Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 240.15c3-3 - Customer protection—reserves and custody of securities.

Except where otherwise noted, § 240.15c3-3 applies to a broker or dealer registered under section 15(b) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(b)), including a broker or dealer also registered as a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant under section 15F(b) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-10(b)). A security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant registered under section 15F(b) of the Act that is not also registered as a broker or dealer under section 15(b) of the Act is subject to the requirements under § 240.18a-4.

(a) Definitions. For the purpose of this section:

(1) The term customer shall mean any person from whom or on whose behalf a broker or dealer has received or acquired or holds funds or securities for the account of that person. The term shall not include a broker or dealer, a municipal securities dealer, or a government securities broker or government securities dealer. The term shall, however, include another broker or dealer to the extent that broker or dealer maintains an omnibus account for the account of customers with the broker or dealer in compliance with Regulation T (12 CFR 220.1 through 220.12). The term shall not include a general partner or director or principal officer of the broker or dealer or any other person to the extent that person has a claim for property or funds which by contract, agreement or understanding, or by operation of law, is part of the capital of the broker or dealer or is subordinated to the claims of creditors of the broker or dealer. In addition, the term shall not include a person to the extent that the person has a claim for security futures products held in a futures account, or any security futures product and any futures product held in a “proprietary account” as defined by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in § 1.3(y) of this chapter. The term also shall not include a counterparty who has delivered collateral to an OTC derivatives dealer pursuant to a transaction in an eligible OTC derivative instrument, or pursuant to the OTC derivatives dealer's cash management securities activities or ancillary portfolio management securities activities, and who has received a prominent written notice from the OTC derivatives dealer that:

(i) Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the OTC derivatives dealer and the counterparty, the dealer may repledge or otherwise use the collateral in its business;

(ii) In the event of the OTC derivatives dealer's failure, the counterparty will likely be considered an unsecured creditor of the dealer as to that collateral;

(iii) The Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 (SIPA) does not protect the counterparty; and

(iv) The collateral will not be subject to the requirements of § 240.8c-1, § 240.15c2-1, § 240.15c3-2, or § 240.15c3-3.

(2) The term securities carried for the account of a customer (hereinafter also “customer securities”) shall mean:

(i) Securities received by or on behalf of a broker or dealer for the account of any customer and securities carried long by a broker or dealer for the account of any customer; and

(ii) Securities sold to, or bought for, a customer by a broker or dealer.

(3) The term fully paid securities means all securities carried for the account of a customer in a cash account as defined in Regulation T (12 CFR 220.1 et seq.), as well as securities carried for the account of a customer in a margin account or any special account under Regulation T that have no loan value for margin purposes, and all margin equity securities in such accounts if they are fully paid: Provided, however, that the term fully paid securities does not apply to any securities purchased in transactions for which the customer has not made full payment.

(4) The term margin securities means those securities carried for the account of a customer in a margin account as defined in section 4 of Regulation T (12 CFR 220.4), as well as securities carried in any other account (such accounts hereinafter referred to as “margin accounts”) other than the securities referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

(5) The term excess margin securities shall mean those securities referred to in paragraph (a)(4) of this section carried for the account of a customer having a market value in excess of 140 percent of the total of the debit balances in the customer's account or accounts encompassed by paragraph (a)(4) of this section which the broker or dealer identifies as not constituting margin securities.

(6) The term qualified security shall mean a security issued by the United States or a security in respect of which the principal and interest are guaranteed by the United States.

(7) The term bank means a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act and will also mean any building and loan, savings and loan or similar banking institution subject to supervision by a Federal banking authority. With respect to a broker or dealer that maintains its principal place of business in Canada, the term “bank” also means a Canadian bank subject to supervision by a Canadian authority.

(8) The term free credit balances means liabilities of a broker or dealer to customers which are subject to immediate cash payment to customers on demand, whether resulting from sales of securities, dividends, interest, deposits or otherwise, excluding, however, funds in commodity accounts which are segregated in accordance with the Commodity Exchange Act or in a similar manner, or which are funds carried in a proprietary account as that term is defined in regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act. The term “free credit balances” also includes, if subject to immediate cash payment to customers on demand, funds carried in a securities account pursuant to a self-regulatory organization portfolio margining rule approved by the Commission under section 19(b) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78s(b)) (“SRO portfolio margining rule”), including variation margin or initial margin, marks to market, and proceeds resulting from margin paid or released in connection with closing out, settling or exercising futures contracts and options thereon.

(9) The term other credit balances means cash liabilities of a broker or dealer to customers other than free credit balances and funds in commodity accounts which are segregated in accordance with the Commodity Exchange Act or in a similar manner, or funds carried in a proprietary account as that term is defined in regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act. The term “other credit balances” also includes funds that are cash liabilities of a broker or dealer to customers other than free credit balances and are carried in a securities account pursuant to an SRO portfolio margining rule, including variation margin or initial margin, marks to market, and proceeds resulting from margin paid or released in connection with closing out, settling or exercising futures contracts and options thereon.

(10) The term funds carried for the account of any customer (hereinafter also “customer funds”) shall mean all free credit and other credit balances carried for the account of the customer.

(11) The term principal officer shall mean the president, executive vice president, treasurer, secretary or any other person performing a similar function with the broker or dealer.

(12) The term household members and other persons related to principals includes husbands or wives, children, sons-in-law or daughters-in-law and any household relative to whose support a principal contributes directly or indirectly. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(12), a principal shall be deemed to be a director, general partner, or principal officer of the broker or dealer.

(13) The term affiliated person includes any person who directly or indirectly controls a broker or dealer or any person who is directly or indirectly controlled by or under common control with the broker or dealer. Ownership of 10% or more of the common stock of the relevant entity will be deemed prima facie control of that entity for purposes of this paragraph.

(14) The term securities account shall mean an account that is maintained in accordance with the requirements of section 15(c)(3) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(c)(3)) and § 240.15c3-3.

(15) The term futures account (also referred to as “commodity account”) shall mean an account that is maintained in accordance with the segregation requirements of section 4d of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 6d) and the rules thereunder.

(16) The term PAB account means a proprietary securities account of a broker or dealer (which includes a foreign broker or dealer, or a foreign bank acting as a broker or dealer) other than a delivery-versus-payment account or a receipt-versus-payment account. The term does not include an account that has been subordinated to the claims of creditors of the carrying broker or dealer.

(17) The term Sweep Program means a service provided by a broker or dealer where it offers to its customer the option to automatically transfer free credit balances in the securities account of the customer to either a money market mutual fund product as described in § 270.2a-7 of this chapter or an account at a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

(b) Physical possession or control of securities. (1) A broker or dealer shall promptly obtain and shall thereafter maintain the physical possession or control of all fully-paid securities and excess margin securities carried by a broker or dealer for the account of customers.

(2) A broker or dealer shall not be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section regarding physical possession or control of customers' securities if, solely as the result of normal business operations, temporary lags occur between the time when a security is required to be in the possession or control of the broker or dealer and the time that it is placed in the broker's or dealer's physical possession or under its control, provided that the broker or dealer takes timely steps in good faith to establish prompt physical possession or control. The burden of proof shall be on the broker or dealer to establish that the failure to obtain physical possession or control of securities carried for the account of customers as required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section is merely temporary and solely the result of normal business operations including same day receipt and redelivery (turnaround), and to establish that it has taken timely steps in good faith to place them in its physical possession or control.

(3) A broker or dealer shall not be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section regarding physical possession or control of fully-paid or excess margin securities borrowed from any person, provided that the broker or dealer and the lender, at or before the time of the loan, enter into a written agreement that, at a minimum;

(i) Sets forth in a separate schedule or schedules the basis of compensation for any loan and generally the rights and liabilities of the parties as to the borrowed securities;

(ii) Provides that the lender will be given a schedule of the securities actually borrowed at the time of the borrowing of the securities;

(iii) Specifies that the broker or dealer:

(A) Must provide to the lender, upon the execution of the agreement or by the close of the business day of the loan if the loan occurs subsequent to the execution of the agreement, collateral, which fully secures the loan of securities, consisting exclusively of cash or United States Treasury bills and Treasury notes or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6)(A)-(C) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(6)(A)-(C)) or such other collateral as the Commission designates as permissible by order as necessary or appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the protection of investors after giving consideration to the collateral's liquidity, volatility, market depth and location, and the issuer's creditworthiness; and

(B) Must mark the loan to the market not less than daily and, in the event that the market value of all the outstanding securities loaned at the close of trading at the end of the business day exceeds 100 percent of the collateral then held by the lender, the borrowing broker or dealer must provide additional collateral of the type described in paragraph (b)(3)(iii)(A) of this section to the lender by the close of the next business day as necessary to equal, together with the collateral then held by the lender, not less than 100 percent of the market value of the securities loaned; and

(iv) Contains a prominent notice that the provisions of the SIPA may not protect the lender with respect to the securities loan transaction and that, therefore, the collateral delivered to the lender may constitute the only source of satisfaction of the broker's or dealer's obligation in the event the broker or dealer fails to return the securities.

(4)(i) Notwithstanding paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section, a broker or dealer that retains custody of securities that are the subject of a repurchase agreement between the broker or dealer and a counterparty shall:

(A) Obtain the repurchase agreement in writing;

(B) Confirm in writing the specific securities that are the subject of a repurchase transaction pursuant to such agreement at the end of the trading day on which the transaction is initiated and at the end of any other day during which other securities are substituted if the substitution results in a change to issuer, maturity date, par amount or coupon rate as specified in the previous confirmation;

(C) Advise the counterparty in the repurchase agreement that the Securities Investor Protection Corporation has taken the position that the provisions of the SIPA do not protect the counterparty with respect to the repurchase agreement; and

(D) Maintain possession or control of securities that are the subject of the agreement.

(ii) For purpose of this paragraph (b)(4), securities are in the broker's or dealer's control only if they are in the control of the broker or dealer within the meaning of § 240.15c3-3 (c)(1), (c)(3), (c)(5) or (c)(6) of this title.

(iii) A broker or dealer shall not be in violation of the requirement to maintain possession or control pursuant to paragraph (b)(4)(i)(D) during the trading day if:

(A) In the written repurchase agreement, the counterparty grants the broker or dealer the right to substitute other securities for those subject to the agreement; and

(B) The provision in the written repurchase agreement governing the right, if any, to substitute is immediately preceded by the following disclosure statement, which must be prominently displayed:

Required Disclosure

The [seller] is not permitted to substitute other securities for those subject to this agreement and therefore must keep the [buyer's] securities segregated at all times, unless in this agreement the [buyer] grants the [seller] the right to substitute other securities. If the [buyer] grants the right to substitute, this means that the [buyer's] securities will likely be commingled with the [seller's] own securities during the trading day. The [buyer] is advised that, during any trading day that the [buyer's] securities are commingled with the [seller's] securities, they will be subject to liens granted by the [seller] to its clearing bank and may be used by the [seller] for deliveries on other securities transactions. Whenever the securities are commingled, the [seller's] ability to resegregate substitute securities for the [buyer] will be subject to the [seller's] ability to satisfy the clearing lien or to obtain substitute securities.

(iv) A confirmation issued in accordance with paragraph (b)(4)(i)(B) of this section shall specify the issuer, maturity date, coupon rate, par amount and market value of the security and shall further identify a CUSIP or mortgage-backed security pool number, as appropriate, except that a CUSIP or a pool number is not required on the confirmation if it is identified in internal records of the broker or dealer that designate the specific security of the counterparty. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(4)(iv), the market value of any security that is the subject of the repurchase transaction shall be the most recently available bid price plus accrued interest, obtained by any reasonable and consistent methodology.

(v) This paragraph (b)(4) shall not apply to a repurchase agreement between the broker or dealer and another broker or dealer (including a government securities broker or dealer), a registered municipal securities dealer, or a general partner or director or principal officer of the broker or dealer or any person to the extent that the person's claim is explicitly subordinated to the claims of creditors of the broker or dealer.

(5) A broker or dealer is required to obtain and thereafter maintain the physical possession or control of securities carried for a PAB account, unless the broker or dealer has provided written notice to the account holder that the securities may be used in the ordinary course of its securities business, and has provided an opportunity for the account holder to object.

(c) Control of securities. Securities under the control of a broker or dealer shall be deemed to be securities which:

(1) Are represented by one or more certificates in the custody or control of a clearing corporation or other subsidiary organization of either national securities exchanges or of a registered national securities association, or of a custodian bank in accordance with a system for the central handling of securities complying with the provisions of §§ 240.8c-1(g) and 240.15c2-1(g) the delivery of which certificates to the broker or dealer does not require the payment of money or value, and if the books or records of the broker or dealer identify the customers entitled to receive specified quantities or units of the securities so held for such customers collectively; or

(2) Are carried for the account of any customer by a broker or dealer and are carried in an omnibus credit account in the name of such broker or dealer with another broker or dealer in compliance with the requirements of section 7(f) of Regulation T (12 CFR 220.7(f)), such securities being deemed to be under the control of such broker or dealer to the extent that it has instructed such carrying broker or dealer to maintain physical possession or control of them free of any charge, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of such carrying broker or dealer or any persons claiming through such carrying broker or dealer; or

(3) Are the subject of bona fide items of transfer; provided that securities shall be deemed not to be the subject of bona fide items of transfer if, within 40 calendar days after they have been transmitted for transfer by the broker or dealer to the issuer or its transfer agent, new certificates conforming to the instructions of the broker or dealer have not been received by the broker or deal, the broker or dealer has not received a written statement by the issuer or its transfer agent acknowledging the transfer instructions and the possession of the securities or the broker or dealer has not obtained a revalidation of a window ticket from a transfer agent with respect to the certificate delivered for transfer; or

(4) Are in the custody of a foreign depository, foreign clearing agency or foreign custodian bank which the Commission upon application from a broker or dealer, a registered national securities exchange or a registered national securities association, or upon its own motion shall designate as a satisfactory control location for securities; or

(5) Are in the custody or control of a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act, the delivery of which securities to the broker or dealer does not require the payment of money or value and the bank having acknowledged in writing that the securities in its custody or control are not subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor of a bank or any person claiming through the bank; or

(6)(i) Are held in or are in transit between offices of the broker or dealer; or (ii) are held by a corporate subsidiary if the broker or dealer owns and exercises a majority of the voting rights of all of the voting securities of such subsidiary, assumes or guarantees all of the subsidiary's obligations and liabilities, operates the subsidiary as a branch office of the broker or dealer, and assumes full responsibility for compliance by the subsidiary and all of its associated persons with the provisions of the Federal securities laws as well as for all of the other acts of the subsidiary and such associated persons; or

(7) Are held in such other locations as the Commission shall upon application from a broker or dealer find and designate to be adequate for the protection of customer securities.

(d) Requirement to reduce securities to possession or control. Not later than the next business day, a broker or dealer, as of the close of the preceding business day, shall determine from its books or records the quantity of fully paid securities and excess margin securities in its possession or control and the quantity of fully paid securities and excess margin securities not in its possession or control. In making this daily determination inactive margin accounts (accounts having no activity by reason of purchase or sale of securities, receipt or delivery of cash or securities or similar type events) may be computed not less than once weekly. If such books or records indicate, as of such close of the business day, that such broker or dealer has not obtained physical possession or control of all fully paid and excess margin securities as required by this section and there are securities of the same issue and class in any of the following noncontrol locations:

(1) Securities subject to a lien securing moneys borrowed by the broker or dealer or securities loaned to another broker or dealer or a clearing corporation, then the broker or dealer shall, not later than the business day following the day on which such determination is made, issue instructions for the release of such securities from the lien or return of such loaned securities and shall obtain physical possession or control of such securities within two business days following the date of issuance of the instructions in the case of securities subject to lien securing borrowed moneys and within five business days following the date of issuance of instructions in the case of securities loaned; or

(2) Securities included on the broker's or dealer's books or records as failed to receive more than 30 calendar days, then the broker or dealer shall, not later than the business day following the day on which such determination is made, take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of securities so failed to receive through a buy-in procedure or otherwise; or

(3) Securities receivable by the broker or dealer as a security dividend receivable, stock split or similar distribution for more than 45 calendar days, then the broker or dealer shall, not later than the business day following the day on which such determination is made, take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of securities so receivable through a buy-in procedure or otherwise; or

(4) Securities included on the broker's or dealer's books or records that allocate to a short position of the broker or dealer or a short position for another person, excluding positions covered by paragraph (m) of this section, for more than 30 calendar days, then the broker or dealer must, not later than the business day following the day on which the determination is made, take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of such securities. For the purposes of this paragraph (d)(4), the 30 day time period will not begin to run with respect to a syndicate short position established in connection with an offering of securities until the completion of the underwriter's participation in the distribution as determined pursuant to § 242.100(b) of Regulation M of this chapter (17 CFR 242.100 through 242.105); or

(5) A broker or dealer which is subject to the requirements of § 240.15c3-3 with respect to physical possession or control of fully paid and excess margin securities shall prepare and maintain a current and detailed description of the procedures which it utilizes to comply with the possession or control requirements set forth in this section. The records required herein shall be made available upon request to the Commission and to the designated examining authority for such broker or dealer.

(e) Special reserve bank accounts for the exclusive benefit of customers and PAB accounts. (1) Every broker or dealer must maintain with a bank or banks at all times when deposits are required or hereinafter specified a “Special Reserve Bank Account for the Exclusive Benefit of Customers” (hereinafter referred to as the Customer Reserve Bank Account) and a “Special Reserve Bank Account for Brokers and Dealers” (hereinafter referred to as the PAB Reserve Bank Account), each of which will be separate from the other and from any other bank account of the broker or dealer. Such broker or dealer must at all times maintain in the Customer Reserve Bank Account and the PAB Reserve Bank Account, through deposits made therein, cash and/or qualified securities in amounts computed in accordance with the formula attached as Exhibit A (17 CFR 240.15c3-3a), as applied to customer and PAB accounts respectively.

(2) With respect to each computation required pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section, a broker or dealer must not accept or use any of the amounts under items comprising Total Credits under the formula referred to in paragraph (e)(1) of this section except for the specified purposes indicated under items comprising Total Debits under the formula, and, to the extent Total Credits exceed Total Debits, at least the net amount thereof must be maintained in the Customer Reserve Bank Account and PAB Reserve Bank Account pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(3) Reserve Bank Account computations. (i) Computations necessary to determine the amount required to be deposited in the Customer Reserve Bank Account and PAB Reserve Bank Account as specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section must be made weekly, as of the close of the last business day of the week, and the deposit so computed must be made no later than one hour after the opening of banking business on the second following business day; provided, however, a broker or dealer which has aggregate indebtedness not exceeding 800 percent of net capital (as defined in § 240.15c3-1) and which carries aggregate customer funds (as defined in paragraph (a)(10) of this section), as computed at the last required computation pursuant to this section, not exceeding $1,000,000, may in the alternative make the Customer Reserve Bank Account computation monthly, as of the close of the last business day of the month, and, in such event, must deposit not less than 105 percent of the amount so computed no later than one hour after the opening of banking business on the second following business day.

(ii) If a broker or dealer, computing on a monthly basis, has, at the time of any required computation, aggregate indebtedness in excess of 800 percent of net capital, such broker or dealer must thereafter compute weekly as aforesaid until four successive weekly Customer Reserve Bank Account computations are made, none of which were made at a time when its aggregate indebtedness exceeded 800 percent of its net capital.

(iii) A broker or dealer that does not carry the accounts of a “customer” as defined by this section or conduct a proprietary trading business may make the computation to be performed with respect to PAB accounts under paragraph (e)(1) of this section monthly rather than weekly. If a broker or dealer performing the computation with respect to PAB accounts under paragraph (e)(1) of this section on a monthly basis is, at the time of any required computation, required to deposit additional cash or qualified securities in the PAB Reserve Bank Account, the broker or dealer must thereafter perform the computation required with respect to PAB accounts under paragraph (e)(1) of this section weekly until four successive weekly computations are made, none of which is made at a time when the broker or dealer was required to deposit additional cash or qualified securities in the PAB Reserve Bank Account.

(iv) Computations in addition to the computations required in this paragraph (e)(3), may be made as of the close of any business day, and the deposits so computed must be made no later than one hour after the opening of banking business on the second following business day.

(v) The broker or dealer must make and maintain a record of each such computation made pursuant to this paragraph (e)(3) or otherwise and preserve each such record in accordance with § 240.17a-4.

(4) If the computation performed under paragraph (e)(3) of this section with respect to PAB accounts results in a deposit requirement, the requirement may be satisfied to the extent of any excess debit in the computation performed under paragraph (e)(3) of this section with respect to customer accounts of the same date. However, a deposit requirement resulting from the computation performed under paragraph (e)(3) of this section with respect to customer accounts cannot be satisfied with excess debits from the computation performed under paragraph (e)(3) of this section with respect to PAB accounts.

(5) In determining whether a broker or dealer maintains the minimum deposits required under this section, the broker or dealer must exclude the total amount of any cash deposited with an affiliated bank. The broker or dealer also must exclude cash deposited with a non-affiliated bank to the extent that the amount of the deposit exceeds 15% of the bank's equity capital as reported by the bank in its most recent Call Report or any successor form the bank is required to file by its appropriate Federal banking agency (as defined by section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813)).

(f) Notification of banks. A broker or dealer required to maintain a Customer Reserve Bank Account and PAB Reserve Bank Account prescribed by paragraph (e)(1) of this section or who maintains a Special Account referred to in paragraph (k) of this section must obtain and preserve in accordance with § 240.17a-4 a written notification from each bank with which it maintains a Customer Reserve Bank Account, a PAB Reserve Bank Account, or a Special Account that the bank was informed that all cash and/or qualified securities deposited therein are being held by the bank for the exclusive benefit of the customers and account holders of the broker or dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission, and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the broker or dealer with the bank, and the broker or dealer must have a written contract with the bank which provides that the cash and/or qualified securities will at no time be used directly or indirectly as security for a loan to the broker or dealer by the bank and will not be subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the bank or any person claiming through the bank.

(g) Withdrawals from the reserve bank account. A broker or dealer may make withdrawals from a Customer Reserve Bank Account and a PAB Reserve Bank Account if and to the extent that at the time of the withdrawal the amount remaining in the Customer Reserve Bank Account and PAB Reserve Bank Account is not less than the amount then required by paragraph (e) of this section. A bank may presume that any request for withdrawal from a reserve bank account is in conformity and compliance with this paragraph (g). On any business day on which a withdrawal is made, the broker or dealer shall make a record of the computation on the basis of which he makes such withdrawal, and he shall preserve such computation in accordance with § 240.17a-4.

(h) Buy-in of short security differences. A broker or dealer shall within 45 calendar days after the date of the examination, count, verification and comparison of securities pursuant to § 240.17a-13 or otherwise or to the annual report of financial condition in accordance with § 240.17a-5 or 240.17a-12, buy-in all short security differences which are not resolved during the 45-day period.

(i) Notification in the event of failure to make a required deposit. If a broker or dealer shall fail to make in its Customer Reserve Bank Account, PAB Reserve Bank Account or special account a deposit, as required by this section, the broker or dealer shall by telegram immediately notify the Commission and the regulatory authority for the broker or dealer, which examines such broker or dealer as to financial responsibility and shall promptly thereafter confirm such notification in writing.

(j) Treatment of free credit balances. (1) A broker or dealer must not accept or use any free credit balance carried for the account of any customer of the broker or dealer unless such broker or dealer has established adequate procedures pursuant to which each customer for whom a free credit balance is carried will be given or sent, together with or as part of the customer's statement of account, whenever sent but not less frequently than once every three months, a written statement informing the customer of the amount due to the customer by the broker or dealer on the date of the statement, and that the funds are payable on demand of the customer.

(2) A broker or dealer must not convert, invest, or transfer to another account or institution, credit balances held in a customer's account except as provided in paragraphs (j)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) A broker or dealer is permitted to invest or transfer to another account or institution, free credit balances in a customer's account only upon a specific order, authorization, or draft from the customer, and only in the manner, and under the terms and conditions, specified in the order, authorization, or draft.

(ii) A broker or dealer is permitted to transfer free credit balances held in a customer's securities account to a product in its Sweep Program or to transfer a customer's interest in one product in a Sweep Program to another product in a Sweep Program, provided:

(A) For an account opened on or after the effective date of this paragraph (j)(2)(ii), the customer gives prior written affirmative consent to having free credit balances in the customer's securities account included in the Sweep Program after being notified:

(1) Of the general terms and conditions of the products available through the Sweep Program; and

(2) That the broker or dealer may change the products available under the Sweep Program.

(B) For any account:

(1) The broker or dealer provides the customer with the disclosures and notices regarding the Sweep Program required by each self-regulatory organization of which the broker or dealer is a member;

(2) The broker or dealer provides notice to the customer, as part of the customer's quarterly statement of account, that the balance in the bank deposit account or shares of the money market mutual fund in which the customer has a beneficial interest can be liquidated on the customer's order and the proceeds returned to the securities account or remitted to the customer; and

(3)(i) The broker or dealer provides the customer with written notice at least 30 calendar days before:

(A) Making changes to the terms and conditions of the Sweep Program;

(B) Making changes to the terms and conditions of a product currently available through the Sweep Program;

(C) Changing, adding or deleting products available through the Sweep Program; or

(D) Changing the customer's investment through the Sweep Program from one product to another.

(ii) The notice must describe the new terms and conditions of the Sweep Program or product or the new product, and the options available to the customer if the customer does not accept the new terms and conditions or product.

(k) Exemptions. (1) The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to a broker or dealer meeting all of the following conditions:

(i) The broker's or dealer's transactions as dealer (as principal for its own account) are limited to the purchase, sale, and redemption of redeemable securities of registered investment companies or of interests or participations in an insurance company separate account, whether or not registered as an investment company; except that a broker or dealer transacting business as a sole proprietor may also effect occasional transactions in other securities for its own account with or through another registered broker or dealer;

(ii) The broker's or dealer's transactions as broker (agent) are limited to:

(a) The sale and redemption of redeemable securities of registered investment companies or of interests or participations in an insurance company separate account, whether or not registered as an investment company;

(b) the solicitation of share accounts for savings and loan associations insured by an instrumentality of the United States; and

(c) the sale of securities for the account of a customer to obtain funds for immediate reinvestment in redeemable securities of registered investment companies; and

(iii) The broker or dealer promptly transmits all funds and delivers all securities received in connection with its activities as a broker or dealer, and does not otherwise hold funds or securities for, or owe money or securities to, customers.

(iv) Notwithstanding the foregoing, this section shall not apply to any insurance company which is a registered broker-dealer, and which otherwise meets all of the conditions in paragraphs (k)(1) (i), (ii), and (iii) of this section, solely by reason of its participation in transactions that are a part of the business of insurance, including the purchasing, selling, or holding of securities for or on behalf of such company's general and separate accounts.

(2) The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to a broker or dealer:

(i) Who carries no margin accounts, promptly transmits all customer funds and delivers all securities received in connection with its activities as a broker or dealer, does not otherwise hold funds or securities for, or owe money or securities to, customers and effectuates all financial transactions between the broker or dealer and its customers through one or more bank accounts, each to be designated as “Special Account for the Exclusive Benefit of Customers of (name of the broker or dealer)”; or

(ii) Who, as an introducing broker or dealer, clears all transactions with and for customers on a fully disclosed basis with a clearing broker or dealer, and who promptly transmits all customer funds and securities to the clearing broker or dealer which carries all of the accounts of such customers and maintains and preserves such books and records pertaining thereto pursuant to the requirements of §§ 240.17a-3 and 240.17a-4 of this chapter, as are customarily made and kept by a clearing broker or dealer.

(3) Upon written application by a broker or dealer, the Commission may exempt such broker or dealer from the provisions of this section, either unconditionally or on specified terms and conditions, if the Commission finds that the broker or dealer has established safeguards for the protection of funds and securities of customers comparable with those provided for by this section and that it is not necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors to subject the particular broker or dealer to the provisions of this section.

(l) Delivery of securities. Nothing stated in this section shall be construed as affecting the absolute right of a customer of a broker or dealer to receive in the course of normal business operations following demand made on the broker or dealer, the physical delivery of certificates for:

(1) Fully-paid securities to which he is entitled, and,

(2) Margin securities upon full payment by such customer to the broker or dealer of the customer's indebtedness to the broker or dealer; and, subject to the right of the broker or dealer under Regulation T (12 CFR 220) to retain collateral for its own protection beyond the requirements of Regulation T, excess margin securities not reasonably required to collateralize such customer's indebtedness to the broker or dealer.

(m) Completion of sell orders on behalf of customers. If a broker or dealer executes a sell order of a customer (other than an order to execute a sale of securities which the seller does not own) and if for any reason whatever the broker or dealer has not obtained possession of the securities from the customer within 10 business days after the settlement date, the broker or dealer shall immediately thereafter close the transaction with the customer by purchasing securities of like kind and quantity: Provided, however, The term customer for the purpose of this paragraph (m) shall not include a broker or dealer who maintains an omnibus credit account with another broker or dealer in compliance with section 7(f) of Regulation T (12 CFR 220.7(f)).

Note to paragraph (m):

See 38 FR 12103, May 9, 1973 for an order suspending indefinitely the operation of paragraph (m) as to sell orders for exempted securities (e.g., U.S. Government and municipal obligations).

(n) Extensions of time. If a registered national securities exchange or a registered national securities association is satisfied that a broker or dealer is acting in good faith in making the application and that exceptional circumstances warrant such action, such exchange or association, on application of the broker or dealer, may extend any period specified in paragraphs (d) (2) through (4), (h) and (m) of this section, relating to the requirement that such broker or dealer take action within a designated period of time to buy-in a security, for one or more limited periods commensurate with the circumstances. Each such exchange or association shall make and preserve for a period of not less than 3 years a record of each extension granted pursuant to paragraph (n) of this section which shall contain a summary of the justification for the granting of the extension.

(o) Security futures products—(1) Where security futures products shall be held. A broker or dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to section 15(b)(1) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(b)(1)) that is also a futures commission merchant registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission pursuant to section 4f(a)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 6f(a)(1)):

(i) Shall hold a customer's security futures products in either a securities account or a futures account; and

(ii) Shall establish written policies or procedures for determining whether customer security futures products will be placed in a securities account or a futures account and, if applicable, the process by which a customer may elect the type or types of account in which security futures products will be held (including the procedure to be followed if a customer fails to make an election of account type).

(2) Disclosure and record requirements. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (o)(2)(ii), before a broker or dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to section 15(b)(1) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(b)(1)) accepts the first order for a security futures product from or on behalf of a customer, the broker or dealer shall furnish the customer with a disclosure document containing the following information:

(A) A description of the protections provided by the requirements set forth under this section and SIPA applicable to a securities account;

(B) A description of the protections provided by the requirements set forth under section 4d of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 6d) applicable to a futures account;

(C) A statement indicating whether the customer's security futures products will be held in a securities account or a futures account, or whether the firm permits customers to make or change an election of account type; and

(D) A statement that, with respect to holding the customer's security futures products in a securities account or a futures account, the alternative regulatory scheme is not available to the customer with relation to that account.

(ii) Where a customer account containing an open security futures product position is transferred to a broker or dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to section 15(b)(1) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(b)(1)), that broker or dealer may instead provide the statements described in paragraphs (o)(2)(i)(C) and (o)(2)(i)(D) of this section no later than ten business days after the date the account is received.

(3) Changes in account type. A broker or dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to section 15(b)(1) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(b)(1)) that is also a futures commission merchant registered pursuant to section 4f(a)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 6f(a)(1)) may change the type of account in which a customer's security futures products will be held; provided that:

(i) The broker or dealer creates a record of each change in account type, including the name of the customer, the account number, the date the broker or dealer received the customer's request to change the account type, if applicable, and the date the change in account type became effective; and

(ii) The broker or dealer, at least ten days before the customer's account type is changed:

(A) Notifies the customer in writing of the date that the change will become effective; and

(B) Provides the customer with the disclosures described in paragraph (o)(2)(i) of this section.

(p) Segregation requirements for security-based swaps. The following requirements apply to the security-based swap activities of a broker or dealer.

(1) Definitions. For the purposes of this paragraph:

(i) The term cleared security-based swap means a security-based swap that is, directly or indirectly, submitted to and cleared by a clearing agency registered with the Commission pursuant to section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1);

(ii) The term excess securities collateral means securities and money market instruments carried for the account of a security-based swap customer that have a market value in excess of the current exposure of the broker or dealer (after reducing the current exposure by the amount of cash in the account) to the security-based swap customer, excluding:

(A) Securities and money market instruments held in a qualified clearing agency account but only to the extent the securities and money market instruments are being used to meet a margin requirement of the clearing agency resulting from a security-based swap transaction of the security-based swap customer; and

(B) Securities and money market instruments held in a qualified registered security-based swap dealer account or in a third-party custodial account but only to the extent the securities and money market instruments are being used to meet a regulatory margin requirement of a security-based swap dealer resulting from the broker or dealer entering into a non-cleared security-based swap transaction with the security-based swap dealer to offset the risk of a non-cleared security-based swap transaction between the broker or dealer and the security-based swap customer;

(iii) The term qualified clearing agency account means an account of a broker or dealer at a clearing agency registered with the Commission pursuant to section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1) that holds funds and other property in order to margin, guarantee, or secure cleared security-based swap transactions for the security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer that meets the following conditions:

(A) The account is designated “Special Clearing Account for the Exclusive Benefit of the Cleared Security-Based Swap Customers of [name of broker or dealer]”;

(B) The clearing agency has acknowledged in a written notice provided to and retained by the broker or dealer that the funds and other property in the account are being held by the clearing agency for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the broker or dealer with the clearing agency; and

(C) The account is subject to a written contract between the broker or dealer and the clearing agency which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the clearing agency or any person claiming through the clearing agency, except a right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim resulting from a cleared security-based swap transaction effected in the account.

(iv) The term qualified registered security-based swap dealer account means an account at a security-based swap dealer that is registered with the Commission pursuant to section 15F of the Act that meets the following conditions:

(A) The account is designated “Special Reserve Account for the Exclusive Benefit of the Security-Based Swap Customers of [name of broker or dealer]”;

(B) The security-based swap dealer has acknowledged in a written notice provided to and retained by the broker or dealer that the funds and other property held in the account are being held by the security-based swap dealer for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the broker or dealer with the security-based swap dealer;

(C) The account is subject to a written contract between the broker or dealer and the security-based swap dealer which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the security-based swap dealer or any person claiming through the security-based swap dealer, except a right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim resulting from a non-cleared security-based swap transaction effected in the account; and

(D) The account and the assets in the account are not subject to any type of subordination agreement between the broker or dealer and the security-based swap dealer.

(v) The term qualified security means:

(A) Obligations of the United States;

(B) Obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States; and

(C) General obligations of any State or a political subdivision of a State that:

(1) Are not traded flat and are not in default;

(2) Were part of an initial offering of $500 million or greater; and

(3) Were issued by an issuer that has published audited financial statements within 120 days of its most recent fiscal year end.

(vi) The term security-based swap customer means any person from whom or on whose behalf the broker or dealer has received or acquired or holds funds or other property for the account of the person with respect to a cleared or non-cleared security-based swap transaction. The term does not include a person to the extent that person has a claim for funds or other property which by contract, agreement or understanding, or by operation of law, is part of the capital of the broker or dealer or, in the case of an affiliate of the broker or dealer, is subordinated to all claims of customers (including PAB customers) and security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer.

(vii) The term special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers means an account at a bank that meets the following conditions:

(A) The account is designated “Special Reserve Account for the Exclusive Benefit of the Security-Based Swap Customers of [name of broker or dealer]”;

(B) The account is subject to a written acknowledgement by the bank provided to and retained by the broker or dealer that the funds and other property held in the account are being held by the bank for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the broker or dealer with the bank; and

(C) The account is subject to a written contract between the broker or dealer and the bank which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall at no time be used directly or indirectly as security for a loan or other extension of credit to the broker or dealer by the bank and, shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the bank or any person claiming through the bank.

(viii) The term third-party custodial account means an account carried by an independent third-party custodian that meets the following conditions:

(A) The account is established for the purposes of meeting regulatory margin requirements of another security-based swap dealer;

(B) The account is carried by a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act or a registered U.S. clearing organization or depository or, if the collateral to be held in the account consists of foreign securities or currencies, a supervised foreign bank, clearing organization, or depository that customarily maintains custody of such foreign securities or currencies;

(C) The account is designated for and on behalf of the broker or dealer for the benefit of its security-based swap customers and the account is subject to a written acknowledgement by the bank, clearing organization, or depository provided to and retained by the broker or dealer that the funds and other property held in the account are being held by the bank, clearing organization, or depository for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the broker or dealer with the bank, clearing organization, or depository; and

(D) The account is subject to a written contract between the broker or dealer and the bank, clearing organization, or depository which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall at no time be used directly or indirectly as security for a loan or other extension of credit to the security-based swap dealer by the bank, clearing organization, or depository and, shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the bank, clearing organization, or depository or any person claiming through the bank, clearing organization, or depository.

(2) Physical possession or control of excess securities collateral. (i) A broker or dealer must promptly obtain and thereafter maintain physical possession or control of all excess securities collateral carried for the security-based swap accounts of security-based swap customers.

(ii) A broker or dealer has control of excess securities collateral only if the securities and money market instruments:

(A) Are represented by one or more certificates in the custody or control of a clearing corporation or other subsidiary organization of either national securities exchanges, or of a custodian bank in accordance with a system for the central handling of securities complying with the provisions of §§ 240.8c-1(g) and 240.15c2-1(g) the delivery of which certificates to the broker or dealer does not require the payment of money or value, and if the books or records of the broker or dealer identify the security-based swap customers entitled to receive specified quantities or units of the securities so held for such security-based swap customers collectively;

(B) Are the subject of bona fide items of transfer; provided that securities and money market instruments shall be deemed not to be the subject of bona fide items of transfer if, within 40 calendar days after they have been transmitted for transfer by the broker or dealer to the issuer or its transfer agent, new certificates conforming to the instructions of the broker or dealer have not been received by the broker or dealer, the broker or dealer has not received a written statement by the issuer or its transfer agent acknowledging the transfer instructions and the possession of the securities or money market instruments, or the broker or dealer has not obtained a revalidation of a window ticket from a transfer agent with respect to the certificate delivered for transfer;

(C) Are in the custody or control of a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act, the delivery of which securities or money market instruments to the broker or dealer does not require the payment of money or value and the bank having acknowledged in writing that the securities and money market instruments in its custody or control are not subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor of a bank or any person claiming through the bank;

(D)(1) Are held in or are in transit between offices of the broker or dealer; or

(2) Are held by a corporate subsidiary if the broker or dealer owns and exercises a majority of the voting rights of all of the voting securities of such subsidiary, assumes or guarantees all of the subsidiary's obligations and liabilities, operates the subsidiary as a branch office of the broker or dealer, and assumes full responsibility for compliance by the subsidiary and all of its associated persons with the provisions of the Federal securities laws as well as for all of the other acts of the subsidiary and such associated persons; or

(E) Are held in such other locations as the Commission shall upon application from a broker or dealer find and designate to be adequate for the protection of security-based swap customer securities.

(iii) Each business day the broker or dealer must determine from its books and records the quantity of excess securities collateral in its possession or control as of the close of the previous business day and the quantity of excess securities collateral not in its possession or control as of the previous business day. If the broker or dealer did not obtain possession or control of all excess securities collateral on the previous business day as required by this section and there are securities or money market instruments of the same issue and class in any of the following non-control locations:

(A) Securities or money market instruments subject to a lien securing an obligation of the broker or dealer, then the broker or dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the release of the securities or money market instruments from the lien and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within two business days following the date of the instructions;

(B) Securities or money market instruments held in a qualified clearing agency account, then the broker or dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the release of the securities or money market instruments by the clearing agency and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within two business days following the date of the instructions;

(C) Securities or money market instruments held in a qualified registered security-based swap dealer account maintained by another security-based swap dealer or in a third-party custodial account, then the broker or dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the release of the securities or money market instruments by the security-based swap dealer or the third-party custodian and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within two business days following the date of the instructions;

(D) Securities or money market instruments loaned by the broker or dealer, then the broker or dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the return of the loaned securities or money market instruments and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within five business days following the date of the instructions;

(E) Securities or money market instruments failed to receive more than 30 calendar days, then the broker or dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments through a buy-in procedure or otherwise;

(F) Securities or money market instruments receivable by the broker or dealer as a security dividend, stock split or similar distribution for more than 45 calendar days, then the broker or dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments through a buy-in procedure or otherwise; or

(G) Securities or money market instruments included on the broker's or dealer's books or records that allocate to a short position of the broker or dealer or a short position for another person, for more than 30 calendar days, then the broker or dealer must, not later than the business day following the day on which the determination is made, take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of such securities or money market instruments.

(3) Deposit requirement for special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers. (i) A broker or dealer must maintain a special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers that is separate from any other bank account of the broker or dealer. The broker or dealer must at all times maintain in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers, through deposits into the account, cash and/or qualified securities in amounts computed in accordance with the formula set forth in § 240.15c3-3b. In determining the amount maintained in a special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers, the broker or dealer must deduct:

(A) The percentage of the value of a general obligation of a State or a political subdivision of a State specified in § 240.15c3-1(c)(2)(vi);

(B) The aggregate value of general obligations of a State or a political subdivision of a State to the extent the amount of the obligations of a single issuer (after applying the deduction in paragraph (p)(3)(i)(A) of this section) exceeds two percent of the amount required to be maintained in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers;

(C) The aggregate value of all general obligations of States or political subdivisions of States to the extent the amount of the obligations (after applying the deduction in paragraph (p)(3)(i)(A) of this section) exceeds 10 percent of the amount required to be maintained in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers;

(D) The amount of cash deposited with a single non-affiliated bank to the extent the amount exceeds 15 percent of the equity capital of the bank as reported by the bank in its most recent Call Report or any successor form the bank is required to file by its appropriate federal banking agency (as defined by section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813)); and

(E) The total amount of cash deposited with an affiliated bank.

(ii) A broker or dealer must not accept or use credits identified in the items of the formula set forth in § 240.15c3-3b except for the specified purposes indicated under items comprising Total Debits under the formula, and, to the extent Total Credits exceed Total Debits, at least the net amount thereof must be maintained in the Special Reserve Account pursuant to paragraph (p)(3)(i) of this section.

(iii)(A) The computations necessary to determine the amount required to be maintained in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers must be made weekly as of the close of the last business day of the week and any deposit required to be made into the account must be made no later than one hour after the opening of banking business on the second following business day. The broker or dealer may make a withdrawal from the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers only if the amount remaining in the account after the withdrawal is equal to or exceeds the amount required to be maintained in the account pursuant to paragraph (p)(3) of this section.

(ii) (B) Computations in addition to the computations required pursuant to paragraph (p)(3)(iii)(A) of this section may be made as of the close of any business day, and deposits so computed must be made no later than one hour after the open of banking business on the second following business day.

(iv) A broker or dealer must promptly deposit into a special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers cash and/or qualified securities of the broker or dealer if the amount of cash and/or qualified securities in one or more special reserve accounts for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers falls below the amount required to be maintained pursuant to this section.

(4) Requirements for non-cleared security-based swaps—(i) Notice. A broker or dealer registered under section 15F(b) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-10(b)) as a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant must provide the notice required pursuant to section 3E(f)(1)(A) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5(f)) in writing to a duly authorized individual prior to the execution of the first non-cleared security-based swap transaction with the counterparty occurring after the compliance date of this section.

(ii) Subordination—(A) Counterparty that elects to have individual segregation at an independent third-party custodian. A broker or dealer must obtain an agreement from a counterparty whose funds or other property to meet a margin requirement of the broker or dealer are held at a third-party custodian in which the counterparty agrees to subordinate its claims against the broker or dealer for the funds or other property held at the third-party custodian to the claims of customers (including PAB customers) and security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer but only to the extent that funds or other property provided by the counterparty to the independent third-party custodian are not treated as customer property as that term is defined in 11 U.S.C. 741 or customer property as defined in 15 U.S.C. 78lll(4) in a liquidation of the broker or dealer.

(B) Counterparty that elects to have no segregation. A broker or dealer registered under section 15F(b) of the Act as a security-based swap dealer must obtain an agreement from a counterparty that is an affiliate of the broker or dealer that affirmatively chooses not to require segregation of funds or other property pursuant to section 3E(f) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5(f)) in which the counterparty agrees to subordinate all of its claims against the broker or dealer to the claims of customers (including PAB customers) and security-based swap customers of the broker or dealer.

[37 FR 25226, Nov. 29, 1972; 38 FR 6277, Mar. 8, 1973, as amended at 42 FR 23790, May 10, 1977; 44 FR 1975, Jan. 9, 1979; 45 FR 37688, June 4, 1980; 47 FR 21775, May 20, 1982; 47 FR 23920, June 2, 1982; 50 FR 41340, Oct. 10, 1985; 52 FR 30333, Aug. 14, 1987; 63 FR 59400, Nov. 3, 1998; 67 FR 58299, Sept. 13, 2002; 68 FR 12783, Mar. 17, 2003; 78 FR 51902, Aug. 21, 2013; 84 FR 44047, Aug. 22, 2019]
cite as: 17 CFR 240.15c3-3