Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Feb 25, 2025
§ 1107.50 - Rescission of order.

(a) Grounds for rescinding a substantially equivalent order. FDA may rescind a substantially equivalent order allowing a new tobacco product to be marketed if FDA determines that:

(1) The tobacco product for which the order has been issued:

(i) Does not have the same characteristics as the predicate tobacco product; or

(ii) Has different characteristics and there is insufficient information demonstrating that it is not appropriate to require a premarket tobacco product application under section 910(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act because the product does not raise different questions of public health; or

(2) The SE Report (including any submitted amendments) contains an untrue statement of material fact; or

(3) Concerning an SE Report that compared the new tobacco product to a tobacco product that FDA previously found substantially equivalent,

(i) The predicate tobacco product relied on in the SE Report has been found ineligible because its SE Report (including any amendments) contains an untrue statement of material fact; or

(ii) A predicate tobacco product on which any of the previous substantial equivalence determinations was based, going back to the original predicate tobacco product, has been found ineligible because its SE Report (including any amendments) contains an untrue statement of material fact; or

(4) FDA or the applicant has removed from the market, due to a health or safety concern related to the tobacco product:

(i) The predicate tobacco product on which the substantial equivalence determination is based; or

(ii) A predicate tobacco product on which any of the previous substantial equivalence determinations is based, going back to the original predicate tobacco product, if the substantial equivalence SE Report compared the new tobacco product to a tobacco product that FDA previously found substantially equivalent.

(b) Opportunity for a hearing. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section, FDA will rescind an order only after notice and opportunity for a hearing under part 16 of this chapter.

(2) FDA may rescind a substantially equivalent order prior to notice and opportunity for a hearing under part 16 of this chapter if it finds that there is a reasonable probability that continued marketing of the tobacco product presents a serious risk to public health. In that case, FDA will provide the manufacturer an opportunity for a hearing as soon as possible after the rescission.

(3) FDA may rescind a substantially equivalent order without notice and opportunity for a hearing under part 16 of this chapter if the applicant has notified the Agency of a mistake in the application, FDA has determined that the mistake is part of the underlying scientific determination of the order which makes the order invalid, and the applicant has agreed that FDA can rescind the order without providing notice and opportunity for a hearing under part 16 of this chapter.

authority: 21 U.S.C. 371,374,387e,387i,387j; Pub. L. 117-103, 136 Stat. 49
source: 76 FR 38974, July 5, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 1107.50