Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Feb 21, 2025
§ 204.9 - Administrative offset procedures.

(a) If the debtor does not exercise the right to request a review within the time specified in § 204.4, or if as a result of the review, it is determined that the debt is due and no written agreement is executed, then administrative offset shall be ordered in accordance with this subpart without further notice.

(b) Travel advance. The Commission will deduct outstanding advances provided to Commission travelers from other amounts owed the traveler by the agency whenever possible and practicable. Monies owed by an employee for outstanding travel advances that cannot be deducted from other travel amounts due that employee will be collected through salary offset as described in subpart B of this part.

(c) Requests for offset to the Department of the Treasury or other Federal agencies. The Chairperson (or his or her designee) may notify the Department of the Treasury of delinquent debts for purposes of administrative offset, and may request that a debt owed to the Commission be administratively offset against funds due and payable to a debtor by another Federal agency. In requesting administrative offset, the Commission, as creditor, will certify in writing to the Federal agency holding funds of the debtor that:

(1) The debtor owes the past due and legally enforceable debt; and

(2) The debtor has been afforded the necessary due process rights.

(d) Requests for offset from other Federal agencies. Any Federal agency may request that funds due and payable to its debtor by the Commission be administratively offset in order to collect a debt owed to such Federal agency by the debtor. The Commission shall initiate the requested offset only upon:

(1) Receipt of written certification from the crecitor agency that:

(i) The debtor owes the past due and legally enforceable debt; and

(ii) The debtor has been afforded the necessary due process rights.

(2) A determination by the Commission that collection by offset against funds payable by the Commission would be in the best interest of the United States as determined by the facts and circumstances of the particular case, and that such offset would not otherwise be contrary to law.

[58 FR 64370, Dec. 7, 1993, as amended at 66 FR 54131, Oct. 26, 2001]
cite as: 17 CFR 204.9