Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 19 - Customs Duties last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 356.18 - Interim sanctions.

(a) If the Deputy Under Secretary concludes, after issuing a charging letter under § 356.16 and before a final decision is rendered, that interim sanctions are necessary to protect the interests of the Department, an authorized agency of the involved FTA country, or others, including the protection of proprietary information, the Deputy Under Secretary may petition an administrative law judge to impose such sanctions.

(b) The administrative law judge may impose interim sanctions against a person upon determining that:

(1) There is probable cause to believe that there was a violation of a protective order or a disclosure undertaking and the Department is likely to prevail in obtaining sanctions under this subpart;

(2) The Department, authorized agency of the involved FTA country, or others are likely to suffer irreparable harm if the interim sanctions are not imposed; and

(3) The interim sanctions are a reasonable means for protecting the rights of the Department, authorized agency of the involved FTA country, or others while preserving to the greatest extent possible the rights of the person against whom the interim sanctions are proposed.

(c) Interim sanctions which may be imposed include any sanctions that are necessary to protect the rights of the Department, authorized agency of the involved FTA country, or others, including, but not limited to:

(1) Denying a person further access to proprietary information;

(2) Barring a person from representing another person before the Department;

(3) Barring a person from appearing before the Department; and

(4) Requiring the person to destroy and certify to the Department the destruction of all material previously provided by the Department or the investigating authority of the involved FTA country, and all other materials containing the proprietary information, such as briefs, notes, or charts based on any such information received under a protective order or disclosure undertaking.

(d) The Deputy Under Secretary will notify the person against whom interim sanctions are sought of the request for interim sanctions and provide to that person the material submitted to the administrative law judge to support the request. The notice will include a reference to the procedures of this section.

(e) A person against whom interim sanctions are proposed has a right to oppose the request through submission of material to the administrative law judge. The administrative law judge has discretion to permit oral presentations and to allow further submissions.

(f) The administrative law judge will notify the parties of the decision on interim sanctions and the basis therefor within five days of the conclusion of oral presentations or the date of final written submissions.

(g) If interim sanctions have been imposed, the investigation and any proceedings under this subpart will be conducted on an expedited basis.

(h) An order imposing interim sanctions may be revoked at any time by the administrative law judge and expires automatically upon the issuance of a final order.

(i) The administrative law judge may reconsider imposition of interim sanctions on the basis of new and material evidence or other good cause shown. The Deputy Under Secretary or a person against whom interim sanctions have been imposed may appeal a decision on interim sanctions to the APO Sanctions Board, if such an appeal is certified by the administrative law judge as necessary to prevent undue harm to the Department or authorized agency of the involved FTA country, a person against whom interim sanctions have been imposed or others, or is otherwise in the interests of justice. Interim sanctions which have been imposed remain in effect while an appeal is pending, unless the administrative law judge determines otherwise.

(j) The Deputy Under Secretary may request an administrative law judge to impose emergency interim sanctions to preserve the status quo. Emergency interim sanctions may last no longer than 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. The person against whom such emergency interim sanctions are proposed need not be given prior notice or an opportunity to oppose the request for sanctions. The administrative law judge may impose emergency interim sanctions upon determining that the Department or authorized agency of the involved FTA country is, or others are, likely to suffer irreparable harm if such sanctions are not imposed and that the interests of justice would thereby be served. The administrative law judge will promptly notify a person against whom emergency sanctions have been imposed of the sanctions and their duration.

(k) If a hearing has not been requested, the Deputy Under Secretary will request that the Under Secretary appoint an administrative law judge for making determinations under this section.

(l) The Deputy Under Secretary will notify the Secretariat concerning the imposition or revocation of interim sanctions or emergency interim sanctions.

[59 FR 229, Jan. 3, 1994, as amended at 86 FR 70052, Dec. 9, 2021]
authority: 19 U.S.C. 1516a and 1677f(f), unless otherwise noted
source: 59 FR 229, Jan. 3, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 19 CFR 356.18