Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 422.317 - Review of the debt.

(a) Notification and presentation of evidence by the debtor. A debtor who receives a notice described in § 422.305(b), § 422.306(b), or § 422.310(c) has a right to have a review of the debt and the payment schedule for Federal salary offset stated in the notice. To exercise this right, the debtor must notify us and give us evidence that he or she does not owe all or part of the debt, or that we do not have the right to collect it, or that the payment schedule for Federal salary offset stated in the notice would cause financial hardship.

(1) If the debtor notifies us and presents evidence within 60 calendar days from the date of our notice (except as provided for Federal salary offset in paragraph (a)(3) of this section), we will not take the action described in our notice unless and until review of all of the evidence is complete and we send the debtor the findings that all or part of the debt is overdue and legally enforceable.

(2) If the debtor notifies us and presents evidence after that 60 calendar-day period expires (except as provided for Federal salary offset in paragraph (a)(4) of this section) and paragraph (b) of this section does not apply, the review will occur, but we may take the actions described in our notice without further delay.

(3) If the debtor notifies us and presents evidence within 30 calendar days from the date of our notice, we will not refer the debt for Federal salary offset unless and until review of all of the evidence is complete and we send the debtor the findings that all or part of the debt is overdue and legally enforceable and (if appropriate) the findings on the payment schedule for Federal salary offset.

(4) If the debtor notifies us and presents evidence after that 30 calendar-day period expires and paragraph (b) of this section does not apply, the review will occur, but we may refer the debt for Federal salary offset without further delay.

(b) Good cause for failure to timely request review. (1) If we decide that the debtor has good cause for failing to request review within the applicable period mentioned in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(3) of this section, we will treat the request for review as if we received it within the applicable period.

(2) We will determine good cause under the rules in § 422.410(b)(1) and (2) of this chapter.

(c) Review of the evidence. The review will cover our records and any evidence and statements presented by the debtor.

(d) Special rules regarding Federal salary offset. (1) When we use Federal salary offset to collect a debt owed by an employee of the Federal Government, an official designated in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5514(a)(2) will conduct the review described in this section and will issue the findings.

(2) In addition to the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the Federal employee must submit the request for review in writing. The request must

(i) Be signed by the employee,

(ii) Explain with reasonable specificity the facts and evidence that support the employee's position, and

(iii) Include the names of any witnesses.

(3) In reviewing the payment schedule described in the notice to the Federal employee, the reviewing official must apply the rules in § 422.415(b), (c), and (d) of this chapter regarding financial hardship.

(4) The reviewing official will review our records and any documents, written statements, or other evidence submitted by the debtor and issue written findings.

(5) The reviewing official will complete the review within 60 calendar days from the date on which the request for review and the debtor's evidence are received. If the reviewing official does not complete the review within that 60-day period and the debt was referred to the Department of the Treasury for Federal salary offset, we will notify the Department of the Treasury to suspend Federal salary offset. Offset will not begin or resume before we send the debtor findings that all or part of the debt is overdue and legally enforceable or (if appropriate) findings on the payment schedule.

(e) The findings. (1) Following the review described in paragraphs (c) or (d) of this section, we will send the written findings to the debtor. The findings will state the nature and origin of the debt, the analysis, findings and conclusions regarding the amount and validity of the debt, and, when appropriate, the repayment schedule for Federal salary offset. Issuance of these findings will be the final action on the debtor's request for review.

(2) If the findings state that an individual does not owe the debt, or the debt is not overdue, or we do not have the right to collect it, we will not send information about the debt to consumer or other credit reporting agencies or refer the debt to the Department of the Treasury for administrative offset. If we had referred the debt to the Department of the Treasury for administrative offset, we will cancel that action. If we had informed consumer or credit reporting agencies about the debt, we will inform them of the findings.

(3) If the findings state that the payment schedule for Federal salary offset would cause financial hardship, we will notify the debtor and the Department of the Treasury of the new payment schedule.

[71 FR 38071, July 5, 2006]
source: 32 FR 13653, Sept. 29, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 422.317