Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 120.465 - Civil penalty for late submission of required reports.

(a) Obligation to submit required reports by applicable due dates. SBA Supervised Lenders must submit complete reports by the due dates described in the regulations or as directed in writing by SBA. SBA considers any report that an SBA Supervised Lender sends to SBA by the applicable due date but that is submitted only in part, to have not been submitted by the applicable due date. SBA also considers any report that is postmarked by the due date to be submitted by the due date.

(b) Amount of civil penalty. For each day past the due date for such report, the SBA Supervised Lender must pay to SBA a civil penalty of not more than $8,058 per day per report. Such civil penalty continues to accrue until and including the date upon which SBA Supervised Lender submits the complete report. In determining the amount of the civil penalty to be assessed, SBA may consider the financial resources and good faith of the SBA Supervised Lender, the gravity of the violation, the history of previous violations and any such other matters as justice may require.

(c) Notification of amount of civil penalty. SBA will notify the SBA Supervised Lender in writing of the amount of civil penalties imposed either upon receiving the required complete report or at such other time as SBA determines. The SBA Supervised Lender must pay this amount to SBA within 30 days of the date of SBA's written demand.

(d) Identification during examination. SBA may also impose on an SBA Supervised Lender a civil penalty as described in this section if SBA discovers, during an examination pursuant to subpart I of this Part 120 or otherwise, that the SBA Supervised Lender did not submit a required report by the due date.

(e) Extensions of submission due dates. (1) An SBA Supervised Lender may request in writing to SBA that SBA extend its report due date. The request must reference the report and its due date, state the reasonable cause for extension, and assert how much additional time is needed in order to submit a complete report. SBA will advise SBA Supervised Lender in writing as to whether it approved or denied the extension request. If SBA determines that there is reasonable cause to grant an extension and it is not due to willful neglect, SBA will establish a new due date. Such determination as to willful neglect and reasonable cause is in SBA's discretion. SBA will consider the following factors in determining willful neglect:

(i) Whether the SBA Supervised Lender failed to file required reports for more than two reporting periods and

(ii) If SBA provided the SBA Supervised Lender notice of the failure to file and the SBA Supervised Lender failed to respond or failed to provide a reasonable explanation for the filing failure in its response.

(2) If SBA disapproves the extension, the due date remains the same. The civil penalty accrues regardless of whether the SBA Supervised Lender files an extension request. If SBA approves the extension, SBA will waive the civil penalty that has accrued so far for that particular report. However, a new civil penalty will accrue if the SBA Supervised Lender does not submit a complete report by the new due date established by SBA.

(f) Requests for reduction or exemption. (1) An SBA Supervised Lender may request a reduction or exemption from the civil penalty in writing to SBA. The request must reference the required report, its due date and the amount sought for reduction, and state in detail the reasons for the reduction. SBA will consider the following factors:

(i) Whether there is reasonable cause for failure to file timely and it was not due to willful neglect;

(ii) Whether the SBA Supervised Lender has demonstrated to SBA's satisfaction that it has modified its internal procedures to comply with reporting requirements in the future; and

(iii) Whether the SBA Supervised Lender has demonstrated to SBA's satisfaction, based on financial information fully disclosed together with its request, that it would have difficulty paying the civil penalty assessed.

(2) SBA must also determine that a reduction or exemption is not inconsistent with the public interest or the protection of SBA.

(3) SBA may in writing approve the exemption, reduce the civil penalty, or deny the exemption.

(4) If SBA grants the reduction request or denies the reduction or exemption, the SBA Supervised Lender must pay the amount owed within 30 days of the letter date. Civil penalties will accrue while the request is pending.

(g) Reconsideration of decisions. An SBA Supervised Lender may request in writing to the Associate Administrator for Capital Access (AA/CA) to reconsider its request for extension, reduction, or exemption. The reconsideration request must be received by SBA within 30 days of the date of the letter denying the SBA Supervised Lender's original request. SBA will not consider untimely requests. The SBA Supervised Lender must include any additional information or documentation to support its reconsideration request. SBA will issue a written decision on the reconsideration request. The decision is a final agency decision. If on reconsideration, a civil penalty remains due, the SBA Supervised Lender must pay to SBA the civil penalty within 30 days of the written decision or as otherwise directed. Civil penalties will continue to accrue while the reconsideration request is pending.

(h) Other enforcement actions. SBA may seek additional remedies for failure to timely file reports as authorized by law.

(i) Exception for affiliate of SBLC. Civil penalties under this section do not apply to any affiliate of an SBLC that procures at least 10% of its annual purchasing requirements from small manufacturers.

[73 FR 75515, Dec. 11, 2008, as amended at 81 FR 31491, May 19, 2016; 82 FR 9969, Feb. 9, 2017; 83 FR 7363, Feb. 21, 2018; 84 FR 12061, Apr. 1, 2019; 85 FR 13727, Mar. 10, 2020; 86 FR 52957, Sept. 24, 2021; 87 FR 28758, May 11, 2022; 88 FR 50005, Aug. 1, 2023; 89 FR 48134, June 5, 2024]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 634(b) (6), (b) (7), (b) (14), (h), and note, 636(a), (h) and (m), 650, 687(f), 696(3) and (7), and 697(a) and (e); sec. 521, Pub. L. 114-113, 129 Stat. 2242; sec. 328(a), Pub. L. 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182
source: 61 FR 3235, Jan. 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 120.465