The purpose of this NEPA rule is to establish Water Resources Council (WRC) policy and procedures which supplement the CEQ NEPA regulations by making them more specifically applicable to our activities and which implement § 1507.3 (a) and (b) of the CEQ NEPA regulations. This rule will be revised to incorporate detailed procedures integrating NEPA and the Principles and Standards (P&S) and applicable parts of the procedures for Federal participants in the preparation of comprehensive regional or river basin plans when these procedures are developed. This NEPA rule must be used in conjunction with the CEQ NEPA regulations. Compliance with both the CEQ NEPA regulations and this NEPA rule is required. Information in the CEQ NEPA regulations generally is not repeated here to avoid needless duplication. This NEPA rule supersedes WRC Policy Statement No. 2—Environmental Statements-Framework Studies and Assessments and Regional or River Basin Plans.
source: 44 FR 69922, Dec. 5, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 18 CFR 707.2