Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 190.185 - Unused merchandise drawback and merchandise not conforming to sample or specification, shipped without consent of the consignee, found to be defective as of the time of importation, or returned after retail sale.

(a) Procedure for filing claims. The procedures described in subpart C of this part relating to unused merchandise drawback, and in subpart D of this part relating to rejected merchandise, must be followed with respect to drawback under this subpart for unused merchandise drawback and merchandise that does not conform to sample or specification, is shipped without consent of the consignee, or is found to be defective as of the time of importation.

(b) Drawback entry. Before transfer of the merchandise to a foreign trade zone, the importer or a person designated in writing by the importer for that purpose must file the drawback entry. CBP will notify the zone operator at the zone.

(c) Certification by zone operator. After the merchandise has been received in the zone, the zone operator at the zone must certify, with respect to the drawback entry, the receipt of the merchandise and notify the transferor or the person designated by the transferor. After executing the declaration provided for in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, the transferor must resubmit the drawback entry in place of the bill of lading required by § 190.156.

(d) Modification of drawback entry—(1) Indication of transfer. The drawback entry must indicate that the merchandise is to be transferred to a foreign trade zone.

(2) Endorsement. The transferor or person designated by the transferor and the foreign trade zone operator must certify transfer to the foreign trade zone, with respect to the drawback entry, as follows:

Certification by Foreign Trade Zone Operator

The merchandise described in this entry was received from ________ on ________, 20 ____, in Foreign Trade Zone No. ____, ____ (City and State).

Exceptions: (Name of operator) By (Name and title)

(3) Transferor's declaration. The transferor must certify, with respect to the drawback entry, as follows:

Transferor's Declaration

I, ________ of the firm of ________, declare that the merchandise described in the within entry was duly entered at the customhouse on arrival at this port; that the duties thereon have been paid as specified in this entry; and that it was transferred to Foreign Trade Zone No. ____, located at ______ (City and State) for the sole purpose of exportation, destruction, or storage, not to be removed from the foreign trade zone for domestic consumption. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, said merchandise is the same in quantity, quality, value, and package as specified in this entry; that no allowance nor reduction in duties has been made; and that no part of the duties paid has been refunded by drawback or otherwise.

Dated: Transferor
source: 83 FR 64997, Dec. 18, 2018, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 190.185