| Name of breed
| Book of record
| By whom published
2201 | Arabian | Arab Horse Stud Book | The Arab Horse Society, Col. R. C. de V. Askin, secretary, Beechmead, Rowledge, Farnham, Surrey, England.
2202 | | Polska Ksiega Stadna Koni, Arabskich Czystej Krwi | Towarzystwo Hodowli Konia Arabskiego, Maria Brykczynska, secretary, Krako 1w, Sarego 2, Poland.
2203 | | General Stud Book | Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish Sq., London, W. 1, England.
2204 | | Registro-Matricula de Caballos de Pura Sangre | Jefatura de Cria Caballar y Remonta, Don Manuel Diaz Calderon, Secretario Stud-book, Ministerio del Ejercito, Madrid, Spain.
2205 | | Stud Book Argentino | Ministerio de Hacienda de la Nacion, Loteria de Beneficencia Nacional y Casinos, Ricardo A. Maestri, Jefe, Av. Libertador General San Martin 4101, Capital Federal, Republica Argentina.
2206 | | Stud Book Francais Registre des Chevaux de Pur Sang | Commission du Studbook Francais de Pur Sang, M. Maze-Sencier, Inspecteur General, Chef, Service des Haras, Ministere de l'Agriculture, 78 rue de Varenne (7), Paris, France.
2207 | | Stud Book de Venezuela | Instituto Nacional de Hipodromos, Jorge Coll Nunez, Jefe, Hipodromo “La Rinconada,” Caracas, Venezuela.
2208 | | The Arabian Stud Book. (Recognition of this book will be restricted to Arabian horses which originate for importation in Saudi Arabia, or trace to pure Arabian stock of that country.) | The Arabian Horse Club Registry of America, Inc., Henry B. Babson, secretary, 120 So. La Salle St., Chicago 3, Ill.
2304 | | Russian Arabian Stud Book of Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | Ministry of Agriculture USSR, All-Union Research Institute of Horsebreeding.
2101 | Belgian | Stud-Book des Chevaux de Trait Belges | Societe 1 Royale “Le Cheval de Trait Belge,” Edgard Bedoret, Secretaire general, 45a rue de l'Ecuyer, Brussels, Belgium.
2209 | Cleveland Bay | Cleveland Bay Stud Book | Cleveland Bay Horse Society, Oswald Welford, secretary, The Angelus, Roxby, Staithes, Saltburn, Yorkshire, England.
2102 | Clydesdale | Clydesdale Stud-Book | Clydesdale Horse Society of Great Britain & Ireland, Robert Jarvis, secretary, 19 Hillington Gardens, Glasgow, S.W. 2, Scotland.
2210 | Criolla | “Registre Definitivo Seccion” de Registro Genealogico para la Raza Criolla | Sociedad Rural Argentina, E. F. Garay, Gerente Tecnico, Florida 460, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2301 | Fjordhest (formerly known as Westland) | Stambok over Fjordhest | Statens Stambokkontor, Arne Hogstad, Statens Stambokforer, Munkedamsveien 35 VI, Oslo, Norway.
2211 | Hackney | Hackney Stud Book | Hackney Horse Society, R. A. Brown, secretary, 16 Bedford Sq., London, W.C. 1, England.
2212 | Holstein | Holsteinisches Gestutbuch | Verband der Zuchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e. V., Herr H. Horstmann, Geschaftsfuhrer, Klostersande 93, Elmshorn, Germany.
2112 | Morab | Morab Stud Book | North American Morab Horse Association, Inc., W 3174 Fero Springs Road, Hilbert, WI 54129.
2103 | Percheron | British Percheron Stud Book | British Percheron Horse Society, A. E. Vyse, secretary, Owen Webb House, Gresham Rd., Cambridge, England.
2104 | | Stud-Book Percheron de France | Societe 1 Hippique Percheronne de France, E. Lemarie, secretaire general, 7 rue Villette-Gate 1. Nogent-le-Rotrou (E-&-L), France.
2302 | Shetland Pony | Shetland Pony Stud-Book | Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society, Thomas H. F. Myles, secretary, 61 George St., Perth, Scotland.
2105 | Shire | Shire Horse Stud Book | Shire Horse Society, A. G. Holland, secretary, 17 Devonshire St., London, W. 1, England.
2106 | Suffolk | Suffolk Stud-Book | Suffolk Horse Society, Raymond Keer, secretary, 6 Church St., Woodbridge, Suffolk, England.
2213 | Thoroughbred | Australian Stud Book | Australian Jockey Club and Victoria Racing Club, W. J. McFadden, Keeper of the Stud Book, 6 Bligh St., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
2214 | | General Stud Book | Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish Sq., London, W. 1, England.
2215 | | Jamaica Stud-Book | The Jockey Club of Jamaica, Miss L. Pike, secretary, 10 Duke St., Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I.
2216 | | Stud Book de Chile | Club Hipico de Santiago, Alejandro Obolensky Dadian, Jefe de Stud-Book, Casilla 3674, Santiago, Chile.
2217 | | Stud Book de Venezuela | Instituto Nacional de Hipodromos, Jorge Coll Nunez, Jefe, Hipodromo “La Rinconada,” Caracas, Venezuela.
2218 | | New Zealand Stud Book | New Zealand Racing Conference, A. M. McBeath, secretary, P.O. Box 1430, Wellington, C. 1, New Zealand.
2219 | | Registro-Matricula de Caballos de Pura Sangre | Jefatura de Cria Caballar y Remonta, Don Manuel Diaz Calderon, Secretario Stud-book, Ministerio del Ejercito, Madrid, Spain.
2220 | | Stud Book Francais Registre des Chevaux de Pur Sang | Commission du Studbook Francais de Pur Sang, M. Maze-Sencier, Inspecteur General, Chef, Service des Haras, Ministere de l'Agriculture, 78 rue de Varenne (7), Paris, France.
2221 | | Libro Genealogico dei Cavalli di Puro Sangue | Jockey Club Italiano, Gen. Federico Garofoli, segretario, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 87, Rome, Italy.
2222 | | Registre des Chevaux de Pur Sang | Jockey-Club de Belgique, Lt. Col. Baron Jacques van Zuylen van Nyevelt, Secretaire general, 1 rue Guimard, Brussels 4, Belgium.
2223 | | Stud Book Brasileiro | Jockey Club Brasileiro, Ricardo Xavier da Silveira, Diretor do Stud Book, Av., Rio Branco 197, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2224 | | Stud Book Peruano | Jockey Club del Pera, Alberto Alvarez Calderon, Gerente, Union 1066, Lima, Peru.
2225 | | Stud Book Argentino | Ministerio de Hacienda de la Nacion, Loteria de Beneficencia Nacional y Casinos, Ricardo A. Maestri, Jefe, Av. Libertador General San Martin 4101, Capital Federal, Republica Argentina.
2226 | | American Stud Book. (Recognition of this book will be restricted to Thoroughbreds imported as follows: (a) Horses bred or born in the United States, shipped to a foreign country and returned to this country; (b) horses bred or born in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Eire, or France, whose pedigrees trace wholly, or in part, to horses bred or born in the United States; (c) horses from countries where a book of purebred registration for Thoroughbreds does not exist; or (d) horses previously certified for entry under the act and for which Certificates of Foreign Registration were issued by The Jockey Club of New York, and which were subsequently exported to any country and returned to the United States with such certificates.) | The Jockey Club, Mrs. L. Brennan, Registrar, 300 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y.
2233 | | Allgemeines deutsches Gestubuch fur Vollblut | Direktorium fur Vollblutzucht und Rennen, 6 Cologne Weidenpesch, Rennbahnstrasse 100, Postfach 180, Republic of Germany.
2234 | | Stud Book Uruguayo | Jefe del Stud Book Uruguayo, Jose C. Frigerio, Head, Uruguayan Jockey Club, Montevideo, Uruguay.
2235 | | The General Stud Book of South Africa | The Jockey Club of South Africa, Box 3409, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa.
2113 | Trakehner | Trakehner Stud Book | American Trakehner Association, 2305 November Lane, Reston, VA 22091.
2303 | Welsh Pony and Cob | Welsh Stud Book | Welsh Pony & Cob Society, J. A. George, secretary, Offices of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society, Queen's Rd., Aberystwyth, Cardiganlshire, Wales.
2240 | Wielkopolskich | Ksiega Stadna Koni Wielkopolskich | Warm Blood & Full Blood Breeders of the Great Polish Horses, Pulewski 14, 02-152 Warsaw, Poland. |