Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 618.445 - Eligibility for a relocation allowance.

(a) Conditions. To be eligible for a relocation allowance, the AAW must:

(1) File an application before either:

(i) The later of the 425th day after the date of the certification under which the worker is covered, or the 425th day after the date of the worker's last total separation; or

(ii) The 182nd day after the date the worker concluded training;

(2) Be an AAW totally separated from adversely affected employment when the relocation begins;

(3) Not have already received a relocation allowance under the same certification;

(4) Relocate within the United States but outside the worker's commuting area;

(5) Receive a determination by the State that the worker has no reasonable expectation of securing suitable employment in the commuting area, and has obtained either suitable employment or employment that pays a wage of at least the 75th percentile of national wages, as determined by the National Occupational Employment Wage Estimates, and otherwise meets the suitable employment requirements, or a bona fide offer of such employment, in the area of intended relocation;

(6) Begin the relocation as promptly as possible after the date of certification but no later than:

(i) 182 days after the worker filed the application for a relocation allowance; or

(ii) 182 days after the conclusion of an approved training program, if the worker entered a training program that received supplemental assistance approved under § 618.640(c) (subsistence payments) and (d) (transportation payments), for training outside the worker's commuting area; and

(7) Complete the relocation, as described in § 618.460(f), within a reasonable time as determined in accordance with FTR with the State giving consideration to, among other factors, whether:

(i) Suitable housing is available in the area of relocation;

(ii) The worker can dispose of the worker's residence;

(iii) The worker or a family member is ill; and

(iv) A member of the family is attending school, and when the family can best transfer the member to a school in the area of relocation.

(b) Job search allowances. The State may not approve a relocation allowance and a job search allowance for an AAW at the same time. However, if the worker has received a job search allowance, the worker may receive a relocation allowance at a later time or receive a relocation allowance as a result of a successful job search for which the worker received a job search allowance.

authority: 19 U.S.C. 2320; Secretary's Order No. 6-2010, 75 FR 66267 (Oct. 27, 2010)
source: 85 FR 51972, Aug. 21, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 618.445