Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 903.7 - What information must a PHA provide in the Annual Plan?

With the exception of the first Annual Plan submitted by a PHA, the Annual Plan must include the information provided in this section. HUD will advise PHAs by separate notice, sufficiently in advance of the first Annual Plan due date, of the information, described in this section that must be part of the first Annual Plan submission, and any additional instructions or directions that may be necessary to prepare and submit the first Annual Plan. The information described in this section applies to public housing, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance except where specifically stated otherwise. The information that the PHA must submit for HUD approval under the Annual Plan includes the discretionary policies of the various plan components or elements (for example, rent policies) and not the statutory or regulatory requirements that govern these plan components and that provide no discretion on the part of the PHA in implementation of the requirements. The PHA's Annual Plan must be consistent with the goals and objectives of the PHA's 5-Year Plan.

(a) A statement of housing needs. (1) This statement must address the housing needs of the low-income and very low-income families who reside in the jurisdiction served by the PHA, and other families who are on the public housing and Section 8 tenant-based and project-based assistance waiting lists, including:

(i) Families meeting the definition of extremely low-income families in 24 CFR 5.603.

(ii) Elderly families;

(iii) Households with individuals with disabilities and households of various races and ethnic groups residing in the jurisdiction or on the waiting list.

(2) A PHA must make reasonable efforts to identify the housing needs of each of the groups listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section based on information provided by the applicable consolidated plan, information provided by HUD, and other generally available data.

(i) The identification of housing needs must address issues of affordability, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location.

(ii) The statement of housing needs also must describe the ways in which the PHA intends, to the maximum extent practicable, to address those needs and the PHA's reasons for choosing its strategy.

(b) A statement of the PHA's deconcentration and other policies that govern eligibility, selection, and admissions. This statement must describe the PHA's policies that govern resident or tenant eligibility, selection and admission. This statement also must describe any PHA admission preferences, and any occupancy policies that pertain to public housing units and housing units assisted under section 8(o) of the 1937 Act, as well as any unit assignment policies for public housing. This statement must include the following information:

(1) Deconcentration Policy. The PHA's deconcentration policy applicable to public housing, as described in § 903.2(a).

(2) Waiting List Procedures. The PHA's procedures for maintaining waiting lists for admission to the PHA's public housing developments. The statement must address any site-based waiting lists, as authorized by section 6(s) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437d(s)), for public housing. Section 6(s) of the 1937 Act permits PHAs to establish a system of site-based waiting lists for public housing that is consistent with all applicable civil rights and fair housing laws and regulations. Notwithstanding any other regulations, a PHA may adopt site-based waiting lists where:

(i) The PHA regularly submits required occupancy data to HUD's Multifamily Tenant Characteristics Systems (MTCS) in an accurate, complete and timely manner;

(ii) The system of site-based waiting lists provides for full disclosure to each applicant of any option available to the applicant in the selection of the development in which to reside, including basic information about available sites (location, occupancy, number and size of accessible units, amenities such as day care, security, transportation and training programs) and an estimate of the period of time the applicant would likely have to wait to be admitted to units of different sizes and types (e.g., regular or accessible) at each site;

(iii) Adoption of site-based waiting lists would not violate any court order or settlement agreement, or be inconsistent with a pending complaint brought by HUD;

(iv) The PHA includes reasonable measures to assure that adoption of site-based waiting lists is consistent with affirmatively furthering fair housing, such as reasonable marketing activities to attract applicants regardless of race or ethnicity;

(v) The PHA provides for review of its site-based waiting list policy to determine if the policy is consistent with civil rights laws and certifications through the following steps:

(A) As part of the submission of the Annual Plan, the PHA shall assess changes in racial, ethnic or disability-related tenant composition at each PHA site that may have occurred during the implementation of the site-based waiting list, based upon MTCS occupancy data that has been confirmed to be complete and accurate by an independent audit (which may be the annual independent audit) or is otherwise satisfactory to HUD;

(B) At least every three years the PHA uses independent testers or other means satisfactory to HUD, to assure that the site-based waiting list is not being implemented in a discriminatory manner, and that no patterns or practices of discrimination exist, and providing the results to HUD;

(C) Taking any steps necessary to remedy the problems surfaced during the review; and

(D) Taking the steps necessary to affirmatively further fair housing.

(3) Other admissions policies. The PHA's admission policies that include any other PHA policies that govern eligibility, selection and admissions for the public housing (see part 960 of this title) and tenant-based assistance programs (see part 982, subpart E of this title) and project-based assistance programs (see part 982, subpart E of this title except as provided in § 983.3, and subpart F of 983). (The information requested on site-based waiting lists and deconcentration is applicable only to public housing.)

(c) A statement of financial resources. This statement must address the financial resources that are available to the PHA for the support of Federal public housing, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance programs administered by the PHA during the plan year. The statement must include a listing, by general categories, of the PHA's anticipated resources, such as PHA operating, capital and other anticipated Federal resources available to the PHA, as well as tenant rents and other income available to support public housing, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance. The statement also should include the non-Federal sources of funds supporting each Federal program, and state the planned uses for the resources.

(d) A statement of the PHA's rent determination policies. This statement must describe the PHA's basic discretionary policies that govern rents charged for public housing units, applicable flat rents, and the rental contributions of families receiving tenant-based assistance and project-based assistance. For tenant-based assistance and project-based assistance, this statement also shall cover any discretionary minimum tenant rents and payment standard policies.

(e) A statement of the PHA's operation and management. (1) This statement must list the PHA's rules, standards, and policies that govern maintenance and management of housing owned, assisted, or operated by the PHA.

(2) The policies listed in this statement must include a description of any measures necessary for the prevention or eradication of pest infestation. Pest infestation includes cockroach infestation.

(3) This statement must include a description of PHA management organization, and a listing of the programs administered by the PHA.

(4) The information requested on a PHA's rules, standards and policies regarding management and maintenance of housing applies only to public housing. The information requested on PHA program management and listing of administered programs applies to public housing, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance.

(f) A statement of the PHA grievance procedures. This statement describes the grievance and informal hearing and review procedures that the PHA makes available to its residents and applicants. These procedures include public housing grievance procedures, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance informal review procedures for applicants and hearing procedures for participants.

(g) A statement of capital improvements needed. With respect to public housing only, this statement describes the capital improvements necessary to ensure long-term physical and social viability of the PHA's public housing developments, including the capital improvements to be undertaken in the year in question and their estimated costs, and any other information required for participation in the Capital Fund. PHAs also are required to include 5-Year Plans covering large capital items.

(h) A statement of any demolition and/or disposition—(1) Plan for Demolition/Disposition. With respect to public housing only, a description of any public housing development, or portion of a public housing development, owned by the PHA for which the PHA has applied or will apply for demolition and/or disposition approval under section 18 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437p), and the timetable for demolition and/or disposition. The application and approval process for demolition and/or disposition is a separate process. Approval of the PHA Plan does not constitute approval of these activities.

(2) Interim Plan for Demolition/Disposition. (i) Before submission of the first Annual Plan, a PHA may submit an interim PHA Annual Plan solely for demolition/disposition. The interim plan must provide:

(A) The required description of the action to be taken;

(B) A certification of consistency with the Consolidated Plan;

(C) A description of how the plan is consistent with the Consolidated Plan;

(D) A relocation plan that includes the availability of units in the area and adequate funding; and

(E) Confirmation that a public hearing was held on the proposed action and that the resident advisory board was consulted.

(ii) Interim plans for demolition/disposition are subject to PHA Plan procedural requirements in this part (see §§ 903.13, 903.15, 903.17, 903.19, 903.21, 903.23, 903.25), with the following exception. If a resident advisory board has not yet been formed, the PHA may seek a waiver of the requirement to consult with the resident advisory board on the grounds that organizations that adequately represent residents for this purpose were consulted.

(iii) The actual application for demolition or disposition may be submitted at the same time as submission of the interim plan or at a later date.

(i) A statement of the public housing developments designated as housing for elderly families or families with disabilities or elderly families and families with disabilities. (1) With respect to public housing only, this statement identifies any public housing developments owned, assisted, or operated by the PHA, or any portion of these developments, that:

(i) The PHA has designated for occupancy by:

(A) Only elderly families;

(B) Only families with disabilities; or

(C) Elderly families and families with disabilities; and

(ii) The PHA will apply for designation for occupancy by:

(A) Only elderly families;

(B) Only families with disabilities; or

(C) Elderly families and families with disabilities as provided by section 7 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437e).

(2) The designated housing application and approval process is a separate process. Approval of the PHA Plan does not constitute approval of these activities.

(j) A statement of the conversion of public housing to tenant-based assistance. (1) This statement describes:

(i) Any building or buildings that the PHA is required to convert to tenant-based assistance under section 33 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437z-5);

(ii) The status of any building or buildings that the PHA may be required to convert to tenant-based assistance under section 202 of the Fiscal Year 1996 HUD Appropriations Act (42 U.S.C. 14371 note); or

(iii) The PHA's plans to voluntarily convert under section 22 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437t).

(2) The statement also must include an analysis of the developments or buildings required to be converted under section 33.

(3) For both voluntary and required conversions, the statement must include the amount of assistance received commencing in Federal Fiscal Year 1999 to be used for rental assistance or other housing assistance in connection with such conversion.

(4) The application and approval processes for required or voluntary conversions are separate approval processes. Approval of the PHA Plan does not constitute approval of these activities.

(5) The information required under this paragraph (j) of this section is applicable to public housing and only that tenant-based assistance which is to be included in the conversion plan.

(k) A statement of homeownership programs administered by the PHA. (1) This statement describes:

(i) Any homeownership programs administered by the PHA under section 8(y) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437f(y));

(ii) Any homeownership programs administered by the PHA under an approved section 5(h) homeownership program (42 U.S.C. 1437c(h));

(iii) An approved HOPE I program (42 U.S.C. 1437aaa); or

(iv) Any homeownership programs for which the PHA has applied to administer or will apply to administer under section 5(h), the HOPE I program, or section 32 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437z-4).

(2) The application and approval process for homeownership under the programs described in paragraph (k) of this section, with the exception of the section 8(y) homeownership program, are separate processes. Approval of the PHA Plan does not constitute approval of these activities.

(l) A statement of the PHA's community service and self-sufficiency programs. (1) This statement describes:

(i) Any PHA programs relating to services and amenities coordinated, promoted or provided by the PHA for assisted families, including programs provided or offered as a result of the PHA's partnership with other entities;

(ii) Any PHA programs coordinated, promoted or provided by the PHA for the enhancement of the economic and social self-sufficiency of assisted families, including programs provided or offered as a result of the PHA's partnerships with other entities, and activities under section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968 and under requirements for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and others. The description of programs offered shall include the program's size (including required and actual size of the Family Self-Sufficiency program) and means of allocating assistance to households.

(iii) How the PHA will comply with the requirements of section 12(c) and (d) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437j(c) and (d)). These statutory provisions relate to community service by public housing residents and treatment of income changes in public housing, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance recipients resulting from welfare program requirements. PHAs must address any cooperation agreements, as described in section 12(d)(7) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437j(d)(7)), that the PHA has entered into or plans to enter into.

(2) The information required by paragraph (l) of this section is applicable to public housing, tenant-based assistance, and project-based assistance, except that the information regarding the PHA's compliance with the community service requirement applies only to public housing.

(m) A statement of the PHA's safety and crime prevention measures. (1) With respect to public housing only, this statement describes the PHA's plan for safety and crime prevention to ensure the safety of the public housing residents that it serves. The plan for safety and crime prevention must be established in consultation with the police officer or officers in command of the appropriate precinct or police departments. The plan also must provide, on a development-by-development or jurisdiction wide-basis, the measures necessary to ensure the safety of public housing residents.

(2) The statement regarding the PHA's safety and crime prevention plan must include the following information:

(i) A description of the need for measures to ensure the safety of public housing residents;

(ii) A description of any crime prevention activities conducted or to be conducted by the PHA; and

(iii) A description of the coordination between the PHA and the appropriate police precincts for carrying out crime prevention measures and activities.

(3) If the PHA expects to receive drug elimination program grant funds, the PHA must submit, in addition to the information required by paragraph (m)(1) of this section, the plan required by HUD's Public Housing Drug Elimination Program regulations (see part 761 of this title).

(4) If HUD determines at any time that the security needs of a public housing development are not being adequately addressed by the PHA's plan, or that the local police precinct is not assisting the PHA with compliance with its crime prevention measures as described in the Annual Plan, HUD may mediate between the PHA and the local precinct to resolve any issues of conflict.

(5) A statement of any domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking prevention programs:

(i) A description of any activities, services, or programs provided or offered by an agency, either directly or in partnership with other service providers, to child or adult victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking;

(ii) Any activities, services, or programs provided or offered by a PHA that help child and adult victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking to obtain or maintain housing; and

(iii) Any activities, services, or programs provided or offered by a PHA to prevent domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or to enhance victim safety in assisted families.

(n) A statement of the PHA's policies and rules regarding ownership of pets in public housing. This statement describes the PHA's policies and requirements pertaining to the ownership of pets in public housing. The policies must be in accordance with section 31 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437a-3).

(o) Civil rights certification. (1) The PHA must certify that it will carry out its plan in conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 20000d-2000d-4), the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-19), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), and other applicable Federal civil rights laws. The PHA must also certify that it will affirmatively further fair housing pursuant to §§ 5.151 and 5.152 of this title.

(2) The certification is applicable to the 5-Year Plan and the Annual Plan.

(p) Recent results of PHA's fiscal year audit. This statement provides the results of the most recent fiscal year audit of the PHA conducted under section 5(h)(2) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437c(h)).

(q) A statement of asset management. To the extent not covered by other components of the PHA Annual Plan, this statement describes how the PHA will carry out its asset management functions with respect to the PHA's public housing inventory, including how the PHA will plan for long-term operating, capital investment, rehabilitation, modernization, disposition, and other needs for such inventory.

(r) A statement of participation in the project-based assistance program. If a PHA participates in the project-based assistance program, the PHA's Annual Plan must include a statement of the projected number of project-based units, the general location of the project-based units, and how project-basing would be consistent with its Annual Plan.

(s) Additional information to be provided. (1) For all Annual Plans following submission of the first Annual Plan, a PHA must include a brief statement of the PHA's progress in meeting the mission and goals described in the 5-Year Plan;

(2) A PHA must identify the basic criteria the PHA will use for determining:

(i) A substantial deviation from its 5-Year Plan; and

(ii) A significant amendment or modification to its 5-Year Plan and Annual Plan.

(3) A PHA must include such other information as HUD may request of PHAs, either on an individual or across-the-board basis. HUD will advise the PHA or PHAs of this additional information through advance notice.

[65 FR 81222, Dec. 22, 2000, as amended at 73 FR 72344, Nov. 28, 2008; 75 FR 66262, Oct. 27, 2010; 80 FR 42368, July 16, 2015; 81 FR 12372, Mar. 8, 2016; 85 FR 47911, Aug. 7, 2020; 86 FR 30792, June 10, 2021; 89 FR 38292, May 7, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1437c; 42 U.S.C. 1437c-1; Pub. L. 110-289; 42 U.S.C. 3535d.
source: 65 FR 81222, Dec. 22, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 903.7