Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Feb 21, 2025
§ 229.1304 - (Item 1304) Individual property disclosure.

(a)(1) A registrant must disclose the information specified in this section for each property that is material to its business or financial condition. When determining the materiality of a property relative to its business or financial condition, a registrant must apply the standards and other considerations specified in § 229.1301(c) to each individual property that it:

(i) Owns or in which it has, or it is probable that it will have, a direct or indirect economic interest;

(ii) Operates, or it is probable that it will operate, under a lease or other legal agreement that grants the registrant ownership or similar rights that authorize it, as principal, to sell or otherwise dispose of the mineral; or

(iii) Has, or it is probable that it will have, an associated royalty or similar right.

(2) A registrant that has a royalty, streaming or other similar right, but which lacks access to any of the information specified in this section about the underlying property or properties, may omit such information, provided that the registrant:

(i) Specifies the information to which it lacks access;

(ii) Explains that it does not have access to the required information because:

(A) Obtaining the information would result in an unreasonable burden or expense; or

(B) It requested the information from a person possessing knowledge of the information, who is not affiliated with the with the royalty company or similar registrant, and who denied the request; and

(iii) Provides all required information that it does possess or which it can acquire without incurring an unreasonable burden or expense.

(b) Disclose the following information for each material property specified in paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) A brief description of the property including:

(i) The location, accurate to within one mile, using an easily recognizable coordinate system. The registrant must provide appropriate maps, with proper engineering detail (such as scale, orientation, and titles). Such maps must be legible on the page when printed;

(ii) Existing infrastructure including roads, railroads, airports, towns, ports, sources of water, electricity, and personnel; and

(iii) A brief description, including the name or number and size (acreage), of the titles, claims, concessions, mineral rights, leases or options under which the registrant and its subsidiaries have or will have the right to hold or operate the property, and how such rights are obtained at this location, indicating any conditions that the registrant must meet in order to obtain or retain the property. If held by leases or options or if the mineral rights otherwise have termination provisions, the registrant must provide the expiration dates of such leases, options or mineral rights and associated payments.

(iv) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, if the registrant holds a royalty or similar interest or will have an associated royalty or similar right, the disclosure must describe all of the information in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, including, for example, the documents under which the owner or operator holds or operates the property, the mineral rights held by the owner or operator, conditions required to be met by the owner or operator, and the expiration dates of leases, options and mineral rights. The registrant must also briefly describe the agreement under which the registrant and its subsidiaries have or will have the right to a royalty or similar interest in the property, indicating any conditions that the registrant must meet in order to obtain or retain the royalty or similar interest, and indicating the expiration date.

(2) The following information, as relevant to the particular property:

(i) A brief description of the present condition of the property, the work completed by the registrant on the property, the registrant's proposed program of exploration or development, the current stage of the property as exploration, development or production, the current state of exploration or development of the property, and the current production activities. Mines should be identified as either surface or underground, with a brief description of the mining method and processing operations. If the property is without known reserves and the proposed program is exploratory in nature or the registrant has started extraction without determining mineral reserves, the registrant must provide a statement to that effect;

(ii) The age, details as to modernization and physical condition of the equipment, facilities, infrastructure, and underground development;

(iii) The total cost for or book value of the property and its associated plant and equipment;

(iv) A brief history of previous operations, including the names of previous operators, insofar as known; and

(v) A brief description of any significant encumbrances to the property, including current and future permitting requirements and associated timelines, permit conditions, and violations and fines.

(c) When providing the disclosure required by paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) A registrant must identify an individual property with no mineral reserves as an exploration stage property, even if it has other properties in development or production. Similarly, a registrant that does not have reserves on any of its properties cannot characterize itself as a development or production stage company, even if it has mineral resources or exploration results, or even if it is engaged in extraction without first disclosing mineral reserves.

(2) A registrant should not include extensive description of regional geology. Rather, it should include geological information that is brief and relevant to property disclosure.

(d)(1) If mineral resources or reserves have been determined, the registrant must provide a summary of all mineral resources or reserves as of the end of the most recently completed fiscal year, which, for each property, discloses in tabular form, as provided in Table 1 to paragraph (d)(1) of this section for each class of mineral resources (measured, indicated, and inferred), together with total measured and indicated mineral resources, the estimated tonnages and grades (or quality, where appropriate), and as provided in Table 2 to paragraph (d)(1) of this section for each class of mineral reserves (proven and probable), together with total mineral reserves, the estimated tonnages, grades (or quality, where appropriate), cut-off grades, and metallurgical recovery, based on a specific point of reference selected by a qualified person pursuant to § 229.601(b)(96). The registrant must disclose the selected point of reference for each of Tables 1 and 2 to paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

Table 1 to Paragraph (D)(1)—[Individual Property Name]—Summary of [Commodity/Commodities] Mineral Resources at the End of the Fiscal Year Ended [Date] Based on [Price] 1

Resources Cut-off grades Metallurgical recovery
Amount Grades/
Measured mineral resources
Indicated mineral resources
Measured + Indicated mineral resources
Inferred mineral resources

1 The registrant must use a reasonable and justifiable price, which it must disclose, together with the time frame and point of reference used, when estimating mineral resources for this Table 1.

Table 2 to Paragraph (D)(1)—[Individual Property Name]—Summary of [Commodity/Commodities] Mineral Reserves at the End of the Fiscal Year Ended [Date] Based on [Price] 1

Amount Grades/
Cut-off grades Metallurgical recovery
Proven mineral reserves
Probable mineral reserves
Total mineral reserves

1 The registrant must use a reasonable and justifiable price for each commodity, which it must disclose, together with the time frame and point of reference used, when estimating mineral reserves for this Table 2.

Instruction 1 to paragraph (d)(1): The registrant may modify the tabular formats in Tables 1 and 2 to paragraph (d)(1) of this section for ease of presentation, to add information, or to combine two or more required tables. When combining tables, the registrant should not report mineral resources and reserves in the same table.

(2) All disclosure of mineral resources by the registrant must be exclusive of mineral reserves.

(3) A registrant with only a royalty or similar interest should provide only the portion of the resources or reserves that are subject to the royalty or similar agreement.

(e) Compare the property's mineral resources and reserves as of the end of the last fiscal year with the mineral resources and reserves as of the end of the preceding fiscal year, and explain any material change between the two. The comparison, which may be in either narrative or tabular format, must disclose information concerning:

(1) The mineral resources or reserves at the end of the last two fiscal years;

(2) The net difference between the mineral resources or reserves at the end of the last completed fiscal year and the preceding fiscal year, as a percentage of the resources or reserves at the end of the fiscal year preceding the last completed one;

(3) An explanation of the causes of any discrepancy in mineral resources including depletion or production, changes in commodity prices, additional resources discovered through exploration, and changes due to the methods employed; and

(4) An explanation of the causes of any discrepancy in mineral reserves including depletion or production, changes in the resource model, changes in commodity prices and operating costs, changes due to the methods employed, and changes due to acquisition or disposal of properties.

(f)(1) If the registrant has not previously disclosed mineral reserve or resource estimates in a filing with the Commission or is disclosing material changes to its previously disclosed mineral reserve or resource estimates, provide a brief discussion of the material assumptions and criteria in the disclosure and cite corresponding sections of the technical report summary, which must be filed as an exhibit pursuant to § 229.1302(b).

(2) All material assumptions and information pertaining to the disclosure of a registrant's mineral resources and mineral reserves required by paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, including material assumptions relating to all modifying factors, price estimates, and scientific and technical information (e.g., sampling data, estimation assumptions and methods), must be current as of the end of the registrant's most recently completed fiscal year. To the extent that the registrant is not filing a technical report summary but instead is basing the required disclosure upon a previously filed report, that report must also be current in these material respects. If the previously filed report is not current in these material respects, the registrant must file a revised or new technical report summary from a qualified person, in compliance with § 229.601(b)(96) (Item 601(b)(96) of Regulation S-K), that supports the registrant's mining property disclosures.

(3) Regarding the disclosure required by paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, whether a change in mineral resources or mineral reserves is material is based on all facts and circumstances, both quantitative and qualitative.

(g)(1) If disclosing exploration activity for any material property specified in paragraph (a) of this section for the most recently completed fiscal year, provide a summary that describes the sampling methods used, and, for each sampling method used, disclose the number of samples, the total size or length of the samples, and the total number of assays.

(2) If disclosing exploration results for any material property specified in paragraph (a) of this section for the most recently completed fiscal year, provide a summary that, for each property, identifies the hole, trench or other sample that generated the exploration results, describes the length, lithology, and key geologic properties of the exploration results, and includes a brief discussion of the exploration results' context and relevance. If the summary only includes results from selected samples and intersections, it should be accompanied with a discussion of the context and justification for excluding other results.

(3) The information disclosed under this paragraph (g) may be presented in either narrative or tabular format.

(4) A registrant must disclose exploration results and related exploration activity for a material property under this section if they are material to investors. When determining whether exploration results and related exploration activity are material, the registrant should consider all relevant facts and circumstances, such as the importance of the exploration results in assessing the value of a material property or in deciding whether to develop the property, and the particular stage of the property.

(5) A registrant may disclose an exploration target when discussing exploration results or exploration activity related to a material property as long as the disclosure is in compliance with the requirements of § 229.1302(c).

(6)(i) If the registrant is disclosing exploration results, but has not previously disclosed such results in a filing with the Commission, or is disclosing material changes to its previously disclosed exploration results, it must provide sufficient information to allow for an accurate understanding of the significance of the exploration results. The registrant must include information such as exploration context, type and method of sampling, sampling intervals and methods, relevant sample locations, distribution, dimensions, and relative location of all relevant assay and physical data, data aggregation methods, land tenure status, and any additional material information that may be necessary to make the required disclosure concerning the registrant's exploration results not misleading. If electing to file a technical report summary, the registrant must cite corresponding sections of the technical report summary, which must be filed as an exhibit pursuant to § 229.1302(b).

(ii) Whether a change in exploration results is material is based on all facts and circumstances, both quantitative and qualitative.

(iii) A change in exploration results that significantly alters the potential of the subject deposit is considered material.

(h) A report containing one or more estimates of the quantity, grade, or metal or mineral content of a deposit or exploration results that a registrant has not verified as a current estimate of mineral resources, mineral reserves, or exploration results, and which was prepared before the registrant acquired, or entered into an agreement to acquire, an interest in the property that contains the deposit, is not considered current and cannot be filed in support of disclosure. Notwithstanding this prohibition, a registrant may include such an estimate in a Commission filing that pertains to a merger, acquisition, or business combination if the registrant is unable to update the estimate prior to the completion of the relevant transaction. In that event, when referring to the estimate, the registrant must disclose the source and date of the estimate, and state that a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the estimate as a current estimate of mineral resources, mineral reserves, or exploration results and that the registrant is not treating the estimate as a current estimate of mineral resources, mineral reserves, or exploration results.

source: 47 FR 11401, Mar. 16, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 229.1304