Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Oct 08, 2024
Section 24 - Section 24 Profit and Loss Elements
Schedule P-1.1—Statement of Operations

(a) This schedule shall be filed semiannually by Group I air carriers with annual operating revenues below $20 million. Data reported on this schedule shall be for the overall or system operations of the air carrier.

(b) This schedule shall show the results of operations for six-month periods ending June 30 and December 31. Data reported in the “12 Months-to-Date” column shall represent for each individual item the sum of the amount reported in the “Current Period” column and the next previous six-month period.

(c) Each carrier shall insert in the space provided for “OAG Code” its carrier code as contained in the Official Airlines Guide (OAG). If the OAG does not contain a carrier code for the reporting carrier, a code will be provided by the Office of Airline Information upon request. This code will then be placed in the space provided for “carrier code.”

(d) “Operating Revenue” shall be put in categories as follows:

(1) “Transport Revenue” shall include the revenue generated by the performance of air transportation services. This category shall be subdivided as follows:

(i) “Scheduled Service” shall include all transport revenue derived from operations between pairs of points which are served on a regularly scheduled basis. Transport revenue received from scheduled service operations shall be subdivided as follows:

(A) Passengers. Revenue generated from the transportation of passengers shall be included in this category.

(B) Other. Revenue generated by the transportation of property and mail shall be included in this category.

(ii) “Nonscheduled Service” shall include all transport revenue derived from operations between pairs of points which are not served on a regularly scheduled basis.

(2) “Transport-Related Revenue” shall include monies received for providing air transportation facilities associated with the performance of services which flow from and are incidental to air transportation services performed by the air carrier. This category shall be subdivided as follows:

(i) Public Service Revenue. This category shall include amounts of compensation paid to the carrier under 49 U.S.C 41733.

(ii) Other. This category shall include other transport-related revenue such as in-flight sales, restaurant and food service (ground), rental of property or equipment, limousine service, interchange sales, and cargo pick-up and delivery charges.

(e) “Operating Expense” shall be segregated as follows:

(1) “Flying Operations” shall include expenses incurred directly in the in-flight operation of aircraft and expenses incurred in the holding of aircraft and aircraft operation personnel in readiness for assignment to an in-flight status.

(2) “Maintenance” shall include all expenses which are specifically identifiable with the repair and upkeep of property and equipment used in the performance of air transportation.

(3) “General and Administrative” shall include that portion of all expenses of a general corporate nature and all other expenses not provided for elsewhere which are related to air transport operations either directly or indirectly.

(4) “Depreciation and Amortization” shall include all depreciation and amortization expenses applicable to property and equipment used in providing air transportation services. These expenses shall be segregated between those applicable to owned property and equipment and those applicable to property and equipment which is leased.

(5) “Transport-Related Expense” shall include all expenses associated with the transport-related revenues reported on line 5 of this schedule.

(f) “Operating Profit (Loss)” shall be computed by subtracting the total operating expenses from the total operating revenues.

(g) “Nonoperating Income and Expense” shall include all revenues and expenses resulting from commercial ventures which are not inherently related to the performance of air transport services. For example, the revenues and expenses related to operating a hotel or motel would be reported under this category. This category shall also include the total interest expense incurred from all sources and shall be subdivided as follows:

(1) Interest Expense.

(2) Other Nonoperating (Net).

(h) “Income Tax” shall reflect the provisions for accruals of Federal, State, local, and foreign taxes based upon taxable income, and computed at the normal and surtax rates in effect during the current accounting year.

(i) “Discontinued Operations, Extraordinary Items or Accounting Changes” shall reflect any earnings or losses from discontinued operations, the net of the tax amount of extraordinary items, and the cumulative effect of any changes in accounting principles.

(j) Any air carrier that does not file Schedule P-1(a) in accordance with the filing option described in section 22—General Reporting Instructions shall, for the sixth month of any semi-annual period during which the option is exercised, type in the bottom margin of this statement of operations the total number of full-time and part-time employees to be labeled as such and calculated in accordance with paragraph (d) of the reporting instructions for Schedule P-1(a).

Schedule P-1.2—Statement of Operations

(a) This schedule shall be filed quarterly by all Group II and Group III air carriers and Group I air carriers that have annual operating revenues of $20 million or more.

(b) Route and charter carriers shall file separate statements of operations for each separate operating entity and for the overall, or system operations.

(c) Data reported on this schedule shall conform with the instructions pertaining to profit and loss classifications within this Uniform System of Accounts and Reports.

(d) Data reported in the “12 Months-to-Date” column shall represent for each item the sum of amounts reported in the “Quarter” column for the current and next previous three quarters.

(e) Group III air carriers shall subdivide total Transport Revenues-Passenger (Account 3901) between Accounts 3901.1, Passenger-Flight Class and Account 3901.2 Passenger-Coach, only for operations that are reported in the international entity (Atlantic, Pacific and Latin American). First class and coach passenger revenues associated with transport operations reported in the domestic entity shall be reported as a combined total in Account 3901 Transport Revenues-Passenger.

(f) All Group I and Group II air carriers shall report first class and coach passenger revenues as a combined total in Account 3901 Transport Revenues-Passenger, for both domestic and international entity operations. However, U.S. air carriers in any carrier group that elect to do so may continue to report first class and coach revenue data, if they consider such voluntary reporting to be less burdensome than changing their existing financial reporting system.

(g) Any air carrier that does not file Schedule P-1(a) in accordance with the filing option described in section 22—General Reporting Instructions shall, for the third month of any calendar quarter during which the option is exercised, type in the bottom margin of the system statement of operations the total number of full-time and part-time employees to be labeled as such and calculated in accordance with paragraph (d) of the reporting instructions for Schedule P-1(a).

Schedule P-1(a)—Interim Income Statement

(a) This schedule shall be filed by all air carriers.

(b) This schedule shall be filed for the overall or system operations of the air carrier.

(c) Data reported on this schedule shall reflect the results of operations for the month covered by the report and shall conform to the instructions pertaining to profit and loss classifications within this Uniform System of Accounts and Reports.

(d) Air carriers shall report on this schedule:

(1) Total operating revenues,

(2) Total operating expenses,

(3) Operating profit or loss,

(4) Net income,

(5) Passenger revenues—scheduled service,

(6) Public service revenues (subsidy) and other information on

(7) The total number of full-time and

(8) Part-time employees. Total number of full-time employees and total number of part-time employees shall reflect for the overall or system operations of the air carrier the total number of full-time and part-time employees, respectively, who worked or received pay for any part of the pay period(s) ending nearest the 15th day of the month. For the purposes of this part, “part-time employees” means those employees hired to work less than the number of hours that is customary or standard for their occupational specialty.

(e) In the event of a labor strike, the “number of employees” to be reported on this schedule shall be determined on and actual payroll basis. Actual payroll shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (d) of these reporting instructions. An air carrier that on October 24, 1978, held a certificate issued under 49 U.S.C. 41102 shall also report in a footnote on this schedule the number of full-time employees who were deprived of employment because of a strike (i.e., the number of full-time employees who, but for a strike, would have been included in the number reported in accordance with paragraph (d)(7)).

Schedule P-2—Notes to BTS Form 41 Report

(a) This schedule shall be filed quarterly by all Group II and Group III air carriers and Group I air carriers with annual revenues of $20 million or more. Carriers shall submit Schedule P-2 in a format specified in accounting and reporting directives issued by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' Director of Airline Information.

(b) Route and charter air carriers shall file this schedule for each separate operating entity and for the overall, or system operations of the carrier.

(c) All substantive matters which may influence materially interpretations or conclusions in regard to the financial condition or the earnings position of the air carrier which are not clearly identified in the body of the Form 41 report or which represent information that cannot be expressed adequately in monetary terms shall be completely and clearly stated in this schedule and cross-referenced to the affected account or accounts. The informative disclosure on this schedule for the system operations of the air carrier shall conform, at the end of each carrier's fiscal or calendar year, with the footnotes prepared for audited financial statements.

(d) The amounts and estimated delivery dates of any purchase commitments of material size and not of a recurrent routine character shall be explained on this schedule. In the case of commitments involving flight equipment, the amount for each equipment type may be given in total, including any engines, airframes and spares; but the number of airframes and the number of engines by type shall be given, as well as the estimated delivery date for each complete aircraft. Reports on commitments other than for flight equipment are required only in the December 31 report of each calendar year.

(e) Each scheduled air carrier shall include on this schedule a description of each interruption in air transport operations, the aggregate effect of which is ten (10) percent or more of the scheduled revenue plane-miles which, except for the interruption, would have been operated during the month or either of 2 consecutive months affected. The information to be reported for each such interruption in operations shall consist of:

(1) For the report period in which partial or complete interruption first occurs, the nature of the interruption and dates of partial and/or complete cessation of operations, as applicable;

(2) For each report period until full resumption of operations, an estimate of the revenue plane-miles canceled in each month of the quarter because of the interruption; and

(3) For the report period in which scheduled operations are resumed, dates of partial and/or complete resumption, as applicable.

Schedule P-5.1—Aircraft Operating Expenses

(a) This schedule shall be filed by all Group I air carriers. Group I air carriers that have annual operating revenues of $20 million or more shall file this schedule quarterly and only report direct operating expense data (lines 1 thru 9). Group I air carriers with annual operating revenues below $20 million shall file this schedule semiannually and report both direct and indirect operating expense data (lines 1 thru 16).

(b) Subject to the provisions of Section 22(a), quarterly reports are due on May 10, August 10, November 10 and February 10 for the first, second, third and fourth calendar quarters, respectively. Semiannual reports are due on August 10 and February 10.

(c) Each carrier shall indicate in the space provided its full corporate name and an “X” shall be inserted in the appropriate box to indicate whether the data being reported are quarterly or six months data. The period-ending data shall be indicated in the space provided.

(d) Route and charter air carriers subject to the quarterly filing requirement shall file this schedule for each operating entity of the air carrier. Air carriers subject to the semiannual filing requirement shall file this schedule for the overall or system operations of the air carrier.

(e) This schedule shall show the direct and indirect expenses incurred in aircraft operations plus total aircraft hours, gallons of fuel issued, and aircraft days assigned to service. Direct expense data applicable to each aircraft type operated by the carrier shall be reported in separate colums of this schedule. Each aircraft type reported shall be identified at the head of each column in the space provided. “Aircraft Type” refers to aircraft models such as B-707-100, B-707-200, DC-10-40, Beech-18, Piper PA-32, etc, Aircraft Type designations are prescribed in the Accounting and Reporting Directives, which is available from the Office of Airline Information, RTS-42. In the space provided for “Aircraft Code” carriers shall insert the four digit code which is prescribed in the Accounting and Reporting Directives for the reported aircraft type.

(f) Direct aircraft operating expenses shall be reported in the following categories:

(1) Line 2 “Flying Operations (Less Rental)” shall be subdivided as follows:

(i) Line 3 “Pilot and Copilot” expense shall include pilots' and copilots' salaries, and related employee benefits, pensions, payroll taxes and personnel expenses.

(ii) Line 4 “Aircraft Fuel and Oil” expense shall include the cost of fuel and oil used in flight operations and nonrefundable aircraft fuel and oil taxes.

(iii) Line 5 “Other” expenses shall include general (hull) insurance, and all other expenses incurred in the in-flight operation of aircraft and holding of aircraft and aircraft operational personnel in readiness for assignment to an in-flight status that are not provided for otherwise on this schedule.

(2) Line 6 “Total Flying Operations (Less Rentals)” shall equal the sum of lines 3, 4 and 5.

(3) Line 7 “Maintenance-Flight Equipment” shall include the cost of labor, material and related overhead expended by the carrier to maintain flight equipment, general services purchased for flight equipment maintenance from associated or other outside companies, and provisions for flight equipment overhauls.

(4) Line 8 “Depreciation and Rental-Flight Equipment” expense shall include depreciation of flight equipment, amortization of capitalized leases for flight equipment, provision for obsolescence and deterioration of spare parts, and rental expense of flight equipment.

(5) Line 9 “Total Direct Expense” shall equal the sum of lines 6, 7 and 8.

(g) Line 10 Indirect aircraft operating expenses shall be reported only in total for all aircraft types and shall be segregated according to the following categories:

(1) Line 11 “Flight Attendant Expense” shall include flight attendants' salaries, and related employee benefits, pensions, payroll taxes and personnel expenses.

(2) Line 12 “Traffic Related Expense” shall include traffic solicitor salaries, traffic commissions, passenger food expense, traffic liability insurance, advertising and other promotion and publicity expenses, and the fringe benefit expenses related to all salaries in this classification.

(3) Line 13 “Departure Related (Station) Expense” shall include aircraft and traffic handling salaries, landing fees, clearance, customs and duties, related fringe benefit expenses and maintenance and depreciation on ground property and equipment.

(4) Line 14 “Capacity Related Expense” shall include salaries and fringe benefits for general management personnel, recordkeeping and statistical personnel, lawyers, and law clerks, and purchasing personnel; legal fees and expenses; stationery; printing; uncollectible accounts; insurance purchased-general; memberships; corporate and fiscal expenses; and all other expenses which cannot be identified or allocated to some other specifically identified indirect cost category.

(h) Line 15 “Total Indirect Expense” shall equal the sum of lines 11, 12, 13 and 14.

(i) Line 16 “Total Operating Expense” shall equal the sum of lines 9 and 15.

(j) Line 17 “Total Aircraft Hours” shall equal the sum of revenue and nonrevenue aircraft hours.

(k) Line 18 “Gallons of Fuel Issued” shall equal the aircraft fuels issued (account Z921).

(l) Line 19 “Aircraft Days Assigned to Service” equals the number of days that aircraft owned or acquired through rental or lease are in the possession of the reporting air carrier and are available for service on the reporting carrier's routes plus the number of days such aircraft are in service on routes of others under wet-lease agreements. Includes days in overhaul, or temporarily out of service due to schedule cancellations. Excludes days that newly acquired aircraft are on hand but not available for productive use, days dry-leased or rented to others, and days in possession but formally withdrawn from air transportation service.

Schedule P-5.2—Aircraft Operating Expenses and Related Statistics

(a) This schedule shall be filed by all Group II and Group III air carriers.

(b) Route and charter air carriers shall file this schedule for each operating entity of the air carrier.

(c) Data applicable to each aircraft type operated by the air carrier shall be reported in separate columns of this schedule. “Aircraft Type” refers to aircraft models (such as B-707-100, B-707-300, DC-9-30, etc.) that are prescribed in the Accounting and Reporting Directives, which is available from the Office of Airline Information. In the space provided for “Aircraft Code” carriers shall insert the four digit code which is prescribed in the Accounting and Reporting Directives for the reported aircraft type. For route air carriers, expenses of operating aircraft provided by other carriers under interchange agreements shall be separately reported in total for all such aircraft as if for a distinct aircraft type. Interchange expenses applicable to aircraft of the same type as those owned or operated by the air carrier shall be distributed in summary memo form as item 98.1 and 98.2 to each aircraft type owned or operated by that air carrier. Aircraft types not generally used in revenue service shall be separately reported. If more than one type of aircraft is involved, a separation of data relating to each type of aircraft shall not be required.

(d) Each aircraft type for which a report is being made shall be identified at the head of each column in the space provided. Data applicable to aircraft designed primarily for cargo services and only incidentally used for passenger services shall be reported in separate columns, and the word “cargo” shall be inserted after the aircraft type at the head of the column. The prescribed reporting by aircraft types may be reviewed from time to time upon request by individual air carriers, or upon the initiative of the BTS, and groupings of aircraft types for reporting purposes may be prescribed or amended in specific instances.

(e) Italicized codes and item titles do not constitute accounts or account numbers prescribed for air carrier accounting, but shall be used for reporting purposes only.

(f) Item 79.6 “Applied Maintenance Burden” shall reflect a memorandum allocation by each air carrier of the total expenses included in subfunction 5300 “Maintenance Burden” between maintenance of flight equipment, by aircraft type, and maintenance of ground property and equipment. The allocation of subfunction 5300 (maintenance burden) shall include the net effect of charges and credits to profit and loss account 5272 Flight Equiment Airworthiness Provisions.

(g) Item 73 “Obsolescence and Deterioration—Expendable Parts” shall reflect (for obsolescence and deterioration of flight equipment expandable parts) the gross provisions for losses in value of expendable parts during the current accounting period offset by any credits applicable to the current period for adjustments for excess inventory levels determined pursuant to section 6-1311.

(h) The total of function 5100 “Flying Operations” reported on this schedule shall agree with corresponding amounts reported on Schedule P-1.2.

Schedule P-6—Operating Expenses by Objective Groupings

(a) This schedule shall be filed quarterly by all Group II and Group III air carriers and Group I air carriers that have annual operating revenues of $20 million or more.

(b) Route and charter air carriers shall file this schedule for each separate operating entity.

(c) Line 36 “Total Operating Expenses” shall agree with the corresponding amount reported on Schedule P-1.

Schedule P-7—Operating Expenses by Functional Groupings—Group III Air Carriers

(a) This schedule shall be filed by all Group III air carriers.

(b) Route and charter air carriers shall file this schedule for each operating entity of the air carrier.

(c) Line 38 “Total Operating Expenses” shall agree with the corresponding amount reported on Schedule P-1.2.

Schedule P-10—Employment Statistics by Labor Category

(a) This schedule shall be filed annually by all Group II and Group III air carriers and Group I air carriers that have annual operating revenues of $20 million or more.

(b) Separate sets of this schedule shall be filed for each operating entity of the air carrier. Employees will be allocated to the reporting entities on a basis consistent with that used in the allocation of salaries for Form 41 financial reporting purposes.

(c) Column 3, “Number of Employees,” shall reflect, for each category in column 1, the weighted average number of full-time employees who received pay for any part of the calendar year. In determining the weighted average, all temporary or part-time employees shall be restated, based on their hours paid, as an equivalent number of full-time employees. The calculation shall be based on a standard full-time 2,080/hour year with overtime hours excluded from the computation.

(d) Labor category description—“Other personnel” shall include all employees whose salary is chargeable to accounts 30, 32, 34 and 35 in this Uniform System of Accounts and Reports.

(e) Labor category description—“Transport-related” shall include all employees whose salary is not chargeable to one of the various salary accounts contained in the Uniform System of Accounts and Reports. For example, this category would include those employees who work in transport-related operations and other activities for which a separate payroll account is not prescribed. The number of employees reported as transport-related shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph (c) of these reporting instructions.

Schedule P-12(a)—Fuel Consumption by Type of Service and Entity

(a) This schedule shall be filed monthly by all Group II and Group III air carriers and Group I air carriers that have annual operating revenues of $20 million or more.

(b) A single copy (original only) of this schedule shall be filed to report monthly fuel consumption data by type of service and entity.

(c) For the purposes of this schedule, type of service shall be either scheduled service or nonscheduled service as those terms are defined in section 03 of part 241.

(d) For the purpose of this schedule, scheduled service shall be reported separately for: (1) Intra-Alaskan operations; (2) domestic operations, which shall include all operations within and between the 50 States of the United States (except Intra-Alaska), the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands and Canadian transborder operations; (3) Atlantic operations (excluding Bermuda); (4) Pacific operations which shall include the North/Central Pacific, South Pacific (including Australia) and the Trust Territories; and (5) Latin American operations which shall include the Caribbean (including Bermuda and the Guianas), Mexico and South/Central America.

(e) For the purpose of this schedule, nonscheduled service shall be reported separately for domestic operations and international operations as defined in paragraph (d) above, except that domestic and international MAC operations shall be reported on separate lines.

(f) The cost data reported on each line shall represent the average cost of fuel, as determined at the station level, consumed in that entity.

(g) The cost of fuel shall include shrinkage but exclude (1) “through-put” and “in to plane” fees, i.e., service charges or gallonage levies assessed by or against the fuel vendor or concessionaire and passed on to the carrier in a separately identifiable form and (2) nonrefundable Federal and State excise taxes. However, “through-put” and “in to plane” charges that cannot be identified or segregated from the cost of fuel shall remain a part of the cost of fuel as reported on this schedule.

(h) Each air carrier shall maintain records for each station showing the computation of fuel inventories and consumption for each fuel type. The periodic average cost method shall be used in computing fuel inventories and consumption. Under this method, an average unit cost for each fuel type shall be computed by dividing the total cost of fuel available (Beginning Inventory plus Purchases) by the total gallons available. The resulting unit cost shall then be used to determine the ending inventory and the total consumption costs to be reported on this schedule.

(i) Where amounts reported for a specific entity include other than Jet A fuel, a footnote shall be added indicating the number of gallons and applicable costs of such other fuel included in amounts reported for that entity.

(j) Where any adjustment(s) recorded on the books of the carrier results in a material distortion of the current month's schedule, carriers shall file a revised schedule P-12(a) for the month(s) affected.

(k) Data reported on this schedule shall be withheld from public release until the quarterly Form 41 P schedules for the calendar quarter to which the monthly schedules relate are due at the BTS. However, aggregate data may be released before that time without identifying individual carriers. Provisions governing the due dates for submitting the quarterly P schedules are contained in paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 22 of this part. Individual carrier fuel data withheld from public disclosure may be disclosed by the BTS to:

(1) Parties to any proceeding before the DOT to the extent such material is relevant and material to the issues in the proceeding upon a determination to this effect by the administrative law judge assigned to the case or by the DOT;

(2) Agencies and other components of the Federal Government for their internal use only; and

(3) Such persons and in such circumstances as the BTS determines to be in the public interest or consistent with its regulatory functions and responsibilities.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2138-0013) [ER-755, 37 FR 19726, Sept. 21, 1972, as amended by Amdt. 241-58, 54 FR 5597, Feb. 6, 1989] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting part 241 section 24, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
source: ER-755, 37 FR 19726, Sept. 21, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR Section