Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 667.130 - How are WIA title I formula funds allocated to local workforce investment areas?

(a) General. The Governor must allocate WIA formula funds allotted for services to youth, adults and dislocated workers in accordance with WIA sections 128 and 133, and this section.

(1) State Boards must assist Governors in the development of any discretionary within-State allocation formulas. (WIA sec. 111(d)(5).)

(2) Within-State allocations must be made:

(i) In accordance with the allocation formulas contained in WIA sections 128(b) and 133(b) and in the State workforce investment plan, and

(ii) After consultation with chief elected officials in each of the workforce investment areas.

(b) State reserve. (1) Of the WIA formula funds allotted for services to youth, adults and dislocated workers, the Governor must reserve funds from each of these sources for Statewide workforce investment activities. In making these reservations, the Governor may reserve up to fifteen (15) percent from each of these sources. Funds reserved under this paragraph may be combined and spent on Statewide employment and training activities, for adults and dislocated workers, and Statewide youth activities, as described in 20 CFR 665.200 and 665.210, without regard to the funding source of the reserved funds.

(2) The Governor must reserve a portion of the dislocated worker funds for Statewide rapid response activities, as described in WIA section 134(a)(2)(A) and 20 CFR 665.310 through 665.330. In making this reservation, the Governor may reserve up to twenty-five (25) percent of the dislocated worker funds.

(c) Youth allocation formula. (1) Unless the Governor elects to distribute funds in accordance with the discretionary allocation formula described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the remainder of youth funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be allocated:

(i) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in all areas of substantial unemployment in the State;

(ii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative excess number of unemployed individuals in each workforce investment area, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the State; and

(iii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged youth in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged youth in the State. (WIA sec. 128(b)(2)(A)(i))

(2) Discretionary youth allocation formula. In lieu of making the formula allocation described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the State may allocate youth funds under a discretionary formula. Under that formula, the State must allocate a minimum of 70 percent of youth funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) of this section on the basis of the formula in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and may allocate up to 30 percent on the basis of a formula that:

(i) Incorporates additional factors (other than the factors described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section) relating to:

(A) Excess youth poverty in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(B) Excess unemployment above the State average in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(ii) Was developed by the State Board and approved by the Secretary of Labor as part of the State workforce investment plan. (WIA sec. 128(b)(3).)

(d) Adult allocation formula. (1) Unless the Governor elects to distribute funds in accordance with the discretionary allocation formula described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the remainder of adult funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be allocated:

(i) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in the State;

(ii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative excess number of unemployed individuals in each workforce investment area, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the State; and

(iii) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged adults in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged adults in the State. (WIA sec. 133(b)(2)(A)(i))

(2) Discretionary adult allocation formula. In lieu of making the formula allocation described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the State may allocate adult funds under a discretionary formula. Under that formula, the State must allocate a minimum of 70 percent of adult funds on the basis of the formula in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, and may allocate up to 30 percent on the basis of a formula that:

(i) Incorporates additional factors (other than the factors described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section) relating to:

(A) Excess poverty in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(B) Excess unemployment above the State average in urban, rural and suburban local areas; and

(ii) Was developed by the State Board and approved by the Secretary of Labor as part of the State workforce investment plan. (WIA sec. 133(b)(3).)

(e) Dislocated worker allocation formula. (1) The remainder of dislocated worker funds not reserved under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section must be allocated on the basis of a formula prescribed by the Governor that distributes funds in a manner that addresses the State's worker readjustment assistance needs. Funds so distributed must not be less than 60 percent of the State's formula allotment.

(2)(i) The Governor's dislocated worker formula must use the most appropriate information available to the Governor, including information on:

(A) Insured unemployment data,

(B) Unemployment concentrations,

(C) Plant closings and mass layoff data,

(D) Declining industries data,

(E) Farmer-rancher economic hardship data, and

(F) Long-term unemployment data.

(ii) The State Plan must describe the data used for the formula and the weights assigned, and explain the State's decision to use other information or to omit any of the information sources set forth in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section.

(3) The Governor may not amend the dislocated worker formula more than once for any program year.

(4)(i) Dislocated worker funds initially reserved by the Governor for Statewide rapid response activities in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section may be:

(A) Distributed to local areas, and

(B) Used to operate projects in local areas in accordance with the requirements of WIA section 134(a)(2)(A) and 20 CFR 665.310 through 665.330.

(ii) The State Plan must describe the procedures for any distribution to local areas, including the timing and process for determining whether a distribution will take place.

authority: Subtitle C of Title I, Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (20 U.S.C. 9276(c)); Executive Order 13198, 66 FR 8497, 3 CFR 2001 Comp., p. 750; Executive Order 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR 2002 Comp., p. 258
source: 65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 667.130