Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 16 - Commercial Practices last revised: Feb 24, 2025
§ 1.130 - Policy on employee indemnification.

(a) The Commission may indemnify, in whole or in part, its employees (which for the purpose of this regulation includes former employees) for any verdict, judgment, or other monetary award which is rendered against any such employee, provided that the conduct giving rise to the verdict, judgment, or award was taken within the scope of his or her employment with the Federal Trade Commission and that such indemnification is in the interest of the Federal Trade Commission, as determined as a matter of discretion by the Commission, or its designee.

(b) The Commission may settle or compromise a personal damage claim against its employee by the payment of available funds, at any time, provided the alleged conduct giving rise to the personal damage claim was taken within the scope of employment and that such settlement or compromise is in the interest of the Federal Trade Commission, as determined as a matter of discretion by the Commission, or its designee.

(c) Absent exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Commission or its designee, the Commission will not entertain a request either to agree to indemnify or to settle a personal damage claim before entry of an adverse verdict, judgment, or monetary award.

(d) When an employee of the Federal Trade Commission becomes aware that an action may be or has been filed against the employee in his or her individual capacity as a result of conduct taken within the scope of his or her employment, the employee shall immediately notify his or her supervisor that such an action is pending or threatened. The supervisor shall promptly thereafter notify the Office of the General Counsel. Employees may be authorized to receive legal representation by the Department of Justice in accordance with 28 CFR 50.15.

(e)(1) The employee may, thereafter, request either:

(i) Indemnification to satisfy a verdict, judgment or award entered against the employee; or

(ii) Payment to satisfy the requirements of a settlement proposal.

(2) The employee shall submit a written request, with documentation including copies of the verdict, judgment, award, or settlement proposal, as appropriate, to the head of his or her division or office, who thereupon shall submit to the General Counsel, in a timely manner, a recommended disposition of the request. The General Counsel may also seek the views of the Department of Justice. The failure of an employee to provide notification under paragraph (d) of this section or make a request under this paragraph (e) shall not impair the agency's ability to provide indemnification or payment under this section if it determines it is appropriate to do so.

(f) Any amount paid under this section either to indemnify a Federal Trade Commission employee or to settle a personal damage claim shall be contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds of the Federal Trade Commission.

source: 32 FR 8444, June 13, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 16 CFR 1.130