterfeit travel documents, will be refused admission into Guam or the CNMI and removed. Such refusal and removal shall be effected without referral of the alien to an immigration judge for further inquiry, examination, or hearing, except that an alien who presents himself or herself as an applicant for admission to Guam under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, who applies for asylum, withholding of removal under section 241(b)(3) of the INA or withholding of removal under the regulations implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment must be issued a Form I-863, Notice of Referral to Immigration Judge, for a proceeding in accordance with 8 CFR 208.2(c)(1) and (2) and 1208.2(c)(1) and (2). The provisions of 8 CFR part 1208 subpart A shall not apply to an alien present or arriving in the CNMI seeking to apply for asylum prior to January 1, 2030. No application for asylum may be filed pursuant to section 208 of the Act by an alien present or arriving in the CNMI prior to January 1, 2030; however, aliens physically present in the CNMI during the transition period who express a fear of persecution or torture only may establish eligibility for withholding or deferral of removal pursuant to INA 241(b)(3) or pursuant to the regulations implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

(B) [Reserved]

(C) Refusal of admission under this paragraph or 8 CFR 212.1(q)(8)(i) shall not constitute removal for purposes of the Act.

(ii) Determination of deportability. (A) An alien who has been admitted to either Guam or the CNMI under the provisions of this section who is determined by an immigration officer to be deportable from either Guam or the CNMI under one or more of the grounds of deportability listed in section 237 of the Act, shall be removed from either Guam or the CNMI to his or her country of nationality or last residence. Such removal will be determined by DHS authority that has jurisdiction over the place where the alien is found, and will be effected without referral of the alien to an immigration judge for a determination of deportability, except that an alien admitted to Guam under the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program who applies for asylum or other form of protection from persecution or torture must be issued a Form I-863 for a proceeding in accordance with 8 CFR 208.2(c)(1) and (2) and 1208.2(c)(1) and (2). The provisions of 8 CFR part 1208 subpart A shall not apply to an alien present or arriving in the CNMI seeking to apply for asylum prior to January 1, 2030. No application for asylum may be filed pursuant to section 208 of the INA by an alien present or arriving in the CNMI prior to January 1, 2030; however, aliens physically present or arriving in the CNMI prior to January 1, 2030, may apply for withholding of removal under section 241(b)(3) of the Act and withholding of removal under the regulations implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

(B) Removal by DHS under paragraph (b)(1) of this section or 8 CFR 212.1(q)(8)(ii) is equivalent in all respects and has the same consequences as removal after proceedings conducted under section 240 of the Act.

(iii) [Reserved]

(Secs. 103, 104, 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1103,1104,1132,Dec. 16, 1961] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 1212.1, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 1212.2 - Consent to reapply for admission after deportation, removal or departure at Government expense.

(a) Evidence. Any alien who has been deported or removed from the United States is inadmissible to the United States unless the alien has remained outside of the United States for five consecutive years since the date of deportation or removal. If the alien has been convicted of an aggravated felony, he or she must remain outside of the United States for twenty consecutive years from the deportation date before he or she is eligible to re-enter the United States. Any alien who has been deported or removed from the United States and is applying for a visa, admission to the United States, or adjustment of status, must present proof that he or she has remained outside of the United States for the time period required for re-entry after deportation or removal. The examining consular or immigration officer must be satisfied that since the alien's deportation or removal, the alien has remained outside the United States for more than five consecutive years, or twenty consecutive years in the case of an alien convicted of an aggravated felony as defined in section 101(a)(43) of the Act. Any alien who does not satisfactorily present proof of absence from the United States for more than five consecutive years, or twenty consecutive years in the case of an alien convicted of an aggravated felony, to the consular or immigration officer, and any alien who is seeking to enter the United States prior to the completion of the requisite five- or twenty-year absence, must apply for permission to reapply for admission to the United States as provided under this part. A temporary stay in the United States under section 212(d)(3) of the Act does not interrupt the five or twenty consecutive year absence requirement.

(b) Alien applying to consular officer for nonimmigrant visa or nonresident alien border crossing card. (1) An alien who is applying to a consular officer for a nonimmigrant visa or a nonresident alien border crossing card, must request permission to reapply for admission to the United States if five years, or twenty years if the alien's deportation was based upon a conviction for an aggravated felony, have not elapsed since the date of deportation or removal. This permission shall be requested in the manner prescribed through the consular officer, and may be granted only in accordance with sections 212(a)(17) and 212(d)(3)(A) of the Act and § 1212.4 of this part. However, the alien may apply for such permission by submitting Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States after Deportation or Removal, to the consular officer if that officer is willing to accept the application, and recommends to the district director that the alien be permitted to apply.

(2) The consular officer shall forward the Form I-212 to the district director with jurisdiction over the place where the deportation or removal proceedings were held.

(c) Special provisions for an applicant for nonimmigrant visa under section 101(a)(15)(K) of the Act. (1) An applicant for a nonimmigrant visa under section 101(a)(15)(K) must:

(i) Be the beneficiary of a valid visa petition approved by the Service; and

(ii) File an application on Form I-212 with the consular officer for permission to reapply for admission to the United States after deportation or removal.

(2) The consular officer must forward the Form I-212 to the Service office with jurisdiction over the area within which the consular officer is located. If the alien is ineligible on grounds which, upon the applicant's marriage to the United States citizen petitioner, may be waived under section 212 (g), (h), or (i) of the Act, the consular officer must also forward a recommendation as to whether the waiver should be granted.

(d) Applicant for immigrant visa. Except as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this section, an applicant for an immigrant visa who is not physically present in the United States and who requires permission to reapply must file Form I-212 with the district director having jurisdiction over the place where the deportation or removal proceedings were held. Except as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this section, if the applicant also requires a waiver under section 212 (g), (h), or (i) of the Act, Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Excludability, must be filed simultaneously with the Form I-212 with the American consul having jurisdiction over the alien's place of residence. The consul must forward these forms to the appropriate Service office abroad with jurisdiction over the area within which the consul is located.

(e) Applicant for adjustment of status. An applicant for adjustment of status under section 245 of the Act and part 245 of this chapter must request permission to reapply for entry in conjunction with his or her application for adjustment of status. This request is made by filing an application for permission to reapply, Form I-212, with the district director having jurisdiction over the place where the alien resides. If the application under section 245 of the Act has been initiated, renewed, or is pending in a proceeding before an immigration judge, the district director must refer the Form I-212 to the immigration judge for adjudication.

(f) Applicant for admission at port of entry. Within five years of the deportation or removal, or twenty years in the case of an alien convicted of an aggravated felony, an alien may request permission at a port of entry to reapply for admission to the United States. The alien shall file the Form I-212 with the district director having jurisdiction over the port of entry.

(g) Other applicants. (1) Any applicant for permission to reapply for admission under circumstances other than those described in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this section must file Form I-212. This form is filed with either:

(i) The district director having jurisdiction over the place where the deportation or removal proceedings were held; or

(ii) The district director who exercised or is exercising jurisdiction over the applicant's most recent proceeding.

(2) If the applicant is physically present in the United States but is ineligible to apply for adjustment of status, he or she must file the application with the district director having jurisdiction over his or her place of residence.

(3) If an alien who is an applicant for parole authorization under § 245.15(t)(2) of 8 CFR chapter I requires consent to reapply for admission after deportation, removal, or departure at Government expense, or a waiver under section 212(g), 212(h), or 212(i) of the Act, he or she may file the requisite Form I-212 or Form I-601 at the Nebraska Service Center concurrently with the Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. If an alien who is an applicant for parole authorization under § 245.13(k)(2) of 8 CFR chapter I requires consent to reapply for admission after deportation, removal, or departure at Government expense, or a waiver under section 212(g), 212(h), or 212(i) of the Act, he or she may file the requisite Form I-212 or Form I-601 at the Texas Service Center concurrently with the Form I-131, Application for Travel Document.

(h) Decision. An applicant who has submitted a request for consent to reapply for admission after deportation or removal must be notified of the decision. If the application is denied, the applicant must be notified of the reasons for the denial and of his or her right to appeal as provided in part 103 of this chapter. Except in the case of an applicant seeking to be granted advance permission to reapply for admission prior to his or her departure from the United States, the denial of the application shall be without prejudice to the renewal of the application in the course of proceedings before an immigration judge under section 242 of the Act and this chapter.

(i) Retroactive approval. (1) If the alien filed Form I-212 when seeking admission at a port of entry, the approval of the Form I-212 shall be retroactive to either:

(i) The date on which the alien embarked or reembarked at a place outside the United States; or

(ii) The date on which the alien attempted to be admitted from foreign contiguous territory.

(2) If the alien filed Form I-212 in conjunction with an application for adjustment of status under section 245 of the Act, the approval of Form I-212 shall be retroactive to the date on which the alien embarked or reembarked at a place outside the United States.

(j) Advance approval. An alien whose departure will execute an order of deportation shall receive a conditional approval depending upon his or her satisfactory departure. However, the grant of permission to reapply does not waive inadmissibility under section 212(a) (16) or (17) of the Act resulting from exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings which are instituted subsequent to the date permission to reapply is granted.

[56 FR 23212, May 21, 1991, as amended at 64 FR 25766, May 12, 1999; 65 FR 15854, Mar. 24, 2000]
§ 1212.3 - Application for the exercise of discretion under former section 212(c).

(a) Jurisdiction. An application by an eligible alien for the exercise of discretion under former section 212(c) of the Act (as in effect prior to April 1, 1997), if made in the course of proceedings under section 240 of the Act, or under former sections 235, 236, or 242 of the Act (as in effect prior to April 1, 1997), shall be submitted to the immigration judge by filing Form I-191, Application for Advance Permission to Return to Unrelinquished Domicile.

(b) Filing of application. The application may be filed prior to, at the time of, or at any time after the applicant's departure from or arrival into the United States. All material facts or circumstances that the applicant knows or believes apply to the grounds of excludability, deportability, or removability must be described in the application. The applicant must also submit all available documentation relating to such grounds.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Validity. Once an application is approved, that approval is valid indefinitely. However, the approval covers only those specific grounds of excludability, deportability, or removability that were described in the application. An applicant who failed to describe any other grounds of excludability, deportability, or removability, or failed to disclose material facts existing at the time of the approval of the application, remains excludable, deportable, or removable under the previously unidentified grounds. If the applicant is excludable, deportable, or removable based upon any previously unidentified grounds a new application must be filed.

(e) Filing or renewal of applications before an immigration judge. (1) An eligible alien may renew or submit an application for the exercise of discretion under former section 212(c) of the Act in proceedings before an immigration judge under section 240 of the Act, or under former sections 235, 236, or 242 of the Act (as it existed prior to April 1, 1997), and under this chapter. Such application shall be adjudicated by the immigration judge, without regard to whether the applicant previously has made application to the district director.

(2) The immigration judge may grant or deny an application for relief under section 212(c), in the exercise of discretion, unless such relief is prohibited by paragraph (f) of this section or as otherwise provided by law.

(3) An alien otherwise entitled to appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals may appeal the denial by the immigration judge of this application in accordance with the provisions of § 1003.38 of this chapter.

(f) Limitations on discretion to grant an application under section 212(c) of the Act. An application for relief under former section 212(c) of the Act shall be denied if:

(1) The alien has not been lawfully admitted for permanent residence;

(2) The alien has not maintained lawful domicile in the United States, as either a lawful permanent resident or a lawful temporary resident pursuant to section 245A or section 210 of the Act, for at least seven consecutive years immediately preceding the filing of the application;

(3) The alien is subject to inadmissibility or exclusion from the United States under paragraphs (3)(A), (3)(B), (3)(C), (3)(E), or (10)(C) of section 212(a) of the Act;

(4) The alien has been charged and found to be deportable or removable on the basis of a crime that is an aggravated felony, as defined in section 101(a)(43) of the Act (as in effect at the time the application for section 212(c) relief is adjudicated), except as follows:

(i) An alien whose convictions for one or more aggravated felonies were entered pursuant to plea agreements made on or after November 29, 1990, but prior to April 24, 1996, is ineligible for section 212(c) relief only if he or she has served a term of imprisonment of five years or more for such aggravated felony or felonies, and

(ii) An alien is not ineligible for section 212(c) relief on account of an aggravated felony conviction entered pursuant to a plea agreement that was made before November 29, 1990; or

(5) The alien is deportable under former section 241 of the Act or removable under section 237 of the Act on a ground which does not have a statutory counterpart in section 212 of the Act.

(g) Relief for certain aliens who were in deportation proceedings before April 24, 1996. Section 440(d) of Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) shall not apply to any applicant for relief under this section whose deportation proceedings were commenced before the Immigration Court before April 24, 1996.

(h) Availability of section 212(c) relief for aliens who pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to certain crimes. For purposes of this section, the date of the plea agreement will be considered the date the plea agreement was agreed to by the parties. Aliens are not eligible to apply for section 212(c) relief under the provisions of this paragraph with respect to convictions entered after trial.

(1) Pleas before April 24, 1996. Regardless of whether an alien is in exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings, an eligible alien may apply for relief under former section 212(c) of the Act, without regard to the amendment made by section 440(d) of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, with respect to a conviction if the alien pleaded guilty or nolo contendere and the alien's plea agreement was made before April 24, 1996.

(2) Pleas between April 24, 1996 and April 1, 1997. Regardless of whether an alien is in exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings, an eligible alien may apply for relief under former section 212(c) of the Act, as amended by section 440(d) of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, with respect to a conviction if the alien pleaded guilty or nolo contendere and the alien's plea agreement was made on or after April 24, 1996, and before April 1, 1997.

(3) Please on or after April 1, 1997. Section 212(c) relief is not available with respect to convictions arising from plea agreements made on or after April 1, 1997.

[56 FR 50034, Oct. 3, 1991, as amended at 60 FR 34090, June 30, 1995; 61 FR 59825, Nov. 25, 1996; 66 FR 6446, Jan. 22, 2001; 69 FR 57834, Sept. 28, 2004]
§ 1212.4 - Applications for the exercise of discretion under section 212(d)(1) and 212(d)(3).

(a) Applications under section 212(d)(3)(A)—(1) General. District directors and officers in charge outside the United States in the districts of Bangkok, Thailand; Mexico City, Mexico; and Rome, Italy are authorized to act upon recommendations made by consular officers for the exercise of discretion under section 212(d)(3)(A) of the Act. The District Director, Washington, DC, has jurisdiction in such cases recommended to the Service at the seat-of-government level by the Department of State. When a consular officer or other State Department official recommends that the benefits of section 212(d)(3)(A) of the Act be accorded an alien, neither an application nor fee shall be required. The recommendation shall specify:

(i) The reasons for inadmissibility and each section of law under which the alien is inadmissible;

(ii) Each intended date of arrival;

(iii) The length of each proposed stay in the United States;

(iv) The purpose of each stay;

(v) The number of entries which the alien intends to make; and

(vi) The justification for exercising the authority contained in section 212(d)(3) of the Act.

If the alien desires to make multiple entries and the consular officer or other State Department official believes that the circumstances justify the issuance of a visa valid for multiple entries rather than for a specified number of entries, and recommends that the alien be accorded an authorization valid for multiple entries, the information required by items (ii) and (iii) shall be furnished only with respect to the initial entry. Item (ii) does not apply to a bona fide crewman. The consular officer or other State Department official shall be notified of the decision on his recommendation. No appeal by the alien shall lie from an adverse decision made by a Service officer on the recommendation of a consular officer or other State Department official.

(2) Authority of consular officers to approve section 212(d)(3)(A) recommendations pertaining to aliens inadmissible under section 212(a)(28)(C). In certain categories of visa cases defined by the Secretary of State, United States consular officers assigned to visa-issuing posts abroad may, on behalf of the Attorney General pursuant to section 212(d)(3)(A) of the Act, approve a recommendation by another consular officer that an alien be admitted temporarily despite visa ineligibility solely because the alien is of the class of aliens defined at section 212(a)(28)(C) of the Act, as a result of presumed or actual membership in, or affiliation with, an organization described in that section. Authorizations for temporary admission granted by consular officers shall be subject to the terms specified in § 1212.4(c) of this chapter. Any recommendation which is not clearly approvable shall, and any recommendation may, be presented to the appropriate official of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for a determination.

(b) Applications under section 212(d)(3)(B). An application for the exercise of discretion under section 212(d)(3)(B) of the Act shall be submitted on Form I-192 to the district director in charge of the applicant's intended port of entry prior to the applicant's arrival in the United States. (For Department of State procedure when a visa is required, see 22 CFR 41.95 and paragraph (a) of this section.) If the application is made because the applicant may be inadmissible due to present or past membership in or affiliation with any Communist or other totalitarian party or organization, there shall be attached to the application a written statement of the history of the applicant's membership or affiliation, including the period of such membership or affiliation, whether the applicant held any office in the organization, and whether his membership or affiliation was voluntary or involuntary. If the applicant alleges that his membership or affiliation was involuntary, the statement shall include the basis for that allegation. When the application is made because the applicant may be inadmissible due to disease, mental or physical defect, or disability of any kind, the application shall describe the disease, defect, or disability. If the purpose of seeking admission to the United States is for treatment, there shall be attached to the application statements in writing to establish that satisfactory treatment cannot be obtained outside the United States; that arrangements have been completed for treatment, and where and from whom treatment will be received; what financial arrangements for payment of expenses incurred in connection with the treatment have been made, and that a bond will be available if required. When the application is made because the applicant may be inadmissible due to the conviction of one or more crimes, the designation of each crime, the date and place of its commission and of the conviction thereof, and the sentence or other judgment of the court shall be stated in the application; in such a case the application shall be supplemented by the official record of each conviction, and any other documents relating to commutation of sentence, parole, probation, or pardon. If the application is made at the time of the applicant's arrival to the district director at a port of entry, the applicant shall establish that he was not aware of the ground of inadmissibility and that it could not have been ascertained by the exercise of reasonable diligence, and he shall be in possession of a passport and visa, if required, or have been granted a waiver thereof. The applicant shall be notified of the decision and if the application is denied of the reasons therefor and of his right to appeal to the Board within 15 days after the mailing of the notification of decision in accordance with the Provisions of part 1003 of this chapter. If denied, the denial shall be without prejudice to renewal of the application in the course of proceedings before a special inquiry officer under sections 235 and 236 of the Act and this chapter. When an appeal may not be taken from a decision of a special inquiry officer excluding an alien but the alien has applied for the exercise of discretion under section 212(d)(3)(B) of the Act, the alien may appeal to the Board from a denial of such application in accordance with the provisions of § 236.5(b) of this chapter.

(c) Terms of authorization—(1) General. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, each authorization under section 212(d)(3)(A) or (B) of the Act shall specify:

(i) Each section of law under which the alien is inadmissible;

(ii) The intended date of each arrival, unless the applicant is a bona fide crewman. However, if the authorization is valid for multiple entries rather than for a specified number of entries, this information shall be specified only with respect to the initial entry;

(iii) The length of each stay authorized in the United States, which shall not exceed the period justified and shall be subject to limitations specified in 8 CFR part 214. However, if the authorization is valid for multiple entries rather than for a specified number of entries, this information shall be specified only with respect to the initial entry;

(iv) The purpose of each stay;

(v) The number of entries for which the authorization is valid;

(vi) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the dates on or between which each application for admission at POEs in the United States is valid;

(vii) The justification for exercising the authority contained in section 212(d)(3) of the Act; and

(viii) That the authorization is subject to revocation at any time.

(2) Conditions of admission. (i) For aliens issued an authorization for temporary admission in accordance with this section, admissions pursuant to section 212(d)(3) of the Act shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the authorization.

(ii) The period for which the alien's admission is authorized pursuant to this section shall not exceed the period justified, or the limitations specified, in 8 CFR part 214 for each class of nonimmigrant, whichever is less.

(3) Validity. (i) Authorizations granted to crew members may be valid for a maximum period of 2 years for application for admission at U.S. POEs and may be valid for multiple entries.

(ii) An authorization issued in conjunction with an application for a Form DSP-150, B-1/B-2 Visa and Border Crossing Card, issued by the DOS shall be valid for a period not to exceed the validity of the biometric BCC for applications for admission at U.S. POEs and shall be valid for multiple entries.

(iii) A multiple entry authorization for a person other than a crew member or applicant for a Form DSP-150 may be made valid for a maximum period of 5 years for applications for admission at U.S. POEs.

(iv) An authorization that was previously issued in conjunction with Form I-185, Nonresident Alien Canadian Border Crossing Card, and that is noted on the card may remain valid. Although the waiver may remain valid, the non-biometric border crossing card portion of this document is not valid after that date. This waiver authorization shall cease if otherwise revoked or voided.

(v) A single-entry authorization to apply for admission at a U.S. POE shall not be valid for more than 6 months from the date the authorization is issued.

(vi) An authorization may not be revalidated. Upon expiration of the authorization, a new application and authorization are required.

(d) Admission of groups inadmissible under section 212(a)(28) for attendance at international conferences. When the Secretary of State recommends that a group of nonimmigrant aliens and their accompanying family members be admitted to attend international conferences notwithstanding their inadmissibility under section 212(a)(28) of the Act, the Deputy Commissioner, may enter an order pursuant to the authority contained in section 212(d)(3)(A) of the Act specifying the terms and conditions of their admission and stay.

(e) Inadmissibility under section 212(a)(1). Pursuant to the authority contained in section 212(d)(3) of the Act, the temporary admission of a nonimmigrant visitor is authorized notwithstanding inadmissibility under section 212(a)(1) of the Act, if such alien is accompanied by a member of his/her family, or a guardian who will be responsible for him/her during the period of admission authorized.

(f) Action upon alien's arrival. Upon admitting an alien who has been granted the benefits of section 212(d)(3)(A) of the Act, the immigration officer shall be guided by the conditions and limitations imposed in the authorization and noted by the consular officer in the alien's passport. When admitting any alien who has been granted the benefits of section 212(d)(3)(B) of the Act, the Immigration officer shall note on the arrival-departure record, Form I-94, or crewman's landing permit, Form I-95, issued to the alien, the conditions and limitations imposed in the authorization.

(g) Authorizations issued to crewmen without limitation as to period of validity. When a crewman who has a valid section 212(d)(3) authorization without any time limitation comes to the attention of the Service, his travel document shall be endorsed to show that the validity of his section 212(d)(3) authorization expires as of a date six months thereafter, and any previously-issued Form I-184 shall be lifted and Form I-95 shall be issued in its place and similarly endorsed.

(h) Revocation. The Deputy Commissioner or the district director may at any time revoke a waiver previously authorized under section 212(d)(3) of the Act and shall notify the nonimmigrant in writing to that effect.

(i) Alien witnesses and informants—(1) Waivers under section 212(d)(1) of the Act. Upon the application of a federal or state law enforcement authority (“LEA”), which shall include a state or federal court or United States Attorney's Office, pursuant to the filing of Form I-854, Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Record, for nonimmigrant classification described in section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act, the Commissioner shall determine whether a ground of exclusion exists with respect to the alien for whom classification is sought and, if so, whether it is in the national interest to exercise the discretion to waive the ground of excludability, other than section 212(a)(3)(E) of the Act. The Commissioner may at any time revoke a waiver previously authorized under section 212(d)(1) of the Act. In the event the Commissioner decides to revoke a previously authorized waiver for an S nonimmigrant, the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, and the relevant LEA shall be notified in writing to that effect. The Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, shall concur in or object to the decision. Unless the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, objects within 7 days, he or she shall be deemed to have concurred in the decision. In the event of an objection by the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, the matter will be expeditiously referred to the Deputy Attorney General for a final resolution. In no circumstances shall the alien or the relevant LEA have a right of appeal from any decision to revoke.

(2) Grounds of removal. Nothing shall prohibit the Service from removing from the United States an alien classified pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act for conduct committed after the alien has been admitted to the United States as an S nonimmigrant, or after the alien's change to S classification, or for conduct or a condition undisclosed to the Attorney General prior to the alien's admission in, or change to, S classification, unless such conduct or condition is waived prior to admission and classification. In the event the Commissioner decides to remove an S nonimmigrant from the United States, the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, and the relevant LEA shall be notified in writing to that effect. The Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, shall concur in or object to that decision. Unless the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, objects within 7 days, he or she shall be deemed to have concurred in the decision. In the event of an objection by the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, the matter will be expeditiously referred to the Deputy Attorney General for a final resolution. In no circumstances shall the alien or the relevant LEA have a right of appeal from any decision to remove.

[29 FR 15252, Nov. 13, 1964, as amended at 30 FR 12330, Sept. 28, 1965; 31 FR 10413, Aug. 3, 1966; 32 FR 15469, Nov. 7, 1967; 35 FR 3065, Feb. 17, 1970; 35 FR 7637, May 16, 1970; 40 FR 30470, July 21, 1975; 51 FR 32295, Sept. 10, 1986; 53 FR 40867, Oct. 19, 1988; 60 FR 44264, Aug. 25, 1995; 60 FR 52248, Oct. 5, 1995; 67 FR 71448, Dec. 2, 2002]
§ 1212.5 - Parole of aliens into the United States.

Procedures and standards for the granting of parole by the Department of Homeland Security can be found at 8 CFR 212.5.

[69 FR 69497, Nov. 29, 2004]
§ 1212.6 - Border crossing identification cards.

The regulations of the Department of Homeland Security pertaining to border crossing identification cards can be found at 8 CFR 212.6.

[81 FR 92367, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 1212.7 - Waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility.

(a) General—(1) Filing procedure—(i) Immigrant visa or K nonimmigrant visa applicant. An applicant for an immigrant visa or “K” nonimmigrant visa who is inadmissible and seeks a waiver of inadmissibility shall file an application on Form I-601 at the consular office considering the visa application. Upon determining that the alien is admissible except for the grounds for which a waiver is sought, the consular officer shall transmit the Form I-601 to the Service for decision.

(ii) Adjustment of status applicant. An applicant for adjustment of status who is excludable and seeks a waiver under section 212(h) or (i) of the Act shall file an application on Form I-601 with the director or immigration judge considering the application for adjustment of status.

(iii) Parole authorization applicant under § 1245.15(t). An applicant for parole authorization under § 1245.15(t) of this chapter who is inadmissible and seeks a waiver under section 212(h) or (i) of the Act must file an application on Form I-601 with the Director of the Nebraska Service Center considering the Form I-131.

(iv) Parole authorization applicant under § 1245.13(k)(2) of this chapter. An applicant for parole authorization under § 1245.13(k)(2) of this chapter who is inadmissible and seeks a waiver under section 212(h) or (i) of the Act must file an application on Form I-601 with the Director of the Texas Service Center adjudicating the Form I-131.

(2) Termination of application for lack of prosecution. An applicant may withdraw the application at any time prior to the final decision, whereupon the case will be closed and the consulate notified. If the applicant fails to prosecute the application within a reasonable time either before or after interview the applicant shall be notified that if he or she fails to prosecute the application within 30 days the case will be closed subject to being reopened at the applicant's request. If no action has been taken within the 30-day period immediately thereafter, the case will be closed and the appropriate consul notified.

(3) Decision. If the application is approved the director shall complete Form I-607 for inclusion in the alien's file and shall notify the alien of the decision. If the application is denied the applicant shall be notified of the decision, of the reasons therefor, and of the right to appeal in accordance with part 103 of this chapter.

(4) Validity. A waiver granted under section 212(h) or section 212(i) of the Act shall apply only to those grounds of excludability and to those crimes, events or incidents specified in the application for waiver. Once granted, the waiver shall be valid indefinitely, even if the recipient of the waiver later abandons or otherwise loses lawful permanent resident status, except that any waiver which is granted to an alien who obtains lawful permanent residence on a conditional basis under section 216 of the Act shall automatically terminate concurrently with the termination of such residence pursuant to the provisions of section 216. Separate notification of the termination of the waiver is not required when an alien is notified of the termination of residence under section 216 of the Act, and no appeal shall lie from the decision to terminate the waiver on this basis. However, if the respondent is found not to be deportable in a deportation proceeding based on the termination, the waiver shall again become effective. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the director from reconsidering a decision to approve a waiver if the decision is determined to have been made in error.

(b) Section 212(g) (tuberculosis and certain mental conditions)—(1) General. Any alien who is ineligible for a visa and is excluded from admission into the United States under section 212(a) (1), (3), or (6) of the Act may file an Application for Waiver of Grounds of Excludability (Form I-601) under section 212(g) of the Act at an office designated in paragraph (2). The family member specified in section 212(g) of the Act may file the waiver for the applicant if the applicant is incompetent to file the waiver personally.

(2) Locations for filing Form I-601. Form I-601 may be filed at any one of the following offices:

(i) The American consulate where the application for a visa is being considered if the alien is outside the United States;

(ii) The Service office having jurisdiction over the port of entry where the alien is applying for admission into the United States;

(iii) The Service office having jurisdiction over the alien if the alien is in the United States;

(iv) The Nebraska Service Center, if the alien is outside the United States and seeking parole authorization under § 1245.15(t)(2) of this chapter; or

(v) The Texas Service Center if the alien is outside the United States and is seeking parole authorization under § 1245.13(k)(2) of this chapter.

(3) Section 212(a)(6) (tuberculosis). If the alien is excludable under section 212(a)(6) of the Act because of tuberculosis, he shall execute Statement A on the reverse of page 1 of Form I-601. In addition, he or his sponsor in the United States is responsible for having Statement B executed by the physician or health facility which has agreed to supply treatment or observation; and, if required, Statement C shall be executed by the appropriate local or State health officer.

(4) Section 212(a) (1) or (3) (certain mental conditions)—(i) Arrangements for submission of medical report. If the alien is excludable under section 212(a) (1) or (3) (because of mental retardation or because of a past history of mental illness) he or his sponsoring family member shall submit an executed Form I-601 to the consular or Service office with a statement that arrangements have been made for the submission to that office of a medical report. The medical report shall contain a complete medical history of the alien, including details of any hospitalization or institutional care or treatment for any physical or mental condition; findings as to the current physical condition of the alien, including reports of chest X-ray examination and of serologic test for syphilis if the alien is 15 years of age or over, and other pertinent diagnostic tests; and findings as to the current mental condition of the alien, with information as to prognosis and life expectancy and with a report of a psychiatric examination conducted by a psychiatrist who shall, in case of mental retardation, also provide an evaluation of the alien's intelligence. For an alien with a past history of mental illness, the medical report shall also contain available information on which the U.S. Public Health Service can base a finding as to whether the alien has been free of such mental illness for a period of time sufficient in the light of such history to demonstrate recovery. Upon receipt of the medical report, the consular or Service office shall refer it to the U.S. Public Health Service for review.

(ii) Submission of statement. Upon being notified that the medical report has been reviewed by the U.S. Public Health Service and determined to be acceptable, the alien or the alien's sponsoring family member shall submit a statement to the consular or Service office. The statement must be from a clinic, hospital, institution, specialized facility, or specialist in the United States approved by the U.S. Public Health Service. The alien or alien's sponsor may be referred to the mental retardation or mental health agency of the state of proposed residence for guidance in selecting a post-arrival medical examining authority who will complete the evaluation and provide an evaluation report to the Centers for Disease Control. The statement must specify the name and address of the specialized facility, or specialist, and must affirm that:

(A) The specified facility or specialist agrees to evaluate the alien's mental status and prepare a complete report of the findings of such evaluation.

(B) The alien, the alien's sponsoring family member, or another responsible person has made complete financial arrangements for payment of any charges that may be incurred after arrival for studies, care, training and service;

(C) The Director, Division of Quarantine, Center for Prevention Services, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA. 30333 shall be furnished:

(1) The report evaluating the alien's mental status within 30 days after the alien's arrival; and

(2) Prompt notification of the alien's failure to report to the facility or specialist within 30 days after being notified by the U.S. Public Health Service that the alien has arrived in the United States.

(D) The alien shall be in an outpatient, inpatient, study, or other specified status as determined by the responsible local physician or specialist during the initial evaluation.

(5) Assurances: Bonds. In all cases under paragraph (b) of this section the alien or his or her sponsoring family member shall also submit an assurance that the alien will comply with any special travel requirements as may be specified by the U.S. Public Health Service and that, upon the admission of the alien into the United States, he or she will proceed directly to the facility or specialist specified for the initial evaluation, and will submit to such further examinations or treatment as may be required, whether in an outpatient, inpatient, or other status. The alien, his or her sponsoring family member, or other responsible person shall provide such assurances or bond as may be required to assure that the necessary expenses of the alien will be met and that he or she will not become a public charge. For procedures relating to cancellation or breaching of bonds, see part 103 of 8 CFR chapter I.

(c) Section 212(e). (1) An alien who was admitted to the United States as an exchange visitor, or who acquired that status after admission, is subject to the foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) of the Act if his or her participation in an exchange program was financed in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by a United States government agency or by the government of the country of his or her nationality or last foreign residence.

(2) An alien is also subject to the foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) of the Act if at the time of admission to the United States as an exchange visitor or at the time of acquisition of exchange visitor status after admission to the United States, the alien was a national or lawful permanent resident of a country which the Director of the United States Information Agency had designated, through public notice in the Federal Register, as clearly requiring the services of persons engaged in the field of specialized knowledge or skill in which the alien was to engage in his or her exchange visitor program.

(3) An alien is also subject to the foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) of the Act if he or she was admitted to the United States as an exchange visitor on or after January 10, 1977 to receive graduate medical education or training, or following admission, acquired such status on or after that date for that purpose. However, an exchange visitor already participating in an exchange program of graduate medical education or training as of January 9, 1977 who was not then subject to the foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) and who proceeds or has proceeded abroad temporarily and is returning to the United States to participate in the same program, continues to be exempt from the foreign residence requirement.

(4) A spouse or child admitted to the United States or accorded status under section 101(a)(15)(J) of the Act to accompany or follow to join an exchange visitor who is subject to the foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) of the Act is also subject to that requirement.

(5) An alien who is subject to the foreign residence requirement and who believes that compliance therewith would impose exceptional hardship upon his/her spouse or child who is a citizen of the United States or a lawful permanent resident alien, or that he or she cannot return to the country of his or her nationality or last residence because he or she will be subject to persecution on account of race, religion, or political opinion, may apply for a waiver on Form I-612. The alien's spouse and minor children, if also subject to the foreign residence requirement, may be included in the application, provided the spouse has not been a participant in an exchange program.

(6) Each application based upon a claim to exceptional hardship must be accompanied by the certificate of marriage between the applicant and his or her spouse and proof of legal termination of all previous marriages of the applicant and spouse; the birth certificate of any child who is a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident alien, if the application is based upon a claim of exceptional hardship to a child, and evidence of the United States citizenship of the applicant's spouse or child, when the application is based upon a claim of exceptional hardship to a spouse or child who is a citizen of the United States.

(7) Evidence of United States citizenship and of status as a lawful permanent resident shall be in the form provided in part 204 of 8 CFR chapter I. An application based upon exceptional hardship shall be supported by a statement, dated and signed by the applicant, giving a detailed explanation of the basis for his or her belief that his or her compliance with the foreign residence requirement of section 212(e) of the Act, as amended, would impose exceptional hardship upon his or her spouse or child who is a citizen of the United States or a lawful permanent resident thereof. The statement shall include all pertinent information concerning the incomes and savings of the applicant and spouse. If exceptional hardship is claimed upon medical grounds, the applicant shall submit a medical certificate from a qualified physician setting forth in terms understandable to a layman the nature and effect of the illness and prognosis as to the period of time the spouse or child will require care or treatment.

(8) An application based upon the applicant's belief that he or she cannot return to the country of his or her nationality or last residence because the applicant would be subject to persecution on account of race, religion, or political opinion, must be supported by a statement, dated and signed by the applicant, setting forth in detail why the applicant believes he or she would be subject to persecution.

(9) Waivers under Pub. L. 103-416 based on a request by a State Department of Public Health (or equivalent). In accordance with section 220 of Pub. L. 103-416, an alien admitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15)(J) of the Act, or who acquired status under section 101(a)(15)(J) of the Act after admission to the United States, to participate in an exchange program of graduate medical education or training (as of January 9, 1977), may apply for a waiver of the 2-year home country residence and physical presence requirement (the “2-year requirement”) under section 212(e)(iii) of the Act based on a request by a State Department of Public Health, or its equivalent. To initiate the application for a waiver under Pub. L. 103-416, the Department of Public Health, or its equivalent, or the State in which the foreign medical graduate seeks to practice medicine, must request the Director of USIA to recommend a waiver to the Service. The waiver may be granted only if the Director of USIA provides the Service with a favorable waiver recommendation. Only the Service, however, may grant or deny the waiver application. If granted, such a waiver shall be subject to the terms and conditions imposed under section 214(l) of the Act (as redesignated by section 671(a)(3)(A) of Pub. L. 104-208). Although the alien is not required to submit a separate waiver application to the Service, the burden rests on the alien to establish eligibility for the waiver. If the Service approves a waiver request made under Pub. L. 103-416, the foreign medical graduate (and accompanying dependents) may apply for change of nonimmigrant status, from J-1 to H-1B and, in the case of dependents of such a foreign medical graduate, from J-2 to H-4. Aliens receiving waivers under section 220 of Pub. L. 103-416 are subject, in all cases, to the provisions of section 214(g)(1)(A) of the Act.

(i) Eligibility criteria. J-1 foreign medical graduates (with accompanying J-2 dependents) are eligible to apply for a waiver of the 2-year requirement under Pub. L. 103-416 based on a request by a State Department of Public Health (or its equivalent) if:

(A) They were admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(J) of the Act, or acquired J nonimmigrant status before June 1, 2002, to pursue graduate medical education or training in the United States.

(B) They have entered into a bona fide, full-time employment contract for 3 years to practice medicine at a health care facility located in an area or areas designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as having a shortage of health care professionals (“HHS-designated shortage area”);

(C) They agree to commence employment within 90 days of receipt of the waiver under this section and agree to practice medicine for 3 years at the facility named in the waiver application and only in HHS-designated shortage areas. The health care facility named in the waiver application may be operated by:

(1) An agency of the Government of the United States or of the State in which it is located; or

(2) A charitable, educational, or other not-for-profit organization; or

(3) Private medical practitioners.

(D) The Department of Public Health, or its equivalent, in the State where the health care facility is located has requested the Director, USIA, to recommend the waiver, and the Director, USIA, submits a favorable waiver recommendation to the Service; and

(E) Approval of the waiver will not cause the number of waivers granted pursuant to Pub. L. 103-416 and this section to foreign medical graduates who will practice medicine in the same state to exceed 20 during the current fiscal year.

(ii) Decision on waivers under Pub. L. 103-416 and notification to the alien—(A) Approval. If the Director of USIA submits a favorable waiver recommendation on behalf of a foreign medical graduate pursuant to Pub. L. 103-416, and the Service grants the waiver, the alien shall be notified of the approval on Form I-797 (or I-797A or I-797B, as appropriate). The approval notice shall clearly state the terms and conditions imposed on the waiver, and the Service's records shall be noted accordingly.

(B) Denial. If the Director of USIA issues a favorable waiver recommendation under Pub. L. 103-416 and the Service denies the waiver, the alien shall be notified of the decision and of the right to appeal under 8 CFR part 1103. However, no appeal shall lie where the basis for denial is that the number of waivers granted to the State in which the foreign medical graduate will be employed would exceed 20 for that fiscal year.

(iii) Conditions. The foreign medical graduate must agree to commence employment for the health care facility specified in the waiver application within 90 days of receipt of the waiver under Pub. L. 103-416. The foreign medical graduate may only fulfill the requisite 3-year employment contract as an H-1B nonimmigrant. A foreign medical graduate who receives a waiver under Pub. L. 103-416 based on a request by a State Department of Public Health (or equivalent), and changes his or her nonimmigrant classification from J-1 to H-1B, may not apply for permanent residence or for any other change of nonimmigrant classification unless he or she has fulfilled the 3-year employment contract with the health care facility and in the specified HHS-designated shortage area named in the waiver application.

(iv) Failure to fulfill the three-year employment contract due to extenuating circumstances. A foreign medical graduate who fails to meet the terms and conditions imposed on the waiver under section 214(l) of the Act and this paragraph will once again become subject to the 2-year requirement under section 212(e) of the Act.

Under section 214(l)(1)(B) of the Act, however, the Service, in the exercise of discretion, may excuse early termination of the foreign medical graduate's 3-year period of employment with the health care facility named in the waiver application due to extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, closure of the health care facility or hardship to the alien. In determining whether to excuse such early termination of employment, the Service shall base its decision on the specific facts of each case. In all cases, the burden of establishing eligibility for a favorable exercise of discretion rests with the foreign medical graduate. Depending on the circumstances, closure of the health care facility named in the waiver application may, but need not, be considered an extenuating circumstance excusing early termination of employment. Under no circumstances will a foreign medical graduate be eligible to apply for change of status to another nonimmigrant category, for an immigrant visa or for status as a lawful permanent resident prior to completing the requisite 3-year period of employment for a health care facility located in an HHS-designated shortage area.

(v) Required evidence. A foreign medical graduate who seeks to have early termination of employment excused due to extenuating circumstances shall submit documentary evidence establishing such a claim. In all cases, the foreign medical graduate shall submit an employment contract with another health care facility located in an HHS-designated shortage area for the balance of the required 3-year period of employment. A foreign medical graduate claiming extenuating circumstances based on hardship shall also submit evidence establishing that such hardship was caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond his or her control. A foreign medical graduate claiming extenuating circumstances based on closure of the health care facility named in the waiver application shall also submit evidence that the facility has closed or is about to be closed.

(vi) Notification requirements. A J-1 foreign medical graduate who has been granted a waiver of the 2-year requirement pursuant to Pub. L. 103-416, is required to comply with the terms and conditions specified in section 214(l) of the Act and the implementing regulations in this section. If the foreign medical graduate subsequently applies for and receives H-1B status, he or she must also comply with the terms and conditions of that nonimmigrant status. Such compliance shall also include notifying the Service of any material change in the terms and conditions of the H-1B employment, by filing either an amended or a new H-1B petition, as required, under §§ 214.2(h)(2)(i)(D), 214.2(h)(2)(i)(E), and 214.2(h)(11) of 8 CFR chapter I.

(A) Amended H-1B petitions. The health care facility named in the waiver application and H-1B petition shall file an amended H-1B petition, as required under § 214.2(h)(2)(i)(E) of 8 CFR chapter I, if there are any material changes in the terms and conditions of the beneficiary's employment or eligibility as specified in the waiver application filed under Pub. L. 103-416 and in the subsequent H-1B petition. In such a case, an amended H-1B petition shall be accompanied by evidence that the alien will continue practicing medicine with the original employer in an HHS-designated shortage area.

(B) New H-1B petitions. A health care facility seeking to employ a foreign medical graduate who has been granted a waiver under Pub. L. 103-416 (prior to the time the alien has completed his or her 3-year contract with the facility named in the waiver application and original H-1B petition), shall file a new H-1B petition with the Service, as required under §§ 214.2(h)(2)(i) (D) and (E) of 8 CFR chapter I. Although a new waiver application need not be filed, the new H-1B petition shall be accompanied by the documentary evidence generally required under § 214.2(h) of this chapter, and the following additional documents:

(1) A copy of Form I-797 (and/or I-797A and I-797B) relating to the waiver and nonimmigrant H status granted under Pub. L. 103-416;

(2) An explanation from the foreign medical graduate, with supporting evidence, establishing that extenuating circumstances necessitate a change in employment;

(3) An employment contract establishing that the foreign medical graduate will practice medicine at the health care facility named in the new H-1B petition for the balance of the required 3-year period; and

(4) Evidence that the geographic area or areas of intended employment indicated in the new H-1B petition are in HHS-designated shortage areas.

(C) Review of amended and new H-1B petitions for foreign medical graduates granted waivers under Pub. L. 103-416 and who seek to have early termination of employment excused due to extenuating circumstances—(1) Amended H-1B petitions. The waiver granted under Pub. L. 103-416 may be affirmed, and the amended H-1B petition may be approved, if the petitioning health care facility establishes that the foreign medical graduate otherwise remains eligible for H-1B classification and that he or she will continue practicing medicine in an HHS-designated shortage area.

(2) New H-1B petitions. The Service shall review a new H-1B petition filed on behalf of a foreign medical graduate who has not yet fulfilled the required 3-year period of employment with the health care facility named in the waiver application and in the original H-1B petition to determine whether extenuating circumstances exist which warrant a change in employment, and whether the waiver granted under Pub. L. 103-416 should be affirmed. In conducting such a review, the Service shall determine whether the foreign medical graduate will continue practicing medicine in an HHS-designated shortage area, and whether the new H-1B petitioner and the foreign medical graduate have satisfied the remaining H-1B eligibility criteria described under section 101(a)(15)(H) of the Act and § 214.2(h) of 8 CFR chapter I. If these criteria have been satisfied, the waiver granted to the foreign medical graduate under Pub. L. 103-416 may be affirmed, and the new H1-B petition may be approved in the exercise of discretion, thereby permitting the foreign medical graduate to serve the balance of the requisite 3-year employment period at the health care facility named in the new H-1B petition.

(D) Failure to notify the Service of any material changes in employment. Foreign medical graduates who have been granted a waiver of the 2-year requirement and who have obtained H-1B status under Pub. L. 103-416 but fail to: Properly notify the Service of any material change in the terms and conditions of their H-1B employment, by having their employer file an amended or a new H-1B petition in accordance with this section and § 214.2(h) of 8 CFR chapter I; or establish continued eligibility for the waiver and H-1B status, shall (together with their dependents) again become subject to the 2-year requirement. Such foreign medical graduates and their accompanying H-4 dependents also become subject to deportation under section 241(a)(1)(C)(i) of the Act.

(10) The applicant and his or her spouse may be interviewed by an immigration officer in connection with the application and consultation may be had with the Director, United States Information Agency and the sponsor of any exchange program in which the applicant has been a participant.

(11) The applicant shall be notified of the decision, and if the application is denied, of the reasons therefor and of the right of appeal in accordance with the provisions of part 103 of this chapter. However, no appeal shall lie from the denial of an application for lack of a favorable recommendation from the Secretary of State. When an interested United States Government agency requests a waiver of the two-year foreign-residence requirement and the Director, United States Information Agency had made a favorable recommendation, the interested agency shall be notified of the decision on its request and, if the request is denied, of the reasons thereof, and of the right of appeal. If the foreign country of the alien's nationality or last residence has furnished statement in writing that it has no objection to his/her being granted a waiver of the foreign residence requirement and the Director, United States Information Agency has made a favorable recommendation, the Director shall be notified of the decision and, if the foreign residence requirement is not waived, of the reasons therefor and of the foregoing right of appeal. However, this “no objection” provision is not applicable to the exchange visitor admitted to the United States on or after January 10, 1977 to receive graduate medical education or training, or who acquired such status on or after that date for such purpose; except that the alien who commenced a program before January 10, 1977 and who was readmitted to the United States on or after that date to continue participation in the same program, is eligible for the “no objection” waiver.

(d) Criminal grounds of inadmissibility involving violent or dangerous crimes. The Attorney General, in general, will not favorably exercise discretion under section 212(h)(2) of the Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(h)(2)) to consent to an application or reapplication for a visa, or admission to the United States, or adjustment of status, with respect to immigrant aliens who are inadmissible under section 212(a)(2) of the Act in cases involving violent or dangerous crimes, except in extraordinary circumstances, such as those involving national security or foreign policy considerations, or cases in which an alien clearly demonstrates that the denial of the application for adjustment of status or an immigrant visa or admission as an immigrant would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship. Moreover, depending on the gravity of the alien's underlying criminal offense, a showing of extraordinary circumstances might still be insufficient to warrant a favorable exercise of discretion under section 212(h)(2) of the Act.

(Secs. 103, 203, 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by secs. 4, 5, 18 of Pub. L. 97-116, 95 Stat. 1611, 1620, (8 U.S.C. 1103,1153,1182,Sept. 4, 1964] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 1212.7, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 1212.8 - Certification requirement of section 212(a)(14).

(a) General. The certification requirement of section 212(a)(14) of the Act applies to aliens seeking admission to the United States or adjustment of status under section 245 of the Act for the purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor, who are preference immigrants as described in section 203(a) (3) or (6) of the Act, or who are nonpreference immigrants as described in section 203(a)(8). The certification requirement shall not be applicable to a nonpreference applicant for admission to the United States or to a nonpreference applicant for adjustment of status under section 245 who establishes that he will not perform skilled or unskilled labor. A native of the Western Hemisphere who established a priority date with a consular officer prior to January 1, 1977 and who was found to be entitled to an exemption from the labor certification requirement of section 212(a)(14) of the Act under the law in effect prior to January 1, 1977 as the parent, spouse or child of a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident alien shall continue to be exempt from that requirement for so long as the relationship upon which the exemption is based continues to exist.

(b) Aliens not required to obtain labor certifications. The following persons are not considered to be within the purview of section 212(a)(14) of the Act and do not require a labor certification: (1) A member of the Armed Forces of the United States; (2) a spouse or child accompanying or following to join his spouse or parent who either has a labor certification or is a nondependent alien who does not require such a certification; (3) a female alien who intends to marry a citizen or alien lawful permanent resident of the United States, who establishes satisfactorily that she does not intend to seek employment in the United States and whose fiance has guaranteed her support; (4) an alien who establishes on Form I-526 that he has invested, or is actively in the process of investing, capital totaling at least $40,000 in an enterprise in the United States of which he will be a principal manager and that the enterprise will employ a person or persons in the United States of which he will be a principal manager and that the enterprise will employ a person or persons in the United States who are United States citizens or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence, exclusive of the alien, his spouse and children. A copy of a document submitted in support of Form I-526 may be accepted though unaccompanied by the original, if the copy bears a certification by an attorney, typed or rubber-stamped in the language set forth in § 204.2(j) of 8 CFR chapter I. However, the original document shall be submitted, if submittal is requested by the Service.

[31 FR 10021, July 23, 1966; 31 FR 10355, Aug. 22, 1966, as amended at 34 FR 5326, Mar. 18, 1969; 38 FR 31166, Nov. 12, 1973; 41 FR 37566, Sept. 7, 1976; 41 FR 55850, Dec. 23, 1976; 47 FR 44990, Oct. 13, 1982; 48 FR 19157, Apr. 28, 1983]
§ 1212.9 - Applicability of section 212(a)(32) to certain derivative third and sixth preference and nonpreference immigrants.

A derivative beneficiary who is the spouse or child of a qualified third or sixth preference or nonpreference immigrant and who is also a graduate of a medical school as defined by section 101(a)(41) of the Act is not considered to be an alien who is coming to the United States principally to perform services as a member of the medical profession. Therefore, a derivative third or sixth preference or nonpreference immigrant under section 203(a)(8) of the Act, who is also a graduate of a medical school, is eligible for an immigrant visa or for adjustment of status under section 245 of the Act, whether or not such derivative immigrant has passed Parts I and II of the National Board of Medical Examiners Examination or equivalent examination.

(Secs. 103, 203(a)(8), and 212(a)(32), 8 U.S.C 1103, 1153(a)(8), and 1182(a)(32)) [45 FR 63836, Sept. 26, 1980]
§ 1212.10 - Section 212(k) waiver.

Any applicant for admission who is in possession of an immigrant visa, and who is excludable under sections 212(a)(14), (20), or (21) of the Act, may apply to the district director at the port of entry for a waiver under section 212(k) of the Act. If the application for waiver is denied by the district director, the application may be renewed in exclusion proceedings before an immigration judge as provided in part 1236 of this chapter.

(Secs. 103, 203, 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by secs. 4, 5, 18 of Pub. L. 97-116, 95 Stat. 1611, 1620, (8 U.S.C. 1103,1153,1182,Oct. 7, 1982]
§ 1212.11 - Controlled substance convictions.

In determining the admissibility of an alien who has been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance, the term controlled substance as used in section 212(a)(23) of the Act, shall mean the same as that referenced in the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. 801, et seq., and shall include any substance contained in Schedules I through V of 21 CFR 1308.1, et seq. For the purposes of this section, the term controlled substance includes controlled substance analogues as defined in 21 U.S.C. 802(23) and 813.

[53 FR 9282, Mar. 22, 1988]
§ 1212.12 - Parole determinations and revocations respecting Mariel Cubans.

(a) Scope. This section applies to any native of Cuba who last came to the United States between April 15, 1980, and October 20, 1980 (hereinafter referred to as Mariel Cuban) and who is being detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (hereinafter referred to as the Service) pending his or her exclusion hearing, or pending his or her return to Cuba or to another country. It covers Mariel Cubans who have never been paroled as well as those Mariel Cubans whose previous parole has been revoked by the Service. It also applies to any Mariel Cuban, detained under the authority of the Immigration and Nationality Act in any facility, who has not been approved for release or who is currently awaiting movement to a Service or Bureau Of Prisons (BOP) facility. In addition, it covers the revocation of parole for those Mariel Cubans who have been released on parole at any time.

(b) Parole authority and decision. The authority to grant parole under section 212(d)(5) of the Act to a detained Mariel Cuban shall be exercised by the Commissioner, acting through the Associate Commissioner for Enforcement, as follows:

(1) Parole decisions. The Associate Commissioner for Enforcement may, in the exercise of discretion, grant parole to a detained Mariel Cuban for emergent reasons or for reasons deemed strictly in the public interest. A decision to retain in custody shall briefly set forth the reasons for the continued detention. A decision to release on parole may contain such special conditions as are considered appropriate. A copy of any decision to parole or to detain, with an attached copy translated into Spanish, shall be provided to the detainee. Parole documentation for Mariel Cubans shall be issued by the district director having jurisdiction over the alien, in accordance with the parole determination made by the Associate Commissioner for Enforcement.

(2) Additional delegation of authority. All references to the Commissioner and Associate Commissioner for Enforcement in this section shall be deemed to include any person or persons (including a committee) designated in writing by the Commissioner or Associate Commissioner for Enforcement to exercise powers under this section.

(c) Review Plan Director. The Associate Commissioner for Enforcement shall appoint a Director of the Cuban Review Plan. The Director shall have authority to establish and maintain appropriate files respecting each Mariel Cuban to be reviewed for possible parole, to determine the order in which the cases shall be reviewed, and to coordinate activities associated with these reviews.

(d) Recommendations to the Associate Commissioner for Enforcement. Parole recommendations for detained Mariel Cubans shall be developed in accordance with the following procedures.

(1) Review Panels. The Director shall designate a panel or panels to make parole recommendations to the Associate Commissioner for Enforcement. A Cuban Review Panel shall, except as otherwise provided, consist of two persons. Members of a Review Panel shall be selected from the professional staff of the Service. All recommendations by a two-member Panel shall be unanimous. If the vote of a two-member Panel is split, it shall adjourn its deliberations concerning that particular detainee until a third Panel member is added. A recommendation by a three-member Panel shall be by majority vote. The third member of any Panel shall be the Director of the Cuban Review Plan or his designee.

(2) Criteria for Review. Before making any recommendation that a detainee be granted parole, a majority of the Cuban Review Panel members, or the Director in case of a record review, must conclude that:

(i) The detainee is presently a nonviolent person;

(ii) The detainee is likely to remain nonviolent;

(iii) The detainee is not likely to pose a threat to the community following his release; and

(iv) The detainee is not likely to violate the conditions of his parole.

(3) Factors for consideration. The following factors should be weighed in considering whether to recommend further detention or release on parole of a detainee:

(i) The nature and number of disciplinary infractions or incident reports received while in custody;

(ii) The detainee's past history of criminal behavior;

(iii) Any psychiatric and psychological reports pertaining to the detainee's mental health;

(iv) Institutional progress relating to participation in work, educational and vocational programs;

(v) His ties to the United States, such as the number of close relatives residing lawfully here;

(vi) The likelihood that he may abscond, such as from any sponsorship program; and

(vii) Any other information which is probative of whether the detainee is likely to adjust to life in a community, is likely to engage in future acts of violence, is likely to engage in future criminal activity, or is likely to violate the conditions of his parole.

(4) Procedure for review. The following procedures will govern the review process:

(i) Record review. Initially, the Director or a Panel shall review the detainee's file. Upon completion of this record review, the Director or the Panel shall issue a written recommendation that the detainee be released on parole or scheduled for a personal interview.

(ii) Personal interview. If a recommendation to grant parole after only a record review is not accepted or if the detainee is not recommended for release, a Panel shall personally interview the detainee. The scheduling of such interviews shall be at the discretion of the Director. The detainee may be accompanied during the interview by a person of his choice, who is able to attend at the time of the scheduled interview, to assist in answering any questions. The detainee may submit to the Panel any information, either orally or in writing, which he believes presents a basis for release on parole.

(iii) Panel recommendation. Following completion of the interview and its deliberations, the Panel shall issue a written recommendation that the detainee be released on parole or remain in custody pending deportation or pending further observation and subsequent review. This written recommendation shall include a brief statement of the factors which the Panel deems material to its recommendation. The recommendation and appropriate file material shall be forwarded to the Associate Commissioner for Enforcement, to be considered in the exercise of discretion pursuant to § 1212.12(b).

(e) Withdrawal of parole approval. The Associate Commissioner for Enforcement may, in his or her discretion, withdraw approval for parole of any detainee prior to release when, in his or her opinion, the conduct of the detainee, or any other circumstance, indicates that parole would no longer be appropriate.

(f) Sponsorship. No detainee may be released on parole until suitable sponsorship or placement has been found for the detainee. The paroled detainee must abide by the parole conditions specified by the Service in relation to his sponsorship or placement. The following sponsorships and placements are suitable:

(1) Placement by the Public Health Service in an approved halfway house or mental health project;

(2) Placement by the Community Relations Service in an approved halfway house or community project; and

(3) Placement with a close relative such as a parent, spouse, child, or sibling who is a lawful permanent resident or a citizen of the United States.

(g) Timing of reviews. The timing of review shall be in accordance with the following guidelines.

(1) Parole revocation cases. The Director shall schedule the review process in the case of a new or returning detainee whose previous immigration parole has been revoked. The review process will commence with a scheduling of a file review, which will ordinarily be expected to occur within approximately three months after parole is revoked. In the case of a Mariel Cuban who is in the custody of the Service, the Cuban Review Plan Director may, in his or her discretion, suspend or postpone the parole review process if such detainee's prompt deportation is practicable and proper.

(2) Continued detention cases. A subsequent review shall be commenced for any detainee within one year of a refusal to grant parole under § 1212.12(b), unless a shorter interval is specified by the Director.

(3) Discretionary reviews. The Cuban Review Plan Director, in his discretion, may schedule a review of a detainee at any time when the Director deems such a review to be warranted.

(h) Revocation of parole. The Associate Commissioner for Enforcement shall have authority, in the exercise of discretion, to revoke parole in respect to Mariel Cubans. A district director may also revoke parole when, in the district director's opinion, revocation is in the public interest and circumstances do not reasonably permit referral of the case to the Associate Commissioner. Parole may be revoked in the exercise of discretion when, in the opinion of the revoking official:

(1) The purposes of parole have been served;

(2) The Mariel Cuban violates any condition of parole;

(3) It is appropriate to enforce an order of exclusion or to commence proceedings against a Mariel Cuban; or

(4) The period of parole has expired without being renewed.

[52 FR 48802, Dec. 28, 1987, as amended at 59 FR 13870, Mar. 24, 1994; 65 FR 80294, Dec. 21, 2000]
§ 1212.13 - Severability.

The provisions of part 1212 are separate and severable from one another. In the event that any provision in part 1212 is stayed, enjoined, not implemented, or otherwise held invalid, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be implemented as an independent rule and continue in effect.

[85 FR 80400, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 1212.14 - Parole determinations for alien witnesses and informants for whom a law enforcement authority (“LEA”) will request S classification.

(a) Parole authority. Parole authorization under section 212(d)(5) of the Act for aliens whom LEAs seek to bring to the United States as witnesses or informants in criminal/counter terrorism matters and to apply for S classification shall be exercised as follows:

(1) Grounds of eligibility. The Commissioner may, in the exercise of discretion, grant parole to an alien (and the alien's family members) needed for law enforcement purposes provided that a state or federal LEA:

(i) Establishes its intention to file, within 30 days after the alien's arrival in the United States, a completed Form I-854, Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Record, with the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice, in accordance with the instructions on or attached to the form, which will include the names of qualified family members for whom parole is sought;

(ii) Specifies the particular operational reasons and basis for the request, and agrees to assume responsibility for the alien during the period of the alien's temporary stay in the United States, including maintaining control and supervision of the alien and the alien's whereabouts and activities, and further specifies any other terms and conditions specified by the Service during the period for which the parole is authorized;

(iii) Agrees to advise the Service of the alien's failure to report quarterly any criminal conduct by the alien, or any other activity or behavior on the alien's part that may constitute a ground of excludability or deportability;

(iv) Assumes responsibility for ensuring the alien's departure on the date of termination of the authorized parole (unless the alien has been admitted in S nonimmigrant classification pursuant to the terms of paragraph (a)(2) of this section), provides any and all assistance needed by the Service, if necessary, to ensure departure, and verifies departure in a manner acceptable to the Service;

(v) Provide LEA seat-of-government certification that parole of the alien is essential to an investigation or prosecution, is in the national interest, and is requested pursuant to the terms and authority of section 212(d)(5) of the Act;

(vi) Agrees that no promises may be, have been, or will be made by the LEA to the alien that the alien will or may:

(A) Remain in the United States in parole status or any other nonimmigrant classification;

(B) Adjust status to that of lawful permanent resident; or

(C) Otherwise attempt to remain beyond the authorized parole. The alien (and any family member of the alien who is 18 years of age or older) shall sign a statement acknowledging an awareness that parole only authorizes a temporary stay in the United States and does not convey the benefits of S nonimmigrant classification, any other nonimmigrant classification, or any entitlement to further benefits under the Act; and

(vii) Provides, in the case of a request for the release of an alien from Service custody, certification that the alien is eligible for parole pursuant to § 235.3 of chapter I.

(2) Authorization. (i) Upon approval of the request for parole, the Commissioner shall notify the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, of the approval.

(ii) Upon notification of approval of a request for parole, the LEA will advise the Commissioner of the date, time, and place of the arrival of the alien. The Commissioner will coordinate the arrival of the alien in parole status with the port director prior to the time of arrival.

(iii) Parole will be authorized for a period of thirty (30) days to commence upon the alien's arrival in the United States in order for the LEA to submit a completed Form I-854 to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division. Upon the submission to the Assistant Attorney General of the Form I-854 requesting S classification, the period of parole will be automatically extended while the request is being reviewed. The Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, will notify the Commissioner of the submission of a Form I-854.

(b) Termination of parole—(1) General. The Commissioner may terminate parole for any alien (including a member of the alien's family) in parole status under this section where termination is in the public interest. A district director may also terminate parole when, in the district director's opinion, termination is in the public interest and circumstances do not reasonably permit referral of the case to the Commissioner. In such a case, the Commissioner shall be notified immediately. In the event the Commissioner, or in the appropriate case, a district director, decides to terminate the parole of an alien witness or informant authorized under the terms of this paragraph, the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, and the relevant LEA shall be notified in writing to that effect. The Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, shall concur in or object to that decision. Unless the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, objects within 7 days, he or she shall be deemed to have concurred in the decision. In the event of an objection by the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, the matter will be expeditiously referred to the Deputy Attorney General for a final resolution. In no circumstances shall the alien or the relevant LEA have a right of appeal from any decision to terminate parole.

(2) Termination of parole and admission in S classification. When an LEA has filed a request for an alien in authorized parole status to be admitted in S nonimmigrant classification and that request has been approved by the Commissioner pursuant to the procedures outlines in 8 CFR 214.2(t), the Commissioner may, in the exercise of discretion:

(i) Terminate the alien's parole status;

(ii) Determine eligibility for waivers; and

(iii) Admit the alien in S nonimmigrant classification pursuant to the terms and conditions of section 101(a)(15(S) of the Act and 8 CFR 214.2(t).

(c) Departure. If the alien's parole has been terminated and the alien has been ordered excluded from the United States, the LEA shall ensure departure from the United States and so inform the district director in whose jurisdiction the alien has last resided. The district director, if necessary, shall oversee the alien's departure from the United States and, in any event, shall notify the Commissioner of the alien's departure. The Commissioner shall be notified in writing of the failure of any alien authorized parole under this paragraph to depart in accordance with an order of exclusion and deportation entered after parole authorized under this paragraph has been terminated.

(d) Failure to comply with procedures. Any failure to adhere to the parole procedures contained in this section shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Commissioner, who will notify the Attorney General.

[60 FR 44265, Aug. 25, 1995, as amended at 85 FR 80400, Dec. 11, 2020]
§ 1212.15 - Certificates for foreign health care workers.

(a) Inadmissible aliens. With the exception of the aliens described in paragraph (b) of this section, any alien coming to the United States for the primary purpose of performing labor in a health care occupation listed in paragraph (c) of this section is inadmissible to the United States unless the alien presents a certificate as described in paragraph (f) of this section.

(b) Inapplicability of the ground of inadmissibility. The following aliens are not subject to this ground of inadmissibility:

(1) Aliens seeking admission to the United States to perform services in a non-clinical health care occupation. A non-clinical health-care occupation is one where the alien is not required to perform direct or indirect patient care. Occupations which are considered to be non-clinical include, but are not limited to, medical teachers, medical researchers, managers of health care facilities, and medical consultants to the insurance industry;

(2) The spouse and dependent children of any immigrant alien who is seeking to immigrate in order to accompany or follow to join the principal alien; and

(3) Any alien applying for adjustment of status to that of a permanent resident under any provision of law other than an alien who is seeking to immigrate on the basis of an employment-based immigrant visa petition which was filed for the purpose of obtaining the alien's services in a health care occupation described in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Occupations affected by this provision. With the exception of the aliens described in paragraph (b) of this section, any alien seeking admission to the United States as an immigrant or any alien applying for adjustment of status to a permanent resident to perform labor in one of the following health care occupations, regardless of where he or she received his or her education or training, is subject to this provision:

(1) Licensed practical nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and registered nurses.

(2) Occupational therapists.

(3) Physical therapists.

(4) Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists.

(5) Medical Technologists (Clinical Laboratory Scientists).

(6) Physician Assistants.

(7) Medical Technicians (Clinical Laboratory Technicians).

(d) Presentation of the certificate. An alien described in paragraph (a) of this section who is applying for admission as an immigrant seeking to perform labor in a health care occupation as described in this section must present a certificate to a consular officer at the time of visa issuance and to the Service at the time of admission or adjustment of status. The certificate must be valid at the time of visa issuance and admission at a port-of-entry, or, if applicable, at the time of adjustment of status.

(e) Organizations approved by the Service to issue certificates for health care workers. (1) The Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools may issue certificates pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(5)(C), and section 212(a)(5)(C) of the Act for the occupations of nurse (licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, and registered nurse), physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist and audiologist, medical technologist (clinical laboratory scientist), physician assistant, and medical technician (clinical laboratory technician).

(2) The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy is authorized by the Service to issue certificates under section 343 for the occupation of occupational therapist.

(3) The Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy is authorized by the Service to issue certificates under section 343 for the occupation of physical therapist.

(f) Contents of the certificate. A certificate must contain the following information:

(1) The name and address of the certifying organization;

(2) A point of contact where the organization may be contacted in order to verify the validity of the certificate;

(3) The date of the certificate was issued;

(4) The occupation for which the certificate was issued;

(5) The alien's name, and date and place of birth;

(6) Verification that the alien's education, training, license, and experience are comparable with that required for an American health care worker of the same type;

(7) Verification that the alien's education, training, license, and experience are authentic and, in the case of a license, unencumbered;

(8) Verification that the alien's education, training, license, and experience meet all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements for admission into the United States as an immigrant under section 203(b) of the Act. This verification is not binding on the Service; and

(9) Verification either that the alien has passed a test predicting success on the occupation's licensing or certification examination, provided such a test is recognized by a majority of States licensing the occupation for which the certificate is issued, or that the alien has passed the occupation's licensing or certification examination.

(g) English testing requirement. (1) With the exception of those aliens described in paragraph (g)(2) of this section, every alien must meet certain English language requirements in order to obtain a certificate. The Secretary of Health and Human Services has determined that an alien must have a passing score on one of the two tests listed in paragraph (g)(3) of this section before he or she can be granted a certificate.

(2) Aliens exempt from the English language requirement. Aliens who have graduated from a college, university, or professional training school located in Australia, Canada (except Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States are exempt from the English language requirement.

(3) Approved testing services. (i) Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB). Effective June 30, 2000, the MELAB Oral Interview Speaking Test is no longer being given overseas and is only being administered in the United States and Canada. Applicants may take MELAB Parts 1, 2, and 3, plus the Test of Spoken English offered by the Educational Testing Service.

(ii) Test of English as a Foreign Language, Educational Testing Service (ETS).

(4) Passing scores for various occupations—(i) Occupational and physical therapists. An alien seeking to perform labor in the United States as an occupational therapist or physical therapist must obtain the following scores on the English tests administered by ETS: Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Paper-Based 560, Computer-Based 220; Test of Written English (TWE): 4.5; Test of Spoken English (TSE): 50. Certifying organizations shall not accept the results of the MELAB for the occupation of occupational therapist or physical therapist. Aliens seeking to obtain a certificate to work as an occupational or physical therapist must take the test offered by the ETS. The MELAB scores are not acceptable for these occupations.

(ii) Registered nurses. An alien coming to the United States to perform labor as a registered nurse must obtain the following scores to obtain a certificate: ETS: TOEFL: Paper-Based 540, Computer-Based 207; TWE: 4.0; TSE: 50; MELAB: Final Score 79; Oral Interview: 3+.

(iii) Licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational nurses. An alien coming to the United States to perform labor as a licensed practical nurse or licensed vocational nurse must have the following scores to be issued a certificate: ETS: TOEFL: Paper-Based 530, Computer-Based 197; TWE: 4.0; TSE: 50; MELAB: Final Score 77; Oral Interview: 3+.

(iv) Speech-language pathologists and Audiologists, medical technologists (clinical laboratory scientists), and physician assistants. An alien coming to the United States to perform labor as a speech-language pathologist and audiologist, a medical technologist (clinical laboratory scientist), or a physician assistant must have the following scores to be issued a certificate: ETS: TOEFL: Paper-Based 540, Computer-Based 207; TWE: 4.0; TSE: 50; MELAB: Final Score 79; Oral Interview: 3+.

(v) Medical technicians (clinical laboratory technicians). An alien coming to the United States to perform labor as a medical technician (clinical laboratory technician) must have the following scores to be issued a certificate: ETS: TOEFL: Paper-Based 530, Computer-Based 197; TWE: 4.0; TSE: 50; MELAB: Final Score 77; Oral Interview: 3+.

[63 FR 55011, Oct. 14, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 23177, Apr. 30, 1999; 66 FR 3444, Jan. 16, 2001]
§ 1212.16 - Applications for exercise of discretion relating to T nonimmigrant status.

(a) Filing the waiver application. An alien applying for the exercise of discretion under section 212(d)(13) or (d)(3)(B) of the Act (waivers of inadmissibility) in connection with an application for T nonimmigrant status shall submit Form I-192, with the appropriate fee in accordance with § 103.7(b)(1) of this chapter or an application for a fee waiver, to the Service with the completed Form I-914 application package for status under section 101(a)(15)(T)(i) of the Act.

(b) Treatment of waiver application. (1) The Service shall determine whether a ground of inadmissibility exists with respect to the alien applying for T nonimmigrant status. If a ground of inadmissibility is found, the Service shall determine if it is in the national interest to exercise discretion to waive the ground of inadmissibility, except for grounds of inadmissibility based upon sections 212(a)(3), 212(a)(10)(C) and 212(a)(10)(E) of the Act, which the Commissioner may not waive. Special consideration will be given to the granting of a waiver of a ground of inadmissibility where the activities rendering the alien inadmissible were caused by or incident to the victimization described under section 101(a)(15)(T)(i) of the Act.

(2) In the case of applicants inadmissible on criminal and related grounds under section 212(a)(2) of the Act, the Service will only exercise its discretion in exceptional cases unless the criminal activities rendering the alien inadmissible were caused by or were incident to the victimization described under section 101(a)(15)(T)(i) of the Act.

(3) An application for waiver of a ground of inadmissibility for T nonimmigrant status (other than under section 212(a)(6) of the Act) will be granted only in exceptional cases when the ground of inadmissibility would prevent or limit the ability of the applicant to adjust to permanent resident status after the conclusion of 3 years.

(4) The Service shall have sole discretion to grant or deny a waiver, and there shall be no appeal of a decision to deny a waiver. However, nothing in this paragraph (b) is intended to prevent an applicant from re-filing a request for a waiver of a ground of inadmissibility in appropriate cases.

(c) Incident to victimization. When an applicant for status under section 101(a)(15)(T) of the Act seeks a waiver of a ground of inadmissibility under section 212(d)(13) of the Act on grounds other than those described in sections 212(a)(1) and (a)(4) of the Act, the applicant must establish that the activities rendering him or her inadmissible were caused by, or were incident to, the victimization described in section 101(a)(15)(T)(i)(I) of the Act.

(d) Revocation. The Commissioner may at any time revoke a waiver previously authorized under section 212(d) of the Act. Under no circumstances shall the alien or any party acting on his or her behalf have a right to appeal from a decision to revoke a waiver.

[67 FR 4795, Jan. 31, 2002]
authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101 and note, 1102, 1103, 1182 and note, 1184, 1187, 1223, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1255; 8 U.S.C. 1185 note (section 7209 of Pub. L. 108-458); Title VII of Pub. L. 110-229; Pub. L. 115-218
source: 17 FR 11484, Dec. 19, 1952, unless otherwise noted. Duplicated from part 212 at 68 FR 9535, Feb. 28, 2003.
cite as: 8 CFR 1212.12