(a) Public calendar. A public calendar will be prepared and made publicly available by FDA each week showing, to the extent feasible, significant events of the previous week, including significant meetings with persons outside the executive branch, that involve the representatives of FDA designated under paragraph (c) of this section.
(1) Public calendar entries will include:
(i) Significant meetings with members of the judiciary, representatives of Congress, or staffs of congressional committees when the meeting relates to a pending court case, administrative hearing, or other regulatory action or decision;
(ii) Significant meetings, conferences, seminars, and speeches; and
(iii) Social events sponsored by the regulated industry.
(2) The public calendar will not include reports of meetings that would prejudice law enforcement activities (e.g., a meeting with an informant) or invade privacy (e.g., a meeting with a candidate for possible employment at FDA), meetings with members of the press, or meetings with onsite contractors.
(b) Calendar entries. The calendar will specify for each entry the date, person(s), and subject matter involved. If a large number of persons are in attendance, the name of each individual need not be specified. When more than one FDA representative is in attendance, the most senior agency official will report the meeting on the public calendar.
(c) Affected persons. The following FDA representatives are subject to the requirements of this section:
(1) Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
(2) Senior Associate Commissioners.
(3) Deputy Commissioners.
(4) Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs.
(5) Center Directors.
(6) Chief Counsel for the Food and Drug Administration.
(d) Public display. The public calendar will be placed on public display at the following locations:
(1) Dockets Management Staff.
(2) Office of the Associate Commissioner for Public Affairs.
(3) The FDA home page, to the extent feasible.
[66 FR 6468, Jan. 22, 2001]