Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 120.546 - Loan asset sales.

(a) General. Loan asset sales are governed by § 120.545(b)(4) and by this section.

(b) 7(a) loans—(1) For loans approved on or after May 14, 2007. The Lender will be deemed to have consented to SBA's sale of the loan (guaranteed and unguaranteed portions) in an asset sale conducted or overseen by SBA upon the occurrence any of the following:

(i) SBA's purchase of the guaranteed portion of the loan from the Registered Holder for a loan where the guaranteed portion has been sold in the Secondary Market pursuant to subpart F of this part and after default, the Lender has not exercised its option to purchase such guaranteed portion; or

(ii) SBA's purchase of the guaranteed portion from the Lender, provided however, that if SBA purchased the guaranteed portion pursuant to § 120.520(a)(1) prior to the Lender's completion of liquidation for the loan, then SBA will not sell such loan in an asset sale until nine months from the date of SBA's purchase; or

(iii) SBA receives written consent from the Lender.

(2) For loans identified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the Lender may request that SBA withhold the loan from an asset sale if the Lender submits a written request to SBA within 15 business days of SBA's purchase of the guaranteed portion of the loan from the Registered Holder and if such request addresses the issues described in this subparagraph. The Lender's written request must advise SBA of the status of the loan, the Lender's plans for workout and/or liquidation, including and pending sale of loan collateral or foreclosure proceedings arranged prior to SBA's purchase that already are underway, and the Lender's estimated schedule for restructuring the loan or liquidating the collateral. SBA will consider the Lender's request and, based on the circumstances, SBA in its sole discretion may elect to defer including the loan in an asset sale in order to provide the Lender additional time to complete the planned restructuring and/or liquidation actions.

(3) For loans approved before May 14, 2007. SBA must obtain written consent from the Lender for the sale of such loans in an asset sale.

(4) After SBA has purchased the guaranteed portion of a loan from the Registered Holder or from the Lender, the Lender must continue to perform all necessary servicing and liquidation actions for the loan up to the point the loan is transferred to the purchaser in an asset sale. The Lender also must cooperate and take all necessary actions to effectuate both the asset sale and the transfer of the loan to the purchaser in the asset sale.

(c) 504 loans—(1) PCLP Loans. After SBA's purchase of a Debenture, SBA may at its sole discretion sell a defaulted PCLP Loan in an asset sale conducted or overseen by SBA, after providing to the PCLP CDC that made the loan advance notice of not less than 90 days before the date upon which SBA first makes its records concerning such loan available to prospective purchasers for examination.

(2) All other 504 loans. After SBA's purchase of a Debenture, SBA may at its sole discretion sell a defaulted 504 loan in an asset sale conducted or overseen by SBA.

[72 FR 18364, Apr. 12, 2007]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 634(b) (6), (b) (7), (b) (14), (h), and note, 636(a), (h) and (m), 650, 687(f), 696(3) and (7), and 697(a) and (e); sec. 521, Pub. L. 114-113, 129 Stat. 2242; sec. 328(a), Pub. L. 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182
source: 61 FR 3235, Jan. 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 120.546