Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 661.200 - What is the State Workforce Investment Board?

(a) The State Board is a board established by the Governor in accordance with the requirements of WIA section 111 and this section.

(b) The membership of the State Board must meet the requirements of WIA section 111(b). The State Board must contain two or more members representing the categories described in WIA section 111(b)(1)(C)(iii)-(v), and special consideration must be given to chief executive officers of community colleges and community based organizations in the selection of members representing the entities identified in WIA section 111(b)(1)(C)(v).

(c) The Governor may appoint any other representatives or agency officials, such as agency officials responsible for economic development, child support and juvenile justice programs in the State.

(d) Members who represent organizations, agencies or other entities must be individuals with optimum policy making authority within the entities they represent.

(e) A majority of members of the State Board must be representatives of business. Members who represent business must be individuals who are owners, chief executive officers, chief operating officers, or other individuals with optimum policy making or hiring authority, including members of Local Boards.

(f) The Governor must appoint the business representatives from among individuals who are nominated by State business organizations and business trade associations. The Governor must appoint the labor representatives from among individuals who are nominated by State labor federations.

(g) The Governor must select a chairperson of the State Board from the business representatives on the board.

(h) The Governor may establish terms of appointment or other conditions governing appointment or membership on the State Board.

(i) For the programs and activities carried out by One-Stop partners, as described in WIA section 121(b) and 20 CFR 662.200 and 662.210, the State Board must include:

(1) The lead State agency officials with responsibility for such program, or

(2) In any case in which no lead State agency official has responsibility for such a program service, a representative in the State with expertise relating to such program, service or activity.

(3) If the director of the designated State unit, as defined in section 7(8)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act, does not represent the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services program (VR program) on the State Board, then the State must describe in its State plan how the member of the State Board representing the VR program will effectively represent the interests, needs, and priorities of the VR program and how the employment needs of individuals with disabilities in the State will be addressed.

(j) An individual may be appointed as a representative of more than one entity if the individual meets all the criteria for representation, including the criteria described in paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section, for each entity. (WIA sec. 111)

authority: Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c)
source: 65 FR 49390, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 661.200