Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 1263.1 - Definitions.

For purposes of this part:

Adjusted net income means net income, excluding extraordinary items such as income received from, or expense incurred in, sales of securities or fixed assets, reported on a regulatory financial report.

Affiliate means any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another entity. For purposes of this definition, one entity controls another if it:

(1) Directly or indirectly, or acting through one or more other persons, owns, controls, or has the power to vote twenty-five (25) percent or more of the outstanding shares of any class of voting securities of the other entity, including shares of common or preferred stock, general or limited partnership shares or interests, or similar interests that entitle the holder:

(i) To vote for or to select directors, trustees, or partners (or individuals exercising similar functions) of that entity; or

(ii) To vote on or to direct the conduct of the operations or other significant policies of that entity;

(2) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors, trustees, or general partners (or individuals exercising similar functions) of the other entity; or

(3) Otherwise has the power to exercise, directly or indirectly, a controlling influence over the management or policies of the other entity through a management agreement, common directors or management officials, or by any other means.

Aggregate unpaid loan principal means the aggregate unpaid principal of a subscriber's or member's home mortgage loans, home-purchase contracts and similar obligations.

Allowance for loan and lease losses means a specified balance-sheet account held to fund potential losses on loans or leases, which is reported on a regulatory financial report.

Appropriate regulator means:

(1) In the case of an insured depository institution or a CDFI credit union, an appropriate Federal banking agency or appropriate State regulator, as applicable; or

(2) In the case of an insurance company, an appropriate State regulator accredited by the NAIC.

Captive means an entity that holds an insurance license or charter under the laws of a State, but that does not meet the definition of “insurance company” set forth in this section or fall within any other category of institution that may be eligible for membership.

CDFI credit union means a State-chartered credit union that does not have Federal share insurance and that has been certified as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund.

CDFI Fund means the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund established under section 104(a) of the Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4703(a)).

CFI asset cap means $1 billion, as adjusted annually by FHFA, beginning in 2009, to reflect any percentage increase in the preceding year's Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all urban consumers, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Class A stock means capital stock issued by a Bank, including subclasses, that has the characteristics specified in section 6(a)(4)(A)(i) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1426(a)(4)(A)(i)) and applicable FHFA regulations.

Class B stock means capital stock issued by a Bank, including subclasses, that has the characteristics specified in section 6(a)(4)(A)(ii) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1426(a)(4)(A)(ii)) and applicable FHFA regulations.

Combination business or farm property means real property for which the total appraised value is attributable to residential, and business or farm uses.

Community development financial institution or CDFI means an institution that is certified as a community development financial institution by the CDFI Fund under the Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.), other than a bank or savings association insured under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.), a holding company for such a bank or savings association, or a credit union that has Federal share insurance.

Community financial institution or CFI means an institution:

(1) The deposits of which are insured under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.); and

(2) The total assets of which, as of the date of a particular transaction, are less than the CFI asset cap, with total assets being calculated as an average of total assets over three years, with such average being based on the institution's regulatory financial reports filed with its appropriate regulator for the most recent calendar quarter and the immediately preceding 11 calendar quarters.

Composite regulatory examination rating means a composite rating assigned to an institution following the guidelines of the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (issued by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council), including a CAMELS rating or other similar rating, contained in a written regulatory examination report.

Consolidation means a combination of two or more business entities, and includes a consolidation of two or more entities into a new entity, a merger of one or more entities into another entity, or a purchase of substantially all of the assets and assumption of substantially all of the liabilities of an entity by another entity.

CRA means the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.).

CRA performance evaluation means, unless otherwise specified, a formal performance evaluation of an institution prepared by its appropriate regulator as required by the CRA or, if such a formal evaluation is unavailable for a particular institution, an informal or preliminary evaluation.

De novo insured depository institution means an insured depository institution with a charter approved by its appropriate regulator within the three years prior to the date the institution applies for Bank membership.

Dwelling unit means a single room or a unified combination of rooms designed for residential use.

Enforcement action means any written notice, directive, order, or agreement initiated by an applicant for Bank membership or by its appropriate regulator to address any operational, financial, managerial, or other deficiencies of the applicant identified by such regulator. An “enforcement action” does not include a board of directors' resolution adopted by the applicant in response to examination weaknesses identified by such regulator.

Federal share insurance means insurance coverage of credit union member accounts provided by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund under subchapter II of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1781 et seq.).

Funded residential construction loan means the portion of a loan secured by real property made to finance the on-site construction of dwelling units on one-to-four family property or multifamily property disbursed to the borrower.

Gross revenues means, in the case of a CDFI applicant, total revenues received from all sources, including grants and other donor contributions and earnings from operations.

Home mortgage loan means:

(1) A loan, whether or not fully amortizing, or an interest in such a loan, which is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement that creates a first lien on one of the following interests in property:

(i) One-to-four family property or multifamily property, in fee simple;

(ii) A leasehold on one-to-four family property or multifamily property under a lease of not less than 99 years that is renewable, or under a lease having a period of not less than 50 years to run from the date the mortgage was executed; or

(iii) Combination business or farm property where at least fifty (50) percent of the total appraised value of the combined property is attributable to the residential portion of the property, or in the case of any community financial institution, combination business or farm property, on which is located a permanent structure actually used as a residence (other than for temporary or seasonal housing), where the residence constitutes an integral part of the property; or

(2) A security representing:

(i) A right to receive a portion of the cash flows from a pool of long-term loans, provided that, at the time of issuance of the security, all of the loans meet the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition; or

(ii) An interest in other securities, all of which meet the requirements of paragraph (2)(i) of this definition.

Insurance company means an entity that holds an insurance license or charter under the laws of a State and whose primary business is the underwriting of insurance for persons or entities that are not its affiliates.

Insured depository institution means:

(1) An insured depository institution as defined in section 2(9) of the Bank Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1422(9)); and

(2) To the extent provided under § 1263.19, a non-federally-insured credit union.

Long-term means a term to maturity of five years or greater at the time of origination.

Manufactured housing means a manufactured home as defined in section 603(6) of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5402(6)).

Multifamily property means:

(1) Real property that is solely residential and includes five or more dwelling units;

(2) Real property that includes five or more dwelling units combined with commercial units, provided that the property is primarily residential; or

(3) Nursing homes, dormitories, or homes for the elderly.

NAIC means the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Non-federally-insured credit union means a State-chartered credit union that does not have Federal share insurance and that has not been certified as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund.

Nonperforming loans and leases means the sum of the following, reported on a regulatory financial report:

(1) Loans and leases that have been past due for 90 days (60 days, in the case of credit union applicants) or longer but are still accruing;

(2) Loans and leases on a nonaccrual basis; and

(3) Restructured loans and leases (not already reported as nonperforming).

Nonresidential real property means real property that is not used for residential purposes, including business or industrial property, hotels, motels, churches, hospitals, educational and charitable institution buildings or facilities, clubs, lodges, association buildings, golf courses, recreational facilities, farm property not containing a dwelling unit, or similar types of property.

One-to-four family property means:

(1) Real property that is solely residential, including one-to-four family dwelling units or more than four family dwelling units if each dwelling unit is separated from the other dwelling units by dividing walls that extend from ground to roof, such as row houses, townhouses, or similar types of property;

(2) Manufactured housing if applicable State law defines the purchase or holding of manufactured housing as the purchase or holding of real property;

(3) Individual condominium dwelling units or interests in individual cooperative housing dwelling units that are part of a condominium or cooperative building without regard to the number of total dwelling units therein; or

(4) Real property which includes one-to-four family dwelling units combined with commercial units, provided the property is primarily residential.

Operating expenses means, in the case of a CDFI applicant, expenses for business operations, including, but not limited to, staff salaries and benefits, professional fees, interest, loan loss provision, and depreciation, contained in the applicant's audited financial statements.

Other real estate owned means all other real estate owned (i.e., foreclosed and repossessed real estate), reported on a regulatory financial report, and does not include direct and indirect investments in real estate ventures.

Regulatory examination report means a written report of examination prepared by the applicant's appropriate regulator, containing, in the case of insured depository institution applicants, a composite rating assigned to the institution following the guidelines of the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System, including a CAMELS rating or other similar rating.

Regulatory financial report means a financial report that an institution is required to file with its appropriate regulator on a specific periodic basis, including the quarterly call report for commercial banks and savings associations, quarterly or semi-annual call report for credit unions, NAIC's annual or quarterly statement for insurance companies, or other similar report, including such report maintained by the appropriate regulator in an electronic database.

Residential mortgage loan means any one of the following types of loans, whether or not fully amortizing:

(1) A home mortgage loan;

(2) A funded residential construction loan;

(3) A loan secured by manufactured housing whether or not defined by State law as secured by an interest in real property;

(4) A loan secured by a junior lien on one-to-four family property or multifamily property;

(5) A security representing:

(i) A right to receive a portion of the cash flows from a pool of loans, provided that, at the time of issuance of the security, all of the loans meet the requirements of one of paragraphs (1) through (4) of this definition; or

(ii) An interest in other securities that meet the requirements of paragraph (5)(i) of this definition;

(6) A home mortgage loan secured by a leasehold interest, as defined in paragraph (1)(ii) of the definition of “home mortgage loan,” except that the period of the lease term may be for any duration; or

(7) A loan that finances one or more properties or activities that, if made by a member, would satisfy the statutory requirements for the Community Investment Program established under section 10(i) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1430(i)), or the regulatory requirements established for any Community Investment Cash Advance program.

Restricted assets means both permanently restricted assets and temporarily restricted assets, as those terms are used in Financial Accounting Standard No. 117, or any successor publication.

Total assets means the total assets reported on a regulatory financial report or, in the case of a CDFI applicant, the total assets contained in the applicant's audited financial statements.

Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents means, in the case of a CDFI applicant, cash and highly liquid assets that can be easily converted into cash that are not restricted in a manner that prevents their use in paying expenses, as contained in the applicant's audited financial statements.

[81 FR 3277, Jan. 20, 2016, as amended at 82 FR 25722, June 5, 2017]
source: 81 FR 3277, Jan. 20, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 1263.1