Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Feb 25, 2025
§ 822.3 - How do you define the terms used in this part?

Some of the terms we use in this part are specific to postmarket surveillance and reflect the language used in the statute (law). Other terms are more general and reflect our interpretation of the law. This section of the part defines the following terms:

(a) Act means the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 301 et seq., as amended.

(b) Designated person means the individual who conducts or supervises the conduct of your postmarket surveillance. If your postmarket surveillance plan includes a team of investigators, as defined below, the designated person is the responsible leader of that team.

(c) Device failure means a device does not perform or function as intended, and includes any deviation from the device's performance specifications or intended use.

(d) General plan guidance means agency guidance that provides information about the requirement to conduct postmarket surveillance, the submission of a plan to us for approval, the content of the submission, and the conduct and reporting requirements of the surveillance.

(e) Human cell, tissue, or cellular or tissue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a device means an HCT/P as defined in § 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that is also regulated as a device.

(f) Investigator means an individual who collects data or information in support of a postmarket surveillance plan.

(g) Life-supporting or life-sustaining device used outside a device user facility means that a device is essential to, or yields information essential to, the restoration or continuation of a bodily function important to the continuation of human life and is used outside a hospital, nursing home, ambulatory surgical facility, or diagnostic or outpatient treatment facility. A physician's office is not a device user facility.

(h) Manufacturer means any person, including any importer, repacker, and/or relabeler, who manufactures, prepares, propagates, compounds, assembles, processes a device, or engages in any of the activities described in § 807.3(d) of this chapter.

(i) Postmarket surveillance means the active, systematic, scientifically valid collection, analysis, and interpretation of data or other information about a marketed device.

(j) Prospective surveillance means that the subjects are identified at the beginning of the surveillance and data or other information will be collected from that time forward (as opposed to retrospective surveillance).

(k) Serious adverse health consequences means any significant adverse experience related to a device, including device-related events that are life-threatening or that involve permanent or long-term injuries or illnesses.

(l) Specific guidance means guidance that provides information regarding postmarket surveillance for specific types or categories of devices or specific postmarket surveillance issues. This type of guidance may be used to supplement general guidance and may address such topics as the type of surveillance approach that is appropriate for the device and the postmarket surveillance question, sample size, or specific reporting requirements.

(m) Surveillance question means the issue or issues to be addressed by the postmarket surveillance.

(n) Unforeseen adverse event means any serious adverse health consequence that either is not addressed in the labeling of the device or occurs at a rate higher than anticipated.

(o) Unique device identifier (UDI) means an identifier that adequately identifies a device through its distribution and use by meeting the requirements of § 830.20 of this chapter. A UDI is composed of:

(1) A device identifier—a mandatory, fixed portion of a UDI that identifies the specific version or model of a device and the labeler of that device; and

(2) A production identifier—a conditional, variable portion of a UDI that identifies one or more of the following when included on the label of the device:

(i) The lot or batch within which a device was manufactured;

(ii) The serial number of a specific device;

(iii) The expiration date of a specific device;

(iv) The date a specific device was manufactured.

(v) For an HCT/P regulated as a device, the distinct identification code required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter.

[67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 78 FR 58823, Sept. 24, 2013]
source: 67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 822.3