Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jul 03, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 93.315 - Import permit and declaration for horses.

§ 93.316 - Horses from Canada for immediate slaughter.

§ 93.317 - Horses from Canada.

§ 93.318 - Special provisions.

§ 93.300 - Definitions.

§ 93.301 - General prohibitions; exceptions.

§ 93.302 - Inspection of certain aircraft and other means of conveyance and shipping containers thereon; unloading, cleaning, and disinfection requirements.

§ 93.303 - Ports designated for the importation of horses.

§ 93.304 - Import permits for horses and for horse specimens for diagnostic purposes; reservation fees for space at quarantine facilities maintained by APHIS.

§ 93.305 - Declaration and other documents for horses.

§ 93.306 - Inspection at the port of entry.

§ 93.307 - Articles accompanying horses.

§ 93.308 - Quarantine requirements.

§ 93.309 - Horse quarantine facilities; payment information.

§ 93.310 - Quarantine stations, visiting restricted; sales prohibited.

§ 93.311 - Milk from quarantined horses.

§ 93.312 - Manure from quarantined horses.

§ 93.313 - Appearance of disease among horses in quarantine.

§ 93.314 - Horses, certification, and accompanying equipment.


§ 93.319 - Import permit and declaration for horses.

§ 93.320 - Horses from or transiting through Central America and the West Indies.


§ 93.321 - Import permits and applications for inspection for horses.

§ 93.322 - Declaration for horses.

§ 93.323 - Inspection.

§ 93.324 - Detention for quarantine.

§ 93.325 - Horses from Mexico.

§ 93.326 - Horses for immediate slaughter.

§ 93.315 - Import permit and declaration for horses.

For all horses offered for importation from Canada, the importer or his or her agent shall present two copies of a declaration as provided in § 93.305.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997]
§ 93.316 - Horses from Canada for immediate slaughter.

Horses imported from Canada for immediate slaughter shall be consigned from the port of entry directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment and there be slaughtered within two weeks from the date of entry. Such horses shall be inspected at the port of entry and otherwise handled in accordance with § 93.306. As used in this section, “directly” means without unloading en route if moved in a means of conveyance, or without stopping if moved in any other manner.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 28216, June 1, 1994. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997]
§ 93.317 - Horses from Canada.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, horses from Canada shall be inspected as provided in § 93.306 and accompanied by a certificate as required by § 93.314, which shall include evidence of a negative test for equine infectious anemia for which blood samples were drawn during the 180 days preceding exportation to the United States and which test was conducted in a laboratory approved by the Canada Department of Agriculture or the United States Department of Agriculture. Horses accompanying their dams, which were foaled after their dam was so tested negative, need not be so tested and shall otherwise be handled as provided in § 93.314. Certificates required for horses from Canada must be issued or endorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government. USDA veterinary port inspection is not required for horses imported from Canada under temporary Customs authorization for a period of 30 days from the date of issue of the certificate and the certificate issued is valid for an unlimited number of importations into the United States during the 30-day period.

(b) Horses of United States origin that are imported into Canada under an export health certificate valid for a period of 30 days from the date of issue may re-enter the United States an unlimited number of times during the 30-day period, without USDA veterinary port inspection, at any Custom land border port of entry designated for animals from Canada, if accompanied by the original export health certificate under which they were permitted entry into Canada.

(c) Any horse imported into the United States from Canada through air or ocean ports of entry must obtain an import permit under § 93.304 and shall otherwise be handled as provided in §§ 93.305 and 93.314.

(d) Horses for immediate slaughter may be imported from Canada without the certification prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section, but shall be subject to the other applicable provisions of this part, and shall be accompanied by a certificate issued or endorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government stating that:

(1) The horses were inspected on the premises where assembled for shipment to the United States within the 30 days immediately prior to the date of export and were found free of evidence of communicable disease, and

(2) As far as can be determined, they have not been exposed to any such disease during the 60 days immediately preceding their exportation.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 33863, July 24, 1991. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997; 88 FR 63004, Sept. 14, 2023; 89 FR 24340, Apr. 8, 2024]
§ 93.318 - Special provisions.

(a) In-bond shipments from Canada. (1) Horses from Canada transported in-bond through the United States for immediate export shall be inspected at the border port of entry and, when accompanied by an import permit obtained under § 93.304 of this part and all conditions therein are observed, shall be allowed entry into the United States and shall be otherwise handled as provided in paragraph (b) of § 93.301. Horses not accompanied by a permit shall meet the requirements of this part in the same manner as horses destined for importation into the United States, except that the Administrator may permit their inspection at some other point when he or she finds that such action will not increase the risk that communicable diseases of livestock and poultry will be disseminated to the livestock or poultry of the United States.

(2) In-transit shipments through Canada. Horses originating in the United States and transported directly through Canada may re-enter the United States without Canadian health or test certificates when accompanied by copies of the United States export health certificates properly issued and endorsed in accordance with regulations in part 91 of this chapter: Provided, That, to qualify for entry, the date, time, port of entry, and signature of the Canadian Port Veterinarian that inspected the horses for entry into Canada shall be recorded on the United States health certificate, or a paper containing the information shall be attached to the certificate that accompanies the horses. In all cases it shall be determined by the veterinary inspector at the United States port of entry that the horses are the identical horses covered by said certificate.

(b) Exhibition horses. Except as provided in § 93.317(b), horses from the United States which have been exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair at Toronto or other publicly recognized expositions in Canada, including racing, horse shows, rodeo, circus, or stage exhibitions in Canada, and have not been in that region for more than 90 days are eligible for return to the United States without Canadian health or test certificates, if they are accompanied by copies of the United States health certificate, issued and endorsed in accordance with the export regulations contained in part 91 of this chapter for entry into Canada: Provided, That in the case of horses for exhibition, including race horses, the certificates shall certify that negative results were obtained from official tests for equine infectious anemia for which blood samples were drawn within 180 days of the date that the horses are offered for return to the United States: And, provided further, That all horses offered for re-entry upon examination by the veterinary inspector at the U.S. port of entry, are found by the inspector to be free of communicable diseases and exposure thereto and are determined to be the identical horses covered by said certificates or are the natural increase of such horses born after official test dates certified on the dam's health certificate.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997]
§ 93.300 - Definitions.

Wherever in this subpart the following terms are used, unless the context otherwise requires, they shall be construed, respectively, to mean:

Accredited veterinarian. A veterinarian approved by the Administrator in accordance with the provisions of part 161 of this title to perform functions specified in parts 1, 2, 3, and 11 of subchapter A, and subchapters B, C, and D of this chapter, and to perform functions required by cooperative State-Federal disease control and eradication programs.

Administrator. The Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service or any other employee of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture, to whom authority has been or may be delegated to act in the Administrator's stead.

Animals. Cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminants, swine, horses, asses, mules, zebras, dogs, and poultry.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (APHIS or Service).

APHIS representative. A veterinarian or other individual employed by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture, who is authorized to perform the services required by this part.

Code of practice. A voluntary system of procedures designed to reduce disease spread, that is established by the veterinarians and horse industry in a region and that includes procedures for the following: Testing for and treatment of the diseases, quarantine of horses that are affected with or are suspected of being affected with the disease, certification of whether horses have been affected with or exposed to the disease, and hygiene for personnel conducting treatments and specimen collections.

Communicable disease. Any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease of domestic livestock, poultry or other animals.

Department. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Fever tick. Boophilus annulatus, including, but not limited to, the varieties Americana and Australia.

Horses. Horses, asses, mules, and zebras.

Immediate slaughter. Consignment directly from the port of entry to a recognized slaughtering establishment 1 and slaughter thereat within two weeks from the date of entry.

1 The name of recognized slaughtering establishments approved under this part may be obtained from the Area Veterinarian in Charge, Veterinary Services, for the State of destination of the shipment.

Inspector. An employee of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service authorized to perform duties required under this subpart.

Licensed Veterinarian. Any person licensed by any country or political subdivision thereof to practice veterinary medicine.

Lot. A group of horses that, while held on a premises or conveyance, have had opportunity for physical contact with other horses in the group or with their excrement or discharges at any time during their shipment to the United States.

Lot-holding area. That area in a permanent, privately owned quarantine facility in which a single lot of horses is held at one time.

Nonquarantine area. That area in a permanent, privately owned quarantine facility that includes offices, storage areas, and other areas outside the quarantine area, and that is off limits to horses, samples taken from horses, and any other objects or substances that have been in the quarantine area during the quarantine of horses.

Operator. A person other than the Federal Government who owns or manages and has responsibility for the services provided by a temporary, privately owned quarantine facility or a permanent, privately owned quarantine facility.

Permanent, privately owned quarantine facility. A facility that offers quarantine services for horses to the general public on a continuing basis and that is owned and operated by an entity other than the Federal Government (also permanent facility).

Persons. Any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society or joint stock company.

Port Veterinarian. A veterinarian employed by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to perform duties required under this part at a port of entry.

Quarantine area. That area in a permanent, privately owned quarantine facility that comprises all of the lot-holding areas in the facility, and any other areas in the facility that horses have access to, including loading docks for receiving and releasing horses, and any areas used to conduct examinations of horses and take samples and where samples are processed or examined.

Recognized slaughtering establishment. 2 An establishment where slaughtering operations are regularly carried on under federal or state inspection and which has been approved by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to receive animals for slaughter under this part.

2 See footnote 1 of this section.

Region. Any defined geographic land area identifiable by geological, political, or surveyed boundaries. A region may consist of any of the following:

(1) A national entity (country);

(2) Part of a national entity (zone, county, department, municipality, parish, Province, State, etc.)

(3) Parts of several national entities combined into an area; or

(4) A group of national entities (countries) combined into a single area.

State animal health official. The State official responsible for livestock and poultry disease control and eradication programs.

Temporary, privately owned quarantine facility. A facility that offers quarantine services for horses imported for a specific event and that is owned and operated by an entity other than the Federal Government (also temporary facility).

United States. All of the States of the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and all other Territories and Possessions of the United States.

Veterinarian in Charge. The veterinary official of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture, who is assigned by the Administrator to supervise and perform the official animal health work of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in the State concerned.

Veterinary Services. The Veterinary Services unit of the Department.

Weanling or yearling. Any horse, weaned from its dam, that was foaled not more than 731 days prior to its being offered for entry into the United States. A horse will not be considered to be a weanling or yearling if its first permanent incisors have erupted.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 15489, Apr. 17, 1991; 61 FR 52239, Oct. 7, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56016, Oct. 28, 1997; 74 FR 31595, July 2, 2009; 88 FR 63000, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.301 - General prohibitions; exceptions.

(a) General prohibitions. No horse or product subject to the provisions of this part shall be brought into the United States except in accordance with the regulations in this part and part 94 of this subchapter; 1 nor shall any such horse or product be handled or moved after physical entry into the United States before final release from quarantine or any other form of governmental detention except in compliance with such regulations; Provided, That, the Administrator may upon request in specific cases permit horses to be brought into or through the United States under such conditions as he or she may prescribe, when he or she determines in the specific case that such action will not endanger the livestock or poultry of the United States.

1 Importations of certain animals from various regions are absolutely prohibited under part 94 because of specific diseases.

(b) General exceptions. The provisions in this part 93 relating to horses shall not apply to healthy horses in transit through the United States if they are not known to be infected with or exposed, within 60 days preceding the date of export from the region of origin, to communicable diseases of horses if an import permit 2 has been obtained under § 93.304 of this chapter and all conditions therein are observed; and if such horses are handled as follows:

2 Such permit may be obtained from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services, Strategy and Policy, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1231.

(1)(i) They are maintained under continuous confinement in transit through the United States aboard an aircraft, ocean vessel, or other means of conveyance; or

(ii) They are unloaded, in the course of such transit, into a horse holding facility which is provided by the carrier or its agent and has been approved 3 in advance by the Administrator in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this section as adequate to prevent the spread within the United States of any livestock or poultry disease, and they are maintained there under continuous confinement until loaded aboard a means of conveyance for transportation from the United States and are maintained under continuous confinement aboard such means of conveyance until it leaves the United States; the import permit will specify any additional conditions necessary to assure that the transit of the horses through the United States can be made without endangering the livestock or poultry of the United States, and that Department inspectors may inspect the horses on board such means of conveyance or in such holding facility to ascertain whether the requirements of this paragraph are met, and dispose of them in accordance with the Animal Health Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.) if such conditions are not met; and

3 See footnote 2 of this section.

(2) The carrier or its agent executes and furnishes to the collector of Customs at the first port of arrival a declaration stating that the horses will be retained aboard such means of conveyance or in an approved holding facility during transshipment as required by this paragraph.

(3) Provisions for the approval of facilities required in this paragraph are:

(i) They must be sufficiently isolated to prevent direct or indirect contact with all other animals and birds while in the United States.

(ii) They must be so constructed that they provide adequate protection against environmental conditions and can be adequately cleaned, washed and disinfected.

(iii) They must provide for disposal of horse carcasses, manure, bedding, waste and any related shipping materials in a manner that will prevent dissemination of disease.

(iv) They must have provisions for adequate sources of feed and water and for attendants for the care and feeding of horses in the facility.

(v) They must comply with additional requirements as may be imposed by the Administrator if deemed applicable for a particular shipment.

(vi) They must also comply with all applicable local, State and Federal requirements for environmental quality and with the provisions of the Animal Welfare Regulations in chapter I of this title, as applicable.

(c) Specific prohibitions regarding contagious equine metritis; exceptions—(1) Importation prohibited. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, notwithstanding the other provisions of this part concerning the importation of horses into the United States, the importation of all horses from any region that APHIS considers to be affected with contagious equine metritis (CEM) and the importation of all horses that have been in any such region within the 12 months immediately preceding their being offered for entry into the United States is prohibited.

(i) A list of regions that APHIS considers to be affected with CEM is maintained on the APHIS website at Copies of the list can be available via postal mail or email upon request to Regionalization Evaluation Services, Strategy and Policy, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road, Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737; [email protected].

(ii) APHIS will add a region to the list upon determining that the disease exists in the region based on reports APHIS receives of outbreaks of the disease from veterinary officials of the exporting country, from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), or from other sources the Administrator determines to be reliable, or upon determining that the region trades horses freely with a region in which CEM exists without testing for CEM. APHIS will remove a region from the list after conducting an evaluation of the region in accordance with § 92.2 of this subchapter and finding that the disease is not present in the region. In the case of a region formerly not on this list that is added due to an outbreak, the region may be removed from the list in accordance with the procedures for reestablishment of a region's disease-free status in § 92.4 of this subchapter.

(2) Exceptions. The provisions of paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall not apply to the following:

(i) Wild (non-domesticated) species of equidae if captured in the wild or imported from a zoo or other facility where it would be unlikely that the animal would come in contact with domesticated horses used for breeding;

(ii) Geldings;

(iii) Weanlings or yearlings that have never been used for breeding, and whose age and breeding status are certified on the import health certificate required under § 93.314(a);

(iv) Horses imported in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Administrator as provided in § 93.301(a);

(v) Spanish Pure Breed horses imported for permanent entry from Spain or thoroughbred horses imported for permanent entry from France, Germany, Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), the Ireland (Republic of), or Northern Ireland if the horses meet the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section;

(vi) Stallions or mares over 731 days of age imported for permanent entry if the horses meet the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section;

(vii) Horses over 731 days of age imported into the United States for no more than 90 days to compete in specified events if the horses meet the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this section;

(viii) Horses over 731 days of age imported into the United States for noncompetitive public exhibition and entertainment purposes if the horses meet the requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section; and

(ix) Horses temporarily exported from the United States or from another region not known to be affected with CEM to a region listed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section within the 12 months immediately preceding their being offered for entry into the United States if the horses meet the requirements of paragraph (g) of this section.

(d) Spanish Pure Breed horses from Spain and thoroughbred horses from France, Germany, Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), Ireland (Republic of), and Northern Ireland. (1) Spanish Pure Breed horses from Spain and thoroughbred horses from France, Germany, Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), Ireland (Republic of), and Northern Ireland may be imported for permanent entry if the horses meet the following requirements:

(i) Each horse is accompanied at the time of importation by an import permit in accordance with § 93.304;

(ii) Each horse is accompanied at the time of importation by an import health certificate issued in accordance with § 93.314(a). In addition to the information required by § 93.314(a), the veterinarian signing and issuing the certificate must certify that:

(A) He or she has examined the daily records of the horse's activities maintained by the trainer and certified to be current, true, and factual by the veterinarian in charge of the training or racing stable;

(B) He or she has examined the records of the horse's activities maintained by a breed association specifically approved by the Department 4 and certified by the breed association to be current, true, and factual for the following information:

4 The following breed associations and their record systems have been approved by the Department: Asociacion Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española for Spain; Weatherby's Ltd. for Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), Ireland (Republic of), and Northern Ireland; France Galop for France; and Direktorium für Vollblutzucht und Rennen e.V. for Germany.

(1) Identification of the horse by name, sex, age, breed, and all identifying marks;

(2) Identification of all premises where the horse has been since reaching 731 days of age and the dates that the horse was at such premises;

(3) For thoroughbred horses, that none of the premises where the horse has been since reaching 731 days of age are breeding premises; and

(4) For Spanish Pure Breed horses from Spain, that since reaching 731 days of age:

(i) The horse has never been on a premises that is exclusively a breeding premises;

(ii) The horse has never been bred;

(iii) Breeding of the horse has never been attempted; and

(iv) The horse has never been commingled and left unattended with adult horses of the opposite sex;

(C) He or she has compared the records maintained by the approved breed association with the records kept by the trainer and has found the information in those two sets of records to be consistent and current;

(D) For Spanish Pure Breed horses and thoroughbred horses over 731 days of age, cultures negative for CEM were obtained from three sets of specimens collected within a 12-day period from the mucosal surfaces of the clitoral fossa and the clitoral sinuses, with one set of specimens including a specimen from the surfaces of the distal cervix or endometrium, of any female horses and from the surfaces of the prepuce, the urethral sinus, the distal urethra, and the fossa glandis, including the diverticulum of the fossa glandis, of any male horses. For both male and female horses, the sets of specimens must be taken within a 12-day period with no less than 72 hours between each set, and the last of these sets of specimens must be collected within 30 days prior to exportation. All specimens required by this paragraph must be collected by a licensed veterinarian who either is, or is acting in the presence of, the veterinarian signing the certificate; and

(E) All specimens required by paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(D) of this section were received within 48 hours of collection by a laboratory approved to culture for CEM by the national veterinary service of the region of export and were accompanied by a statement indicating the date and time of their collection.

(2) If any specimen collected in accordance with paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(D) of this section is found to be positive for CEM, the horse must be treated for CEM in a manner approved by the national veterinary service of the region of export. After the treatment is completed, at least 21 days must pass before the horse will be eligible to be tested again in accordance with paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(D) of this section. All treatments performed, and the dates of the treatments, must be recorded on the health certificate.

(3) Spanish Pure Breed horses and thoroughbred horses imported under paragraph (d)(1) of this section may be released upon completion of the Federal quarantine required under § 93.308. Spanish Pure Breed horses and thoroughbred horses found positive for CEM that have been treated and retested as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall, upon completion of the Federal quarantine required under § 93.308, be consigned to an approved State listed under paragraph (h)(7) or (8) of this section, where they shall be quarantined under State or Federal supervision until the stallions have met the testing and treatment requirements of paragraph (e)(3) of this section and the mares have met the testing and treatment requirements of paragraph (e)(5) of this section.

(e) Stallions and mares over 731 days of age from CEM-affected regions. (1) Stallions or mares over 731 days of age may be imported for permanent entry from a region listed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section if the horses meet the following requirements:

(i) Each horse is accompanied at the time of importation by an import permit issued in accordance with § 93.304. The import permit must indicate that, after completion of the Federal quarantine required in § 93.308, the stallion or mare will be consigned to a State that the Administrator has approved to receive such horses in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section;

(ii) The horses are accompanied at the time of importation by an import health certificate issued in accordance with § 93.314(a);

(iii) A set of specimens must be collected from each horse within 30 days prior to the date of export by a licensed veterinarian who either is, or is acting in the presence of, the veterinarian signing the certificate. For stallions, the set of specimens consists of one culture swab from each location shall be taken from the prepuce, the urethral sinus, the distal urethra, and the fossa glandis, including the diverticulum of the fossa glandis; for mares, the specimens must be collected from the mucosal surfaces of the clitoral fossa, clitoral sinuses, and the distal cervix or endometrium in nonpregnant mares. All of the specimens collected must be cultured for CEM with negative results in a laboratory approved to culture for CEM by the national veterinary service of the region of origin;

(iv) The horses described on the certificate must not have been used for natural breeding, for the collection of semen for artificial insemination in the case of stallions, or for artificial insemination in the case of mares, from the time the specimens were collected through the date of export;

(v) All specimens required by paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section must be received within 48 hours of collection by a laboratory approved to culture for CEM by the national veterinary service of the region of export and must be accompanied by a statement indicating the date and time of their collection; and

(vi) If any specimen collected in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section is found to be positive for CEM, the stallion or mare must be treated for CEM in a manner approved by the national veterinary service of the region of export. After the treatment is completed, at least 21 days must pass before the horse will be eligible to be tested again in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section. All treatments performed, and the dates of the treatments, must be recorded on the health certificate.

(2) Post-entry. (i) Stallions and mares imported under paragraph (e)(1) of this section must complete the Federal quarantine required under § 93.308. Upon completion of the Federal quarantine, stallions must be sent to an approved State listed under paragraph (h)(7) of this section, and mares must be sent to an approved State listed under paragraph (h)(8) of this section.

(ii) Stallions and mares must be transported to the approved State in a sealed vehicle. The seal may be broken only by an APHIS representative or a State animal health official at the horse's destination. If an APHIS representative or State animal health official is unavailable to break the seal due to extenuating circumstances, the State animal health official may designate the authority to unseal to an accredited veterinarian and will assume the responsibility for oversight and recordkeeping.

(iii) Once in the approved State, the stallions or mares shall be quarantined under State or Federal supervision until the stallions have met the testing and treatment requirements of paragraph (e)(3) of this section and the mares have met the testing and treatment requirements of paragraph (e)(5) of this section.

(iv) All tests and cultures required by paragraphs (e)(3) through (e)(5) of this section shall be conducted at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories, Ames, IA, or at a laboratory approved by the Administrator in accordance with § 71.22 of this chapter to conduct CEM cultures and tests.

(v) To be eligible for CEM culture or testing, all specimens collected in accordance with paragraphs (e)(3) through (e)(5) of this section must be received by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories or the approved laboratory within 48 hours of collection and must be accompanied by a statement indicating the date and time of their collection.

(3) Testing and treatment requirements for stallions. (i) Once the stallion is in the approved State, one specimen each shall be taken from the prepuce, the urethral sinus, the distal urethra, and the fossa glandis, including the diverticulum of the fossa glandis, of the stallion by an accredited veterinarian and be cultured for CEM. After negative results have been obtained, the stallion must be test bred to two test mares that meet the requirements of paragraph (e)(4) of this section. Upon completion of the test breeding:

(A) The stallion must be treated for 5 consecutive days by thoroughly cleaning and washing (scrubbing) its prepuce, penis, including the fossa glandis, and urethral sinus while the stallion is in full erection with a solution of not less than 2 percent surgical scrub chlorhexidine and then thoroughly coating (packing) the stallion's prepuce, penis, including the fossa glandis, and urethral sinus with an ointment effective against the CEM organism. 5 The treatment shall be performed by an accredited veterinarian and monitored by a State or Federal veterinarian.

5 A list of ointments effective against the CEM organism may be obtained from Strategy and Policy, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231.

(B) Each mare to which the stallion has been test bred shall be cultured for CEM from three sets of specimens from the mucosal surfaces of the clitoral fossa and clitoral sinuses, with one set of specimens including a specimen from either the distal cervix or endometrium, between the third and fourteenth day after breeding (for the purposes of this section, the day after the date of breeding is considered the first day after breeding), with negative results. The sets of specimens must be collected on three separate occasions within a 12-day period with no less than 72 hours between each set. A complement fixation test for CEM must be done with negative results between the twenty-first and twenty-eighth day after the breeding.

(ii) If any culture or test required by this paragraph is positive for CEM, the stallion shall be treated as described in paragraph (e)(3)(i)(A) of this section and retested by being test bred to two mares no less than 21 days after the last day of treatment.

(iii) A stallion may be released from State quarantine only if all cultures and tests of specimens from the mares used for test breeding are negative for CEM and all cultures performed on specimens taken from the stallion are negative for CEM.

(4) Requirements for test mares. (i) Mares to be used to test stallions for CEM shall be permanently identified before the mares are used for such testing with the letter “T” or other permanent identification approved by APHIS on a case-by-case basis. The marking shall be permanently applied by an inspector, a State inspector, or an accredited veterinarian who shall use a hot iron, freezemarking, a lip tattoo, or other APHIS-approved method. If a hot iron or freezemarking is used, the marking shall not be less than 2 inches (5.08 cm) high and shall be applied to the left shoulder or left side of the neck of the mare. If a lip tattoo is used, the marking shall not be less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) high and 0.75 inch (1.9 cm) wide and shall be applied to the inside surface of the upper lip of the test mare.

(ii) The test mares must be qualified prior to breeding as apparently free from CEM and may not be used for breeding from the time specimens are taken to qualify the mares as free from CEM. To qualify, each mare shall be tested with negative results by a complement fixation test for CEM, and specimens taken from each mare shall be cultured negative for CEM. Sets of specimens shall be collected on three separate occasions from the mucosal surfaces of the clitoral fossa and the clitoral sinuses, with one set of specimens including a specimen from either the distal cervix or endometrium, within a 12-day period with no less than 72 hours between each set.

(iii) A test mare that has been used to test stallions for CEM may be released from quarantine only if:

(A) The test mare is found negative for CEM on all cultures and tests required under paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section; or

(B) The test mare is subjected to an ovariectomy by an accredited veterinarian under the direct supervision of a State or Federal veterinarian; or

(C) The test mare is treated and handled in accordance with paragraph (e)(5) of this section; or

(D) The test mare is moved directly to slaughter without unloading en route, is euthanized, or dies.

(5) Testing and treatment requirements for mares. (i) Once the mare is in the approved State, a complement fixation test for CEM must be done, and three sets of specimens shall be collected from the mucosal surfaces of the clitoral fossa and clitoral sinuses, with one set of specimens including a specimen from the surfaces of the distal cervix or endometrium in nonpregnant mares. The sets of specimens must be collected on three separate occasions within a 12-day period with no less than 72 hours between each set. An accredited veterinarian shall collect specimens and shall submit each set of specimens to the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, IA, or to a laboratory approved by the Administrator in accordance with § 71.22 of this chapter to conduct CEM cultures and tests.

(ii) After the three sets of specimens required by paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section have been collected, an accredited veterinarian shall manually remove organic debris from the sinuses of each mare and then flush the sinuses with a cerumalytic agent. 6

6 Recommended protocols for the flushing of sinuses may be obtained from Strategy and Policy, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231.

(iii) For 5 consecutive days after the sinuses have been cleaned, an accredited veterinarian shall aseptically clean and wash (scrub) the external genitalia and vaginal vestibule, including the clitoral fossa, with a solution of not less than 2 percent chlorhexidine in a detergent base and then fill the clitoral fossa and sinuses, and coat the external genitalia and vaginal vestibule with an antibiotic ointment effective against the CEM organism. 7

7 A list of ointments effective against the CEM organism may be obtained from Strategy and Policy, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231.

(iv) A mare may be released from State quarantine only if all cultures performed on specimens taken from the mare are negative for CEM.

(v) If any culture required by this paragraph is positive for CEM, the mare shall be treated as described in paragraphs (e)(5)(ii) and (e)(5)(iii) of this section. No less than 21 days after the last day of treatment, the mare shall be tested again in accordance with paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section. If all specimens are negative for CEM, the mare may be released from quarantine.

(f) Special provisions for temporary importation for competition or entertainment purposes. (1) Horses over 731 days of age may be imported into the United States for no more than 90 days to compete in specified events provided that the conditions in paragraphs (f)(3) through (f)(12) of this section are met.

(2) Horses over 731 days of age may be temporarily imported into the United States solely for noncompetitive public exhibition and entertainment purposes provided that the conditions in paragraphs (f)(3) through (f)(12) of this section are met.

(3) At the time of importation, each horse must be accompanied by an import permit in accordance with § 93.304 and a health certificate issued in accordance with § 93.314. For horses imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the health certificate must also certify that cultures negative for CEM were obtained from three sets of specimens collected from the mucosal surfaces of the clitoral fossa and clitoral sinuses, with one set of specimens including a specimen from the surfaces of the distal cervix or endometrium, of any female horses and from the surfaces of the prepuce, the urethral sinus, the distal urethra, and the fossa glandis, including the diverticulum of the fossa glandis, of any male horses. For both female and male horses, the sets of specimens must be collected on three separate occasions within a 12-day period with no less than 72 hours between each set, and the last of these sets of specimens must be collected within 30 days prior to exportation. All specimens required by this paragraph must be collected by a licensed veterinarian who either is, or is acting in the presence of, the veterinarian signing the certificate.

(4) Following the horse's arrival in the United States:

(i) A horse imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of this section may remain in the United States for not more than 90 days, except as provided in paragraph (f)(9) of this section.

(ii) A horse imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section may remain in the United States indefinitely, except as provided in paragraph (f)(9) of this section, as long as the conditions of paragraphs (f)(3) through (f)(12) of this section are met and the horse's owner or importer applies for and obtains from APHIS an import permit, as provided for in § 93.304, each year prior to the anniversary date of the horse's arrival in the United States.

(5) While the horse is in the United States, the following conditions must be met:

(i) A horse imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section:

(A) Must not be entered in competitions.

(B) Must be regularly used in performances or exhibitions, unless sick or injured. A horse that is no longer performing or being exhibited must be exported or made eligible for permanent entry in accordance with paragraph (f)(9) of this section.

(C) Must be kept with the other horses listed on the import permit, unless otherwise approved by an APHIS representative.

(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(5)(viii) of this section, the horse must be moved according to the itinerary and methods of transport specified in the import permit provided for in § 93.304.

(iii) The horse must be monitored by an accredited veterinarian or APHIS representative to ensure that the provisions of paragraphs (f)(5)(ii), (f)(5)(vi), and (f)(5)(vii) of this section are met. If the monitoring is performed by an accredited veterinarian, the Veterinarian in Charge will ensure that the accredited veterinarian is familiar with the requirements of this section and spot checks will be conducted by an APHIS representative to ensure that the requirements of this section are being met. If an APHIS representative finds that requirements are not being met, the Administrator may require that all remaining monitoring be conducted by APHIS representatives to ensure compliance.

(iv) Except when in transit, the horse must be kept on a premises that has been approved by an APHIS representative. For horses imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of this section, such approval may be oral or in writing. If the approval is oral, it will be confirmed in writing by the Administrator as soon as circumstances permit. For horses imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the approval will be in writing. To receive approval, the premises:

(A) Must not be a breeding premises; and

(B) Must be or contain a building or temporary structure in which the horse can be kept in a stall that is separated from other stalls that contain horses that are not listed on the import permit, either by an empty stall, by an open area across which horses cannot touch each other, or by a solid wall that is at least 8 feet (2.4 meters) high.

(v) While in transit, the horse must be moved in either an aircraft or a sealed van or trailer. If the horse is moved in a sealed van or trailer, the seal may be broken only by an APHIS representative or State animal health official at the horse's destination, except in situations where the horse's life is in danger.

(vi) Except when actually competing, performing, or being exhibited or exercised, the horse must be kept in a pasture approved by APHIS or in a stall that is separated from other stalls containing horses that are not listed on the import permit, either by an empty stall, by an open area across which horses cannot touch each other, or by a solid wall that is at least 8 feet (2.4 meters) high.

(vii) The horse may not be used for breeding purposes (including artificial insemination or semen collection) and may not have any other sexual contact with other horses. The horse may not undergo any genital examinations, except that a horse imported in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section may undergo genital examinations for diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition with the prior approval of an APHIS representative.

(viii) The horse may be moved for diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition with the prior approval of an APHIS representative.

(ix) After the horse is transported anywhere in the United States, any vehicle in which the horse was transported must be cleaned and disinfected in the presence of an APHIS representative, according to the procedures specified in §§ 71.7 through 71.12 of this chapter, before any other horse is transported in the vehicle.

(x) The cleaning and disinfection specified in paragraph (f)(5)(ix) of this section must be completed before the vehicle is moved from the place where the horse is unloaded. In those cases where the facilities or equipment for cleaning and disinfection are inadequate at the place where the horse is unloaded, the Administrator may allow the vehicle to be moved to another location for cleaning and disinfection when the move will not pose a disease risk to other horses in the United States.

(xi) The owner or importer of the horse must comply with any other provisions of this part applicable to him or her.

(6) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(7) of this section, if the owner or importer wishes to change the horse's itinerary or the methods by which the horse is transported from that which he or she specified in the application for the import permit, the owner or importer must make the request for change in writing to the Administrator. Requests for change must be submitted to APHIS no less than 15 days before the proposed date of the change. Requests may be submitted to APHIS by postal mail, commercial delivery service, fax, or e-mail. The change in itinerary or method of transport may not be made without the written approval of the Administrator, who may grant the request for change when he or she determines that granting the request will not endanger other horses in the United States and that sufficient APHIS personnel are available to provide the services required by the owner or importer.

(7) In response to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstances or events (e.g., weather-related transportation delays, vehicle breakdown, medical emergencies, etc.), the horse's itinerary or methods of transportation may be changed, with the prior approval of an APHIS representative, from that which is specified in the application for an import permit. Requests for such a change may be submitted to APHIS by telephone, postal mail, commercial delivery service, fax, or e-mail. Approval may be oral or in writing. If the approval is oral, it will be confirmed in writing by the Administrator as soon as circumstances permit.

(8) The Administrator may cancel, orally or in writing, the import permit provided for under § 93.304 whenever the Administrator finds that the owner or importer of the horse has not complied with the provisions of paragraphs (f)(3) through (f)(7) of this section or any conditions imposed under those provisions. If the cancellation is oral, the Administrator will confirm the cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation in writing as soon as circumstances permit. Any person whose import permit is canceled may appeal the decision in writing to the Administrator within 10 days after receiving oral or written notification of the cancellation, whichever is earlier. If the appeal is sent by mail, it must be postmarked within 10 days after the owner or importer receives oral or written notification of the cancellation, whichever is earlier. The appeal must include all of the facts and reasons upon which the person relies to show that the import permit was wrongfully canceled. The Administrator will grant or deny the appeal in writing as promptly as circumstances permit, stating the reason for his or her decision. If there is a conflict as to any material fact, a hearing will be held to resolve the conflict. Rules of practice concerning the hearing will be adopted by the Administrator.

(9) Except in those cases where an appeal is in process, any person whose import permit is canceled must move the horse identified in the import permit out of the United States within 10 days after receiving oral or written notification of cancellation, whichever is earlier. The horse is not permitted to enter competition, perform, or be exhibited from the date the owner or importer receives the notice of cancellation until the horse is moved out of the United States or until resolution of an appeal in favor of the owner or importer. Except when being exercised, the horse must be kept, at the expense of the owner or importer, in a stall on the premises where the horse is located when the notice of cancellation is received or, if the horse is in transit when the notice of cancellation is received, on the premises where it is next scheduled to compete, perform, or be exhibited according to the import permit. The stall in which the horse is kept must be separated from other stalls containing horses that are not listed on the import permit, either by an empty stall, by an open area across which horses cannot touch each other, or by a solid wall that is at least 8 feet (2.4 meters) high. In cases where the owners of the above specified premises do not permit the horse to be kept on those premises, or when the Administrator determines that keeping the horse on the above specified premises will pose a disease risk to horses in the United States, the horse must be kept, at the expense of the owner or importer, on an alternative premises approved by the Administrator.

(10) Stallions or mares over 731 days of age that are imported in accordance with paragraphs (f)(1) or (f)(2) of this section may be eligible to remain in the United States if the following is completed:

(i) Following completion of the itinerary specified in the import permit provided for in § 93.304, the horse's owner or importer applies for and receives a new import permit that specifies that the stallion or mare will be moved to an approved State listed under paragraph (h)(7) or (8) of this section; and

(ii) The stallion or mare is transported in a sealed vehicle that has been cleaned and disinfected to an approved facility in an approved State where it is quarantined under State or Federal supervision until the stallion or mare has met the testing and treatment requirements of paragraph (e)(3) or (e)(5) of this section.

(11) All costs and charges associated with the supervision and maintenance of a horse imported under paragraphs (f)(1) or (f)(2) of this section will be borne by the horse's owner or importer. The costs associated with the supervision and maintenance of the horse by an APHIS representative at his or her usual places of duty will be reimbursed by the horse's owner or importer through user fees payable under part 130 of this chapter.

(12) In the event that an APHIS representative must be temporarily detailed from his or her usual place of duty in connection with the supervision and maintenance of a horse imported under this paragraph (f), the owner or importer of the horse must execute a trust fund agreement with APHIS to reimburse all expenses (including travel costs, salary, per diem or subsistence, administrative expenses, and incidental expenses) incurred by the Department in connection with the temporary detail. Under the trust fund agreement, the horse's owner or importer must deposit with APHIS an amount equal to the estimated cost, as determined by APHIS, for the APHIS representative to inspect the premises at which the horse will compete, perform, or be exhibited; to conduct the monitoring required by paragraph (f)(5)(iii) of this section; and to supervise the cleaning and disinfection required by paragraph (f)(5)(ix) of this section. The estimated costs will be based on the following factors:

(i) Number of hours needed for an APHIS representative to conduct the required inspection and monitoring;

(ii) For services provided during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except holidays), the average salary, per hour, for an APHIS representative;

(iii) For services provided outside regular business hours, the applicable rate for overtime, night differential, or Sunday or holiday pay, based on the average salary, per hour, for an APHIS representative;

(iv) Number of miles from the premises at which the horse competes, performs, or is exhibited to the APHIS office or facility that is monitoring the activities;

(v) Government rate per mile for automobile travel or, if appropriate, cost of other means of transportation between the premises at which the horse competes, performs, or is exhibited and the APHIS office or facility;

(vi) Number of trips between the premises at which the horse competes, performs, or is exhibited and the APHIS office or facility that APHIS representatives are required to make in order to conduct the required inspection and monitoring;

(vii) Number of days the APHIS representative conducting the inspection and monitoring must be in “travel status”;

(viii) Applicable Government per diem rate; and

(ix) Cost of related administrative support services.

(13) If a trust fund agreement with APHIS has been executed by the owner or importer of a horse in accordance with paragraph (f)(12) of this section and APHIS determines, during the horse's stay in the United States, that the amount deposited will be insufficient to cover the services APHIS is scheduled to provide during the remainder of the horse's stay, APHIS will issue to the horse's owner or importer a bill to restore the deposited amount to a level sufficient to cover the estimated cost to APHIS for the remainder of the horse's stay in the United States. The horse's owner or importer must pay the amount billed within 14 days after receiving the bill. If the bill is not paid within 14 days after its receipt, APHIS will cease to perform the services provided for in paragraph (f)(5) of this section until the bill is paid. The Administrator will inform the owner or importer of the cessation of services orally or in writing. If the notice of cessation is oral, the Administrator will confirm, in writing, the notice of cessation and the reason for the cessation of services as soon as circumstances permit. In such a case, the horse must be kept, at the expense of the owner or importer and until the bill is paid, in a stall either on the premises at which the horse is located when the notice of cessation of services is received or, if the horse is in transit when the notice of cessation of services is received, on the premises at which it is next scheduled to compete, perform, or be exhibited according to the import permit. The stall in which the horse is kept must be separated from other stalls containing horses that are not listed on the import permit, either by an empty stall, by an open area across which horses cannot touch each other, or by a solid wall that is at least 8 feet (2.4 meters) high. In cases where the owners of the premises where the horse would be kept following a cessation of services do not permit the horse to be kept on those premises, or when the Administrator determines that keeping the horse on the premises will pose a disease risk to other horses in the United States, the horse must be kept, at the expense of the owner or importer, on an alternative premises approved by the Administrator. Until the bill is paid, the horse is not permitted to enter competition, perform, or be exhibited. Any amount deposited in excess of the costs to APHIS to provide the required services will be refunded to the horse's owner or importer.

(g) Special provisions for the importation of horses that have been temporarily exported to a CEM-affected region. If a horse originating from the United States has been temporarily exported for not more than 90 days to a CEM-affected region listed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section and returns to the United States during that time, or if a horse originating from a non-CEM affected region has been temporarily exported for not more than 90 days to a CEM-affected region during the 12 months preceding its proposed importation to the United States, the horse may be eligible for return, or for importation into the United States, without meeting the requirements of paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section, under the following conditions:

(1) The horse must be accompanied by a certificate that meets the requirements of § 93.314(a) of this part issued by each CEM-affected region that the horse has visited during the term of its temporary exportation, and each certificate must contain the following additional declarations:

(i) That the horse was held separate and apart from all other horses except for the time it was actually participating in an event or was being exercised by its trainer;

(ii) That the premises on which the horse was held were not used for any equine breeding purpose;

(iii) That breeding of the horse, either live or artificial, has never been attempted, nor has the horse had any other sexual contact or genital examination while in such region; and

(iv) That all transport while in such region was carried out in cleaned and disinfected vehicles in which no other horses were transported since such cleaning and disinfection;

(2) The horse is accompanied by an import permit issued in accordance with § 93.304 of this part at the time of exportation;

(3) If the horse was temporarily exported from the United States and is being returned to the United States, the horse must be accompanied by a copy of the United States health certificate issued for its exportation from the United States and endorsed in accordance with the export regulations in part 91 of this chapter;

(4) The horse must be examined by an inspector at the U.S. port of entry and found by the inspector to be the identical horse covered by the documents required by paragraphs (g)(1) through (3) of this section and found by the inspector to be free of communicable disease and exposure thereto; and

(5) The horse must be quarantined and tested at the U.S. port of entry as provided in § 93.308 of this part prior to release.

(h) Approval of States. In order for a State to be approved to receive stallions or mares over 731 days of age from a CEM-affected region listed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section that are imported under paragraph (e) of this section, the State must meet the following conditions:

(1) The State must enter into a written agreement with the Administrator, whereby the State agrees to enforce its laws and regulations to control CEM and to abide by the conditions of approval established by the regulations in this part.

(2) The State must agree to quarantine all stallions and mares over 731 days of age imported under the provisions of paragraph (e) of this section until the stallions have been treated in accordance with paragraph (e)(3) of this section and the mares have been treated in accordance with paragraph (e)(5) of this section.

(3) The State must agree to quarantine all mares used to test stallions for CEM until the mares have been released from quarantine in accordance with paragraph (e)(4) of this section.

(4) The State must agree to provide oversight during the test breeding of quarantined stallions.

(5) The State must have laws or regulations requiring that stallions over 731 days of age imported under paragraph (e) of this section be treated in the manner specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section, and that mares over 731 days of age imported under paragraph (e) of this section be treated in the manner specified in paragraph (e)(5) of this section.

(6) Approval of any State to receive stallions or mares imported from regions affected with CEM may be suspended by the Administrator upon his or her determination that any requirements of this section are not being met. After such action is taken, the animal health authorities of the approved State will be informed of the reasons for the action and afforded an opportunity to present their views thereon before such suspension is finalized; however, such suspension of approval shall continue in effect unless otherwise ordered by the Administrator. In those instances where there is a conflict as to the facts, a hearing shall be held to resolve such conflict.

(7) A list of States approved by APHIS to receive stallions over 731 days of age imported under paragraph (e) of this section is maintained on the APHIS website at Copies of the list will also be available via postal mail, fax, or email upon request to Live Animal Imports, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, MD 20737.

(8) A list of States approved by APHIS to receive mares over 731 days of age imported under paragraph (e) of this section is maintained on the APHIS website at Copies of the list will also be available via postal mail, fax, or email upon request to Live Animal Imports, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, MD 20737.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0040, 0579-0165, 0579-0324, and 0579-0485) [55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56016, Oct. 28, 1997] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 93.301, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 93.302 - Inspection of certain aircraft and other means of conveyance and shipping containers thereon; unloading, cleaning, and disinfection requirements.

(a) Shipping container requirements. Shipping containers used to transport live equine(s) to the United States must meet the following requirements:

(1) Containers must be new or cleaned and disinfected in a manner that sufficiently reduces the risk of introduction or dissemination of any pests or diseases of livestock into the United States.

(2) Containers must be of sufficient size and construction to reasonably assure that live equine(s) are transported safely.

(3) Stocking density of live equine(s) must not be to an extent that impinges on the animals' safety during transportation.

(4) Guidance on how to meet these requirements may be found in the Live Animals Regulations (LAR), as amended, published by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or the Terrestrial Animal Health Code published by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). The Administrator may also approve alternative guidance than that described in the LAR or the Terrestrial Animal Health Code.

(b) Inspection: All aircraft and other means of conveyance (including shipping containers thereon) moving into the United States from any foreign region are subject to inspection without a warrant by properly identified and designated inspectors to determine whether they are carrying any animal, carcass, product or article regulated or subject to disposal under any law or regulation administered by the Secretary of Agriculture for prevention of the introduction or dissemination of any communicable animal disease.

(c) Unloading requirements: Whenever in the course of any such inspection at any port in the United States the inspector has reason to believe that the means of conveyance or container is contaminated with material of animal (including poultry) origin, such as, but not limited to, meat, organs, glands, extracts, secretions, fat, bones, blood, lymph, urine, or manure, so as to present a danger of the spread of any communicable animal disease, the inspector may require the unloading of the means of conveyance and the emptying of the container if he or she deems it necessary to enable him or her to determine whether the means of conveyance or container is in fact so contaminated. The principal operator of the means of conveyance and his or her agent in charge of the means of conveyance shall comply with any such requirement under the immediate supervision of, and in the time and manner prescribed by, the inspector.

(d) Cleaning and disinfection: Whenever, upon inspection under this section, an inspector determines that a means of conveyance or shipping container is contaminated with material of animal origin so as to present a danger of the spread of any communicable animal disease, he or she shall notify the principal operator of the means of conveyance or his or her agent in charge, of such determination and the requirements under this section. The person so notified shall cause the cleaning and disinfection of such means of conveyance and container under the immediate supervision of, and in the time and manner prescribed by, the inspector.

(e) Shipping container. For purposes of this section, the term “shipping container” means any container of a type specially adapted for use in transporting any article on the means of conveyance involved.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56016, Oct. 28, 1997; 68 FR 6344, Feb. 7, 2003; 88 FR 63001, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.303 - Ports designated for the importation of horses.

(a) Air and ocean ports. The following ports have APHIS inspection and quarantine facilities necessary for quarantine stations and all horses shall be entered into the United States through the following station(s), except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section, §§ 93.308(a), (b) and (c) and 93.317: Newburgh, New York.

(b) Canadian border ports. Land border ports designated for the entry of horses from Canada may be found on the APHIS website at Changes to the list of approved ports will be announced through notices published in the Federal Register.

(c) Mexican border ports. Land border ports designated for the entry of horses from Mexico may be found on the APHIS website at Changes to the list of approved ports will be announced through notices published in the Federal Register.

(d) Limited ports. Certain ports are designated as having inspection facilities for the entry of horses and horse products such as horse test specimens which do not appear to require restraint and holding inspection facilities. These ports may be found on the APHIS website at Changes to the list of approved ports will be announced through notices published in the Federal Register.

(e) Ports for horses to be quarantined at privately owned quarantine facilities. Horses, except horses from or which have transited any region in which African horsesickness is declared to exist, 1 may be entered into the United States at any port specified in paragraph (a) of this section, or at any other port designated as an international port or airport by the U.S. Customs Service and quarantined at privately owned quarantine facilities provided that applicable provisions of §§ 93.301(c), 93.304(a), 93.306, 93.308(a), (b) and (c), and 93.314 are met. These ports may be found on the APHIS website at

1 Information as to the regions where African horsesickness is declared to exist may be obtained from the Administrator.

(f) Designation of other ports. The Secretary of the Treasury has approved the designation as quarantine stations of the ports specified in this section. In special cases other ports may be designated as quarantine stations under this section by the Administrator, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated at 62 FR 56012, Oct. 28, 1997] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 93.303, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 93.304 - Import permits for horses and for horse specimens for diagnostic purposes; reservation fees for space at quarantine facilities maintained by APHIS.

(a) Application for permit; reservation required. (1)(i) For horses from or transiting regions listed in § 93.301(c)(1) of the regulations, horses intended for quarantine at a Federal quarantine or privately owned quarantine facility, and horse test specimens for diagnostic screening purposes, intended for importation from any part of the world, the importer shall first apply for and obtain from APHIS an import permit. The application shall specify the name and address of the importer; the species, breed, number or quantity of horses or horse test specimens to be imported; the purpose of the importation; individual horse identification which includes a description of the horse, name, age, markings, if any, registration number, if any, and tattoo or eartag; the region of origin; the name and address of the exporter; the port of embarkation in the foreign region; the mode of transportation, route of travel, and the port of entry in the United States; the proposed date of arrival of the horses or horse test specimens to be imported; and the name of the person to whom the horses or horse test specimens will be delivered and the location of the place in the United States to which delivery will be made from the port of entry. Additional information may be required in the form of certificates concerning specific diseases to which the horses are susceptible, as well as vaccinations or other precautionary treatments to which the horses or horse test specimens have been subjected, or other attestation regarding the health of the animals. Notice of any such requirements will be given to the applicant in each case.

(ii) Horses intended for importation under § 93.301(f)(1) of this part must meet the permit requirements of paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section. Additionally, for horses intended for importation under § 93.301(f)(1) of this part, the horse's owner or importer must include the following information with the application for permit that is required by paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section:

(A) That the application is being made for a horse that will remain in the United States for no more than 90 days;

(B) The names, dates, and locations of the events in which the horse will compete while in the United States;

(C) The names and locations of the premises on which the horse will be kept while in the United States, and the dates the horse will be kept on each premises; and

(D) The methods and routes by which the horse will be transported while in the United States.

(iii) Horses intended for importation under § 93.301(f)(2) must meet the permit requirements of paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section. Additionally, for horses intended for importation under § 93.301(f)(2), the horse's owner or importer must include the following information with the application for permit that is required by paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section:

(A) The individual identifying information required in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section for all horses to be imported.

(B) The permanent electronic identification of each horse to be imported, if applicable. In the event that a horse has permanent electronic identification, the horse must be accompanied by a compatible reader.

(C) Photographs (head and lateral views) that are sufficient to identify each horse on an electronic medium approved by APHIS.

(D) The proposed total length of stay in the United States.

(E) A description of the shows or events in which the horse will perform while in the United States.

(F) The names, dates, and locations of the venues in which the horse will perform while in the United States.

(G) The names and locations of the premises on which the horse will be kept while in the United States, and the dates the horse will be kept on each premises.

(H) The methods and routes by which the horse will be transported while in the United States.

(I) A written plan for handling sick or injured horses that includes:

(1) The name, address, and phone number of each accredited veterinarian who will provide veterinary services in the United States;

(2) The name, address, and phone number of medical facilities to be used to diagnose or treat sick or injured horses while in the United States; and

(3) A plan to return sick or injured horses to performance condition.

(J) An application for a trust fund or escrow account agreement with APHIS in accordance with § 93.301(f)(12).

(iv) Approval of an application for a permit to import a horse under § 93.301(f) of this part is contingent upon a determination by the Administrator that sufficient APHIS personnel are available to provide the services required. If more than one application for an import permit is received, APHIS personnel will be assigned in the order that applications that otherwise meet the requirements of this section are received.

(2) An application for permit to import horses from regions listed in § 93.301(c)(1) or horses intended for quarantine at a privately owned quarantine facility, may also be denied because of: Communicable disease conditions in the area or region of origin, or in a region where the shipment has been or will be held or through which the shipment has been or will be transported; deficiencies in the regulatory programs for the control or eradication of animal diseases and the unavailability of veterinary services in the above mentioned regions; the importer's failure to provide satisfactory evidence concerning the origin, history, and health status of the horses; the lack of satisfactory information necessary to determine that the importation will not be likely to transmit any communicable disease to livestock or poultry of the United States; or any other circumstances which the Administrator believes require such denial to prevent the dissemination of any communicable disease of livestock or poultry into the United States.

(3)(i) The importer or importer's agent shall pay or ensure payment of a reservation fee for each lot of horses to be quarantined in a facility maintained by USDA. For horses, the reservation fee shall be 100 percent of the cost of providing care, feed, and handling during quarantine, as estimated by the quarantine facility's veterinarian in charge.

(ii) At the time the importer or the importer's agent requests a reservation of quarantine space, the importer or importer's agent shall pay the reservation fee by check or U.S. money order or ensure payment of the reservation fee by an irrevocable letter of credit from a commercial bank (the effective date on such letter of credit shall run to 30 days after the date the horses are scheduled to be released from quarantine); except that anyone who issues a check to the Department for a reservation fee which is returned because of insufficient funds shall be denied any further request for reservation of a quarantine space until the outstanding amount is paid.

(iii) Any reservation fee paid by check or U.S. money order shall be applied against the expenses incurred for services received by the importer or importer's agent in connection with the quarantine for which the reservation was made. Any part of the reservation fee which remains unused after being applied against the expenses incurred for services received by the importer or the importer's agent in connection with the quarantine for which the reservation was made, shall be returned to the individual who paid the reservation fee. If the reservation fee is ensured by a letter of credit, the Department will draw against the letter of credit unless payment for services received by the importer or importer's agent in connection with the quarantine is otherwise made at least 3 days prior to the expiration date of the letter of credit.

(iv) Any reservation fee shall be forfeited if the importer or the importer's agent fails to present for entry, within 24 hours following the designated time of arrival, the horse for which the reservation was made: Except that a reservation fee shall not be forfeited if the Administrator determines that services, other than provided by carriers, necessary for the importation of the horses within the required period are unavailable because of unforeseen circumstances as determined by the Administrator (such as the closing of an airport due to inclement weather or the unavailability of the reserved space due to the extension of another quarantine).

(v) If the reservation fee was ensured by a letter of credit and the fee is to be forfeited under paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of this section, the Department will draw against the letter of credit unless the reservation fee is otherwise paid at least 3 days prior to the expiration date of the letter of credit.

(vi) If a reservation is canceled, the importer or the importer's agent will be charged a fee according to the following schedule:

Cancellation date Fee
30 or more days before the scheduled reservation date25 percent of the reservation fee.
15-29 days before the scheduled reservation date50 percent of the reservation fee.
Less than 15 days before the scheduled reservation date100 percent of the reservation fee.

(vii) If the reservation fee was ensured by a letter of credit, the Department will draw the amount of the cancellation fee against the letter of credit unless the cancellation fee is otherwise paid at least 3 days prior to the expiration date of the letter of credit.

(b) Permit. (1) When a permit is issued, the original and two copies will be sent to the importer. It shall be the responsibility of the importer to forward the original permit and one copy to the shipper in the region of origin, and it shall also be the responsibility of the importer to ensure that the shipper presents the copy of the permit to the carrier and makes the necessary arrangements for the original permit to accompany the shipment to the specified U.S. port of entry for presentation to the collector of customs.

(2) Horses and horse test specimens for which a permit is required under paragraph (a) of this section will be received at the port of entry specified on the permit within the time prescribed in the permit, which shall not exceed 14 days from the first day that the permit is effective.

(3) Horses and horse test specimens for which a permit is required under paragraph (a) of this section will not be eligible for entry if:

(i) A permit has not been issued for the importation of the horse or horse test specimen;

(ii) If the horse or horse test specimen is unaccompanied by the permit issued for its importation;

(iii) If the horse or horse test specimen is shipped from any port other than the one designated in the permit;

(iv) If the horse or horse test specimen arrives in the United States at any port other than the one designated in the permit;

(v) If the horse or horse test specimen offered for entry differs from that described in the permit; or

(vi) If the horse or horse test specimen is not handled as outlined in the application for the permit and as specified in the permit issued.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0040, 0579-0324, and 0579-0485) [55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated at 62 FR 56012, Oct. 28, 1997] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 93.304, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 93.305 - Declaration and other documents for horses.

(a) The certificates, declarations, and affidavits required by the regulations in this part shall be presented by the importer or his or her agent to the collector of customs at the port of entry, upon arrival of horses at such port, for the use of the veterinary inspector at the port of entry.

(b) For all horses offered for importation, the importer or his or her agent shall first present two copies of a declaration which shall list the port of entry, the name and address of the importer, the name and address of the broker, the origin of the horses, the number, breed, species, and purpose of the importation, the name of the person to whom the horses will be delivered, and the location of the place to which such delivery will be made.

(c) Any declaration, permit, or other document for horses required under this subpart may be issued and presented using a U.S. Government electronic information exchange system or other authorized method.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990,as amended at 81 FR 40151, June 21, 2016]
§ 93.306 - Inspection at the port of entry.

Inspection shall be made at the port of entry of all horses imported from any part of the world except as provided in §§ 93.318 and 93.323. All horses found to be free from communicable disease and not to have been exposed thereto within 60 days prior to their exportation to the United States shall be admitted subject to the other provisions in this part; all other horses, to include horses dead upon presentation, and horses arriving in the same shipment as such horses unless the cause of death can be determined to be unrelated to foreign animal disease, shall be refused entry. Horses refused entry, unless exported within a time fixed in each case by the Administrator of Veterinary Service, and in accordance with other provisions he or she may require in each case for their handling shall be disposed of as the Administrator may direct. Such portions of the transporting vessel, and of its cargo, which have been exposed to any such horses or their emanations shall be disinfected in such manner as may be considered necessary by the inspector in charge at the port of entry, to prevent the introduction or spread of livestock or poultry disease, before the cargo is allowed to land.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56016, Oct. 28, 1997; 68 FR 6344, Feb. 7, 2003; 88 FR 63002, Sept. 14, 2023; 89 FR 24340, Apr. 8, 2024]
§ 93.307 - Articles accompanying horses.

No litter or manure, fodder or other aliment, nor any equipment such as boxes, buckets, ropes, chains, blankets, or other things used for or about horses governed under any law or regulation administered by the Secretary of Agriculture for prevention of the introduction or dissemination of any pests or diseases of livestock, shall be landed from any conveyance except under such restrictions as the inspector in charge at the port of entry shall direct.

[88 FR 63002, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.308 - Quarantine requirements.

(a) Except as provided in this section and in § 93.324, horses intended for importation into the United States from any part of the world shall be shipped directly to a port designated in §§ 93.303 and 92.324 and be quarantined at said port until negative results to port of entry tests are obtained and the horses are certified by the port veterinarian to be free from clinical evidence of disease.

(1) Except as provided in §§ 93.317 (horses from Canada) and 93.324 (horses from Mexico), horses intended for importation from regions that APHIS considers to be affected with Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis shall be quarantined at a port designated in § 93.303 to be evaluated for signs of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis. Each horse must be accompanied at the time of importation by an import permit in accordance with § 93.304.

(i) A list of regions that APHIS considers affected with Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis is maintained on the APHIS website at Copies of the list can be obtained via postal mail or email upon request to Regionalization Evaluation Services, Strategy and Policy, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737; [email protected].

(ii) APHIS will add a region to the list upon determining that the disease exists in the region based on reports APHIS receives of outbreaks of the disease from veterinary officials of the exporting country, from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), or from other sources the Administrator determines to be reliable. APHIS will remove a region from the list after conducting an evaluation of the region in accordance with § 92.2 of this subchapter and finding that the disease is not present in the region. In the case of a region formerly not on this list that is added due to an outbreak, the region may be removed from the list in accordance with the procedures for reestablishment of a region's disease-free status in § 92.4 of this subchapter.

(2) Horses intended for importation from regions APHIS considers to be affected with African horse sickness may enter the United States only at the port of New York, and must be quarantined at the New York Animal Import Center in Newburgh, New York, for at least 60 days. This restriction also applies to horses that have stopped in or transited a region considered affected with African horse sickness. Each horse must be accompanied at the time of importation by an import permit in accordance with § 93.304.

(i) A list of regions that APHIS considers affected with African horse sickness is maintained on the APHIS website at Copies of the list can be obtained via postal mail or email upon request to Regionalization Evaluation Services, Strategy and Policy, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road, Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737; [email protected].

(ii) APHIS will add a region to the list upon determining that the disease exists in the region based on reports APHIS receives of outbreaks of the disease from veterinary officials of the exporting country, from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), or from other sources the Administrator determines to be reliable. APHIS will remove a region from the list after conducting an evaluation of the region in accordance with § 92.2 of this subchapter and finding that the disease is not present in the region. In the case of a region formerly not on this list that is added due to an outbreak, the region may be removed from the list in accordance with the procedures for reestablishment of a region's disease-free status in § 92.4 of this subchapter.

(3) Horses from regions where APHIS considers screwworm to exist may be imported into the United States only if they meet the requirements in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (vii) of this section, obtain an import permit in accordance with § 93.304, and meet all other applicable requirements of this part. A list of regions where screwworm is considered to exist is maintained on the APHIS website at Copies of the list will also be available via postal mail, fax, or email upon request to the Regionalization Evaluation Services, Strategy and Policy, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, MD 20737; [email protected]. APHIS will add a region to the list upon determining that screwworm exists in the region based on reports APHIS receives of detections of the pest from veterinary officials of the exporting country, from WOAH, or from other sources the Administrator determines to be reliable. APHIS will remove a region from the list after conducting an evaluation of the region in accordance with § 92.2 of this subchapter and finding that screwworm is not present in the region. In the case of a region formerly not on this list that is added due to a detection, the region may be removed from the list in accordance with the procedures for reestablishment of a region's disease-free status in § 92.4 of this subchapter.

(i) A veterinarian must treat horses with ivermectin 3 to 5 days prior to the date of export to the United States according to the recommended dose prescribed on the product's label.

(ii) Horses must be examined for screwworm by a full-time salaried veterinary official of the exporting country within 24 hours prior to shipment to the United States. The official must fully examine the horses, including their external genitalia. If horses are found to be infested with screwworm, they must be treated until free from infestation.

(iii) At the time horses are loaded onto a means of conveyance for export, a veterinarian must treat any visible wounds on the animals with a solution of coumaphos dust at a concentration of 5 percent active ingredient.

(iv) Horses must be accompanied to the United States by a certificate signed by a full-time salaried veterinary official of the exporting country. The certificate must state that the horses, including their external genitalia, have been thoroughly examined and found free of screwworm and that the horses have been treated in accordance with paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (iii) of this section.

(v) Horses must be quarantined upon arrival in the United States at a port designated in § 93.303 for at least 7 days.

(vi) Horses must be examined for screwworm by a veterinarian within 24 hours after arrival at a port designated in § 93.303. The examining veterinarian must examine horses, including their external genitalia, to determine whether the horse is infested with screwworm.

(vii) Horses must be held at the animal import center for a minimum of 7 days. On day 7, prior to the horses' release, the horses must be examined by a veterinarian at the expense of the owner or broker. For this examination, male horses must be tranquilized or sedated so that the external genitalia of the horses can be thoroughly examined. If screwworm is found during this examination, the horses must be held in quarantine and treated until free of infestation.

(4) To qualify for release from quarantine, all horses, except horses from Iceland, must test negative to official tests for dourine, glanders, equine piroplasmosis, and equine infectious anemia. 1 However, horses imported from Australia and New Zealand are exempt from testing for dourine and glanders. In addition, all horses must undergo any other tests, inspections, disinfections, and precautionary treatments that may be required by the Administrator to determine their freedom from communicable diseases.

1 Protocols for testing equines in import quarantine are available on the APHIS website at

(5) Any quarantine period required for a horse shall be counted using the first day after arrival of the horse at the quarantine facility as the first day of quarantine and may be extended for such additional period as the Administrator may require to determine its freedom from disease. Any horse which is positive to any of the port of entry tests named in this paragraph or any other test required by the Administrator, or which is found by the port veterinarian to exhibit evidence of communicable disease during quarantine shall be refused entry into the United States and removed by the importer to a country other than the United States within 10 days of the date that the importer is notified by APHIS that such horse has been refused entry into the United States. Upon request, the Administrator may grant additional time for the removal of a horse from the United States in any case in which he or she determines that delay is unavoidable due to unforeseen circumstances and the additional time for removal of the horse will not present a threat of the spread of communicable disease to other animals in the United States. At the option of the importer, such horse may be disposed of in accordance with such conditions as the Administrator believes necessary to prevent the dissemination of communicable disease into the United States. The importer shall be responsible for all costs of such removal or disposal.

(b) Temporary, privately owned quarantine facilities. Horses presented for entry into the United States as provided in § 93.303(e), except horses originating from regions in which Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis or screwworm is declared to exist, may be quarantined in temporary, privately owned quarantine facilities that meet the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section and that have been approved by the Administrator for a specific importation.

(1) Approval. Requests for approval and plans for proposed temporary facilities must be submitted no less than 15 days before the proposed date of entry of horses into the facility to APHIS, Veterinary Services, Strategy and Policy, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231. Before facility approval can be granted, a veterinary medical officer of APHIS must inspect the facility to determine whether it complies with the standards set forth in this section: Provided, however, that approval of any temporary facility and use of such facility will be contingent upon a determination made by the Administrator that adequate personnel are available to provide required services at the facility. Approval of any facility may be refused and approval of any quarantine facility may be withdrawn at any time by the Administrator, upon his or her determination that any requirements of this section are not being met. Before such action is taken, the operator of the facility will be informed of the reasons for the proposed action by the Administrator and afforded an opportunity to present his or her views. If there is a conflict as to any material fact, a hearing will be held to resolve the conflict. The cost of the facility and all maintenance and operational costs of the facility will be borne by the operator.

(2) Standards and handling procedures. The facility must be maintained and operated in accordance with the following standards:

(i) Inspection. Inspection and quarantine services must be arranged by the operator or his or her agent with the APHIS Veterinarian in Charge for the State in which the approved facility is located 2 no less than 7 days before the proposed date of entry of the horses into the quarantine facility.

2 The name and the address of the Veterinarian in Charge in any State is available from APHIS, Veterinary Services, Strategy and Policy, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231.

(ii) Physical plant requirements. (A) The facility must be located and constructed to prevent horses from having physical contact with animals outside the facility.

(B) The facility must be constructed only with materials that can withstand repeated cleaning and disinfection. Disinfectants authorized in 9 CFR part 71 must be used. All walls, floors, and ceilings must be constructed of solid material that is impervious to moisture. Doors, windows, and other openings of the facility must be provided with double screens that will prevent insects from entering the facility.

(iii) Sanitation and security. (A) The operator of the facility must arrange for a supply of water adequate to clean and disinfect the facility.

(B) All feed and bedding must originate from an area not under quarantine because of splenetic or tick fever (see part 72 of this chapter) and must be stored within the facility.

(C) Upon the death of any horse, the operator must arrange for the disposal of the horse's carcass by incineration. Disposal of all other waste removed from the facility during the time the horses are in quarantine or from horses that are refused entry into the United States must be either by incineration or in a public sewer system that meets all applicable environmental quality control standards. Following completion of the quarantine period and the release of the horses into the United States, all waste may be removed from the quarantine facility without further restriction.

(D) The facility must be maintained and operated in accordance with any additional requirements the Administrator deems appropriate to prevent the dissemination of any communicable disease.

(E) The facility must comply with all applicable local, State, and Federal requirements for environmental quality.

(iv) Personnel. (A) Access to the facility will be granted only to persons working at the facility or to persons specifically granted such access by an APHIS representative.

(B) The operator must provide attendants for the care and feeding of horses while in the quarantine facility.

(C) Persons working in the quarantine facility may not come in contact with any horses outside the quarantine facility during the quarantine period for any horses in the facility.

(v) Handling of horses in quarantine. Horses offered for importation into the United States that are quarantined in an approved temporary facility must be handled in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section while in quarantine.

(c) Permanent, privately owned quarantine facilities. Horses presented for entry into the United States as provided in § 93.303(e) may be quarantined in permanent, privately owned quarantine facilities approved by the Administrator as meeting the requirements of paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(6) of this section.

(1) APHIS approval—(i) Approval procedures. Persons seeking APHIS approval of a permanent, privately owned quarantine facility must write to the Administrator, c/o Strategy and Policy, Veterinary Services, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231. The application letter must include the full name and mailing address of the applicant; the location and street address of the facility for which approval is sought; blueprints of the facility; a description of the financial resources available for construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility; the anticipated source or origin of horses to be quarantined, as well as the expected size and frequency of shipments; a contingency plan for horses needing emergency veterinary care; and a contingency plan for the disposal of all the horses capable of being housed in the facility.

(A) If APHIS determines that an application is complete and merits further consideration, the person applying for facility approval must enter into a service agreement with APHIS wherein the applicant agrees to pay the cost of all APHIS services associated with APHIS' evaluation of the application and facility. APHIS charges for the evaluation of the application and facility at hourly rates listed in part 130 of this chapter. This service agreement applies only to fees accrued during the application process. If the facility is approved by APHIS, facility owners must enter into a compliance agreement in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(B) Requests for approval must be submitted to APHIS at least 120 days prior to the date of application for local building permits. Requests for approval will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis.

(ii) Criteria for approval. Before a facility may operate as a permanent, privately owned quarantine facility for horses, it must be approved by APHIS. To be approved:

(A) The facility must meet all of the requirements of this section;

(B) The facility must meet any additional requirements that may be imposed by the Administrator in each specific case, as specified in the compliance agreement required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, to ensure that the quarantine of horses in the facility will be adequate to determine their health status, as well as to prevent the transmission of diseases into, within, and from the facility; and

(C) The Administrator must determine that sufficient personnel, including one or more APHIS veterinarians and other professional, technical, and support personnel, are available to serve as APHIS representatives at the facility. If the facility is approved, APHIS representatives will be present at all import quarantine operations in order to monitor them and will be present in order to provide other technical services to ensure the biological security of the facility, including, but not limited to, those specified in paragraph (c)(4)(v)(H) of § 93.308. The Administrator's determination will be based on the expected size and frequency of shipments to the facility, as described in the application for approval of a permanent facility, as well as any other pertinent information in the application. APHIS will assign personnel to facilities requesting approval in the order that the facilities are approved. The Administrator has sole discretion on the number of APHIS personnel to be assigned to the facility.

(iii) Maintaining approval. To maintain APHIS approval, the operator must continue to comply with all the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section and the terms of the compliance agreement executed in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(iv) Denial or withdrawal of approval. Approval for a proposed permanent, privately owned quarantine facility may be denied or approval for a facility already in operation may be withdrawn at any time by the Administrator for any of the reasons provided in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.

(A) Before facility approval is denied or withdrawn, the operator of the facility will be informed of the reasons for the proposed action by the Administrator and afforded an opportunity to present his or her views. If there is a conflict as to any material fact, APHIS will afford the operator, upon request, the opportunity for a hearing with respect to the merits or validity of such action.

(B) The Administrator may withdraw approval of an existing facility prior to a final determination in the hearing if the Administrator determines that such action is necessary to protect animal health or the public health, interest, or safety. Such withdrawal will be effective upon oral or written notification, whichever is earlier, to the operator of the facility. In the event of oral notification, APHIS will promptly give written confirmation to the operator of the facility. This withdrawal will continue in effect pending the completion of the hearing and any judicial review, unless otherwise ordered by the Administrator. In addition to withdrawal of approval for the reasons provided in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(C) of this section, the Administrator will also automatically withdraw approval when the operator of any approved facility notifies the APHIS Veterinarian in Charge for the State in which the facility is located, in writing, that the facility is no longer in operation. 3

3 The name and address of the Veterinarian in Charge in any State is available from APHIS, Veterinary Services, Strategy and Policy, 4700 River Road Unit 39, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231.

(C) The Administrator may deny or withdraw approval of a permanent, privately owned facility if:

(1) Any requirement of this section or the compliance agreement is not complied with; or

(2) The operator fails to remit any charges for APHIS services rendered; or

(3) The operator or a person responsibly connected with the business of the quarantine facility acts as a paid agent (broker) for the importation or subsequent sale of horses; or

(4) The operator or a person responsibly connected with the business of the quarantine facility is or has been found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any law or regulation pertaining to the importation or quarantine of any animal; or

(5) The operator or a person responsibly connected with the business of the quarantine facility is or has been convicted of any crime involving fraud, bribery, or extortion or any other crime involving a lack of the integrity needed for the conduct of operations affecting the importation of animals; or

(6) The approved quarantine facility has not been in use to quarantine horses for a period of at least 1 year.

(D) For the purposes of this section, a person is deemed to be responsibly connected with the business of the quarantine facility if such person has an ownership, mortgage, or lease interest in the facility's physical plant, or if such person is a partner, officer, director, holder, or owner of 10 percent or more of its voting stock, or is an employee in a managerial or executive capacity.

(v) Approval for existing facilities. Any permanent, privately owned quarantine facility operating under APHIS authorization on August 3, 2009 must be approved by APHIS to continue quarantine operations by August 3, 2010 or else must cease horse quarantine operations.

(2) Compliance agreement. (i) All permanent, privately owned quarantine facilities for horses must operate in accordance with a compliance agreement executed by the operator or his or her agent and the Administrator, which must be renewed on an annual basis.

(ii) The compliance agreement must provide that:

(A) The facility must meet all applicable requirements of this section;

(B) The operator agrees to have APHIS representatives present at all import quarantine operations at the facility in order to monitor the import quarantine operations;

(C) The operator agrees to be responsible for the cost of the facility; all costs associated with its maintenance and operation; all costs associated with the hiring of employees and other personnel to attend to the horses as well as to maintain and operate the facility; all costs associated with the care of quarantined horses, such as feed, bedding, medicines, inspections, testing, laboratory procedures, and necropsy examinations; and all APHIS charges for the services of APHIS representatives in accordance with this section and part 130 of this chapter;

(D) The operator agrees to bar from the facility any employee or other personnel at the facility who fails to comply with paragraph (c) of this section or other provisions of this part, any terms of the compliance agreement, or related instructions from APHIS representatives;

(E) The operator agrees to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, that the routine cleaning and maintenance of the facility, the daily care of animals in quarantine, the disposal of wastes at the facility, the cleaning and disinfection procedures employed by the facility, the handling, washing, and disposal of soiled and contaminated clothing worn within the facility, and the disposal of dead horses, whether onsite or offsite, adhere to the best practices of biological security and animal care;

(F) The operator agrees to random spot audits by APHIS representatives to determine whether employees and other personnel are complying with these practices; and

(G) The operator of the facility allows the Administrator to amend the compliance agreement at any time after approval of the facility in order to incorporate related instructions issued by APHIS representatives while the facility is operational

(3) Physical plant requirements. The facility must meet the following requirements as determined by an APHIS inspection prior to admitting horses into the facility:

(i) Location. The quarantine facility must be located in proximity to a port authorized under § 93.303(e). The site and the specific routes for the movement of horses from the port to the site must be approved by the Administrator based on consideration of whether the site or routes would put the horses in a position that could result in the transmission of communicable diseases to domestic horses.

(ii) Construction. The facility must be of sound construction, in good repair, and properly designed to prevent the escape of quarantined horses. It must have adequate capacity to receive and house shipments of horses as lots on an “all in, all out” basis, whereby separate lots of horses can be received and housed without contact with any other lots being quarantined at the facility. The facility must include the following:

(A) Perimeter fencing. The facility must be surrounded by a security fence of sufficient height and design to prevent the entry of unauthorized people and animals from outside the facility and to prevent the escape of the horses in quarantine.

(B) Entrances and exits. All entryways into the nonquarantine area of the facility must be equipped with a secure and lockable door. While horses are in quarantine, all access to the quarantine area for horses must be from within the building, and each such entryway to the quarantine area must be equipped with a series of solid self-closing double doors. Emergency exits to the outside are permitted in the quarantine area. Such emergency exits must be constructed so as to permit their being opened from the inside of the facility only.

(C) Windows and other openings. The facility must be constructed so that any windows or other openings in the quarantine area are double-screened with screening of sufficient gauge and mesh to prevent the entry or exit of insects and other vectors of diseases of horses and to provide ventilation sufficient to ensure the comfort and safety of all horses in the facility. The interior and exterior screens must be separated by at least 3 inches (7.62 cm). All screening of windows or other openings must be easily removable for cleaning, but must otherwise remain locked and secure at all times in a manner satisfactory to APHIS representatives in order to ensure the biological security of the facility.

(D) Lighting. The entire facility, including its stalls and hallways, must have adequate lighting.

(E) Loading docks. The facility must have separate docks for animal receiving and releasing and for general receiving and pickup, unless a single dock used for both purposes is cleaned and disinfected after each use in accordance with paragraph (c)(4)(iv)(F) of this section.

(F) Surfaces. The facility must be constructed so that the floor surfaces with which horses have contact are nonslip and wear-resistant. All floor surfaces with which the horses, their excrement, or discharges have contact must provide for adequate drainage. All floor and wall surfaces with which the horses, their excrement, or discharges have contact must be impervious to moisture and be able to withstand frequent cleaning and disinfection without deterioration. Ceilings and wall surfaces with which the horses, their excrement, or discharges do not have contact must be able to withstand cleaning and disinfection between shipments of horses. All floor and wall surfaces must be free of sharp edges that could cause injury to horses.

(G) Horse stalls. The stalls in which horses are kept must be large enough to allow each animal to make normal postural and social adjustments with adequate freedom of movement. Exercise equipment for horses may be kept in the stalls, provided that there will still be sufficient space within the stalls for the horses to move freely once the equipment is installed.

(H) Aisleways. The aisleways through which horses are moved to and from stalls must be wide enough to provide for safe movement of horses, including allowing horses to turn around in the aisleway, preventing horses in facing stalls from coming into contact with horses in the aisleway, and adequately ventilating the stalls.

(I) Means of isolation. Physical barriers must separate different lots of horses in the facility so that horses in one lot cannot have physical contact with horses in another lot or with their excrement or discharges. Stalls must be available that are capable of isolating any horses exhibiting signs of illness.

(J) Showers. A shower must be located at each entrance to the quarantine area. If the facility has a necropsy area, a shower must be located at the entrance to the necropsy area. A clothes-storage and clothes-changing area must be provided with each shower area. There must also be one or more receptacles near each shower so that clothing that has been worn into the quarantine area can be deposited in a receptacle prior to entering the shower.

(K) APHIS space. The facility must have adequate space for APHIS representatives to conduct examinations and testing of the horses in quarantine, prepare and package samples for mailing, and store the necessary equipment and supplies for duplicate samples. The space provided to conduct examinations and testing must include a refrigerator-freezer in which to store samples. The examination space must include equipment to provide for the safe inspection of horses. The facility must also include a secure, lockable office for APHIS use with enough room for a desk, chair, and filing cabinet.

(L) Necropsy area. The facility must either include an area for conducting necropsies onsite or must have designated an alternate facility at which a suitable necropsy area is available. If the facility has a necropsy area, it must be of sufficient size to perform necropsies on horses and be equipped with adequate lighting, hot and cold running water, a drain, a cabinet for storing instruments, a refrigerator-freezer for storing specimens, and an autoclave to sterilize veterinary equipment. If the facility does not have such an area, it must specify an alternate facility at which a suitable necropsy area is available, a route from the quarantine facility to the alternate facility's necropsy area, and the safeguards that will be in place to ensure that communicable diseases of horses are not spread during transit. This alternate facility and transport methodology must be approved by the Administrator under the procedures for requesting variances outlined in paragraph (c)(6) of this section.

(M) Storage. The facility must have sufficient storage space for equipment and supplies used in import quarantine operations. Storage space must include separate, secure storage for pesticides and for medical and other biological supplies, as well as a separate vermin-proof storage area for feed and bedding, if feed and bedding are stored at the facility. If the facility has multiple lot-holding areas, then separate storage space for any reusable supplies and equipment that are not disinfected after each use in accordance with part 71 of this chapter must be provided for each lot-holding area.

(N) Additional space needs. The facility must have an area for washing and drying clothes, linens, and towels and an area for cleaning and disinfecting equipment used in the facility. The facility must also include a work area for the repair of equipment.

(O) Restrooms. The facility must have permanent restrooms in both the quarantine and nonquarantine areas of the facility.

(P) Ventilation and climate control. The facility must be constructed with an air handling system capable of controlling and maintaining the ambient temperature, air quality, humidity, and odor at levels that are not injurious or harmful to the health of horses in quarantine. Air supplied to the quarantine area must not be recirculated or reused for other ventilation needs. Air handling systems for lot-holding areas must be separate from air handling systems for other operational and administrative areas of the facility. In addition, if the facility is equipped to handle more than one lot of horses at a time, the air handling system must be adequate to ensure that there is no cross-contamination of air between separate lot-holding areas.

(Q) Fire protection. The facility, including the lot-holding areas, must have a fire alarm voice communication system.

(R) Communication system. The facility must have a communication system between the nonquarantine and quarantine areas of the facility.

(iii) Sanitation. To ensure that proper animal health and biological security measures are observed, the facility must have the following:

(A) Equipment and supplies necessary to maintain the facility in clean and sanitary condition, including pest control equipment and supplies and cleaning and disinfecting equipment with adequate capacity to disinfect the facility and equipment.

(B) Any reusable equipment and supplies that are not disinfected after each use in accordance with part 71 of this chapter maintained separately for each lot of horses.

(C) Equipment and supplies used in the quarantine area maintained separately from equipment and supplies used in the nonquarantine area.

(D) A supply of potable water adequate to meet all watering and cleaning needs, with water faucets for hoses located throughout the facility. An emergency supply of water for horses in quarantine must also be maintained.

(E) A stock of disinfectant authorized in part 71 of this chapter or otherwise approved by the Administrator that is sufficient to disinfect the entire facility.

(F) The capability to dispose of wastes, including manure, urine, and used bedding, by means of burial, incineration, or public sewer. Other waste material must be handled in such a manner that minimizes spoilage and the attraction of pests and must be disposed of by incineration, public sewer, or other preapproved manner that prevents the spread of disease. Disposal of wastes must be carried out in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement, and is subject to spot audits by APHIS representatives.

(G) The capability to dispose of horse carcasses in a manner approved by the Administrator and under conditions that minimize the risk of disease spread from carcasses.

(H) For incineration to be carried out at the facility, the facility must have incineration equipment that is detached from other facility structures and is capable of burning animal waste and refuse. The incineration site must also include an area sufficient for solid waste holding. Incineration may also take place at a local site away from the facility premises. All incineration activities, whether onsite or offsite, must be carried out in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement, and are subject to spot audits by APHIS representatives.

(I) The capability to control surface drainage and effluent into, within, and from the facility in a manner that prevents the spread of disease into, within, or from the facility. If the facility is approved to handle more than one lot of horses at the same time, the drainage system must be adequate to ensure that there is no cross-contamination between lot-holding areas.

(iv) Security. Facilities must provide the following security measures:

(A) The facility and premises must be kept locked and secure at all times while horses are in quarantine.

(B) The facility and premises must have signs indicating that the facility is a quarantine area and no visitors are allowed.

(C) The facility and premises must be guarded at all times by one or more representatives of a bonded security company, or, alternatively, the facility must have an electronic security system that indicates the entry of unauthorized persons into the facility. Electronic security systems must be coordinated through or with the local police so that monitoring of the quarantine facility is maintained whenever APHIS representatives are not at the facility. The electronic security system must be of the “silent type” and must be triggered to ring at the monitoring site and not at the facility. The electronic security system must be approved by Underwriter's Laboratories. The operator must provide written instructions to the monitoring agency stating that the police and a representative of APHIS designated by APHIS must be notified by the monitoring agency if the alarm is triggered. The operator must also submit a copy of those instructions to the Administrator. The operator must notify the designated APHIS representative whenever a breach of security occurs or is suspected of having occurred. In the event that disease is diagnosed in quarantined horses, the Administrator may require the operator to have the facility guarded by a bonded security company in a manner that the Administrator deems necessary to ensure the biological security of the facility.

(D) The operator must furnish a telephone number or numbers to APHIS at which the operator or his or her agent can be reached at all times.

(E) APHIS is authorized to place APHIS seals on any or all entrances and exits of the facility when determined necessary by APHIS and to take all necessary steps to ensure that such seals are broken only in the presence of an APHIS representative. If someone other than an APHIS representative breaks such seals, APHIS will consider the act a breach in security and APHIS representatives will make an immediate accounting of all horses in the facility. If a breach in security occurs, APHIS may extend the quarantine period as long as necessary to determine that the horses are free of communicable diseases.

(4) Operating procedures. The following procedures must be observed at the facility at all times:

(i) Oversight by APHIS representatives. (A) Import quarantine operations at a privately owned quarantine facility may only be conducted with the physical presence of and monitoring by APHIS representatives. APHIS representatives are also authorized to perform the services required by this section and by the compliance agreement.

(B) If, as the result of a spot audit, or for any other reason, APHIS determines that the operator has failed to properly care for, feed, or handle quarantined horses as required in this paragraph (c) or in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement, or has failed to maintain and operate the facility as provided in this paragraph (c) or in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement, APHIS representatives will furnish such services, will make arrangements for the sale or disposal of quarantined horses at the quarantine facility owner's expense, or will begin the process for withdrawal of approval of the quarantine facility specified in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section.

(ii) Personnel. (A) The operator must provide adequate personnel to maintain the facility and care for the horses in quarantine, including attendants to care for and feed horses, and other personnel as needed to maintain, operate, and administer the facility.

(B) The operator must provide APHIS with an up-to-date list of all personnel who have access to the facility. The list must include the names, current residential addresses, and employee identification numbers of each person. When the operator wishes to grant access to the facility to persons who have not previously had access to it, the operator must update the list prior to such persons having access to the quarantine facility.

(C) The operator must provide APHIS with signed statements from each employee and any other personnel hired by the operator and working at the facility in which the person agrees to comply with paragraph (c) of this section and applicable provisions of this part, all terms of the compliance agreement, and any related instructions from APHIS representatives pertaining to import quarantine operations, including contact with animals both inside and outside the facility.

(iii) Authorized access. Access to the facility premises as well as inside the quarantine area will be granted only to APHIS representatives, authorized employees, and other personnel of the operator assigned to work at the facility. All other persons are prohibited from the premises unless specifically granted access by an APHIS representative. Any visitors granted access must be accompanied at all times by an APHIS representative while on the premises or in the quarantine area of the facility.

(iv) Sanitary requirements. (A) All persons granted access to the quarantine area must:

(1) Shower when entering and leaving the quarantine area;

(2) Shower when leaving the necropsy area if a necropsy is in the process of being performed or has just been completed, or if all or portions of the examined animal remain exposed;

(3) Wear clean protective work clothing and footwear upon entering the quarantine area;

(4) Wear disposable gloves when handling sick horses and then wash hands after removing gloves; and

(5) Change protective clothing, footwear, and gloves when they become soiled or contaminated.

(B) The operator is responsible for providing a sufficient supply of clothing and footwear to ensure that all persons provided access to the quarantine area at the facility have clean, protective clothing, and footwear when they enter the quarantine area.

(C) The operator is responsible for the handling, washing, and disposal of soiled and contaminated clothing worn within the quarantine facility in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement. At the end of each workday, work clothing worn into the quarantine area must be collected and kept in a bag until the clothing is washed. Used footwear must either be left in the clothes-changing area or cleaned with hot water (148 °F minimum) and detergent and disinfected in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement. APHIS representatives may conduct spot audits of all handling, cleaning, and/or disposal of used clothing or used footwear.

(D) All equipment (including tractors) must be cleaned and disinfected prior to being used in the quarantine area of the facility with a disinfectant authorized in part 71 of this chapter or otherwise approved by the Administrator. The equipment must remain dedicated to the facility for the entire quarantine period. Any equipment used with quarantined horses (e.g., halters, floats, feed, water buckets, and exercise equipment) must remain dedicated to that particular lot of quarantined horses for the duration of the quarantine period or be cleaned and disinfected before coming in contact with horses from another lot. Prior to its removal from the quarantine premises, any equipment must be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement. APHIS representatives may conduct spot audits of all cleaning and disinfection of equipment.

(E) Any vehicle, before entering or leaving the quarantine area of the facility, must be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement within a time period authorized by the APHIS representative and with a disinfectant authorized in part 71 of this chapter or otherwise approved by the Administrator. APHIS representatives may conduct spot audits of all cleaning and disinfection of vehicles.

(F) If the facility has a single loading dock, the loading dock must be cleaned and disinfected after each use in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement within a time period authorized by the APHIS representative and with a disinfectant authorized in part 71 of this chapter or otherwise approved by the Administrator. APHIS representatives may conduct spot audits of all cleaning and disinfection of the loading dock.

(G) That area of the facility in which a lot of horses has been held or has had access to must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, with a disinfectant authorized in part 71 of this chapter or otherwise approved by the Administrator, in accordance with the terms of the compliance agreement, upon release of the horses before a new lot of horses is placed in that area of the facility. APHIS representatives may conduct spot audits of all cleaning and disinfection of lot-holding areas.

(v) Handling of the horses in quarantine. (A) All horses must be handled in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

(B) Each lot of horses to be quarantined must be placed in the facility on an “all-in, all out” basis. No horse may be taken out of the lot while it is in quarantine, except for diagnostic purposes or as provided in paragraph (a)(5) of this section, and no horse may be added to the lot while the lot is in quarantine. Once import quarantine operations have been completed on a lot, but while the lot is still at the facility, a horse may be removed from that lot.

(C) The facility must provide sufficient feed and bedding for the horses in quarantine, and it must be free of vermin and not spoiled. Feed and bedding must originate from an area that is not listed in part 72 of this chapter as an area quarantined for splenetic or tick fever.

(D) Breeding of horses or collection of germplasm from horses is prohibited during the quarantine period.

(E) Horses in quarantine will be subjected to such tests and procedures as directed by an APHIS representative to determine whether they are free from communicable diseases of horses.

(F) Any death or suspected illness of horses in quarantine must be reported immediately to APHIS. The affected horses must be disposed of as the Administrator may direct, or depending on the nature of the disease, must be cared for as directed by APHIS to prevent the spread of the disease.

(G) Quarantined horses requiring specialized medical attention or additional postmortem testing may be transported off the quarantine site, if authorized by APHIS. A second quarantine site must be established to house the horses at the facility of destination (e.g., veterinary teaching hospital). In such cases, APHIS may extend the quarantine period for that horse and for its lot until the results of any outstanding tests or postmortem results are received.

(H) Should a horse be determined to be infected with or exposed to a Federally regulated disease of horses, arrangements for the final disposition of the infected or exposed horse must be accomplished within 10 days of the date that the importer is notified by the overseeing APHIS representative that the horse has been refused entry into the United States. APHIS representatives must be physically present at and directly monitor the subsequent disposition of the horse. The operator must have a preapproved contingency plan for the disposal of all horses housed at the facility prior to issuance of the import permit.

(I) Vaccination of horses in quarantine is prohibited. However, once import quarantine operations have been completed on a lot, but while the lot is still at the facility, horses in that lot may be vaccinated.

(vi) Records. (A) The facility operator must maintain a current daily record to record the entry and exit of all persons entering and leaving the quarantine facility.

(B) The operator must maintain the daily record, along with any records kept by APHIS and deposited with the operator, for at least 2 years following the date of release of the horses from quarantine and must make such records available to APHIS representatives upon request.

(5) Environmental quality. If APHIS determines that a privately operated quarantine facility does not meet applicable local, State, or Federal environmental regulations, APHIS may deny or suspend approval of the facility until appropriate remedial measures have been applied.

(6) Variances. The Administrator may grant variances to existing requirements relating to location, construction, and other design features of the physical facility, as well as to sanitation, security, operating procedures, recordkeeping, and other provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, but only if the Administrator determines that the variance causes no detrimental impact to the overall biological security of the import quarantine operations. The operator must submit a request for a variance from the requirements for the construction of the facility in paragraph (c)(3) of this section to the Administrator in writing prior to the construction of the facility. The operator must submit a request for a variance from the operational requirements in paragraph (c)(4) of this section to the Administrator in writing at least 30 days in advance of the arrival of horses to the facility. Any variance must also be expressly provided for in the compliance agreement.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0313 and 0579-0485) [55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 93.308, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 93.309 - Horse quarantine facilities; payment information.

(a) Privately operated quarantine facilities. The importer, or his or her agent, of horses subject to quarantine under the regulations in this part shall arrange for acceptable transportation to the privately operated quarantine facility and for the care, feed, and handling of the horses from the time of unloading at the quarantine port to the time of release from quarantine. Such arrangements shall be agreed to in advance by the Administrator. All expenses resulting therefrom or incident thereto shall be the responsibility of the importer; APHIS assumes no responsibility with respect thereto. The quarantine facility must be suitable for the quarantine of such horses and must be approved by the Administrator prior to the issuance of any import permit. The facilities occupied by horses should be kept clean and sanitary to the satisfaction of the inspector assigned to supervise the quarantine. If for any cause the care, feed, or handling of horses, or the sanitation of the facilities, is neglected, in the opinion of the inspector assigned to supervise the quarantine, such services may be furnished by APHIS in the same manner as though arrangements had been made for such services as provided by paragraph (b) of this section, and/or the horses may be disposed of as the Administrator, may direct, including sale in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph (b) of this section. The importer, or his or her agent, shall request in writing such inspection and other services as may be required, and shall waive all claim against the United States and APHIS or any employee of APHIS for damages which may arise from such services. The Administrator, may prescribe reasonable rates for the services provided under this paragraph. When it is found necessary to extend the usual minimum quarantine period, the importer, or his or her agent, shall be so advised in writing and shall pay for such additional quarantine and other services required. Payment for all services received by the importer, or his or her agent, in connection with each separate lot of horses shall be made by certified check or U.S. money order prior to release of the horses. If such payment is not made, the horses may be sold in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph (b) of this section, or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Administrator.

(b) Quarantine facilities maintained by APHIS. The importer, or his or her agent, of horses subject to quarantine under the regulations in this part shall arrange for acceptable transportation to the quarantine facility, and for the care, feed, and handling of the horses from the time they arrive at the quarantine port to the time of release from quarantine. Such arrangements shall be agreed to in advance by the Administrator. The importer or his or her agent shall request in writing such inspection and other services as may be required, and shall waive all claim against the United States and APHIS or any employee of APHIS, for damages which may arise from such services. All expenses resulting therefrom or incident thereto shall be the responsibility of the importer; APHIS assumes no responsibility with respect thereto. The Administrator may prescribe reasonable rates for the services provided under this paragraph. When it is found necessary to extend the usual minimum quarantine period, the importer, or his or her agent, shall be so advised in writing and shall pay for such additional quarantine and other services required. Payment for services received by the importer, or his or her agent, in connection with each separate lot of horses shall be made by certified check or U.S. money order prior to release of the horses. If such payment is not made, the horses may be sold in accordance with the procedure described in this paragraph or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Administrator. When payment is not made and the horses are to be sold to recover payment for services received, the importer, or his or her agent, will be notified by the inspector that if said charges are not immediately paid or satisfactory arrangements made for payment, the horses will be sold at public sale to pay the expense of care, feed, and handling during that period. The sale will be held after the expiration of the quarantine period, at such time and place as may be designated by the General Services Administration or other designated selling agent. The proceeds of the sale, after deducting the charges for care, feed, and handling of the horses and other expenses, including the expense of the sale, shall be held in a Special Deposit Account in the United States Treasury for 6 months from the date of sale. If not claimed by the importer, or his or her agent, within 6 months from the date of sale, the amount so held shall be transferred from the Special Deposit Account to the General Fund Account in the United States Treasury.

(c) Amounts collected from the importer, or his or her agent, for service rendered shall be deposited so as to be available for defraying the expenses involved in this service.

§ 93.310 - Quarantine stations, visiting restricted; sales prohibited.

Visitors are not permitted in the quarantine enclosure during any time that the horses are in quarantine unless an APHIS representative specifically grants access under such conditions and restrictions as may be imposed by APHIS. An importer (or his or her agent or accredited veterinarian) may be admitted to the lot-holding area(s) containing his or her quarantined horses at such intervals as may be deemed necessary, and under such conditions and restrictions as may be imposed, by an APHIS representative. On the last day of the quarantine period, owners, officers or registry societies, and others having official business or whose services may be necessary in the removal of the horses may be admitted upon written permission from an APHIS representative. No exhibition or sale shall be allowed within the quarantine grounds.

[74 FR 31601, July 2, 2009]
§ 93.311 - Milk from quarantined horses.

Milk or cream from horses quarantined under the provisions of this part shall not be used by any person other than those in charge of such horses, nor be fed to any animals other than those within the same enclosure, without permission of the inspector in charge of the quarantine station and subject to such restrictions as he or she may consider necessary to each instance. No milk or cream shall be removed from the quarantine premises except in compliance with all State and local regulations.

§ 93.312 - Manure from quarantined horses.

No manure shall be removed from the quarantine premises until the release of the horses producing same.

§ 93.313 - Appearance of disease among horses in quarantine.

If any contagious disease appears among horses during the quarantine period special precautions shall be taken to prevent spread of the infection to other animals in the quarantine station or to those outside the grounds. The affected horses shall be disposed of as the Administrator may direct, depending upon the nature of the disease.

§ 93.314 - Horses, certification, and accompanying equipment.

(a) Horses offered for importation from any part of the world shall be accompanied by an original certificate endorsed by a salaried veterinary officer of the national government of the region of origin, or if exported from Mexico, shall be accompanied either by such a certificate or by a certificate issued by a veterinarian accredited by the National Government of Mexico and endorsed by a full-time salaried veterinary officer of the National Government of Mexico, thereby representing that the veterinarian issuing the certificate was authorized to do so. The certificate shall specify the name and address of the importer; the species, breed, number or quantity of horses or horse test specimens to be imported; the purpose of the importation; individual horse identification which requires a description of the horse, name, age, markings and, when present, registration number, tattoo, microchip, eartag, brand, if any; the region and premises of origin; the name and address of the exporter; and the destination address for release into the United States; and shows that:

(1) The horses described in the certificate have been in said region during the 60 days preceding exportation, or, for horses described in § 93.301(g), for the duration of their temporary exportation to each CEM-affected region;

(2) That each horse has been inspected on the premises of origin and found free of evidence of communicable disease and, insofar as can be determined, exposure thereto during the 60 days preceding exportation;

(3) That each horse has not been vaccinated with a live or attenuated or inactivated vaccine during the 14 days preceding exportation: Provided, however, that in specific cases the Administrator may authorize horses that have been vaccinated with an inactivated vaccine to enter the United States when he or she determines that in such cases and under such conditions as he or she may prescribe such importation will not endanger the livestock in the United States, and such horses comply with all other applicable requirements of this part;

(4) The horse, if applicable, has not been gelded during the 14 days preceding exportation;

(5) The horse will be accompanied by documentation of pre-export examination occurring within 48 hours of departure from the port of embarkation endorsed by a salaried veterinary medical officer;

(6) That, insofar as can be determined, no case of African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, surra, epizootic lymphangitis, ulcerative lymphangitis, equine piroplasmosis, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis, or equine infectious anemia has occurred on the premises of origin or on adjoining premises during the 60 days preceding exportation; and

(7) That, except as provided in § 93.301(g):

(i) The horses, except horses described in § 93.301(d), (e), and (f), have not been in any region listed in accordance with § 93.301(c)(1) on the APHIS website as affected with CEM during the 12 months immediately prior to their importation into the United States;

(ii) The horses have not been on any premises at any time during which time such premises were found by an official of the veterinary services of the national government of the region where such premises are located, to be affected with CEM;

(iii) The horses have not been bred by or bred to any horses from an affected premises; and

(iv) The horses have had no other contact with horses that have been found to be affected with CEM or with horses that were imported from regions affected with CEM.

(b) If a horse is presented for importation from a region where it has been for less than 60 days, the horse must be accompanied by a certificate that meets the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section that has been issued by a salaried veterinary officer of the national government of each region in which the horse has been during the 60 days immediately preceding its shipment to the United States. The dates during which the horse was in each region during the 60 days immediately preceding its exportation to the United States shall be included as a part of the certification.

(c) Following the port-of-entry inspection required by § 93.306 of this part, and before a horse offered for importation from any part of the world is released from the port of entry, an inspector may require the horse and its accompanying equipment to be disinfected as a precautionary measure against the introduction of foot-and-mouth disease or any other disease dangerous to the livestock of the United States.

(d) For purposes of this section, the term “original” means documentation is prepared and issued directly from the national government of the region of origin or annotated by the national government of the region of origin to indicate how the documentation may be verified. Any declaration, permit, or other required document for horses may be issued and presented using a United States Government electronic information exchange system or other method authorized by APHIS.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0485) [61 FR 52245, Oct. 7, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997; 63 FR 53783, Oct. 7, 1998; 88 FR 63003, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.319 - Import permit and declaration for horses.

For all horses offered for importation from or transiting through regions of Central America or of the West Indies, the importer or his or her agent shall have obtained an import permit under § 93.304 and shall present two copies of a declaration as provided in § 93.305.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0485) [88 FR 63004, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.320 - Horses from or transiting through Central America and the West Indies.

Horses from or transiting through Central America and the West Indies shall be inspected as provided in § 93.306; shall be accompanied by a certificate and otherwise handled as provided in § 93.314; and shall be quarantined and tested as provided in § 93.308(a), (b) and (c): Provided, That any such horses that are found to be infested with fever ticks, Boophilus annulatus, shall not be permitted entry until they have been freed therefrom by dipping in a permitted arsenical solution or by other treatment approved by the Administrator.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997; 88 FR 63004, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.321 - Import permits and applications for inspection for horses.

For horses intended for importation into the United States from Mexico, the importer or his or her agent shall deliver to the veterinary inspector at the port of entry an application, in writing, for inspection, so that the veterinary inspector and customs representatives may make mutually satisfactory arrangements for the orderly inspection of the horses. The veterinary inspector at the port of entry will provide the importer or his or her agent with a written statement assigning a date when the horses may be presented for import inspection. Horses quarantined at a U.S. facility designated in § 93.303 must obtain an import permit under § 93.304.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0485) [55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 88 FR 63004, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.322 - Declaration for horses.

For all horses offered for importation from Mexico, the importer or his or her agent shall present two copies of a declaration as provided in § 93.305.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997]
§ 93.323 - Inspection.

(a) All horses offered for entry from Mexico, including such horses intended for movement through the United States in bond for immediate return to Mexico, shall be inspected at a facility described in § 93.324, and all such horses found to be free from communicable disease and fever tick infestation, and not to have been exposed thereto, shall be admitted into the United States subject to the other applicable provisions of this part. Horses found to be affected with or to have been exposed to a communicable disease, or infested with fever ticks, shall be refused entry. Horses refused entry, unless exported within a time fixed in each case by the Administrator, shall be disposed of as said Administrator may direct.

(b) Horses covered by paragraph (a) of this section shall be imported through facilities described in § 93.324, which are equipped with facilities necessary for proper chute inspection, dipping, and testing, as provided in this part.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 58 FR 45238, Aug. 27, 1993. Redesignated at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997]
§ 93.324 - Detention for quarantine.

Horses intended for importation from Mexico shall be quarantined until they qualify for release from such quarantine, either at an APHIS facility designated in § 93.303 (a) or at a facility in Mexico. In order to qualify for such release, all horses while so detained shall test negative to an official test for dourine, glanders, equine piroplasmosis, equine infectious anemia, 1 and such other tests that may be required by the Administrator to determine their freedom from other communicable diseases. Such horses shall also be subjected to such other inspections and disinfections deemed necessary by the Administrator, and they shall be released from quarantine only if found to be free from any communicable disease upon inspection.

1 Protocols for testing equines in import quarantine are available on the APHIS website at

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 15489, Apr. 17, 1991; 58 FR 45238, Aug. 27, 1993; 59 FR 67614, Dec. 30, 1994; 60 FR 5128, Jan. 26, 1995; 61 FR 39853, July 31, 1996; 61 FR 52246, Oct. 7, 1996. Redesignated at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 3640, Jan. 26, 1998; 86 FR 45624, Aug. 16, 2021; 88 FR 63004, Sept. 14, 2023]
§ 93.325 - Horses from Mexico.

Horses offered for entry from Mexico shall be inspected as provided in §§ 93.306 and 93.323; shall be accompanied by a certificate and otherwise handled as provided in § 93.314; and shall be quarantined and tested as provided in § 93.324: Provided, That horses offered for importation from tick-infected areas of Mexico shall be chute inspected, unless in the judgment of the inspector a satisfactory inspection can be made otherwise. If upon inspection they are found to be apparently free from fever ticks, before entering the United States they shall be dipped once in a permitted arsenical solution or be otherwise treated in a manner approved by the Administrator.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997]
§ 93.326 - Horses for immediate slaughter.

Horses may be imported from Mexico, subject to the applicable provisions of §§ 93.321, 93.322, and 93.323 for immediate slaughter if accompanied by a certificate of a salaried veterinarian of the Mexican Government, or by a certificate issued by a veterinarian accredited by the Mexican Government and endorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Mexican Government, thereby representing that the veterinarian issuing the certificate was authorized to do so, stating that he or she has inspected such horses on the premises of origin and found them free of evidence of communicable disease, and that, so far as it has been possible to determine, they have not been exposed to any such disease common to animals of their kind during the preceding 60 days, and if the horses are shipped by rail or truck, the certificate shall further specify that the horses were loaded into cleaned and disinfected cars or trucks for transportation directly to the port of entry. Such horses shall be consigned from a facility described in § 93.324 to a recognized slaughtering establishment and there slaughtered within 2 weeks from the date of entry. Such horses shall be moved from the port of entry in conveyances sealed with seals of the United States Government.

[55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, as amended at 57 FR 28080, June 24, 1992; 58 FR 45238, Aug. 27, 1993; 60 FR 5128, Jan. 26, 1995; 61 FR 39853, July 31, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56017, Oct. 28, 1997; 63 FR 3640, Jan. 26, 1998]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1622 and 8301-8317; 21 U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4
source: 55 FR 31495, Aug. 2, 1990, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 62 FR 56012, Oct. 28, 1997.
cite as: 9 CFR 93.322