Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 618.210 - Investigation.

(a) Timing. The Department will initiate an investigation once it has deemed the petition valid in accordance with § 618.205(f).

(b) Period of investigation. For purposes of this subpart, the period of investigation is the time period it takes to investigate each of the criteria that are part of the Department's determination. The period of investigation varies for some eligibility criteria; § 618.225 describes the period of investigation for each criterion.

(c) Investigative process. To determine whether the petitioning group of workers' eligibility criteria for certification have been met, the Department may take as many of the steps in paragraphs (c)(1) through (8) of this section during the investigation as it deems necessary to identify the group of workers and to reach a determination of eligibility to apply for TAA Program benefits for the identified worker group:

(1) Verify information on the petition form by contacting the petitioner(s);

(2) Provide the petitioner(s) the opportunity to submit additional evidence in support of the petition;

(3) Obtain publicly available information about the workers' firm and industry;

(4) Request information from the workers' firm;

(5) Request information from the customers of the workers' firm;

(6) Request information from the officials of certified or recognized unions or other duly authorized representatives of the group of workers;

(7) Request information from one-stop center operators or one-stop partners; or

(8) Use other available sources of information as necessary.

(d) Protection of confidential business information. (1) The Department will determine whether information submitted by a firm or customer is confidential business information in accordance with FOIA, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552), Executive Order 12600, the Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. 1905), and 29 CFR part 70.

(2) The Department will not disclose confidential business information without the consent of the submitting firm or customer, unless under a court order to do so or as otherwise required by law.

(e) Termination of investigation. (1) The Department will notify the petitioner of the termination of an investigation, publish a Notice of Termination of Investigation in the Federal Register, and post on the Department's website. The Department may terminate an investigation if the investigation establishes one of the following:

(i) The petition is invalid, which includes petitions identifying a nonexistent group of workers, filed under false pretenses, or perpetuating fraud;

(ii) The petitioner has withdrawn the petition in writing;

(iii) The group of workers identified in the investigation is the same as a group of workers identified in another pending investigation;

(iv) The group of workers identified in the investigation already has been issued a denial, and the period of investigation applicable to the current investigation and the previous denial is the same; or

(v) The group of workers identified in the investigation is already covered by a certification that does not expire within 90 calendar days of the determination.

(2) If appropriate to protect the interests of the group of workers covered by a petition filed and terminated under paragraph (e)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section, the Department may use the original impact date of the terminated petition for the identical group of workers covered under a later, valid, petition covering the identical group of workers, provided that it is filed within 30 calendar days of the filing date of the first petition. Under no circumstances will the Department use the impact date of an earlier petition when that petition was terminated for being invalid under paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section because it was filed under false pretenses or to perpetuate a fraud.

(3) Section 618.245 describes reconsideration of a termination of investigation.

(f) Investigative record. The investigative record of a determination will include the petition that initiated the investigation, the documents and other materials provided to the Department in connection with the determination on the petition, research conducted by the Department, and records of investigation activities (including but not limited to telephone logs and email correspondence, and any determination under § 618.225(a), (b), or (c)). The investigative record excludes information that is privileged or otherwise exempt from disclosure. Personally identifiable information and confidential business information will be protected consistent with all Federal authorities and Departmental administrative guidance.

(g) Site visits. The investigation may include one or more site visits to confirm information furnished by the petitioner(s) and to elicit other relevant information, where other methods to obtain or confirm information or both, are unsuccessful.

authority: 19 U.S.C. 2320; Secretary's Order No. 6-2010, 75 FR 66267 (Oct. 27, 2010)
source: 85 FR 51972, Aug. 21, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 618.210