Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 367.9250 - Account 925, Injuries and damages.

(a) This account must include the cost of insurance or reserve accruals to protect the service company against injuries and damages claims of employees or others, losses of such character not covered by insurance, and expenses incurred in settlement of injuries and damages claims. It also must include the cost of labor and related supplies and expenses incurred in injuries and damages activities.

(b) Reimbursements from insurance companies or others for expenses charged to this account because of injuries and damages and insurance dividends or refunds must be credited to this account. The following items must be included in this account:

(1) Premiums payable to insurance companies for protection against claims from injuries and damages by employees or others, such as public liability, property damages, casualty, employee liability, and other similar items.

(2) Losses not covered by insurance or reserve accruals on account of injuries or deaths to employees or others and damages to the property of others.

(3) Fees and expenses of claim investigators.

(4) Payment of awards to claimants for court costs and attorneys' services.

(5) Medical and hospital service and expenses for employees as the result of occupational injuries, or resulting from claims of others.

(6) Compensation payments under workmen's compensation laws.

(7) Compensation paid while incapacitated as the result of occupational injuries (See paragraph (c) of this section).

(8) Cost of safety, accident prevention and similar educational activities.

(c) Payments to or on behalf of employees for accident or death benefits, hospital expenses, medical supplies or for salaries while incapacitated for service or on leave of absence beyond periods normally allowed, when not the result of occupational injuries, must be charged to account 926, Employee pensions and benefits (§ 367.9260) (See also paragraph (e) of account 926 (§ 367.9260)).

(d) The cost of injuries and damages or reserve accruals capitalized must be charged to construction directly or by transfer to construction projects from this account.

(e) Exclude the time and expenses of employees (except those engaged in injuries and damages activities) spent in attendance at safety and accident prevention educational meetings, if occurring during the regular work period.

(f) The cost of labor and related supplies and expenses of administrative and general employees who are only incidentally engaged in injuries and damages activities may be included in accounts 920 and 921 (§§ 367.9200 and 367.9210), as appropriate.

authority: 15 U.S.C. 717
source: Order 684, 71 FR 65226, Nov. 7, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 367.9250