Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 662.240 - What are a program's applicable core services?

(a) The core services applicable to any One-Stop partner program are those services described in paragraph (b) of this section, that are authorized and provided under the partner's program.

(b) The core services identified in section 134(d)(2) of the WIA are:

(1) Determinations of whether the individuals are eligible to receive assistance under subtitle B of title I of WIA;

(2) Outreach, intake (which may include worker profiling), and orientation to the information and other services available through the One-Stop delivery system;

(3) Initial assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and supportive service needs;

(4) Job search and placement assistance, and where appropriate, career counseling;

(5) Provision of employment statistics information, including the provision of accurate information relating to local, regional, and national labor market areas, including—

(i) Job vacancy listings in such labor market areas;

(ii) Information on job skills necessary to obtain the listed jobs; and

(iii) Information relating to local occupations in demand and the earnings and skill requirements for such occupations;

(6) Provision of program performance information and program cost information on:

(i) Eligible providers of training services described in WIA section 122;

(ii) Eligible providers of youth activities described in WIA section 123;

(iii) Providers of adult education described in title II;

(iv) Providers of postsecondary vocational education activities and vocational education activities available to school dropouts under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.); and

(v) Providers of vocational rehabilitation program activities described in title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.);

(7) Provision of information on how the local area is performing on the local performance measures and any additional performance information with respect to the One-Stop delivery system in the local area;

(8) Provision of accurate information relating to the availability of supportive services, including, at a minimum, child care and transportation, available in the local area, and referral to such services, as appropriate;

(9) Provision of information regarding filing claims for unemployment compensation;

(10) Assistance in establishing eligibility for programs of financial aid assistance for training and education programs that are not funded under this Act and are available in the local area; and

(11) Followup services, including counseling regarding the workplace, for participants in workforce investment activities authorized under subtitle (B) of title I of WIA who are placed in unsubsidized employment, for not less than 12 months after the first day of the employment, as appropriate.

[65 FR 49398, Aug. 11, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 35523, June 21, 2006]
authority: Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c)
source: 65 FR 49398, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 662.240