Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 242.834 - Mitigation of conflicts of interest of security-based swap execution facilities and certain exchanges.

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

Family relationship of a person means the person's spouse, former spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, sibling, stepbrother, stepsister, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or in-law.

Major disciplinary committee means a committee of persons who are authorized by a security-based swap execution facility to conduct disciplinary hearings, to settle disciplinary charges, to impose disciplinary sanctions, or to hear appeals thereof in cases involving any violation of the rules of the security-based swap execution facility except those which:

(i) Are related to decorum or attire, financial requirements, or reporting or recordkeeping; and

(ii) Do not involve fraud, deceit, or conversion.

Member's affiliated firm is a firm in which the member is a principal or an employee.

Named party in interest means a person or entity that is identified by name as a subject of any matter being considered by a governing board, disciplinary committee, or oversight panel.

Significant action includes any of the following types of actions or rule changes by a security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange that can be implemented without the Commission's prior approval:

(i) Any actions or rule changes which address an emergency; and

(ii) Any changes in margin levels that are designed to respond to extraordinary market conditions such as an actual or attempted corner, squeeze, congestion, or undue concentration of positions, or that otherwise are likely to have a substantial effect on prices in any contract traded or cleared at such security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange; but does not include any rule not submitted for prior Commission approval because such rule is unrelated to the terms and conditions of any security-based swap traded at such security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange.

(b) Ownership and voting limitations. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange shall not permit any of its members, either alone or together with any officer, principal, or employee of the member, to:

(1) Own, directly or indirectly, 20 percent or more of any class of voting securities or of other voting interest in the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange; or

(2) Directly or indirectly vote, cause the voting of, or give any consent or proxy with respect to the voting of, any interest that exceeds 20 percent of the voting power of any class of securities or of other ownership interest in the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange.

(3) The ownership and voting limitations in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section shall not apply to an SBSEF that has, pursuant to § 242.819(e), entered into an agreement with a registered futures association or a national securities association for the provision of regulatory services that encompass, at a minimum, real-time market monitoring under § 242.819(d)(5) and investigations and investigation reports under § 242.819(d)(6).

(c) Enforcement of limitations. The rules of each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange must be reasonably designed, and have an effective mechanism, to:

(1) Deny effect to the portion of any voting interest held by a member in excess of the limitations in paragraph (b) of this section;

(2) Compel a member who possesses a voting interest in excess of the limitations in paragraph (b) of this section to divest enough of that voting interest to come within those limitations; and

(3) Obtain information relating to its ownership and voting interests owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by its members.

(d) Disciplinary committees and hearing panels. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange shall ensure that its disciplinary processes preclude any member, or group or class of its members, from dominating or exercising disproportionate influence on the disciplinary process. Each major disciplinary committee or hearing panel thereof shall include sufficient different groups or classes of its members so as to ensure fairness and to prevent special treatment or preference for any person or member in the conduct of the responsibilities of the committee or panel.

(e) Governing board composition. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange shall ensure that:

(1) Twenty percent or more of the persons who are eligible to vote routinely on matters being considered by the governing board (excluding those members who are eligible to vote only in the case of a tie vote by the governing board) are:

(i) Knowledgeable of security-based swap trading or financial regulation, or otherwise capable of contributing to governing board deliberations;

(ii) Not members of the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange;

(iii) Not salaried employees of the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange;

(iv) Not primarily performing services for the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange in a capacity other than as a member of the governing board; and

(v) Not officers, principals, or employees of a firm which holds a membership at the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange, either in its own name or through an employee on behalf of the firm; and

(2) The membership of the governing board includes a diversity of groups or classes of its members. The security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange must be able to demonstrate that the board membership fairly represents the diversity of interests at such security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange and is otherwise consistent with the composition requirements of this section.

(f) Providing information about the board to the Commission. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange shall submit to the Commission, within 30 days after each governing board election, a list of the governing board's members, the groups or classes of its members that they represent, and how the composition of the governing board otherwise meets the requirements of this section.

(g) Voting by interested members of governing boards and various committees of security-based swap execution facilities and SBS exchanges—(1) Rules required. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange shall maintain in effect rules to address the avoidance of conflicts of interest in the execution of its regulatory functions. Such rules must provide for the following:

(i) Relationship with named party in interest—(A) Nature of relationship. A member of a governing board, disciplinary committee, or oversight panel of a security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange must abstain from such body's deliberations and voting on any matter involving a named party in interest where such member:

(1) Is a named party in interest;

(2) Is an employer, employee, or fellow employee of a named party in interest;

(3) Has any other significant, ongoing business relationship with a named party in interest, not including relationships limited to executing security-based swaps opposite of each other or to clearing security-based swaps through the same clearing member; or

(4) Has a family relationship with a named party in interest.

(B) Disclosure of relationship. Prior to the consideration of any matter involving a named party in interest, each member of a governing board, disciplinary committee, or oversight panel of a security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange must disclose to the appropriate staff of the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange whether they have one of the relationships listed in paragraph (g)(1)(i)(A) of this section with a named party in interest.

(C) Procedure for determination. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange must establish procedures for determining whether any member of its governing board, disciplinary committees, or oversight committees is subject to a conflicts restriction in any matter involving a named party in interest. Taking into consideration the exigency of the committee action, such determinations should be based upon:

(1) Information provided by the member pursuant to paragraph (g)(1)(i)(B) of this section; and

(2) Any other source of information that is held by and reasonably available to the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange.

(ii) Financial interest in a significant action—(A) Nature of interest. A member of the governing board, disciplinary committee, or oversight panel of a security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange must abstain from such body's deliberations and voting on any significant action if the member knowingly has a direct and substantial financial interest in the result of the vote based upon either exchange or non-exchange positions that could reasonably be expected to be affected by the action.

(B) Disclosure of interest. Prior to the consideration of any significant action, each member of a governing board, disciplinary committee, or oversight panel of a security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange must disclose to the appropriate staff of the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange the position information referred to in paragraph (g)(1)(ii)(C) of this section that is known to them. This requirement does not apply to members who choose to abstain from deliberations and voting on the subject significant action.

(C) Procedure for determination. Each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange must establish procedures for determining whether any member of its governing board, disciplinary committees, or oversight committees is subject to a conflicts restriction under this section in any significant action. Such determination must include a review of any positions, whether maintained at that security-based swap execution facility, SBS exchange, or elsewhere, held in the member's personal accounts or the proprietary accounts of the member's affiliated firm that the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange reasonably expects could be affected by the significant action.

(D) Bases for determination. Taking into consideration the exigency of the significant action, such determinations should be based upon:

(1) Information provided by the member with respect to positions pursuant to paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section; and

(2) Any other source of information that is held by and reasonably available to the security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange.

(iii) Participation in deliberations. (A) Under the rules required by this section, a governing board, disciplinary committee, or oversight panel of a security-based swap execution facility or SBS exchange may permit a member to participate in deliberations prior to a vote on a significant action for which they otherwise would be required to abstain, pursuant to paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section, if such participation would be consistent with the public interest and the member recuses from voting on such action.

(B) In making a determination as to whether to permit a member to participate in deliberations on a significant action for which they otherwise would be required to abstain, the deliberating body shall consider the following factors:

(1) Whether the member's participation in deliberations is necessary for the deliberating body to achieve a quorum in the matter; and

(2) Whether the member has unique or special expertise, knowledge, or experience in the matter under consideration.

(C) Prior to any determination pursuant to paragraph (g)(1)(iii)(A) of this section, the deliberating body must fully consider the position information which is the basis for the member's direct and substantial financial interest in the result of a vote on a significant action pursuant to paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section.

(iv) Documentation of determination. The governing boards, disciplinary committees, and oversight panels of each security-based swap execution facility and SBS exchange must reflect in their minutes or otherwise document that the conflicts determination procedures required by this section have been followed. Such records also must include:

(A) The names of all members who attended the meeting in person or who otherwise were present by electronic means;

(B) The name of any members who voluntarily recused themselves or were required to abstain from deliberations and/or voting on a matter and the reason for the recusal or abstention, if stated; and

(C) Information on the position information that was reviewed for each member.

(h) Rules required. (1) A security-based swap execution facility shall maintain in effect rules to comply with this section that have been submitted to the Commission pursuant to § 242.806 or § 242.807.

(2) An SBS exchange shall maintain in effect rules to comply with this section that have been submitted to the Commission pursuant to § 240.19b-4 of this chapter.

source: 62 FR 544, Jan. 3, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 242.834