(a) Principals who qualify for benefits under § 192.1 and are employees of the U.S. Government are considered for disability payments under programs administered by the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP), Department of Labor, or in the case of foreign service national employees, the programs may be administered by either OWCP or the organizational authority in the country of employment which provides similar coverage under the local compensation plan established pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 3968. Normal filing procedures as specified by either OWCP or the local organizational authority which provides such coverage should be followed in determining eligibility. Duplicate benefits may not be received from both OWCP and the local organizational authority for the same claim. Additional benefits to persons qualifying for full FECA or similar benefits would not normally be payable under this subpart, except to foreign service national employees whose benefit levels are below comparable benefits payable to U.S. citizen employees under FECA. Foreign service national employees whose benefit levels are below comparable benefits payable to U.S. citizens under FECA may receive benefits under this subpart so that total benefits received are comparable to the benefits payable to U.S. citizen employees under FECA.
(b) Family members who do not qualify for either OWCP benefits or benefits from the organizational authority in the country of employment which provides similar coverage, and anyone eligible under § 192.1(a) who does not qualify for full benefits from OWCP, must file an application for disability benefits with the Office of Medical Services, Department of State, for a determination of eligibility under this subpart, if connected with hostile action abroad. Applications made in connection with hostile action in domestic situations will be directed to the Agency Head. Such applications for disability payments will be considered using the same criteria for determination as established by OWCP.
(c) Family members who are determined to be disabled by the Office of Medical Services, or Agency Head using the OWCP criteria, are eligible to receive a lump-sum payment based on the following guidelines:
(1) Permanent total disability rate. A lump-sum payment equal to two year's salary of the Principal at the time of the qualifying incident.
(2) Temporary total disability rate. A lump-sum payment computed at 66
2/3 percent of the monthly pay rate of the Principal for each month of temporary total disability, not to exceed one year's salary of the Principal.
(3) Partial disability rate. A lump-sum payment authorized in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8106,equal,not. For family members with no wage-earning history, a lump-sum payment equal to 66
2/3 percent of the difference between the estimated monthly wage-earning capacity of the family member at the time of the qualifying incident and the monthly wage-earning capacity after the beginning of the partial disability, not to exceed one year's salary of the Principal may be authorized, using the criteria established by OWCP for such determination.
(4) Special loss schedule. In addition to the temporary disability benefits payable in accordance with this subsection, if there is permanent disability involving the loss, or loss of use, of a member or function of the body or involving disfigurement, a lump-sum payment may be authorized at the rate of 25 percent of the payment authorized in accordance with the schedule and procedures in 5 U.S.C. 8107 and 20 CFR 10.304. The Director General of the Foreign Service of State or the Agency Head, may at their discretion, authorize payments under this subpart in addition to payments for those organs and members of the body specified in 5 U.S.C. 8107 and in 20 CFR 10.304. The provisions of 20 CFR part 10, subpart D, which prevent the payment of disability compensation and scheduled compensation simultaneously, shall not apply to these regulations.
Cash payments under this subpart are the responsibility of the employing agency.
[54 FR 12597, Mar. 28, 1989; 54 FR 16195, Apr. 21, 1989]