Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Sep 25, 2024
§ 157.14 - Exhibits.

(a) To be attached to each application. All exhibits specified must accompany each application when tendered for filing. Together with each exhibit applicant must provide a full and complete explanation of the data submitted, the manner in which it was obtained, and the reasons for the conclusions derived from the exhibits. If the Commission determines that a formal hearing upon the application is required or that testimony and hearing exhibits should be filed, the Secretary will promptly notify the applicant that submittal of all exhibits and testimony of all witnesses to be sponsored by the applicant in support of his case-in-chief is required. Submittal of these exhibits and testimony must be within 20 days from the date of the Secretary's notice, or any other time as the Secretary will specify. Exhibits, except exhibits F, F- 1, G, G-I, and G-II, must be submitted to the Commission on electronic media as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter. Receipt and delivery point information required in various exhibits must be labeled with a location point name and code in conformity with the location name and code the pipeline has adopted in conformance with § 284.13(f) of this chapter. Intervenors and persons becoming intervenors after the date of the Secretary's notice must be advised by the applicant of the afore-specified exhibits and testimony, and must be furnished with copies upon request. If this section requires an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined by § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the applicant shall follow the procedures set out in § 157.10(d).

(1) Exhibit A—Articles of incorporation and bylaws. If applicant is not an individual, a conformed copy of its articles of incorporation and bylaws, or other similar documents.

(2) Exhibit B—State authorization. For each State where applicant is authorized to do business, a statement showing the date of authorization, the scope of the business applicant is authorized to carry on and all limitations, if any, including expiration dates and renewal obligations. A conformed copy of applicant's authorization to do business in each State affected shall be supplied upon request.

(3) Exhibit C—Company officials. A list of the names and business addresses of applicant's officers and directors, or similar officials if applicant is not a corporation.

(4) Exhibit D—Subsidiaries and affiliation. If applicant or any of its officers or directors, directly or indirectly, owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of any other person or organized group of persons engaged in production, transportation, distribution, or sale of natural gas, or of any person or organized group of persons engaged in the construction or financing of such enterprises or operations, a detailed explanation of each such relationship, including the percentage of voting strength represented by such ownership of securities. If any person or organized group of persons, directly or indirectly, owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of applicant—a detailed explanation of each such relationship.

(5) Exhibit E—Other pending applications and filings. A list of other applications and filings under sections 1, 3, 4 and 7 of the Natural Gas Act filed by the applicant which are pending before the Commission at the time of the filing of an application and which directly and significantly affect the application filed, including an explanation of any material effect the grant or denial of those other applications and filings will have on the application and of any material effect the grant or denial of the application will have on those other applications and filings.

(6) Exhibit F—Location of facilities. Unless shown on Exhibit G or elsewhere, a geographical map of suitable scale and detail showing, and appropriately differentiating between all of the facilities proposed to be constructed, acquired or abandoned and existing facilities of applicant, the operation or capacity of which will be directly affected by the proposed facilities or the facilities proposed to be abandoned. This map, or an additional map, shall clearly show the relationship of the new facilities to the applicant's overall system and shall include:

(i) Location, length, and size of pipelines.

(ii) Location and size (rated horsepower) of compressor stations.

(iii) Location and designation of each point of connection of existing and proposed facilities with:

(A) Main-line industrial customers, gas pipeline or distribution systems, showing towns and communities served and to be served at wholesale and retail, and

(B) Gas-producing and storage fields, or other sources of gas supply.

(7) Exhibit F-I—Environmental report. An environmental report as specified in §§ 380.3 and 380.12 of this chapter. Applicant must submit all appropriate revisions to Exhibit F-I whenever route or site changes are filed. These revisions should identify the locations by mile post and describe all other specific differences resulting from the route or site changes, and should not simply provide revised totals for the resources affected.

(8) Exhibit G—Flow diagrams showing daily design capacity and reflecting operation with and without proposed facilities added. A flow diagram showing daily design capacity and reflecting operating conditions with only existing facilities in operation. A second flow diagram showing daily design capacity and reflecting operating conditions with both proposed and existing facilities in operation. Both flow diagrams shall include the following for the portion of the system affected:

(i) Diameter, wall thickness, and length of pipe installed and proposed to be installed and the diameter and wall thickness of the installed pipe to which connection is proposed.

(ii) For each proposed new compressor station and existing station, the size, type and number of compressor units, horsepower required, horsepower installed and proposed to be installed, volume of gas to be used as fuel, suction and discharge pressures, and compression ratio.

(iii) Pressures and volumes of gas at the main line inlet and outlet connections at each compressor station.

(iv) Pressures and volumes of gas at each intake and take-off point and at the beginning and terminus of the existing and proposed facilities and at the intake or take-off point of the existing facilities to which the proposed facilities are to be connected.

(9) Exhibit G-I—Flow diagrams reflecting maximum capabilities. If Exhibit G does not reflect the maximum deliveries which applicant's existing and proposed facilities would be capable of achieving under most favorable operating conditions with utilization of all facilities, include an additional diagram or diagrams to depict such maximum capabilities. If the horsepower, pipelines, or other facilities on the segment of applicant's system under consideration are not being fully utilized due, e.g., to capacity limitation of connecting facilities or because of the need for standby or spare equipment, the reason for such nonutilization shall be stated.

(10) Exhibit G-II—Flow diagram data. Exhibits G and G-I shall be accompanied by a statement of engineering design data in explanation and support of the diagrams and the proposed project, setting forth:

(i) Assumptions, bases, formulae, and methods used in the development and preparation of such diagrams and accompanying data.

(ii) A description of the pipe and fittings to be installed, specifying the diameter, wall thickness, yield point, ultimate tensile strength, method of fabrication, and methods of testing proposed.

(iii) When lines are looped, the length and size of the pipe in each loop.

(iv) Type, capacity, and location of each natural gas storage field or facility, and of each dehydration, desulphurization, natural gas liquefaction, hydrocarbon extraction, or other similar plant or facility directly attached to the applicant's system, indicating which of such plants are owned or operated by applicant, and which by others, giving their names and addresses.

(v) If the daily design capacity shown in Exhibit G is predicated upon an ability to meet each customer's maximum contract quantity on the same day, explain the reason for such coincidental peak-day design. If the design day capacity shown in Exhibit G is predicated upon an assumed diversity factor, state that factor and explain its derivation.

(vi) The maximum allowable operating pressure of each proposed facility for which a certificate is requested, as permitted by the Department of Transportation's safety standards. The applicant shall certify that it will design, install, inspect, test, construct, operate, replace, and maintain the facilities for which a certificate is requested in accordance with Federal safety standards and plans for maintenance and inspection or shall certify that it has been granted a waiver of the requirements of the safety standards by the Department of Transportation in accordance with the provisions of section 3(e) of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968. Pertinent details concerning the waiver shall be set forth.

(11) Exhibit H—Total gas supply data. A statement by applicant describing:

(i) Those production areas accessible to the proposed construction that contain sufficient existing or potential gas supplies for the proposed project; and

(ii) How those production areas are connected to the proposed construction.

(12) Exhibit I—Market data. A system-wide estimate of the volumes of gas to be delivered during each of the first 3 full years of operation of the proposed service, sale, or facilities and during the years when the proposed facilities are under construction, and actual data of like import for each of the 3 years next preceding the filing of the application, together with:

(i) Names and locations of customer companies and municipalities, showing the number of residential, commercial, firm industrial, interruptible industrial, residential space-heating, commercial space-heating, and other types of customers for each distribution system to be served at retail or wholesale; and the names and locations of each firm and interruptible direct industrial customer whose estimated consumption totals 10,000 Mcf or more in any calendar month or 100,000 Mcf or more per year together with an explanation of the end use to which each of these industrial customers will put the gas.

(ii) Applicant's total annual and peak day gas requirements by classification of service in paragraph (a)(11)(i) of this section, divided as follows: Gas requirements for each distribution area where gas is sold by applicant at retail; for each wholesale customer; for all main line direct industrial customers; and company use and unaccounted-for gas, for both the applicant and each wholesale customer.

(iii) Total past and expected curtailments of service by the applicant and each wholesale customer proposing to receive new or additional supplies of gas from the project, all to be listed by the classifications of service in paragraph (a)(12)(i) of this section.

(iv) Explanation and derivation of basic factors used in estimating future requirements, including, for example: Peak-day and annual degree-day deficiencies, annual load factors of applicant's system and of its deliveries to its proposed customers; individual consumer peak-day and annual consumption factors for each class of consumers, with supporting historical data; forecasted saturation of space-heating as related to past experience; and full detail as to all other sources of gas supply available to applicant and to each of its customers, including manufacturing facilities and liquid petroleum gas.

(v) Conformed copy of each contract, letter of intent or other agreement for sale or transportation of natural gas proposed by the application. Indicate the rate to be charged. If no agreements have been made, indicate the basis for assuming that contracts will be consummated and that service will be rendered under the terms contemplated in the application.

(vi) A full description of all facilities, other than those covered by the application, necessary to provide service in the communities to be served, the estimated cost of such facilities, by whom they are to be constructed, and evidence of economic feasibility.

(vii) A copy of each market survey made within the past three years for such markets as are to receive new or increased service from the project applied for.

(viii) A statement showing the franchise rights of applicant or other person to distribute gas in each community in which service is proposed.

(ix) When an application requires a statement of total peak-day or annual market requirements of affiliates, whose operations are integrated with those of applicant, to demonstrate applicant's ability to provide the service proposed or to establish a gas supply, estimates and data required by this paragraph (a)(12)(ix) shall also be stated in like detail for such affiliates.

(x) When the proposed project is for service which would not decrease the life index of the total system gas supply by more than one year, the data required in paragraphs (a)(12)(i) to (ix), inclusive, of this section need be submitted only as to the particular market to receive new or additional service.

(13) Exhibit J—Federal authorizations. A statement identifying each Federal authorization that the proposal will require; the Federal agency or officer, or State agency or officer acting pursuant to delegated Federal authority, that will issue each required authorization; the date each request for authorization was submitted; why any request was not submitted and the date submission is expected; and the date by which final action on each Federal authorization has been requested or is expected.

(14) Exhibit K—Cost of facilities. A detailed estimate of total capital cost of the proposed facilities for which application is made, showing cost of construction by operating units such as compressor stations, main pipelines, laterals, measuring and regulating stations, and separately stating the cost of right-of-way, damages, surveys, materials, labor, engineering and inspection, administrative overhead, fees for legal and other services, allowance for funds used during construction, and contingencies. Include a brief statement indicating the source of information used as the basis for the above estimate. If not otherwise set forth, submit data on preliminary bids, if any, for the proposed facilities and recent experienced cost data for facilities of similar character.

(15) Exhibit L—Financing. Plans for financing the proposed facilities for which the application is filed, together with:

(i) A description of the class (e.g., commercial paper, long-term debt, preferred stock) and cost rates for securities expected to be issued with construction period and post- operational sources of financing separately identified.

(ii) Statement of anticipated cash flow, including provision during the period of construction and the first 3 full years of operation of proposed facilities for interest requirements, dividends, and capital requirements.

(iii) A balance sheet and income statement (12 months) of most recent data available.

(iv) Comparative pro forma balance sheets and income statements for the period of construction and each of the first 3 full years of operation, giving effect to the proposed construction and proposed financing of the project.

(v) Any additional data and information upon which applicant proposes to rely in showing the adequacy and availability of resources for financing its proposed project.

(vi) In instances for which principal operations of the company have not commenced or where proposed rates for services are developed on an incremental basis, a brief statement explaining how the applicant will determine the actual allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) rate, or if a rate is not to be used, how the applicant will determine the actual amount of AFUDC to be capitalized as a component of construction cost, and why the method is appropriate under the circumstances.

(16) Exhibit M—Construction, operation, and management. A concise statement setting forth arrangements for supervision, management, engineering, accounting, legal, or other similar service to be rendered in connection with the construction or operation of the project, if not to be performed by employees of applicant, including reference to any existing or contemplated agreements therefor, together with:

(i) A statement showing affiliation between applicant and any parties to such agreements or arrangements. See Exhibit D, paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(ii) Conformed copies of all construction, engineering, management, and other similar service agreements or contracts in any way operative with respect to construction, operation, or financing of facilities which are the subject of the application or will be applicable under system operations.

(17) Exhibit N—Revenues—Expenses—Income. When the estimated revenues and expenses related to a proposed facility will significantly affect the operating revenues or operating expenses of an applicant, there shall be submitted a system-wide statement for the last year preceding the proposed construction or service and pro forma system-wide and incremental statements for each of the first three full years of operation of the proposed facilities, showing:

(i) Gas system annual revenues and volumes of natural gas related thereto, subdivided by classes of service, and further subdivided by sales to direct industrial customers, sales to other gas utilities, and other sales, indicating billing quantities used for computing charges, e.g., actual demands, billing demands, volumes, heat-content adjustment or other determinants. In addition, if enlargement or extension of facilities is involved, the revenues attributable solely to the proposed facilities shall be stated separately, and the basis and data used in such computation shall be clearly shown.

(ii) Gas system annual operating expenses classified in accordance with the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts for Natural Gas Companies; the annual depreciation, depletion, taxes, utility income, and resulting rate of return on net investment in gas plant including working capital. In addition if enlargement or extension of facilities is involved, the cost of service attributable solely to the proposed facilities shall be stated separately with supporting data.

(iii) When the data required in paragraphs (a)(17)(i) and (ii) of this section is not submitted, applicant shall provide in lieu thereof a statement in sufficient detail to show clearly the effect on the operating revenues and operating expenses of the estimated revenues and expenses related to the proposed facility.

(18) Exhibit O—Depreciation and depletion. Depreciation and depletion rates to be established, the method of determination and the justification therefor.

(19) Exhibit P—Tariff. (i) A statement of the rates to be charged for the proposed sales or service, including:

(A) Identification of the applicable presently effective rate schedules, when no additional tariff filings will be required, or

(B) When changes are required in applicant's presently effective tariff, or if applicant has no tariff, pro forma copies of appropriate changes in or additions to the effective tariff or a pro forma copy of the new gas tariff proposed, or

(C) When a new rate is proposed, a statement explaining the basis used in arriving at the proposed rate. Such statement shall clearly show whether such rate results from negotiation, cost-of-service determination, competitive factors or others, and shall give the nature of any studies which have been made in connection therewith.

(ii) When new rates or changes in present rates are proposed or when the proposed facilities will result in a material change in applicant's average cost of service, such statement shall be accompanied by supporting data showing:

(A) System cost of service for the first calendar year of operation after the proposed facilities are placed in service.

(B) An allocation of such costs to each particular service classification, with the basis for each allocation clearly stated.

(C) The proposed rate base and rate of return.

(D) Gas operating expenses, segregated functionally by accounts.

(E) Depletion and depreciation.

(F) Taxes with the basis upon which computed.

(b) Additional exhibits. Applicant shall submit additional exhibits necessary to support or clarify its application. Such exhibits shall be identified and designated as provided by § 157.6(b)(6).

(c) Additional information. Upon request by the Secretary, prior to or during hearing upon the application, applicant shall submit such additional data, information, exhibits, or other detail as may be specified. An original and 7 conformed copies of such additional information shall be furnished to the Commission. The Commission reserves the right to request additional copies.

(d) Availability of Commission staff for advice prior to formal filing. Prior to filing an application, any person may informally confer with the staff of the Commission to obtain advice on any problem of statement or presentation of an application or any part thereof.

(Secs. 3(e), 7, 8, 82 Stat. 721, 725 (49 U.S.C. 1672,1676,1677; Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717-717w); Natural Gas Policy Act (15 U.S.C. 3301-3432); Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7101-7352); E.O. 12009, 3 CFR 142) [17 FR 7387, Aug. 14, 1952] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.14, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
source: 17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 157.14