Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 213.11 - Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.

(a) Interest. USAID will assess interest on all delinquent debts unless prohibited by statute, regulation or contract.

(1) Interest begins to accrue on all delinquent debts starting from the day after the payment due date established in the initial written demand-for payment notice to the debtor. USAID will assess an annual rate of interest that is equal to the U.S. Department of the Treasury Current Value of Funds Rate (CVFR) unless a different rate is necessary to protect the interest of the Federal Government. USAID will notify the debtor of the basis for its finding that a different rate is necessary to protect the interest of the Government.

(2) The rate of interest, as initially assessed, remains fixed for the duration of the indebtedness. If a debtor defaults on a repayment agreement, interest may be set at the Treasury rate in effect on the date a new agreement is executed.

(3) Interest will not be assessed on interest charges, administrative costs or late payment penalties. However, where a debtor defaults on a previous repayment agreement and interest, administrative costs and penalties charges have been waived under the defaulted agreement, these charges can be reinstated and added to the debt principal under any new agreement and interest charged on the entire amount of the debt.

(b) Administrative costs of collecting overdue debts. The costs of the Agency's administrative handling of overdue debts including charges assessed by Treasury in cross-servicing USAID debts, based on either actual or average cost incurred, will be charged on all debts except those owed by State and local governments and Indian tribes. These costs include both direct and indirect costs.

(c) Penalties. As provided by 31 U.S.C. 3717(e)(2), a penalty charge will be assessed on all debts, except those owned by State and local governments and Indian tribes, more than 90 days delinquent. The penalty charge will be at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum and will be assessed monthly.

(d) Allocation of payments. A partial payment by a debtor will be applied first to outstanding administrative costs, second to penalty assessments, third to accrued interest and then to the outstanding debt principal.

(e) Waivers for the collection of interest, penalties, and administrative costs. (1) The CFO will waive the collection of interest and administrative charges on the portion of the debt paid within 30 days after the date on which interest begins to accrue. The CFO may extend this 30-day period, on a case-by case basis, when he or she determines that such action is in the best interest of the Federal Government. A decision to extend or not to extend the payment period is final, and is not subject to further review.

(2) The CFO may (without regard to the amount of the debt) waive the collection of all or part of accrued interest, penalties, or administrative costs, when he or she determines that—

(i) A waiver is justified under the standards for the compromise of claims under § 213.25; or

(ii) Collection of these charges would be against equity and good conscience, or is not in the best interest of the United States.

(3) The CFO may make a decision to waive interest, penalties, or administrative costs at any time.

[67 FR 47258, July 18, 2002. Redesignated and amended at 86 FR 31142, June 11, 2021]
source: 67 FR 47258, July 18, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 213.11