Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jul 03, 2024
§ 77.5 - Definitions.

As used in subpart B, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this section except as otherwise specified.

Accreditation preparatory State or zone. A State or zone that is or is part of a State that has the authority to enforce and complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” and in which tuberculosis is prevalent in less than 0.5 percent of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone.

Accredited-free State or zone. A State or zone that is or is part of a State that has the authority to enforce and complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication,” has zero percent prevalence of affected cattle and bison herds, and has had no findings of tuberculosis in any cattle or bison herds in the State or zone for the previous 5 years. Except that: The requirement of freedom from tuberculosis in herds is 2 years from the depopulation of the last affected herd in States or zones that were previously accredited free and in which all herds affected with tuberculosis were depopulated, 3 years in all other States or zones that have depopulated all affected herds, and 3 years in States or zones that have conducted surveillance that demonstrates that other livestock herds and wildlife are not at risk of being infected with tuberculosis, as determined by the Administrator based on a risk assessment conducted by APHIS.

Accredited herd. To establish or maintain accredited herd status, the herd owner must comply with all of the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” regarding accredited herds. All cattle and bison in a herd must be free from tuberculosis.

Approved feedlot. A confined area approved jointly by the State animal health official and the Administrator for feeding cattle and bison for slaughter, with no provisions for pasturing or grazing.

Cattle and bison not known to be affected. All cattle and bison except those originating from tuberculosis affected herds or from herds containing tuberculosis suspect cattle or bison.

Department. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Exposed cattle and bison. Cattle and bison, except reactor cattle and bison, that are part of an affected herd.

Feedlot. A facility for congregating finished fed cattle prior to their being shipped to slaughter.

Finished fed cattle. Cattle fattened on a ration of feed concentrates to reach a slaughter condition equivalent to that which would be attained on full feed with a high concentrate grain ration for 90 days.

Modified accredited advanced State or zone. A State or zone that is or is part of a State that has the authority to enforce and complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” and in which tuberculosis has been prevalent in less than 0.01 percent of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone for each of the most recent 2 years. Except that: The Administrator, upon his or her review, may allow a State or zone with fewer than 30,000 herds to have up to 3 affected herds for each of the most recent 2 years, depending on the veterinary infrastructure, livestock demographics, and tuberculosis control and eradication measures in the State or zone.

Modified accredited State or zone. A State or zone that is or is part of a State that has the authority to enforce and complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” and in which tuberculosis has been prevalent in less than 0.1 percent of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone for the most recent year. Except that: The Administrator, upon his or her review, may allow a State or zone with fewer than 10,000 herds to have up to 10 affected herds for the most recent year, depending on the veterinary infrastructure, livestock demographics, and tuberculosis control and eradication measures in the State or zone.

Negative cattle and bison. Cattle and bison that are classified negative for tuberculosis in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication,” based on the results of an official tuberculin test.

Nonaccredited State or zone. A State or zone that is or is part of a State that does not meet the standards of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” or in which tuberculosis is prevalent in 0.5 percent or more of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone.

Official tuberculin test. Any test for tuberculosis conducted on cattle or bison in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.”

Permit. An official document issued for movement of cattle or bison under this part by an APHIS representative, State representative, or an accredited veterinarian at the point of origin of a shipment of cattle or bison to be moved directly to slaughter, that shows the tuberculosis status of each animal (reactor, suspect, or exposed), the eartag number of each animal and the name of the owner of such animal, the establishment to which the animals are to be moved, the purpose for which the animals are to be moved, and that they are eligible for such movement under the applicable provisions of §§ 77.17 and 77.18.

Quarantined feedlot. A confined area under the direct supervision and control of a State livestock official who shall establish procedures for the accounting of all livestock entering or leaving the area. The quarantined feedlot shall be maintained for finish feeding of livestock in drylot with no provision for pasturing and grazing. All livestock leaving such feedlot must only move directly to slaughter in accordance with established procedures for handling quarantined livestock.

Reactor cattle and bison. Cattle and bison that are classified as reactors for tuberculosis in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.”

Recognized slaughtering establishment. Any slaughtering facility operating under the Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 451 et seq.), or State meat or poultry inspection acts that is approved in accordance with 9 CFR 71.21.

Suspect cattle and bison. Cattle and bison that are classified as suspects for tuberculosis in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.”

Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication. Uniform methods and rules for eradicating bovine tuberculosis in the United States, approved by APHIS on January 22, 1999, which is incorporated by reference at § 77.1.

Whole herd test. An official tuberculin test of all cattle and bison in a herd that are 12 months of age or older, and of all cattle and bison in the herd that are less than 12 months of age and were not born into the herd, except those cattle and bison that are less than 12 months of age and were born in and originated from an accredited herd.

Zero percent prevalence. No finding of tuberculosis in any cattle, bison, or goat herd in a State or zone.

[65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000, as amended at 70 FR 61026, Oct. 20, 2005; 78 FR 2065, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.6 - Applicability of this subpart.

All references in this subpart to the tuberculosis status of States and zones pertain to such status for cattle and bison only.

§ 77.7 - Accredited-free States or zones.

(a) The following are accredited-free States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, the Virgin Islands of the United States, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

(b) The following are accredited-free zones:

(1) All of the State of Michigan except for the zone that comprises those counties in Michigan described in § 77.11(b)(1).

(2) [Reserved]

(c) If an affected herd is detected in a State or zone classified as accredited-free, and the herd is depopulated and an epidemiologic investigation is completed within 90 days of the detection of the affected herd with no evidence of the spread of tuberculosis, the State or zone may retain its accredited-free status. If two or more affected herds are detected in an accredited-free State or zone within a 48-month period, the State or zone will be removed from the list of accredited-free States or zones and will be reclassified as modified accredited advanced.

(d) If any livestock other than cattle or bison are included in a newly assembled herd on a premises where a tuberculous herd has been depopulated, the State or zone must apply the herd test requirements contained in the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” (January 22, 1999, edition), which is incorporated by reference at § 77.1, to those other livestock in the same manner as to cattle and bison. Failure to do so will result in reclassification of the State or zone as modified accredited advanced.

(e) If tuberculosis is diagnosed within an accredited-free State or zone in an animal not specifically regulated by this part and a risk assessment conducted by APHIS determines that the outbreak poses a tuberculosis risk to livestock within the State or zone, the State or zone must implement a tuberculosis management plan, approved jointly by the State animal health official and the Administrator, within 6 months of the diagnosis. The management plan must include provisions for immediate investigation of tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and in livestock and wildlife; the prevention of the spread of the disease to other animals held for exhibition and to livestock and wildlife; increased surveillance for tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and wildlife; eradication of tuberculosis from individual herds; a timeline for tuberculosis eradication; and performance standards by which to measure yearly progress toward eradication. If a State or zone does not implement such a plan within the required 6 months, the State or zone will lose its accredited-free status and will be reclassified as modified accredited advanced.

(f) Accredited-free State or zone status must be renewed annually. To qualify for renewal of accredited-free State or zone status, a State must submit an annual report to APHIS certifying that the State or zone within the State complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.” The report must be submitted to APHIS each year between October 1 and November 30.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0146) [65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 77.7, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 77.8 - Interstate movement from accredited-free States and zones.

Cattle or bison that originate in an accredited-free State or zone may be moved interstate in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 without further restriction under this part.

[78 FR 2065, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.9 - Modified accredited advanced States or zones.

(a) The following are modified accredited advanced States: None.

(b) The following are modified accredited advanced zones: None.

(c) If any livestock other than cattle or bison are included in a newly assembled herd on a premises where a tuberculous herd has been depopulated, the State or zone must apply the herd test requirements contained in the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” (January 22, 1999), which is incorporated by reference at § 77.1, for such newly assembled herds to those other livestock in the same manner as to cattle and bison. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the State or zone from the list of modified accredited advanced States or zones and its being reclassified as modified accredited.

(d) If tuberculosis is diagnosed within a modified accredited advanced State or zone in an animal not specifically regulated by this part and a risk assessment conducted by APHIS determines that the outbreak poses a tuberculosis risk to livestock within the State or zone, the State or zone must implement a tuberculosis management plan, approved jointly by the State animal health official and the Administrator, within 6 months of the diagnosis. The management plan must include provisions for immediate investigation of tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and in livestock and wildlife; the prevention of the spread of the disease to other animals held for exhibition and to livestock and wildlife; increased surveillance for tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and wildlife; eradication of tuberculosis from individual herds; a timeline for tuberculosis eradication; and performance standards by which to measure yearly progress toward eradication. If a State or zone does not implement such a plan within the required 6 months, the State or zone will be reclassified as modified accredited.

(e) Modified accredited advanced State or zone status must be renewed annually. To qualify for renewal of a modified accredited advanced State or zone status, a State must submit an annual report to APHIS certifying that the State or zone complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.” The report must be submitted to APHIS each year between October 1 and November 30.

(f) To qualify for accredited-free status, a modified accredited advanced State or zone must demonstrate to the Administrator that it complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication,” has zero percent prevalence of affected cattle and bison herds, and has had no findings of tuberculosis in any cattle or bison in the State or zone for the previous 5 years. Except that: The requirement of freedom from tuberculosis is 2 years from the depopulation of the last affected herd in States or zones that were previously accredited free and in which all herds affected with tuberculosis were depopulated, 3 years in all other States or zones that have depopulated all affected herds, and 3 years in States or zones that have conducted surveillance that demonstrates that other livestock herds and wildlife are not at risk of being infected with tuberculosis, as determined by the Administrator based on a risk assessment conducted by APHIS.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0146) [65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 77.9, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 77.10 - Interstate movement from modified accredited advanced States and zones.

Cattle or bison that originate in a modified accredited advanced State or zone, and that are not known to be infected with or exposed to tuberculosis, may be moved interstate only in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 and, if moved anywhere other than directly to slaughter at a recognized slaughtering establishment, under one of the following additional conditions:

(a) The cattle or bison are sexually intact heifers moved to an approved feedlot, or are steers or spayed heifers, and are officially identified.

(b) The cattle or bison are from an accredited herd, are officially identified, and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that the accredited herd completed the testing necessary for accredited status with negative results within 1 year prior to the date of movement.

(c) The cattle or bison are sexually intact animals; are not from an accredited herd; are officially identified; and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that they were negative to an official tuberculin test conducted within 60 days prior to the date of movement.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0146, 0579-0220, and 0579-0229) [78 FR 2065, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.11 - Modified accredited States or zones.

(a) The following are modified accredited States: None.

(b) The following are modified accredited zones:

(1) A zone in Michigan that comprises Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, and Oscoda Counties.

(2) [Reserved]

(c) If any livestock other than cattle or bison are included in a newly assembled herd on a premises where a tuberculous herd has been depopulated, the State or zone must apply the herd test requirements contained in the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” (January 22, 1999, edition), which is incorporated by reference at § 77.1, for such newly assembled herds to those other livestock in the same manner as to cattle and bison. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the State or zone from the list of modified accredited States or zones and its being reclassified as accreditation preparatory.

(d) If tuberculosis is diagnosed within a modified accredited State or zone in an animal not specifically regulated by this part and a risk assessment conducted by APHIS determines that the outbreak poses a tuberculosis risk to livestock within the State or zone, the State or zone must implement a tuberculosis management plan, approved jointly by the State animal health official and the Administrator, within 6 months of the diagnosis. The management plan must include provisions for immediate investigation of tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and in livestock and wildlife; the prevention of the spread of the disease to other animals held for exhibition and to livestock and wildlife; increased surveillance for tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and wildlife; eradication of tuberculosis from individual herds; a timeline for tuberculosis eradication; and performance standards by which to measure yearly progress toward eradication. If a State or zone does not implement such a plan within the required 6 months, the State or zone will be reclassified as accreditation preparatory.

(e) Modified accredited State or zone status must be renewed annually. To qualify for renewal of a modified accredited State or zone status, a State must submit an annual report to APHIS certifying that the State or zone complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.” The report must be submitted to APHIS each year between October 1 and November 30.

(f) To qualify for modified accredited advanced status, a modified accredited State or zone must demonstrate to the Administrator that it complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” and that tuberculosis has been prevalent in less than 0.01 percent of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone for the most recent 2 years. Except that: The Administrator, upon his or her review, may allow a State or zone with fewer than 30,000 herds to have up to 3 affected herds for each of the most recent 2 years, depending on the veterinary infrastructure, livestock demographics, and tuberculosis control and eradication measures in the State or zone.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0146) [65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000; 65 FR 64479, Oct. 27, 2000, as amended at 69 FR 20809, Apr. 19, 2004; 73 FR 19142, Apr. 9, 2008; 73 FR 60102, Oct. 10, 2008; 74 FR 67053, Dec. 18, 2009; 75 FR 60588, Oct. 1, 2010; 76 FR 56636, Sept. 14, 2011]
§ 77.12 - Interstate movement from modified accredited States and zones.

Cattle or bison that originate in a modified accredited State or zone, and that are not known to be infected with or exposed to tuberculosis, may be moved interstate only in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 and, if moved anywhere other than directly to slaughter at a recognized slaughtering establishment, under one of the following additional conditions:

(a) The cattle or bison are sexually intact heifers moved to an approved feedlot, or are steers or spayed heifers; are officially identified, and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that they were classified negative to an official tuberculin test conducted within 60 days prior to the date of movement.

(b) The cattle or bison are from an accredited herd, are officially identified, and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that the accredited herd completed the testing necessary for accredited status with negative results within 1 year prior to the date of movement.

(c) The cattle or bison are sexually intact animals; are not from an accredited herd; are officially identified; and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that the herd from which they originated was negative to a whole herd test conducted within 1 year prior to the date of movement and that the individual animals to be moved were negative to an additional official tuberculin test conducted within 60 days prior to the date of movement, except that the additional test is not required if the animals are moved interstate within 60 days following the whole herd test.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0146) [78 FR 2066, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.13 - Accreditation preparatory States or zones.

(a) The following are accreditation preparatory States: None.

(b) The following are accreditation preparatory zones: None.

(c) If any livestock other than cattle or bison are included in a newly assembled herd on a premises where a tuberculous herd has been depopulated, the State or zone must apply the herd test requirements contained in the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” (January 22, 1999 edition), which is incorporated by reference at § 77.1, for such newly assembled herds to those other livestock in the same manner as to cattle and bison. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the State or zone from the list of accreditation preparatory States or zones and its being reclassified as nonaccredited.

(d) If tuberculosis is diagnosed within an accreditation preparatory State or zone in an animal not specifically regulated by this part and a risk assessment conducted by APHIS determines that the outbreak poses a tuberculosis risk to livestock within the State or zone, the State or zone must implement a tuberculosis management plan, approved jointly by the State animal health official and the Administrator, within 6 months of the diagnosis. The management plan must include provisions for immediate investigation of tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and in livestock and wildlife; the prevention of the spread of the disease to other animals held for exhibition and to livestock and wildlife; increased surveillance for tuberculosis in animals held for exhibition and wildlife; eradication of tuberculosis from individual herds; a timeline for tuberculosis eradication; and performance standards by which to measure yearly progress toward eradication. If a State or zone does not implement such a plan within the required 6 months, the State or zone will be reclassified as nonaccredited.

(e) Accreditation preparatory State or zone status must be renewed annually. To qualify for renewal of accreditation preparatory State or zone status, a State must submit an annual report to APHIS certifying that the State or zone complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication.” The report must be submitted to APHIS each year between October 1 and November 30.

(f) To qualify for modified accredited status, an accreditation preparatory State or zone must demonstrate to the Administrator that it complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” and that tuberculosis has been prevalent in less than 0.1 percent of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone for the most recent year. Except that: The Administrator, upon his or her review, may allow a State or zone with fewer than 10,000 herds to have up to 10 affected herds for the most recent year, depending on the veterinary infrastructure, livestock demographics, and tuberculosis control and eradication measures in the State or zone.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0146)
§ 77.14 - Interstate movement from accreditation preparatory States and zones.

Cattle or bison that originate in an accreditation preparatory State or zone, and that are not known to be infected with or exposed to tuberculosis, may be moved interstate only in accordance with 9 CFR part 86 and, if moved anywhere other than directly to slaughter at a recognized slaughtering establishment, under one of the following additional conditions:

(a) The cattle or bison are sexually intact heifers moved to an approved feedlot, or are steers or spayed heifers; are officially identified; and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that the herd from which they originated was negative to a whole herd test conducted within 1 year prior to the date of movement and that the individual animals to be moved were negative to an additional official tuberculin test conducted within 60 days prior to the date of movement; Except that: The additional test is not required if the animals are moved interstate within 6 months following the whole herd test.

(b) The cattle or bison are from an accredited herd; are officially identified; and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that the accredited herd completed the testing necessary for accredited status with negative results within 1 year prior to the date of movement and that the animals to be moved were negative to an official tuberculin test conducted within 60 days prior to the date of movement.

(c) The cattle or bison are sexually intact animals; are not from an accredited herd; are officially identified; and are accompanied by an ICVI stating that the herd from which they originated was negative to a whole herd test conducted within 1 year prior to the date of movement and that the individual animals to be moved were negative to two additional official tuberculin tests conducted at least 60 days apart and no more than 6 months apart, with the second test conducted within 60 days prior to the date of movement; Except that: The second additional test is not required if the animals are moved interstate within 60 days following the whole herd test.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0146) [78 FR 2066, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.15 - Nonaccredited States or zones.

(a) The following are nonaccredited States: None.

(b) The following are nonaccredited zones: None.

(c) To qualify for accreditation preparatory status, a nonaccredited State or zone must demonstrate to the Administrator that it complies with the provisions of the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” and that tuberculosis is prevalent in less than 0.5 percent of the total number of herds of cattle and bison in the State or zone.

§ 77.16 - Interstate movement from nonaccredited States and zones.

Cattle or bison that originate in a nonaccredited State or zone, and that are not known to be infected with or exposed to tuberculosis, may be moved interstate only if the cattle or bison are accompanied by VS Form 1-27 and are moved interstate for slaughter in an officially sealed means of conveyance directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment.

[65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000, as amended at 78 FR 2066, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.17 - Interstate movement of cattle and bison that are exposed, reactors, or suspects, or from herds containing suspects.

(a) Reactor cattle and bison. Cattle or bison that have been classified as reactor cattle or bison may be moved interstate only if they are moved directly to slaughter at a recognized slaughtering establishment and only in accordance with the following conditions:

(1) Reactor cattle and bison must be individually identified by attaching to the left ear an approved metal eartag bearing a serial number and the inscription “U.S. Reactor,” or a similar State reactor tag, and must be:

(i) Branded with the letter “T,” at least 5 by 5 centimeters (2 by 2 inches) in size, high on the left hip near the tailhead; or

(ii) Permanently identified with the letters “TB” tattooed legibly in the left ear and sprayed with yellow paint on the left ear and either accompanied directly to slaughter by an APHIS or State representative or moved directly to slaughter in vehicles closed with official seals. Such official seals must be applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative.

(2) The reactor cattle or bison must be accompanied by a permit; and

(3) The reactor cattle or bison may not be moved interstate in a means of conveyance containing any animals susceptible to tuberculosis unless all of the animals are being moved directly to slaughter; and

(4) Any person who moves reactor cattle or bison interstate under this paragraph must plainly write or stamp upon the face of the VS Form 1-27 the words “Tuberculin Reactor” and the following statement: “This conveyance must be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with 9 CFR 77.17(a)(5).”; and

(5) Each means of conveyance in which reactor cattle or bison have been transported interstate under this paragraph must be cleaned and disinfected by the carrier, in accordance with the provisions of §§ 71.6, 71.7, and 71.10 of this subchapter, under the supervision of an APHIS representative or State representative or an accredited veterinarian or other person designated by the Administrator. If, at the point where the cattle or bison are unloaded, such supervision or proper cleaning and disinfecting facilities are not available, and permission is obtained from an APHIS representative or State representative, the empty means of conveyance may be moved to a location where such supervision and facilities are available for cleaning and disinfecting. Permission will be granted if such movement does not present a risk of disseminating tuberculosis.

(b) Exposed cattle and bison. Except for the movement of exposed cattle to a quarantined feedlot in accordance with § 50.16 of this chapter, exposed cattle or bison may be moved interstate only if they are moved directly to slaughter to a recognized slaughtering establishment and only in accordance with the following conditions:

(1) Exposed cattle and bison must be individually identified by attaching to either ear an approved metal eartag bearing a serial number and must be:

(i) Branded with the letter “S,” at least 5 by 5 centimeters (2 by 2 inches) in size, high on the left hip near the tailhead; or

(ii) Accompanied directly to slaughter by an APHIS or State representative; or

(iii) Moved directly to slaughter in vehicles closed with official seals. Such official seals must be applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative.

(2) The exposed cattle and bison must be moved in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(5) of this section.

(c) Suspect cattle and bison. Suspect cattle or bison from herds in which no reactor cattle or bison have been disclosed on an official tuberculin test, as well as negative cattle or bison from such herds, may be moved interstate only if they are moved directly to slaughter to a recognized slaughtering establishment in accordance with 9 CFR part 86.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0051) [65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000, as amended at 78 FR 2066, Jan. 9, 2013]
§ 77.18 - Other movements.

The Administrator may, with the concurrence of the State animal health official of the State of destination, upon request in specific cases, allow the interstate movement of cattle or bison not otherwise provided for in this part that have not been classified as reactor cattle or bison and are not otherwise known to be affected with tuberculosis, under such conditions as the Administrator may prescribe in each specific case to prevent the spread of tuberculosis. The Administrator shall promptly notify the appropriate State animal health official of the State of destination of any such action.

§ 77.19 - Cleaning and disinfection of premises, conveyances, and materials.

All conveyances and associated equipment, premises, and structures that are used for receiving, holding, shipping, loading, unloading, and delivering cattle or bison in connection with their interstate movement and that are determined by cooperating State and Federal animal health officials to be contaminated because of occupation or use by tuberculous or reactor livestock must be cleaned and disinfected under the supervision of the cooperating State or Federal animal health officials. Such cleaning and disinfecting must be done in accordance with procedures approved by the cooperating State or Federal animal health officials. Cleaning and disinfection must be completed before the premises, conveyances, or materials may again be used to convey, hold, or in any way come in contact with any livestock.

authority: 7 U.S.C. 8301-8317; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4
source: 65 FR 63517, Oct. 23, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 9 CFR 77.17