Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 667.810 - What rules of procedure apply to hearings conducted under this subpart?

(a) Rules of practice and procedure. The rules of practice and procedure promulgated by the OALJ at subpart A of 29 CFR part 18, govern the conduct of hearings under this subpart. However, a request for hearing under this subpart is not considered a complaint to which the filing of an answer by DOL or a DOL agency or official is required. Technical rules of evidence will not apply to hearings conducted pursuant to this part. However, rules or principles designed to assure production of the most credible evidence available and to subject testimony to cross-examination will apply.

(b) Prehearing procedures. In all cases, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) should encourage the use of prehearing procedures to simplify and clarify facts and issues.

(c) Subpoenas. Subpoenas necessary to secure the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents or other items at hearings must be obtained from the ALJ and must be issued under the authority contained in section 183(c) of the Act, incorporating 15 U.S.C. 49.

(d) Timely submission of evidence. The ALJ must not permit the introduction at the hearing of any documentation if it has not been made available for review by the other parties to the proceeding either at the time ordered for any prehearing conference, or, in the absence of such an order, at least 3 weeks prior to the hearing date.

(e) Burden of production. The Grant Officer has the burden of production to support her or his decision. To this end, the Grant Officer prepares and files an administrative file in support of the decision which must be made part of the record. Thereafter, the party or parties seeking to overturn the Grant Officer's decision has the burden of persuasion.

authority: Subtitle C of Title I, Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (20 U.S.C. 9276(c)); Executive Order 13198, 66 FR 8497, 3 CFR 2001 Comp., p. 750; Executive Order 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR 2002 Comp., p. 258
source: 65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 667.810