Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 620.5 - Contents of the annual report to shareholders.

The report must contain the following items in substantially the same order:

(a) Description of business. The description must include a brief discussion of the following items:

(1) The territory served;

(2) The persons eligible to borrow;

(3) The types of lending activities engaged in and related services offered. Each bank shall also briefly describe the lending and related services offered by its related associations, as well as related services offered to the borrowers in the bank's chartered territory by any service corporation chartered under the Act in which it has an ownership interest. Each association shall briefly describe the lending and related services offered by its related organizations or incorporate by reference relevant portions of the related bank's report, if such report is provided to association shareholders;

(4) Any significant developments within the last 5 years that had or could have a material impact on earnings, interest rates to borrowers, patronage, or dividends, including, but not limited to, changes in the reporting entity, changes in patronage policies and practices, and financial assistance provided by or to the institution through loss-sharing or capital preservation agreements or from any other source;

(5) Any acquisition or disposition of material assets during the last fiscal year, other than in the ordinary course of business;

(6) Any material change during the last fiscal year in the manner of conducting the business;

(7) Any seasonal characteristics of the institution's business;

(8) Any concentrations of more than 10 percent of its assets in particular commodities or particular types of agricultural activity or business, and the institution's dependence, if any, upon a single customer, or a few customers, including other financing institutions (OFIs), the loss of any one of which would have a material effect on the institution; and

(9) A brief description of the business of any related Farm Credit institution, as described in § 619.9146 of this chapter, and the nature of the institution's relationship with such organization.

(10) For associations, in a separate section of the annual report, discuss the interdependent relationship between the association and its funding bank, including, but not limited to, the financial relationship, a service provider relationship, other material operational relationships, and other specific issues or areas that create a material interdependent relationship between the association and its funding bank. This separate section may incorporate by reference information from other sections of the annual report. At a minimum, the separate section must include the statement required by § 620.2(h)(2)(i) of this part and the following information required elsewhere in this section, if applicable:

(i) The association's obligation to borrow only from the bank unless the bank gives the association approval to borrow elsewhere;

(ii) The major terms of any capital preservation, loss sharing, or financial assistance agreements between the association and the bank;

(iii) Any statutory or bank bylaw provisions authorizing bank access to the capital of the association; and

(iv) The extent the bank assumed the association's exposure to interest rate risk.

(11) For banks and associations, business relationships with unincorporated business entities (UBEs).

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(12)(ii) of this section, describe the business relationship with any UBE, as defined in § 611.1151 of this chapter, that was organized by the bank or association or in which the bank or association has an equity interest. Include in the description the name of the UBE, the type of business entity, the purpose for which the UBE was organized, the scope of its activities, and the level of ownership. If the bank or association does not have an equity interest, but manages the operations of a UBE that is controlled by a System institution, describe this business relationship and any fees received.

(ii) If the UBE is organized for the purpose of acquiring and managing unusual or complex collateral associated with loans, the bank or association need only disclose the name of the UBE, the type of business entity, and the purpose for which the UBE was organized.

(b) Description of property. State the location of and briefly describe the principal offices, i.e., headquarters, and major facilities where the institution makes and services its loans, and other materially important physical properties (other than property acquired in the course of collecting a loan) of the institution.

(c) Legal proceedings and enforcement actions. (1) Describe briefly any material pending legal proceedings, other than ordinary routine litigation incidental to the business, to which the institution is a party, of which any of its property is the subject, or which involved claims that the institution may be required by contract or operation of law, to satisfy.

(2) Describe the type of and reason for each enforcement action in effect, i.e., agreements, cease and desist orders, temporary cease and desist orders, prohibitions and removals of officers or directors, or civil money penalties, if any, imposed or assessed on the institution or its officers or directors and the amount of any civil money penalties assessed.

(d) Description of capital structure. (1) Describe each class of stock and participation certificates the institution is authorized to issue and the rights, duties, and liabilities of each class. The description shall include:

(i) The number of shares of each class outstanding;

(ii) The par or face value;

(iii) The voting and dividend rights;

(iv) The order of priority upon impairment or liquidation;

(v) The institution's retirement policies and restrictions on transfer;

(vi) The statutory requirement that a borrower purchase stock as a condition to obtaining a loan;

(vii) The manner in which the stock is purchased (i.e., promissory note to the issuer, or cash not advanced by issuing institution);

(viii) The statutory authority of the institution to require additional capital contributions, if any; and

(ix) The statutory and regulatory restrictions regarding retirement of stock and distribution of earnings pursuant to § 615.5215 of this chapter, and any requirements to add capital under a plan approved by the Farm Credit Administration pursuant to § 615.5350, § 615.5351, § 615.5353, § 615.5357, or § 628.301 of this chapter.

(2) Describe regulatory minimum capital standards, and the institution's compliance with such standards. For banks, also discuss any related associations that are not currently in compliance with the standards.

(3) State whether the institution is currently prohibited from retiring stock or distributing earnings by the statutory and regulatory restrictions described in paragraph (d)(1)(ix) of this section, or knows of any reason such prohibitions may apply during the fiscal year subsequent to the fiscal year just ended.

(4) Describe the institution's capital adequacy requirements and the minimum stock purchase requirement in effect.

(e) Description of liabilities. (1) Describe separately the institution's insured and uninsured debt, indicating the type, amount, maturity, and interest rates of each category of obligations outstanding at the end of the fiscal year just ended. Describe the nature of the insurance provided under part E of title V of the Act. Describe any applicable statutory and regulatory restrictions on the institution's ability to incur debt.

(2) Describe fully the institution's rights and obligations under any agreement, formal or informal, between the institution and any other person or entity having to do with capital preservation, loss sharing, or any other form of financial assistance.

(3) Describe any statutory authorities or obligations to contribute to or on behalf of another institution of the Farm Credit System.

(4) Describe supplemental retirement plans funded by the institution on behalf of senior officers and employees. The description for each plan must include the:

(i) Plan name;

(ii) Present value of accumulated benefits;

(iii) Payments made during the reporting period;

(iv) Funded and unfunded obligations; and

(v) Off-balance sheet amounts, including benefits earned but not vested.

(f) Selected financial data. Furnish in comparative columnar form for each of the last 5 fiscal years the following financial data, if material:

(1) For banks and direct lender associations—(i) Balance sheet.

(A) Total assets.

(B) Investments.

(C) Loans.

(D) Allowance for credit losses.

(E) Net loans.

(F) Other property owned.

(G) Total liabilities.

(H) Obligations with maturities less than 1 year.

(I) Obligations with maturities longer than 1 year.

(J) Protected borrower capital.

(K) At-risk capital.

(1) Stock and participation certificates.

(2) Allocated surplus.

(3) Unallocated surplus.

(ii) Statement of income. (A) Net interest income.

(B) Provision for credit losses.

(C) Extraordinary items.

(D) Net income.

(iii) Key financial ratios. (A) Return on average assets.

(B) Return on average protected borrower capital and at-risk capital.

(C) Net interest margin as a percentage of average earning assets.

(D) Protected and at-risk capital-to-total assets.

(E) Net chargeoffs-to-average loans.

(F) Allowance for credit losses-to-loans.

(iv) Net income distributed. (A) Dividends.

(B) Patronage refunds.

(1) Cash.

(2) Stock.

(3) Allocated surplus.

(2) For all banks (on a bank-only basis):

(i) Permanent capital ratio.

(ii) CET1 capital ratio.

(iii) Tier 1 capital ratio.

(iv) Total capital ratio.

(v) Tier 1 leverage ratio.

(3) For all associations:

(i) Permanent capital ratio.

(ii) CET1 capital ratio.

(iii) Tier 1 capital ratio.

(iv) Total capital ratio.

(v) Tier 1 leverage ratio.

(4) For all banks (on a bank only basis) and for all associations. The following ratios shall be disclosed in comparative columnar form in each annual report through fiscal year end 2021, only as long as these ratios are part of the previous 5 fiscal years of financial data required under paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section:

(i) Core surplus ratio.

(ii) Total surplus ratio.

(iii) For banks only, net collateral ratio.

(g) Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations. Fully discuss any material aspects of the institution's financial condition, changes in financial condition, and results of operations during the last 2 fiscal years, identifying favorable and unfavorable trends, and significant events or uncertainties. In addition to the items enumerated below, the discussion shall provide such other information as is necessary to an understanding of the institution's financial condition, changes in financial condition, and results of operations.

(1) Loan portfolio. (i) Describe the types of loans in the portfolio by major category (e.g., agricultural real estate mortgage loans, rural home loans, agricultural production loans, processing and marketing loans, farm business loans, and international loans), indicating the approximate percentage of the total dollar portfolio represented by each major category. Associations that make agricultural production loans shall provide the information required for such loans by major subcategory (e.g., cash grains, field crops, livestock, dairy, poultry, and timber). For each category and subcategory, discuss any special features of the loans that may be material to the evaluation of risk and any economic or business conditions that have had or are likely to have a material impact on their collectibility. For banks, also disclose separately the aggregate amount of loans outstanding to related associations and other financial institutions.

(ii) Describe the geographic distribution of the loan portfolio by State or other significant geographic division, if any.

(iii) Purchases and sales of loans. (A) Describe any material participation in the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation program or origination of loans for resale.

(B) Disclose the amount of purchased loans, loans sold with recourse, retained subordinated participation interests in loans sold, and interests in pools of subordinated participation interests that are held in lieu of retaining a subordinated participation interest in the loans sold.

(iv) Risk exposure. For the periods covered by the financial statements provide:

(A) An analysis of high-risk assets and loan performance categories, to include, but not limited to, a discussion of the nature and extent of significant potential credit risks within the loan portfolio, or other information that could adversely impact performance of the loan portfolio in the near future;

(B) An analysis of the allowance for credit losses that includes the ratios of the allowance for credit losses to loans and net chargeoffs to average loans, and a discussion of the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses given reasonable and supportable forecasts;

(C) Financial assistance given or received under districtwide or Systemwide loss-sharing or capital preservation agreements or otherwise;

(D) For banks, a description in the aggregate of the recent loss experience of related associations that are its shareholders, including the items enumerated in paragraphs (g)(1)(iv) (A), (B), and (C) of this section.

(E) Describe any material obligations with respect to loans sold and the amount of any material contributions made in connection with loans sold into the secondary market. Further disclose the amount of risk of loss associated with such obligations and the amount included in the allowance for credit losses to provide for such risk.

(2) Results of operations. (i) Describe, on a comparative basis, changes in the major components of net interest income during the last 2 fiscal years, describing significant factors that contributed to the changes and quantifying the amount of change(s) due to an increase in volume or the introduction of new services and the amount due to changes in interest rates earned and paid, based on averages for each period.

(ii) Describe any unusual or infrequent events or transactions or any significant economic changes, including, but not limited to, financial assistance received or paid that materially affected reported income. In each case, indicate the extent to which income was so affected.

(iii) Discuss the factors underlying the material changes, if any, in the return on average assets, the return on average protected borrower capital and at-risk capital, and the permanent capital ratio as determined in accordance with part 615, subpart H of this chapter. An explanation of the basis of the calculation of ratios relating to permanent capital and at-risk capital shall be included.

(iv) Describe, on a comparative basis, the major components of operating expense, indicating the reasons for significant increases or decreases.

(v) Describe any other significant components of income or expense, including, but not limited to, income from investments, that should be described in order to understand the institution's results of operations.

(vi) Discuss any events affecting a related organization that are likely to have a material effect on the reporting institution's financial condition, results of operations, cost of funds, or reliability of sources of funds.

(vii) Describe any known trends or uncertainties that have had, or that the institution reasonably expects will have, a material impact on net interest income or net income. Disclose any events known to management that will cause a material change in the relationship between costs and revenues.

(3) Liquidity and funding sources—(i) Funding sources. (A) Describe the average and year end amounts, maturities, and interest rates on outstanding consolidated System-wide debt obligations, bond obligations, or any other obligations used to fund the institution's lending operations.

(B) Describe existing lines of credit and their terms.

(C) Describe the institution's capital accounts and other sources of lendable funds.

(ii) Liquidity. (A) Discuss the institution's liquidity policy and the components of asset liquidity, including, but not limited to, cash, investment securities, and maturing loan repayments. Assess the ability of the institution to generate adequate amounts of cash to fund its operations and meet its obligations.

(B) Discuss any known trends that are likely to result in a liquidity deficiency and the course of action management intends to take to resolve it. Discuss any material increase or decrease in liquidity that is likely to occur.

(C) Discuss the institution's participation in the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation secondary market programs authorized by title VIII of the Act and the origination of loans for resale under other authorities, if any.

(iii) Funds management. (A) Discuss the institution's interest rate programs and the institution's ability to control interest rate margins.

(B) Discuss changes in net interest margin (net interest income as a percentage of average earning assets), explaining the reasons therefor.

(4) Capital resources. (i) Describe any material commitments to purchase capital assets and the anticipated sources of funding.

(ii) Describe any material trends or changes in the mix and cost of debt and capital resources. The discussion shall consider changes in permanent capital, CET1 capital, tier 1 capital, total capital, the tier 1 leverage ratio, debt, and any off-balance-sheet financial arrangements.

(iii) Describe any favorable or unfavorable trends in the institution's capital resources.

(iv) Discuss and explain any material changes in capital ratios, noting any material adverse variances from regulatory guidelines.

(v) Discuss the adequacy of the current capital position and any material changes in the capital plan adopted pursuant to § 615.5200 of this chapter, to the extent that such changes may have an effect on the institution's minimum stock purchase requirements and its ability to retire stock and distribute earnings.

(vi) Discuss any trends, commitments, contingencies, or events that are reasonably likely to have a materially adverse effect upon the institution's ability to meet the regulatory minimum capital standards and capital adequacy requirements.

(h) Directors and senior officers. In a separate section of the annual report, make the disclosures required in § 620.6 of this part.

(i) Relationship with qualified public accountant. (1) If a change or changes in qualified public accountants have taken place since the last annual report to shareholders or if a disagreement with a qualified public accountant has occurred that the institution would be required to report to the Farm Credit Administration under part 621 of this chapter, the information required by § 621.4(c) and (d) of this chapter must be disclosed.

(2) Disclose the total fees, by the category of services provided, paid during the reporting period to the qualified public accountant engaged to conduct the institution's financial statement audit. At a minimum, identify fees paid for audit services, tax services, and non-audit related services. The types of non-audit services must be identified and indicate audit committee approval of the services.

(j) Financial statements. (1) Furnish financial statements and related footnotes that have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions and other requirements of the Farm Credit Administration and that have been audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by a qualified public accountant and an opinion expressed thereon. The statements shall include the following statements and related footnotes for the last 3 fiscal years: balance sheet, statement of income, statement of changes in protected borrower capital and at-risk capital, and statement of cash flows.

(2) State that the financial statements were prepared under the oversight of the audit committee, identifying the members of the audit committee.

(k) Credit and services to young, beginning, and small farmers and ranchers and producers or harvesters of aquatic products. (1) Each direct lender association must describe the YBS demographics in its territory and the source of the demographic data. If there are differences in the methods by which the demographic and YBS data are presented, these differences must be described.

(2) Each direct lender association must provide a description of its YBS program, including a status report on each program component as set forth in § 614.4165 (d) of this chapter and the definitions of “young,” “beginning,” and “small” farmers and ranchers. The discussion must provide such other information necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the direct lender association's YBS program and its results.

(3) Each Farm Credit bank must include a summary report of the quantitative YBS data from its affiliated direct lender associations as described in FCA's instructions for the annual YBS yearend report. The report must include the definitions of “young,” “beginning,” and “small” farmers and ranchers. A narrative report may be necessary for an ample understanding of the YBS mission results.

[51 FR 8656, Mar. 13, 1986, as amended at 69 FR 16471, Mar. 30, 2004; 70 FR 53909, Sept. 13, 2005; 71 FR 5764, Feb. 2, 2006; 71 FR 76119, Dec. 20, 2006; 72 FR 4414, Jan. 31, 2007; 74 FR 28599, June 17, 2009; 75 FR 18744, Apr. 12, 2010; 77 FR 60597, Oct. 3, 2012; 78 FR 31834, May 28, 2013; 79 FR 17856, Mar. 31, 2014; 81 FR 49778, July 28, 2016; 86 FR 54357, Oct. 1, 2021; 87 FR 27492, May 9, 2022; 88 FR 89286, Dec. 27, 2023]
authority: Secs. 4.3, 4.3A, 4.19, 5.9, 5.17, 5.19 of the Farm Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 2154,2154a,2207,2243,2252,2254; sec. 424, Pub. L. 100-233, 101 Stat. 1568, 1656 (12 U.S.C. 2252 note); sec. 514, Pub. L. 102-552, 106 Stat. 4102, 4134
cite as: 12 CFR 620.5