Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 154.313 - Schedules for minor rate changes.

(a) A change in a rate or charge that, for the test period, does not increase the company's revenues by the smaller of $1,000,000 or 5 percent is a minor rate change. A change in a rate level that does not directly or indirectly result in an increased rate or charge to any customer or class of customers is a minor rate change.

(b) In addition to the schedules in this section, filings for minor rate changes must include Statements L, M, O, P, I-1 through I-4, and J of § 154.312.

(c) The schedules of this section must contain the principal determinants essential to test the reasonableness of the proposed minor rate change. Any adjustments to book figures must be separately stated and the basis for the adjustment must be explained.

(d) Schedules B-1, B-2, C, D, E, H, H-2, and H-4 of § 154.313, must be updated with actual data by month and must be resubmitted in the same format and with consecutive 12 month running totals, for each month of the adjustment period. The updated statements or schedules must be filed 45 days after the end of the test period. The updated filing must reference the associated docket number and must be filed in the same format, form, and number as the original filing.

(e) Composition of schedules for minor rate changes.

(1) Schedule A. Overall Cost-of-service by Function. Summarize the overall cost-of-service (operation and maintenance expenses, depreciation, taxes, return, and credits to cost-of-service) developed from the supporting schedules below.

(2) Schedule B. Overall Rate Base and Return. Summarize the overall gas utility rate base by function. Include the claimed rate of return and show the application of the claimed rate of return to the overall rate base.

(3) Schedule B-1. Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (Account Nos. 190, 281, 282, and 283). Show monthly book balances of accumulated deferred income taxes for each of the 12 months during the base period. In adjoining columns, show additions and reductions for the adjustment period balance and the total adjusted balance.

(4) Schedule B-2. Regulatory Asset and Liability. Show monthly book balances of regulatory asset (Account 182.3) and liability (Account 254) for each of the 12 months during the base period. In adjoining columns, show additions and reductions for the adjustment period balance and the total adjusted balance. Only include these accounts if recovery of these balances are reflected in the company's costs. Identify the specific Commission authority which required the establishment of these accounts.

(5) Schedule C. Cost of Plant by Functional Classification as of the End of the Base and Adjustment Periods.

(6) Schedule D. Accumulated Provisions for Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization, and Abandonment by Functional Classifications as of the Beginning and as of the End of the Test Period.

(7) Schedule E. Working Capital. Show the various components provided for in § 154.312, Statement E.

(8) Schedule F. Show the rate of return claimed with a brief explanation of the basis.

(9) Schedule G. Revenues and Billing Determinants.

(i) Show in summary format the information requested below on revenues and billing determinants for the base period and the base period as adjusted. Schedule G must be submitted to all customers of the pipeline that received service during the base period or are expected to receive service during the base period as adjusted and on State commissions having jurisdiction over the affected customers.

(A) Revenues. Provide the total revenues by rate schedule from jurisdictional services, classified in accordance with the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts for the base period and for the base period as adjusted. Separate operating revenues by major rate component (e.g., reservation charges, demand charges, usage charges, commodity charges, injection charges, withdrawal charges, etc.) from revenues received from penalties, surcharges or other sources (e.g., ACA, GRI, transition costs). For services provided through released capacity, identify total revenues by rate schedule and by receipt and delivery rate zones, if applicable.

(B) Billing Determinants. Show total reservation and usage billing determinants by rate schedule for the base period and the base period as adjusted. For services provided through released capacity, identify total billing determinants by rate schedule and by receipt and delivery rate zones, if applicable.

(ii) Schedule G-1 must be filed at the Commission and on all state commissions having jurisdiction over the affected customers within 15 days after the rate case is filed. Schedule G-1 must also be served on parties that request such service within 15 days of the filing of the rate case.

(A) Schedule G-1. Adjustment Period Revenues.

(1) Show revenues and billing determinants by month, by customer name, by rate schedule, by major rate component (e.g., reservation charges) and totals for the base period adjusted for known and measurable changes which are expected to occur within the adjustment period computed under the rates expected to be charged. Show commodity billing determinants by rate schedule. Billing determinants must not be adjusted for discounting. Provide projected throughput (i.e., usage or commodity quantities, unadjusted for discounting) and projected contract demand levels (unadjusted for discounting). Separate operating revenues from revenues received from surcharges or other sources (e.g., ACA, GRI, transition costs). Identify customers who are affiliates. Identify rate schedules under which costs are allocated and rate schedules under which revenues are credited for the adjustment period with cross-references to the other filed statements and schedules.

(2) Provide a reconciliation of the base period revenues and billing determinants and the revenues and billing determinants for the base period as adjusted.

(10) Schedule H. Operation and Maintenance Expenses. Show the gas operation and maintenance expenses according to each applicable account of the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts for Natural Gas Companies. The expenses must be shown under appropriate columnar-headings, by labor, materials and other charges, and purchased gas costs, with subtotals for each functional classification: Operation and maintenance expense by months, as booked, for the 12 months of actual experience, and the total thereof; adjustments, if any, to expenses as booked; and, total adjusted operation and maintenance expenses claimed. Explain all adjustments. Specify the month or months during which the adjustments would be applicable.

(11) Schedule H-1. Workpapers for Expense Accounts. Furnish workpapers for the 12 months of actual experience and claimed adjustments and analytical details as set forth in § 154.312, Schedule H-1 (3).

(12) Schedule H-2. Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Negative Salvage Expenses. Show, separately, the gas plant depreciation, depletion, amortization, and negative salvage expenses by functional classifications. For each functional plant classification, show depreciation reserve associated with offshore and onshore plant separately. The bases, methods, essential computations, and derivation of unit rates for the calculation of depreciation, depletion, amortization, and negative salvage expenses for actual experience must be explained.

(13) Schedule H-3. Income Tax Allowances Computed on the Basis of the Rate of Return Claimed. Show the computation of allowances for Federal and State income taxes based on the claimed return applied to the overall gas utility rate base.

(14) Schedule H-3 (1). This schedule is part of the workpapers. Show the computation of an updated reconciliation between book depreciable plant and tax depreciable plant and accumulated provision for deferred income taxes, for the base period or latest calendar or fiscal year (depending on the company's reporting period).

(15) Schedule H-4. Other Taxes. Show the gas utility taxes, other than Federal or state income taxes in separate columns, as follows: Tax expense per books for the 12 months of actual experience;) adjustments, if any, to amounts booked; and, the total adjusted taxes claimed. Provide the details of the kind and amount of taxes paid under protest or in connection with taxes under litigation. The taxes must be shown by states and by kind of taxes. Explain all adjustments.

source: Order 582, 60 FR 52996, Oct. 11, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 154.313