Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 618.665 - Amending approved training.

(a) Conditions for amending approved training. The State must, with the cooperation of the trade-affected worker, amend a worker's approved training program under the following conditions:

(1) The State determines that one or more of these conditions are present:

(i) A course or courses designed to satisfy unforeseen needs of the worker, such as remedial education or new employer skills requirements, are necessary;

(ii) A course or courses added to the training program will enhance and complement the worker's original training program, such as preparatory courses to obtain an industry-recognized credential, certification, or license that will improve the worker's chance of being hired;

(iii) Additional assistance such as tutoring or the use of translators would benefit the worker, keep the worker qualified for the training in which he or she is enrolled, and be sufficient for the worker to complete the training program;

(iv) Approval of a longerterm training program that will improve the likelihood of employment upon the completion of such training;

(v) The originally approved training program cannot be successfully completed by the worker;

(vi) The originally approved training program is determined to be of inferior quality;

(vii) Training in another occupation will lead to a greater likelihood of training completion or a better employment outcome, as a result of a change in labor market conditions or the worker's experience in the originally approved training program, or other similar factor;

(viii) The worker is moving from full-time training to part-time training or from part-time training to full-time training;

(ix) An AAIW has been separated from adversely affected employment and has transitioned to become an AAW, or an AAIW is continuing training after a threat of separation was first removed, then resumed; or

(x) An additional source of funding becomes available for which a prearrangement is required under § 618.625(c)(4).

(2) The combination of time spent in the originally approved training program and the time it will take to complete the amended training program will not exceed the duration of training limit for the type of training included in the training program, as provided at § 618.615(d)(3).

(3) Amending the approved training program occurs before a worker finishes the originally approved training program and prior to the originally scheduled date of completion.

(b) Criteria for amending a training program. The State must determine that the following criteria are met before amending a training program:

(1) Criterion 1: A reasonable expectation of employment following completion of such training continues to exist. Given the labor market conditions expected to exist at the time of the completion of the training program, a reasonable expectation, fairly and objectively considered, exists that the trade-affected worker is likely to find employment, using the skills and education acquired while in training, upon completion of approved training. The labor market conditions considered must be limited to those in the worker's commuting area, or in the area where the worker intends to relocate.

(i) “A reasonable expectation of employment” does not require that employment opportunities for the worker be available, or offered, immediately upon the completion of the approved training.

(ii) The State must review the expected job market conditions using pertinent labor market data in the worker's case file to ensure it continues to apply to the amended training program and the worker's occupational goal as identified on the worker's IEP, if available, and in the worker's case file.

(iii) When a worker desires to relocate within the United States but outside the worker's present commuting area upon completion of training, the State must ensure the labor market information (described in § 618.610(c)(2)) supports the determination that a reasonable expectation of employment continues to exist within the area of the planned relocation. The labor market information must be in the area of planned relocation.

(iv) A reasonable expectation of employment may exist in a limited demand occupation for a single, trained worker in the worker's commuting area or in the area to which the worker desires to relocate. The State must determine that there continues to be a reasonable expectation that the worker can secure employment in the limited demand occupation.

(v) A State may approve an amended training program in an occupation if it finds that there is a reasonable expectation that the additional training will lead to self-employment in the occupation for which the worker requests training, and that such self-employment will provide the worker with wages or earnings at or near the worker's wages in adversely affected employment.

(vi) Amended training programs that consist of solely OJT or contain an OJT component are not approvable if they are not expected to lead to suitable employment, with the employer providing the OJT, in compliance with section 236(c)(1)(B)(i) of the Act.

(2) Criterion 2: Training continues to be reasonably available to the worker. In determining whether training continues to be reasonably available to the worker, the State must first consider training opportunities available in the worker's commuting area. States may approve training outside the commuting area if none is available at the time in the worker's commuting area. Whether the training is in or outside the commuting area, the amended training program must be available at a reasonable cost as prescribed in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(3) Criterion 3: The worker continues to be qualified to undertake and complete such amended training. States must ensure the following:

(i) The worker's knowledge, skills, and abilities, educational background, work experience, and financial resources remain sufficient to undertake and complete the specific amendment to the training program being considered.

(ii) The initial assessment or comprehensive and specialized assessment, and IEP, if available, developed under subpart C of this part are to be consulted in order to support the trade-affected worker's ability to undertake and complete the proposed amended training program.

(iii) Where the worker's remaining available weeks of UI and TRA payments will not equal or exceed the duration of the amended training program, that the worker will have sufficient financial resources to support completion of the training program within the time limits noted in § 618.615(d) (limitations on training approval). In making this determination, the State must consider:

(A) The worker's remaining weeks of UI and TRA payments in relation to the duration of the proposed amended training program;

(B) Other sources of income support available to the worker including severance, earnings of other family members, and other family resources;

(C) Other fixed financial obligations and expenses of the worker and family;

(D) The availability of Federal student financial assistance or any State-funded student financial assistance or any private funding designated for student financial assistance, including, but not limited to, nongovernmental scholarships, awards, or grants; and

(E) Whether or not the worker is employed while attending training.

(iv) The State must document whether or not the trade-affected worker has sufficient financial resources to complete the amended training program that exceeds the duration of UI and TRA payments.

(v) If a worker has insufficient financial resources to complete the proposed amended training program that exceeds the duration of UI and TRA payments, then the State must not approve that amended training and must instead consider resuming the originally approved training program or other training opportunities available to the worker.

(4) Criterion 4: Such amended training continues to be suitable for the worker and available at a reasonable cost—(i) Suitable for the worker. The amended training being considered must address the criteria set out in paragraph (b)(3) of this section (Criterion 3), this paragraph (b)(4), and be determined by the State to be appropriate given the worker's knowledge, skills, and abilities, background, and experience relative to the worker's employment goal, and criteria set out in paragraph (b)(1) of this section (Criterion 1).

(ii) Available at a reasonable cost. (A) Costs of an amended training program may include, but are not limited to, tuition and related expenses (e.g., books, tools, computers and other electronic devices, internet access, uniforms and other training-related clothing such as goggles and work boots, laboratory fees, and other academic fees required as part of the amended training program) as well as supplemental assistance (subsistence expenses and transportation expenses as described in § 618.640(c) and (d)). States must pay the costs of initial licensing and certification tests and fees where a license or certification is required for employment.

(1) The State must ensure and document that the amended training program costs are reasonable by researching costs for similar training programs, whether it is classroom or work-based training.

(2) Related expenses must be necessary for the worker to complete the amended training program. Other options should be explored before purchasing equipment or related materials.

(B) Available at a reasonable cost means that amended training must not be approved at one provider when, all costs being considered, training better or substantially similar in quality, content and results can be obtained from another provider at a lower total cost within a similar time frame. Amended training must not be approved when the costs of the training are unreasonably high in comparison with the average costs of training other workers in similar occupations at other providers. The State may approve a higher cost training if that training is reasonably expected to result in a higher likelihood of employment, employment retention, or greater earnings, or to return the worker to employment in a significantly shorter duration.

(C) Training at facilities outside the worker's commuting area requiring transportation or subsistence payments that add substantially to the total cost of the amended training program may not be approved if other appropriate training is available in the commuting area at a lower cost, unless the exception described in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B) of this section applies.

(D) Approval of amended training under paragraph (b)(4) of this section (Criterion 4) is also subject to the provisions of § 618.650.

authority: 19 U.S.C. 2320; Secretary's Order No. 6-2010, 75 FR 66267 (Oct. 27, 2010)
source: 85 FR 51972, Aug. 21, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 618.665