Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 23 - Highways last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 490.107 - Reporting on performance targets.

(a) In general. All State DOTs and MPOs shall report the information specified in this section for the targets required in § 490.105.

(1) All State DOTs and MPOs shall report in accordance with the schedule and content requirements under paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, respectively.

(2) For the measures identified in § 490.207(a), all State DOTs and MPO shall report on performance in accordance with § 490.213.

(3) State DOTs shall report using an electronic template provided by FHWA.

(b) State Biennial Performance Report. State DOTs shall report to FHWA baseline condition/performance at the beginning of a performance period and progress achievement at both the midpoint and end of a performance period. State DOTs shall report at an ongoing 2-year frequency as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Baseline Performance Period Report—(i) Schedule. State DOTs shall submit a Baseline Performance Period Report to FHWA by October 1st of the first year in a performance period. State DOTs shall submit their first Baseline Performance Period Report to FHWA by October 1, 2018, and subsequent Baseline Performance Period Reports to FHWA by October 1st every 4 years thereafter, except for the GHG measure specified in § 490.105(c)(5). For the Baseline Performance Period Report, State DOTs shall submit information related to the GHG measure in the report due to FHWA by October 1, 2026, and every 4 years thereafter.

(ii) Content. The State DOT shall report the following information in each Baseline Performance Period Report:

(A) Targets. 2-year and 4-year targets for the performance period, as required in § 490.105(e), and a discussion, to the maximum extent practicable, of the basis for each established target;

(B) Baseline condition/performance. Baseline condition/performance derived from the latest data collected through the beginning date of the performance period specified in § 490.105(e)(4)(i) for each target, required under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section;

(C) Relationship with other performance expectations. A discussion, to the maximum extent practicable, on how the established targets in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section support expectations documented in longer range plans, such as the State asset management plan required by 23 U.S.C. 119(e) and the long-range statewide transportation plan provided in part 450 of this chapter;

(D) Urbanized area boundaries and population data for targets. For the purpose of establishing additional targets for urbanized and non-urbanized areas in § 490.105(e)(3) and the urbanized area specific targets in § 490.105(e)(8), State DOTs shall document the boundary extent for all applicable urbanized areas based on information in HPMS;

(E) Congestion at truck freight bottlenecks. The State DOT shall document the location of truck freight bottlenecks within the State, including those identified in the National Freight Strategic Plan. If a State has prepared a State Freight Plan under 49 U.S.C. 70202,within,then;

(F) Nonattainment and maintenance area for targets. Where applicable, for the purpose of determining target scope in § 490.105(d) and any additional targets under § 490.105(e)(9)(iv), State DOTs shall describe the boundaries of U.S. EPA's designated nonattainment and maintenance areas, as described in §§ 490.103(c) and 490.105(e)(9)(v);

(G) MPO CMAQ Performance Plan. Where applicable, State DOTs shall include as an attachment the MPO CMAQ Performance Plan, described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section;

(H) GHG metric and metric information for the GHG measure. The metric and the individual values used to calculate the GHG metric, as described in § 490.511(c), for the calendar year preceding the reporting year, and a description of the data source(s) used for the VMT information.

(I) Data collection method for the Percent of Non-SOV Travel measure. Where applicable, State DOTs shall report the data collection method that is used to determine the Percent of Non-SOV Travel measure, in § 490.707(b), for each applicable urbanized area in the State, as provided in § 490.709(f)(2).

(2) Mid Performance Period Progress Report

(i) Schedule. State DOTs shall submit a Mid Performance Period Progress Report to FHWA by October 1st of the third year in a performance period. State DOTs shall submit their first Mid Performance Period Progress Report to FHWA by October 1, 2020, and subsequent Mid Performance Period Progress Reports to FHWA by October 1st every 4 years thereafter, except for the GHG measure specified in § 490.105(c)(5). For the Mid Performance Period Progress Report, the State DOTs shall submit information related to the GHG measure in the report due to FHWA by October 1, 2028, and every 4 years thereafter.

(ii) Content. The State DOT shall report the following information in each Mid Performance Period Progress Report:

(A) 2-year condition/performance. The actual condition/performance derived from the latest data collected through the midpoint of the performance period, specified in § 490.105(e)(4), for each State DOT reported target required in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section;

(B) 2-year progress in achieving performance targets. A discussion of the State DOT's progress toward achieving each established 2-year target in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section. The State DOT shall compare the actual 2-year condition/performance in paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, within the boundaries and limits documented in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(D) and (E) of this section, with the respective 2-year target and document in the discussion any reasons for differences in the actual and target values;

(C) Investment strategy discussion. A discussion on the effectiveness of the investment strategies developed and documented in the State asset management plan for the NHS required under 23 U.S.C. 119(e);

(D) Congestion at truck freight bottlenecks. Discussion on progress of the State DOT's efforts in addressing congestion at truck freight bottlenecks within the State, as described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(F) of this section, through comprehensive freight improvement efforts of State Freight Plan or MPO freight plans; the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and Transportation Improvement Program; regional or corridor level efforts; other related planning efforts; and operational and capital activities targeted to improve freight movement on the Interstate System. If a State has prepared a State Freight Plan under 49 U.S.C. 70202 within the previous 2 years, then the State Freight Plan may serve as the basis for addressing congestion at truck freight bottlenecks. If the State Freight Plan has not been updated since the previous State Biennial Performance Report, then an updated analysis of congestion at truck freight bottlenecks must be completed;

(E) Target adjustment discussion. When applicable, a State DOT may submit an adjusted 4-year target to replace an established 4-year target in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section. If the State DOT adjusts its target, it shall include a discussion on the basis for the adjustment and how the adjusted target supports expectations documented in longer range plans, such as the State asset management plan and the long-range statewide transportation plan. The State DOT may only adjust a 4-year target at the midpoint and by reporting the change in the Mid Performance Period Progress Report;

(F) 2-year significant progress discussion for the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) targets and the National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) target. State DOTs shall discuss the progress they have made toward the achievement of all 2-year targets established for the NHPP measures in § 490.105(c)(1) through (5) and the Freight Reliability measure in § 490.105(c)(6). This discussion should document a summary of prior accomplishments and planned activities that will be conducted during the remainder of the performance period to make significant progress toward that achievement of 4-year targets for applicable measures;

(G) Extenuating circumstances discussion on 2-year Targets. When applicable, for 2-year targets for the NHPP or NHFP, a State DOT may include a discussion on the extenuating circumstance(s), described in § 490.109(e)(5), beyond the State DOT's control that prevented the State DOT from making 2-year significant progress toward achieving NHPP or NHFP target(s) in paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(F) of this section;

(H) Applicable target achievement discussion. If FHWA determined that a State DOT has not made significant progress toward the achievement of any 4-year NHPP or NHFP targets in the FHWA determination made after the State DOT submits the Full Performance Period Progress Report for the immediate prior performance period, then the State DOT shall include a description of the actions they will undertake to better achieve those targets as required under § 490.109(f). If FHWA determined under § 490.109(e) that the State DOT has made significant progress for immediate prior performance period's 4-year NHPP or NHFP targets, then the State DOT does not need to include this description for those targets;

(I) MPO CMAQ Performance Plan. Where applicable, State DOTs shall include as an attachment the MPO CMAQ Performance Plan, described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section; and

(J) GHG metric and metric information for the GHG measure. The metric and the individual values used to calculate the GHG metric, as described in § 490.511(c), for the calendar year preceding the reporting year, and a description of the data source(s) used for the VMT information.

(3) Full Performance Period Progress Report—(i) Schedule. State DOTs shall submit a progress report on the full performance period to FHWA by October 1st of the first year following the reference performance period. State DOTs shall submit their first Full Performance Period Progress Report to FHWA by October 1, 2022, and subsequent Full Performance Period Progress Reports to FHWA by October 1st every 4 years thereafter, except for the GHG measure specified in § 490.105(c)(5). For the Full Performance Period Progress Report, State DOTs shall submit information related to the GHG measure in the report due to FHWA by October 1, 2026, and every 4 years thereafter.

(ii) Content. The State DOT shall report the following information for each Full Performance Period Progress Report:

(A) 4-year condition/performance. The actual condition/performance derived from the latest data collected through the end of the performance period, specified in § 490.105(e)(4), for each State DOT reported target required in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section;

(B) 4-year progress in achieving performance targets. A discussion of the State DOT's progress made toward achieving each established 4-year target in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) or (b)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, when applicable. The State DOT shall compare the actual 4-year condition/performance in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, within the boundaries and limits documented in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(D) and (E) of this section, with the respective 4-year target and document in the discussion any reasons for differences in the actual and target values;

(C) Investment strategy discussion. A discussion on the effectiveness of the investment strategies developed and documented in the State asset management plan for the NHS required under 23 U.S.C. 119(e);

(D) Congestion at truck freight bottlenecks. Discussion on progress of the State DOT's efforts in addressing congestion at truck freight bottlenecks within the State, as described in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(F) and (b)(2)(ii)(D) of this section;

(E) 4-year significant progress evaluation for applicable targets. State DOTs shall discuss the progress they have made toward the achievement of all 4-year targets established for the NHPP measures in § 490.105(c)(1) through (5) and the Freight Reliability measure in § 490.105(c)(6). This discussion shall include a summary of accomplishments achieved during the performance period to demonstrate whether the State DOT has made significant progress toward achievement of 4-year targets for those measures;

(F) Extenuating circumstances discussion on applicable targets. When applicable, a State DOT may include discussion on the extenuating circumstance(s), described in § 490.109(e)(5), beyond the State DOT's control that prevented the State DOT from making a 4-year significant progress toward achieving NHPP or NHFP targets, described in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(E) of this section;

(G) Applicable target achievement discussion. If FHWA determined that a State DOT has not made significant progress toward the achievement of any 2-year NHPP or NHFP targets in the biennial FHWA determination made after the State DOT submits the Mid Performance Period Progress Report for the performance period, then the State DOT shall include a description of the actions they will undertake to better achieve those targets as required under § 490.109(f). If FHWA determined in § 490.109(e) that the State DOT has made significant progress for the 2-year NHPP or NHFP targets for the performance period, then the State DOT does not need to include this description for those targets;

(H) MPO CMAQ Performance Plan. Where applicable, State DOTs shall include as an attachment the MPO CMAQ Performance Plan, described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section; and

(I) GHG metric and metric information for the GHG measure. The metric and the individual values used to calculate the GHG metric, as described in § 490.511(c), for the calendar year preceding the reporting year, and a description of the data source(s) used for the VMT information.

(c) MPO Report. The MPOs shall establish targets in accordance with § 490.105 and report targets and progress toward the achievement of their targets in a manner that is consistent with the following:

(1) The MPOs shall report their established targets to their respective State DOT in a manner that is documented and mutually agreed upon by both parties.

(2) The MPOs shall report baseline condition/performance and progress toward the achievement of their targets in the system performance report in the metropolitan transportation plan in accordance with part 450 of this chapter. For the GHG measure in § 490.105(c)(5), the MPOs shall also report:

(i) The calculation of annual tailpipe CO2 emissions for the NHS, and may include all public roads, described in § 490.511(f), for the period between the current and previous system performance report, and the reference year.

(ii) A description of the metric calculation method(s) used, as described in § 490.511(d). When the method(s) used are not specified in § 490.511(d), the MPO must include information demonstrating the method(s) has valid and useful results for measuring transportation related CO2.

(3) The MPOs serving a TMA and meeting criteria, specified in § 490.105(f)(6)(iii), shall develop a CMAQ performance plan as required by 23 U.S.C. 149(l). The CMAQ performance plan is not required when the MPO meets the criteria specified in § 490.105(f)(6)(vii) or (viii).

(i) The CMAQ performance plan shall be submitted to FHWA by the State DOT, and be updated biennially on the same schedule as the State Biennial Performance Reports.

(ii) For the CMAQ Traffic Congestion and Total Emissions Reduction measures in subparts G and H of this part, the CMAQ performance plan submitted with the State DOT's Baseline Performance Period Report to FHWA shall include:

(A) The 2-year and 4-year targets for the CMAQ Traffic Congestion measures, identical to the relevant State DOT(s) reported target under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, for each applicable urbanized area;

(B) The 2-year and 4-year targets for the Total Emissions Reduction measure for the performance period;

(C) Baseline condition/performance for each MPO reported CMAQ Traffic Congestion targets, identical to the relevant State DOT(s) reported baseline condition/performance under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(B) of this section;

(D) Baseline condition/performance derived from the latest estimated cumulative emissions reductions from CMAQ projects for each MPO reported Total Emissions Reduction target; and

(E) A description of projects identified for CMAQ funding and how such projects will contribute to achieving the performance targets for these measures.

(iii) For the CMAQ Traffic Congestion and Total Emissions Reduction measures in subparts G and H of this part, the CMAQ performance plan submitted with the State DOT's Mid Performance Period Progress Report to FHWA shall include:

(A) 2-year condition/performance for the CMAQ Traffic Congestion measures, identical to the relevant State DOT(s) reported condition/performance under paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, for each applicable urbanized area;

(B) 2-year condition/performance derived from the latest estimated cumulative emissions reductions from CMAQ projects for each MPO reported Total Emissions Reduction target;

(C) An assessment of the progress of the projects identified in the CMAQ performance plan submitted with the Baseline Performance Period Report toward achieving the 2-year targets for these measures;

(D) When applicable, an adjusted 4-year target to replace an established 4-year target; and

(E) An update to the description of projects identified for CMAQ funding and how those updates will contribute to achieving the 4-year performance targets for these measures.

(iv) For the CMAQ Traffic Congestion and Total Emissions Reduction measures in subparts G and H of this part, the CMAQ performance plan submitted with the State DOT's Full Performance Period Progress Report to FHWA shall include:

(A) 4-year condition/performance for the CMAQ Traffic Congestion measures, identical to the relevant State DOT(s) reported condition/performance reported under paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, for each applicable urbanized area;

(B) 4-year condition/performance derived from the latest estimated cumulative emissions reductions from CMAQ projects for each MPO reported Total Emissions Reduction target; and

(C) An assessment of the progress of the projects identified in both paragraphs (c)(3)(ii)(C) and (c)(3)(iii)(D) of this section toward achieving the 4-year targets for these measures.

(4) [Reserved]

(d) State Initial GHG Report. For the GHG measure in § 490.105(c)(5), State DOTs shall submit an Initial GHG Report by February 1, 2024.

(1) The State Initial GHG Report shall include:

(i) Targets. The 4-year target for the performance period, as required in § 490.105(e), and a discussion, to the maximum extent practicable, of the basis for the established target;

(ii) Baseline performance. Performance derived from the data collected for the reference year, for the 4-year target required under paragraph (d)(1) of this section;

(iii) Relationship with other performance expectations. A discussion, to the maximum extent practicable, on how the established target in paragraph (d)(1) of this section support expectations documented in longer range plans, such as the State asset management plan required by 23 U.S.C. 119(e) and the long-range statewide transportation plan provided in part 450 of this chapter; and

(iv) GHG metric and metric information for the GHG measure. The metric and the individual values used to calculate the GHG metric, as described in § 490.511(c), for the reference year.

(2) For the State Initial GHG Report, the State DOT shall use the following data to calculate the GHG metric, described in § 490.511(c), for the reference year.

(i) Data published by FHWA for the CO2 factors for each on-road fuel type associated with the reference year.

(ii) The fuel consumed data shall meet the requirements in § 490.509(g) for the reference year.

(iii) The VMT data shall meet the requirements of § 490.509(h) for the reference year.

[82 FR 6031, Jan. 18, 2017, as amended at 83 FR 24936, May 31, 2018; 88 FR 85391, Dec. 7, 2023]
source: 81 FR 13913, Mar. 15, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 23 CFR 490.107