Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 702.408 - Preapproval to issue Subordinated Debt.

(a) Scope. This section requires all credit unions to receive written preapproval from the NCUA before issuing Subordinated Debt. Procedures related specifically to applications from federally insured, state-chartered credit unions are contained in § 702.409. A credit union seeking approval to offer and sell Subordinated Debt at one or more of its offices must also follow the application procedures in § 702.406(e). All approvals under this section are subject to the expiration limits specified in paragraph (k) of this section.

(b) Initial application to issue Subordinated Debt. A credit union requesting approval to issue Subordinated Debt must first submit an application to the Appropriate Supervision Office that, at a minimum, includes:

(1) A statement indicating how the credit union qualifies to issue Subordinated Debt given the eligibility requirements of § 702.403 with additional supporting analysis if anticipating to meet the requirements of a LICU or complex credit union within 24 months after issuance of the Subordinated Debt;

(2) The maximum aggregate principal amount of Subordinated Debt Notes and the maximum number of discrete issuances of Subordinated Debt Notes that the credit union is proposing to issue within the period allowed under paragraph (k) of this section;

(3) The estimated number of investors and the status of such investors (Natural Person Accredited Investors and/or Entity Accredited Investors) to whom the credit union intends to offer and sell the Subordinated Debt Notes;

(4) A statement identifying any outstanding Subordinated Debt or Grandfathered Secondary Capital previously issued by the credit union;

(5) A copy of the credit union's strategic plan, business plan, and budget, and an explanation of how the credit union intends to use the Subordinated Debt in conformity with those plans;

(6) An analysis of how the credit union will provide for liquidity to repay the Subordinated Debt upon maturity of the Subordinated Debt;

(7) Pro Forma Financial Statements (balance sheet and income statement) and cash flow projections, including any off-balance sheet items, covering at least two years. Analytical support for key assumptions and key assumption changes must be included in the application. Key assumptions include, but are not limited to, interest rate, liquidity, and credit loss scenarios;

(8) A statement indicating how the credit union will use the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Subordinated Debt;

(9) A statement identifying the governing law specified in the Subordinated Debt Notes and the documents pursuant to which the Subordinated Debt Notes will be issued;

(10) A draft written policy governing the offer, and issuance, and sale of the Subordinated Debt, developed in consultation with Qualified Counsel, which, at a minimum, addresses:

(i) Compliance with all applicable Federal and state securities laws and regulations;

(ii) Compliance with applicable securities laws related to communications with investors and potential investors, including, but not limited to: Who may communicate with investors and potential investors; what information may be provided to investors and potential investors; ongoing disclosures to investors; who will review and ensure the accuracy of the information provided to investors and potential investors; and to whom information will be provided;

(iii) Compliance with any laws that may require registration of credit union employees as broker-dealers; and

(iv) Any use of outside agents, including broker-dealers, to assist in the marketing and issuance of Subordinated Debt, and any limitations on such use;

(11) A schedule that provides an itemized statement of all expenses incurred or expected to be incurred by the credit union in connection with the offer, issuance, and sale of the Subordinated Debt Notes to which the initial application relates, other than underwriting discounts and commissions or similar compensation payable to broker-dealers acting as placement agents. The schedule must include, as applicable, fees and expenses of counsel, auditors, any trustee or issuing and paying agent or any transfer agent, and printing and engraving expenses. If the amounts of any items are not known at the time of filing of the initial application, the credit union must provide estimates, clearly identified as such;

(12) In the case of a new credit union, a statement that it is subject to either an approved initial business plan or revised business plan, as required by this part, and how the proposed Subordinated Debt would conform with the approved plan. Unless the new credit union has a LICU designation pursuant to § 701.34 of this chapter, it must also include a plan for replacing the Subordinated Debt with Retained Earnings before the credit union ceases to meet the definition of new credit union in § 702.2;

(13) A statement describing any investments the credit union has in the Subordinated Debt of any other credit union, and the manner in which the credit union acquired such Subordinated Debt, including through a merger or other consolidation;

(14) In the case of a credit union applying to issue Subordinated Debt Notes with maturities longer than 20 years, an analysis demonstrating that the proposed Subordinated Debt Notes would be properly characterized as debt in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The Appropriate Supervision Office may require that such analysis include one or more of the following:

(i) A written legal opinion from a Qualified Counsel;

(ii) A written opinion from a licensed certified public accountant (CPA); and

(iii) An analysis conducted by the credit union or independent third party;

(15) A signature page signed by the credit union's principal executive officer, principal financial officer or principal accounting officer, and a majority 'of the members of its board of directors. Amendments to an initial application must be signed and filed with the NCUA in the same manner as the initial application; and

(16) Any additional information requested in writing by the Appropriate Supervision Office.

(c) Decision on initial application. Upon receiving an initial application submitted under this paragraph (c) and any additional information requested in writing by the Appropriate Supervision Office, the Appropriate Supervision Office will evaluate, at a minimum, the credit union's compliance with this subpart and all other NCUA regulations in this chapter, the credit union's ability to manage and safely offer, issue, and sell the proposed Subordinated Debt, the safety and soundness of the proposed use of the Subordinated Debt, the overall condition of the credit union, and any other factors the Appropriate Supervision Office determines are relevant.

(1) Written determination. Within 60 calendar days (which may be extended by the Appropriate Supervision Office) after the date of receipt of a complete application, the Appropriate Supervision Office will provide the credit union with a written determination on its application. In the case of a full or partial denial, or conditional approval under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the written decision will state the reasons for the denial or conditional approval.

(2) Conditions of approval. Any approval granted by an Appropriate Supervision Office under this section may include one or more of the following conditions:

(i) Approval of an aggregate principal amount of Subordinated Debt that is lower than what the credit union requested;

(ii) Any applicable minimum level of net worth that the credit union must maintain while the Subordinated Debt Notes are outstanding;

(iii) Approved uses of the Subordinated Debt; and

(iv) Any other limitations or conditions the Appropriate Supervision Office deems necessary to protect the NCUSIF.

(d) Offering Document. Following receipt of written approval of its initial application, an Issuing Credit Union must prepare an Offering Document for each issuance of Subordinated Debt Notes. In addition, as required in paragraph (f) of this section, an Issuing Credit Union that intends to offer Subordinated Debt Notes to any Natural Person Accredited Investors must have the related Offering Document declared “approved for use” by the NCUA before its first use. At a reasonable time prior to any issuance and sale of Subordinated Debt Notes, the Issuing Credit Union must provide each investor with an Offering Document as described in this section. All Offering Documents must be filed with the NCUA within two business days after their respective first use.

(e) Requirements for all Offering Documents—(1) Minimum information required in an Offering Document. An Offering Document must, at a minimum, include the following information:

(i) The name of the Issuing Credit Union and the address of its principal executive office;

(ii) The initial principal amount of the Subordinated Debt being issued;

(iii) The name(s) of any underwriter(s) or placement agents being used for the issuance;

(iv) A description of the material risk factors associated with the purchase of the Subordinated Debt Notes, including any special or distinctive characteristics of the Issuing Credit Union's business, field of membership, or geographic location that are reasonably likely to have a material impact on the Issuing Credit Union's future financial performance;

(v) The disclosures described in § 702.405 and such additional material information, if any, as may be necessary to make the required disclosures, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading;

(vi) Provisions related to the interest, principal, payment, maturity, and prepayment of the Subordinated Debt Notes;

(vii) All material affirmative and negative covenants that may or will be included in the Subordinated Debt Note, including, but not limited to, the covenants discussed in this subpart;

(viii) Any legends required by applicable state law; and

(ix) The following legend, displayed on the cover page in prominent type or in another manner:

None of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), any state securities commission or the National Credit Union Administration has passed upon the merits of, or given its approval of, the purchase of any Subordinated Debt Notes offered or the terms of the offering, or passed on the accuracy or completeness of any Offering Document or other materials used in connection with the offer, issuance, and sale of the Subordinated Debt Notes. Any representation to the contrary is unlawful. These Subordinated Debt Notes have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Act”) and are being offered and sold to [an Entity Accredited Investor][an Accredited Investor] (as defined in 12 CFR 702.402) pursuant to an exemption from registration under the Act; however, neither the SEC nor the NCUA has made an independent determination that the offer and issuance of the Subordinated Debt Notes are exempt from registration.

(2) Legibility requirements. An Issuing Credit Union's Offering Document must comply with the following legibility requirements:

(i) Information in the Offering Document must be presented in a clear, concise, and understandable manner, incorporating plain English principles. The body of all printed Offering Documents shall be in type at least as large and as legible as 10-point type. To the extent necessary for convenient presentation, however, financial statements and other tabular data, including tabular data in notes, may be in type at least as large and as legible as 8-point type. Repetition of information should be avoided. Cross-referencing of information within the document is permitted; and

(ii) Where an Offering Document is distributed through an electronic medium, the Issuing Credit Union may satisfy legibility requirements applicable to printed documents, such as paper size, type size and font, bold-face type, italics and red ink, by presenting all required information in a format readily communicated to offerees and, where indicated, in a manner reasonably calculated to draw the attention of offerees to specific information.

(f) Offering Documents approved for use in offerings of Subordinated Debt to any Natural Person Accredited Investors—(1) Filing of a Draft Offering Document. An Issuing Credit Union that intends to offer Subordinated Debt Notes to any Natural Person Accredited Investors must file a draft Offering Document with the NCUA and have such draft Offering Document declared “approved for use” by the NCUA before its first use.

(i) Request for additional information, clarifications, or amendments. Prior to declaring any Offering Document “approved for use,” the NCUA may ask questions, request clarifications, or direct the Issuing Credit Union to amend certain sections of the draft Offering Document. The NCUA will make any such requests in writing.

(ii) Written determination. Within 60 calendar days (which may be extended by the NCUA) after the date of receipt of each of the initial filing and each filing of additional information, clarifications, or amendments requested by the NCUA under paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, the NCUA will provide the Issuing Credit Union with a written determination on the applicable filing. The written determination will include any requests for additional information, clarifications, or amendments, or a statement that the Offering Document is “approved for use.”

(2) Filing of a final Offering Document. At such time as the NCUA declares an Offering Document “approved for use” in accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section, the Issuing Credit Union may then use that Offering Document in the offer and sale of the Subordinated Debt Notes. The Issuing Credit Union must file a copy of each of its Offering Documents with the NCUA within two business days after their respective first use.

(g) Filing of an Offering Document for offerings of Subordinated Debt exclusively to Entity Accredited Investors. An Issuing Credit Union that is offering Subordinated Debt exclusively to Entity Accredited Investors is not required to have its Offering Document “approved for use” by the NCUA under paragraph (f) of this section before using it to offer and sell the Subordinated Debt Notes. As described in this section, however, the Issuing Credit Union must file a copy of each of its Offering Documents with the NCUA within two business days after their respective first use.

(h) Material changes to any initial application or Offering Document—(1) Reapproval of initial application. If any material event arises or material change in fact occurs after the approval of the initial application by the NCUA, but prior to the completion of the offer and sale of the related Subordinated Debt Notes, then no person shall offer or sell Subordinated Debt Notes to any other person until an amendment to the Offering Document reflecting the event or change has been filed with and approved by the NCUA.

(2) Reapproval of Offering Document. If an Offering Document must be approved for use under paragraph (f) of this section, and any event arises or change in fact occurs after the approval for use of any Offering Document, and that event or change in fact, individually or in the aggregate, results in the Offering Document containing any untrue statement of material fact, or omitting to state a material fact necessary in order to make statements made in the Offering Document not misleading in light of the circumstances under which they were made, then no person shall offer or sell Subordinated Debt Notes to any other person until an amendment reflecting the event or change has been filed with and “approved for use” by the NCUA.

(3) Failure to request reapproval. If an Issuing Credit Union fails to comply with paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section, the NCUA may, at its discretion, exercise the full range of administrative remedies available under the FCU Act, including:

(i) Prohibiting the Issuing Credit Union from issuing any additional Subordinated Debt for a specified period; and/or

(ii) Determining not to treat the Subordinated Debt as Regulatory Capital.

(i) Notification. Not later than 10 business days after the closing of a Subordinated Debt Note issuance and sale, the Issuing Credit Union must submit to the Appropriate Supervision Office:

(1) A copy of each executed Subordinated Debt Note;

(2) A copy of each executed purchase agreement, if any;

(3) Any indenture or other transaction document used to issue the Subordinated Debt Notes;

(4) Copies of signed certificates of Accredited Investor status, in a form similar to that in § 702.406(c), from all investors;

(5) All documentation provided to investors related to the offer and sale of the Subordinated Debt Note (other than any Offering Document that was previously filed with the NCUA); and

(6) Any other material documents governing the issuance, sale or administration of the Subordinated Debt Notes.

(j) Resubmissions. An Issuing Credit Union that receives any adverse written determination from the Appropriate Supervision Office with respect to the approval of its initial application or any amendment thereto or, if applicable, the approval for use of an Offering Document or any amendment thereto, may cure any reasons noted in the written determination and refile under the requirements of this section. This paragraph (j) does not prohibit an Issuing Credit Union from appealing an Appropriate Supervision Office's decision under subpart A of part 746 of this chapter.

(k) Expiration of authority to issue Subordinated Debt. (1) Any approvals to issue Subordinated Debt Notes under this section expire two years from the later of the date the Issuing Credit Union receives:

(i) Approval of its initial application, if the Issuing Credit Union is offering Subordinated Notes exclusively to Entity Accredited Investors; or

(ii) The initial approval for use of its Offering Document, if the Issuing Credit Union is offering Subordinated Debt Notes to any Natural Person Accredited Investors.

(2) Failure to issue all or part of the maximum aggregate principal amount of Subordinated Debt Notes approved in the initial application process within the applicable period specified in paragraph (k) of this section will result in the expiration of the NCUA's approval. An Issuing Credit Union may file a written extension request with the Appropriate Supervision Office. The Issuing Credit Union must demonstrate good cause for any extension(s), and must file the request at least 30 calendar days before the expiration of the applicable period specified in paragraph (k) of this section or any extensions granted under paragraph (k) of this section. In any such written application, the Issuing Credit Union must address whether any such extension poses any material securities law implications.

(l) Filing requirements. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all initial applications, Offering Documents, amendments, notices, or other documents must be filed electronically with the Appropriate Supervision Office. Documents may be signed electronically using the signature provision in 17 CFR 230.402 (Rule 402 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended).

(2) Provided the Issuing Credit Union filing the document has complied with all requirements regarding the filing in this section, the date of filing of the document is the date the NCUA receives the filing. An electronic filing that is submitted on a business day by direct transmission commencing on or before 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard or Daylight Savings Time, whichever is then currently in effect, would be deemed received by the NCUA on the same business day. An electronic filing that is submitted by direct transmission commencing after 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard or Daylight Savings Time, whichever is then currently in effect, or on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, would be deemed received by the NCUA on the next business day. If an electronic filer in good faith attempts to file a document with the NCUA in a timely manner, but the filing is delayed due to technical difficulties beyond the electronic filer's control, the electronic filer may request that the NCUA adjust the filing date of such document. The NCUA may grant the request if it appears that such adjustment is appropriate and consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors.

(3) If an Issuing Credit Union experiences unanticipated technical difficulties preventing the timely preparation and submission of an electronic filing, the Issuing Credit Union may, upon notice to the Appropriate Supervision Office, file the subject filing in paper format no later than one business day after the date on which the filing was to be made.

(4) Any filing of amendments or supplements to an Offering Document must include two copies, one of which must be marked to indicate clearly and precisely, by underlining or in some other conspicuous manner, the changes made from the previously filed Offering Document.

(m) Filing fees. (1) The NCUA may require filing fees to accompany certain filings made under this subpart before it will accept those filings. If the NCUA requires the aforementioned filing fee, the NCUA will publish an applicable fee schedule on its website at

(2) Filing fees must be paid to the NCUA by electronic transfer.

[86 FR 11074, Feb. 23, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 18011, Mar. 27, 2023]
authority: 12 U.S.C. 1757(9), 1766(a), 1784(a), 1786(e), 1790d
source: 65 FR 8584, Feb. 18, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 702.408