Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 30, 2025

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
Section 7 - Section 7 Chart of Profit and Loss Accounts
Objective classification of profit and loss elements Functional or financial activity to which applicable (00)
Group I carriers Group II carriers Group III carriers
operating revenues and expenses
Transport revenues:
01 Passenger:
01.1 Passenger—first class31, 3231, 3231, 32.
01.2 Passenger—coach31, 3231, 3231, 32.
05 Mail:
05.1 Priority31, 3231, 3231, 32.
05.2 Nonpriority31, 3231, 3231, 32.
05.3 Foreign31, 3231, 3231, 32.
06 Property:
06.1 Freight31, 3231, 3231, 32.
06.2 Excess passenger baggage31, 3231, 3231, 32.
07 Charter:
07.1 Passenger323232.
07.2 Property323232.
19 Air transport—other:
19.1 Reservation cancellation fees31, 3231, 3231, 32.
19.2 Miscellaneous operating revenues31, 3231, 3231, 32.
08 Public service revenues (subsidy)484848.
Transport-related revenues and expenses:
09 In-flight sales:
09.1 Liquor and food—gross revenues484848.
09.2 Movies and stereo—gross revenues484848.
09.3 Other—gross revenues484848.
09.4 Liquor and food—depreciation expense717171.
09.5 Liquor and food—other expense717171.
09.6 Movies and stereo—depreciation expense717171.
09.7 Movies and stereo—other expense717171.
09.8 Other—depreciation expense717171.
09.9 Other—expense717171.
10 Restaurant and food service (ground):
10.1 Gross revenues484848.
10.2 Depreciation expense717171.
10.3 Other expenses717171.
11 Rents:
11.1 Gross revenues484848.
11.2 Depreciation expense717171.
11.3 Other expenses717171.
12 Limousine service:
12.1 Gross revenues484848.
12.2 Depreciation expense717171.
12.3 Other expenses717171.
13 Interchange sales:
13.1 Associated companies—gross revenues484848.
13.2 Outside—gross revenues484848.
13.3 Associated companies—depreciation expense717171.
13.4 Associated companies—other expense717171.
13.5 Outside—depreciation expense717171.
13.6 Outside—other expense717171.
14 General service sales:
14.1 Associated companies—gross revenues484848.
14.2 Outside—gross revenues484848.
14.3 Associated companies—depreciation expense717171.
14.4 Associated companies—other expense717171.
14.5 Outside—depreciation expense717171.
14.6 Outside—other expense717171.
16 Substitute (replacement) service:
16.1 Gross revenues484848.
16.2 Expense717171.
17 Air cargo service:
17.1 Gross revenues484848.
17.2 Depreciation expense717171.
17.3 Other expense717171.
18 Other transport related items:
18.1 Gross revenues484848.
18.2 Depreciation expense717171.
18.3 Other expense717171.
19 Other operating revenues:
19.1 Reservations cancellation fees31, 3231, 3231, 32.
19.9 Miscellaneous operating revenues31, 32, 4131, 32, 4131, 32, 41.
Transport expenses:
21 General management personnel53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
23 Pilots and copilots515151.
24 Other flight personnel51, 6951, 5551, 55.
25 Maintenance labor:
25.1 Labor—airframes and other flight equipment5252.
25.2 Labor—aircraft engines5252.
25.6 Labor—flight equipment52
25.9 Labor—ground property and equipment52, 5352, 5352, 53.
26 Aircraft and traffic handling personnel69
26.1 General aircraft and traffic handling personnel64, 6761, 62, 63, 65.
26.2 Aircraft control personnel6461.
26.3 Passenger handling personnel64, 6762, 65.
26.4 Cargo handling personnel64, 6762, 65.
28 Trainees, instructors and unallocated shop labor:
28.1 Trainees and instructors51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64,67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
28.2 Unallocated shop labor535353.
30 Communications personnel53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
31 Recordkeeping and statistical personnel53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
32 Lawyers and law clerks696868.
33 Traffic solicitors696765.
34 Purchasing personnel53, 6953, 6853, 68.
35 Other personnel53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
36 Personnel expenses51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
37 Communications purchased53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
38 Light, heat, power, and water53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
39 Traffic commissions69
39.1 Commissions—passenger6765.
39.2 Commissions—property6765.
40 Legal fees and expenses696868.
41 Professional and technical fees and expenses51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68
43 General services purchased:
43.1 Airframe and other flight equipment repairs5252
43.2 Aircraft engine repairs5252
43.6 Flight equipment repairs52
43.7 Aircraft interchange charges51, 5251, 5251, 52
43.8 General interchange service charges52, 6952, 55, 64, 67, 6852, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68
43.9 Other services52, 53, 6952, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6852, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68
44 Landing fees696461.
45 Aircraft fuels and oils51
45.1 Aircraft fuels5151.
45.2 Aircraft oils5151.
46 Maintenance materials:
46.1 Airframes and other flight equipment5252
46.2 Aircraft engines5252.
46.6 Flight equipment52
46.9 Ground property and equipment52, 5352, 5352, 53.
47 Rentals51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
49 Shop and servicing supplies53, 6953, 6453, 61.
50 Stationery, printing, and office supplies53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
51 Passenger food expense695555.
53 Other supplies51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
54 Inventory adjustments53, 6953, 5553, 55.
55 Insurance—general51, 53, 6951, 53, 6851, 53, 68.
56 Insurance—traffic liability6955, 6455, 62.
57 Employee benefits and pensions51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
58 Injuries, loss and damage51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
59 Schedules and timetables696765, 66.
60 Advertising696766.
61 Foreign exchange gains and losses696868.
62 Other promotional and publicity expenses696766.
63 Interrupted trips expense695555.
64 Memberships53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
65 Corporate and fiscal expenses696868.
66 Uncollectible accounts696868.
67 Clearance, customs and duties696461, 62.
68 Taxes—payroll51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
69 Taxes—other than payroll51, 6951, 6851, 68.
71 Other expenses51, 53, 6951, 53, 55, 64, 67, 6851, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66 68.
72 Aircraft overhauls52, 5352, 5352, 53.
72.1 Airworthiness allowance provisions—airframes52, 5352, 5352, 53.
72.3 Airframe overhauls deferred52, 5352, 5352, 53.
72.6 Airworthiness allowance provisions—aircraft engines52, 5352, 5352, 53.
72.8 Aircraft engine overhauls deferred52, 5352, 5352, 53.
73 Provisions for obsolescence and deterioration—expendable parts:
73.1 Current provisions707070.
73.2 Inventory decline credits707070.
74 Amortizations:
74.1 Developmental and preoperating expenses707070.
74.2 Other intangibles707070.
75 Depreciation:
75.1 Airframes707070.
75.2 Aircraft engines707070.
75.3 Airframe parts707070.
75.4 Aircraft engine parts707070.
75.5 Other flight equipment707070.
75.6 Flight equipment707070.
75.8 Maintenance equipment and hangars707070.
75.9 General ground property707070.
76 Amortization expense, capital leases:
76.1 Amortization—capitalized flight equipment707070
76.2 Amortization—capitalized other property and equipment707070
77 Uncleared expense credits:
77.8 Uncleared interchange expense credits53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
77.9 Other uncleared expense credits53, 6953, 55, 64, 67, 6853, 55, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68.
78 Direct maintenance—flight equipment525252.
79 Applied burden Dr/Cr:
79.6 Flight equipment52 Dr, 53 Cr52 Dr, 53 Cr52 Dr, 53 Cr.
79.8 General ground property52 Dr, 53 Cr52 Dr, 53 Cr52 Dr, 53 Cr.
nonoperating income and expense
81 Interest on long-term debt and capital leases:
81.1 Interest expense, long-term debt818181
81.2 Interest expense, capital leases818181
82 Other interest:
82.1 Interest expense, short-term debt818181
83.1 Imputed interest capitalized—credit818181
83.2 Imputed interest deferred—debit818181
83.3 Imputed interest deferred—credit818181
83.4 Interest capitalized—credit818181
84.1 Amortization of discount and expense on debt818181
84.2 Amortization of premium on debt818181
85 Foreign exchange gains and losse818181
89 Other nonoperating income and expense-net:
80.0 Interest income818181
86.0 Income from nontransport ventures818181
87.0 Equity in income of investor controlled companies818181
88.1 Intercompany transaction adjustment-credit818181
88.2 Dividend income818181
88.3 Net unrealized gain or loss on marketable equity securities818181.
88.4 Net realized gain or loss on marketable equity securities818181.
88.5 Capital gains and losses—operating property818181.
88.6 Capital gains and losses—other818181.
88.7 Unapplied cash discounts818181.
88.9 Other miscellaneous nonoperating credits818181.
89.1 Intercompany transaction adjustment—debit818181.
89.9 Other miscellaneous nonoperating debits818181.
income taxes
91 Provision for income taxes:
91.1 Income taxes before investment tax credits919191.
91.2 Investment tax credits utilized919191.
92 Provisions for deferred income taxes:
92.1 Current provisions for deferred taxes919191.
92.2 Application of deferred taxes919191.
92.3 Adjustment of deferred taxes919191.
93 Investment tax credits deferred and amortized:
93.1 Investment tax credits deferred919191.
93.2 Amortization of deferred investment tax credits919191.
94 Excess profits taxes919191.
discontinued operations
95 Discontinued operations:
95.1 Income from discontinued operations969696.
95.2 Loss on disposal of discontinued operations969696.
extraordinary items
96 Extraordinary items979797.
97 Income taxes applicable to extraordinary items979797.
changes in accounting principles
98 Cumulative effects of change in accounting principles989898.
[ER-755, 37 FR 19726, Sept. 21, 1972, as amended by ER-781, 37 FR 25223, Nov. 29, 1972; 37 FR 28277, Dec. 22, 1972; ER-797, 38 FR 10926, May 3, 1973; ER-841, 39 FR 11995, Apr. 2, 1974; ER-948, 41 FR 12295, Mar. 25, 1976; ER-980, 42 FR 35, Jan. 3, 1977; ER-1013, 42 FR 37515, July 21, 1977; ER-1401, 50 FR 242, Jan. 3, 1985; Amdt. 241-56, 52 FR 9129, Mar. 23, 1987; Amdt. 241-58, 54 FR 5594, Feb. 6, 1989]
source: ER-755, 37 FR 19726, Sept. 21, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR Section